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Chapter 772 The Yun familys fate is at stake

Yunjing Military Area Command.

General conference room

A young man was standing in front wearing a warrior uniform, having a meeting with dozens of senior officials, discussing how to deal with the rebellion of Emperor Kai and others.

He is Yun Kunpeng's son, Yun Tianjiao. He is only 20 years old, but now he is already a top warrior.

This time, he wants to avenge his father Yun Kunpeng.,

Next to Yun Tianjiao, there was an old man sitting in a wheelchair, quietly listening to the meeting.

While Yun Tianjiao was discussing countermeasures, he would also ask the old man next to him, "Grandpa, what do you think of this plan?" .??.

The old man beside him is Yun Tianjiao's grandfather and Yun Kunpeng's father, the famous super war god at that time, Yun Jianguo.

After Yun Kunpeng was killed, Yun Jianguo, an old man who was nearly 100 years old, also came out and began to take charge of the Yunjing war zone, assisting his own grandson to become the current temporary leader.

The grandfather and grandson have only one goal, to kill the Dragon King Chen Xiu.

Revenge for Yun Kunpeng!

But at this moment, suddenly there was a violent explosion outside the conference room!

Outside the entire war zone, chaos broke out in an instant!

The grandfather and grandson were presiding over the meeting. When they heard the sudden explosion, their expressions also changed?!

"Report...!!" At this moment, when he burst into the conference room, several subordinates issued urgent reports and orders!

A group of subordinates in camouflage uniforms rushed into the conference room anxiously and reported urgently, "Come on to the proud general! Outside...over the base of the war zone...the Dragon King broke in with a fighter jet...he destroyed everything inside our base."

A large number of prevention and control interception systems... and also destroyed many of our ammunition depots... The bombing is still continuing...!!" His subordinates reported in a trembling and solemn voice!

"What?!" After hearing the report from his subordinates, Yun Tianjiao's expression suddenly changed!!

Grandpa in the wheelchair, Yun Jianguo also looked shocked and angry!

"How did he break into our Yunjing base?! He can't possibly have landing authority! Are all the air tower departments stupid?! They won't intercept in advance?!" the old man Yun Jianguo said angrily!

After all, how could a foreign fighter jet arrive at a theater base?

This is simply impossible. The fighter plane will be intercepted in advance when it is at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The men knelt on the ground and said with trembling voices, "He...he pretended to be our Vulture No. 005 and deceived the tower's trust...that's when he broke in...the tower...the tower prevention and control department did not

It was the Dragon King who didn't find him... so he was allowed to descend the height of the tube... and let him go..."

Brush~! Hearing this, the old man in the wheelchair Yun Jianguo was so angry!

The tower air defense department...are they just eating shit?!!

How could the demon Dragon King be let in so easily?!

"Waste! They are all a bunch of waste!" Yun Jianguo slammed the table and cursed angrily, "Such a waste and mindless war zone organization... no wonder someone started a rebellion!"

The entire mahogany conference table was shattered on the spot by his palm!

After all, Yun Jianguo was one of the old gods of war. Although his legs were disabled, he was still very powerful.

The shock caused the expressions of all the base executives present to change.

On the side, Sun Tzu Yun Tianjiao said angrily, "Why are you still standing there?! Why don't you mobilize the ground tank troops to bring down that plane?!"

But as soon as Yun Tianjiao's order was given, he was stopped by the grandfather in the wheelchair.

"What are you talking about?! Use your brains! You are in your 20s! Did all your studies at the Zhan Zhan College go to waste?! You graduated with a master's degree from the Zhan Zhan College! Do you only have this much brains?" Yun Jianguo was furious.

My grandson is so unlucky, a master's degree graduate from the Zhan Zhan Academy

Shisheng, is this just your actual combat level?

"The Dragon King is driving the latest J-30, a sixth-generation supersonic fighter! How can you fight a supersonic aircraft with your ground-armed tanks?! Not to mention, do you know how terrifying the Dragon King's driving skills are?! He was... the entire northwest

The first person in the regional fighter competition!" Yun Jianguo's old eyes narrowed, with a trace of fear flashing in his eyes!

Back then, the Dragon King, relying on a basic J-10 fighter jet, broke into the enemy's airspace alone and defeated the enemy's tens of thousands of army groups... He forcibly raised the flag and surrendered...

Those horrific achievements are still vivid in my mind...

"Grandpa, what should I do?" Yun Tianjiao asked with a complex expression.

There was unwillingness in his eyes, but he could only obey his grandfather.

The old man in the wheelchair, Yun Jianguo, looked grim and angry, "Immediately... mobilize the air combat troops for me immediately! Intercept and kill!! We must knock down his fighter jets!"

"Yes!!" The men nodded with serious expressions!!

At this time, it was in the sky above Yunjing Base.

Chen Xiu was driving a fighter jet and was running wildly in their war zone, blowing up buildings and facilities one after another!!

At this moment, in the sky above, several more fighter jets suddenly took off!

Dozens of fighter jets formed an encirclement, trying to force Chen Xiu down!

"Bang bang bang!" Countless missiles fired!

Chen Xiu snorted coldly, turned the fuselage suddenly, and made a 360-degree ultra-low altitude spin!

His terrifying operation... directly avoided the locks of countless missiles behind him...

The missile lost its target and hit the ground hard... