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Chapter 75 Well-known detective, please come out!

Shanghai, Special Investigation Office.

Dozens of investigation vehicles roared and roared as they drove into the investigation house.

The car door opened, and a large group of armed investigators got out.

Chen Xiu, whose hands and feet were shackled, was also taken out of the car.

This should be the second time he has been arrested.

The first time, he was arrested by the Jiangnan General Patrol Building.

That time, the patrol building quickly released him.

And this time.

He was caught again.

This time, he was arrested by the investigation office of the jurisdiction.

A group of investigation team members detained him coldly and took him directly into the investigation office building!

He was taken all the way and imprisoned into the interrogation room.

The whole person was pressed hard on the iron chair in the interrogation room.

He was tied with thick bracelets and anklets, fixing his whole body to the iron chair.

Keep him unable to move and escape.

The members of the investigation team detained him like this... for about a morning.

Don't give him food and let him continue to have a nervous breakdown.

until afternoon.

Several investigators walked into the interrogation room with cold faces and began to interrogate Chen Xiu.

"What's your name?!" the interrogators asked, glaring at Chen Xiu with cold faces.

"Chen Xiu." He sat on the iron chair and replied calmly.


"29." Chen Xiu continued to reply.

"Where are you from?"


"Do you have a criminal record?"


"Was that female corpse in your office, Anna Wang, raped and killed by you?!"

This time, Chen Xiu slowly shook his head, "No."

"Pah!" The interrogator's face hardened and he slammed the table!

"Insolent...! The evidence of guilt is there, what else can you deny??!"

The interrogator said, throwing a stack of incriminating evidence in front of Chen Xiu!

"The victim Wang Anna's body was hidden in your office."

"There are your fingerprints on the deceased's body and neck!"

"The deceased's vehicle was found in the underground garage."

"The tool you used to cut your throat, a fruit knife, is hidden in the vehicle. Your fingerprints are also left on the handle of the knife. How do you explain it?" The interrogator looked cold and asked angrily!

Chen Xiu sat on the interrogation chair, his eyes were calm, and he slowly said, "Don't you know that fingerprints can be collected and then copied to frame the case?"

"My fingerprints were deliberately collected, and then...copied, and deliberately contaminated on the body of the deceased."

"If I killed someone, why would I hide the body in the closet? This doesn't follow the logic of murder. If I killed someone, I would chop the body into pieces with a meat grinder, then throw it into the toilet and flush it away with water. This is not

Is it more convenient? Why should I hide the body in the cabinet and wait for you to find it the next day? "

"I would not park the deceased's car in an underground garage and leave the murder weapon in the car. I would drive the car to a lake in the suburbs, light it on fire, and then drive into the bottom of the lake."

Chen Xiu sat on the interrogation iron chair, his eyes were calm and indifferent, and he spoke slowly.

The interrogators he spoke of... were all speechless and didn't know how to refute...

Because, whether it is theory or basis...

Chen Xiu's words were indeed well-organized and his ideas were very clear.

If, Wang Anna was really killed by him.

Well, the motive for the murder... and the method of committing the crime are too immature.

However, the leader of the investigation and interrogation team did not believe it!

He slammed the table, "Bang!"

"How presumptuous! Chen Xiu! Are you still insisting on your words even when you are about to die?! Now, this murder case has both witnesses and physical evidence. What else do you have to argue with? Do you think that just making up a few excuses can exonerate you?


"This is a society ruled by law! Everything is based on the law! Now, the scene of the murder is all full of your fingerprints and traces of the crime. Stop making excuses! You will be given leniency if you confess, and stricter if you resist! Think clearly! It is best to confess your murder charges honestly.

!! Quibbles will not end well!!"

The interrogation captain's voice was stern and he shouted angrily!

One after another, strong lights emitted high-intensity beams of light, hitting Chen Xiu's face.

It seems that they are forcing him to confess quickly and plead guilty!

But Chen Xiu shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"I said, this person... wasn't killed by me."

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it."

At this time, those bright lights hit Chen Xiu's face.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been stabbed by the bright light long ago and could not open his eyes.

But Chen Xiu's eyes were still calm, and he opened his eyes lightly without any fluctuation.

Facing the bright light, he seemed... completely unafraid.

This made the interrogation team members look shocked.

This kind of bright light is specially used for prisoners.

Ordinary prisoners, faced with such terrifying bright light, would not be able to open their eyes at all, and their eyes would be stung to the point of tears... and their spirits would collapse.

But Chen Xiu is intact??

What these interrogation team members didn't know was...

This level of bright light...in Chen Xiu's eyes, it was not even considered a hair.

He was once the strongest agent in the Shanhai Pavilion department, codenamed Asura.

He has experienced unprecedented hell training!

This level of strong light was... like child's play to him.

In order to be able to fight in special environments, his whole body has undergone high-voltage electricity and resistance training!

His eyes could even withstand high-voltage electricity attacks of hundreds of thousands of volts.

What does this little bright light mean?

"I advise you to reconsider the case. Otherwise, if you arrest the wrong person, you... will regret it." Chen Xiu sat on the iron chair, his voice was calm and indifferent, and he spoke slowly, word by word.

"How dare you! How dare you speak so harshly!" The interrogation captain looked coldly and slapped the table angrily! @

He was absolutely furious!

He has been a captain for decades.

Interrogated numerous criminal suspects.

But I have never encountered such a difficult prisoner like today.

The prisoner in front of me is simply incapable of advancing.

Faced with various interrogation methods to extract confessions...

The prisoner showed no fear at all.

Even under strong light, he was not afraid at all.

What kind of terrible criminal is this?

And at this time.

This prisoner, Chen Xiu, behaved more calmly.

The investigation captain became even more unwilling to do so.

In fact, his suspicion of Chen Xiu became deeper and deeper.

This criminal suspect can be so calm and collected... This definitely doesn't look like his first murder.

Behind him, there may be... more murders?!

Moreover, in the computer file investigation of his identity file... after several investigations... the file information of this Chen Xiu could not be found at all...

Could it be that he is a gangster??

Did you sneak into the hot summer?

Thinking of this, the investigation captain's heart froze slightly.

He felt that he might have encountered a big case!

If so, all the murder cases behind this criminal suspect will be solved.

Then you can directly get promoted and get a salary increase, and you can be promoted directly!

Thinking of this, the captain's heart became even more solemn.

"Come here, take this suspect down! Put him in a heavy prison cell! Keep him under strict supervision!!" The captain slammed the table and shouted to his subordinates!

Since, this criminal suspect is not recruited.

Then, he will imprison him!

No food, no sleep!

Until, imprison him until he collapses... until he confesses!!

So, a group of members of the investigation team directly and coldly detained Chen Xiu and took him into the investigation house, the strictest iron prison!

Put him directly into the iron prison, and then... the door of the iron prison was locked tightly!

At the same time, at the gate of the iron prison, four investigative members, armed with live ammunition, were standing guard!

Chen Xiu was imprisoned in an iron prison like this...

They were not given food or water.

He was strictly guarded by a group of investigation team members.

However, Chen Xiu didn't care.

Although he hasn't eaten anything all day.

However, at this level, to him, it was just like playing house.

He has been through the training and torture of hell.

Back then, he was trying to snipe an important target.

In the freezing Arctic continent, he crawled in the ice, waiting for the target person to appear. He just stayed there for four, seven days and nights, without eating or drinking water.

His eyes never left the sniper scope.

Finally, he finally reached his target and killed him with one shot.

So at this time, being held in the prison of this mere investigation team? What does this level of torture mean?

Chen Xiu sat leisurely and contentedly by the wall of the iron prison.

Start sitting cross-legged and meditate to calm your mind.

And at this time.

Shanghai City, a few kilometers away.

A fleet of Mercedes-Benz cars is speeding through the streets of Shanghai.

Chairman Ning Dongxia, wearing an OL uniform, was sitting in the car.

Her pretty face looked a little anxious and nervous.

Early this morning, her personal bodyguard, Chen Xiu, was suddenly arrested.

The charge is murder.

This is a serious crime.

Murder is punishable by death!

Ning Dongxia was so anxious that she couldn't let it go.

Chen Xiu is the person she recruited.

She believes that Chen Xiu is innocent and this is definitely a malicious frame-up!

Therefore, Ning Dongxia must save Chen Xiu at all costs!

At this time, Ning Dongxia was sitting in the car... letting her bodyguards drive the car quickly towards an important place in the south of the Yangtze River...

Today, she is going to meet someone.

ten minutes later.

"Creak...!" There was a sudden sound of braking and stopping.

The Mercedes-Benz motorcade suddenly stopped at the door of an office in Shanghai City.

There is a huge sign hanging on that shop: [Extraordinary Private Detective Agency]

The door of the Mercedes-Benz opened.

Ning Dongxia stepped out of the car slowly, wearing silver high heels.

She stood at the door of the detective agency, raised her head, and glanced at the sign.

This detective agency is one of the private detective agencies in Jiangnan.

Today, in order to clear Chen Xiu's charges, Ning Dongxia had no choice but to spend a lot of money to go to a private detective agency and hire a private detective to re-investigate the case.

I hope I can give Chen Xiu justice!

Ning Dongxia took a deep breath and walked in through the door.

Behind him, the group of bodyguards were waiting outside the door with solemn expressions.

Inside a private detective agency.

A young man, wearing a crisp suit and gold-rimmed glasses, was sitting on a chair, smoking a cigar.

"Are you Detective Wu Feifan?" Ning Dongxia walked into the office on high heels and asked softly.

In the office, the man in a suit nodded slowly, "It's me."

"You are Ms. Ning, right?"

Ning Dongxia slowly stepped forward and looked at the man in a suit.

This...is the well-known private detective in Shanghai? Wu Feifan?

This Wu Feifan is... quite famous in Jiangnan.

He originally graduated from a well-known overseas university with a doctorate in law.

After graduation, he opened a detective agency...and started private detective business.

He himself, it is said... also served as a scout for several years.

Excellent skills.

In Jiangnan, many private cases are investigated by Detective Wu.

Moreover, his investigation and detection rate is 100%!

Up to now, he has opened a detective agency for seven years.

Without him, there is no case that Wu Feifan could not solve!

"Detective Wu, I have sent you the specific case information in the email. Look...can you help with this case?" Ning Dongxia said with a hint of pleading in her voice.

Wu Feifan sat on the chair, picked up the teacup, and took a sip of hot tea.

Then, he said slowly, "Well, I have already seen the case. Your bodyguard must have been framed."

"As for the specific details, I still need to go to the scene of the murder before I can make a decision." Wu Feifan said calmly.

"Ms. Ning, leave this case to me. I, Mr. Wu, can help you settle it. I guarantee that your bodyguard will be acquitted in court." Wu Feifan said confidently and coldly.

He is the most famous private detective in Jiangnan.

At the same time, he is also proficient in law!

He is a great lawyer named Jiangnan.

Hearing these words, a trace of relief flashed across Ning Dongxia's pretty face.

She nodded solemnly and asked, "Detective Wu, then... in terms of expenses, how do you charge it?"

Wu Feifan sat on a chair, took a sip of tea, and said slowly, "I never sell at a low price."

"Dr. Ning, are you sure you can bear it?" Wu Feifan's voice was very calm, but with a sense of pride.

He is the most famous detective in Jiangnan.

He never sells at a low price.

This is a symbol of his status.

Looking around Jiangnan, even the white gangs, gangsters...all kinds of big shots and tycoons...sometimes have to come to him and ask him to take action...to help investigate cases.

This is Wu Feifan's status symbol.

This chapter has been completed!
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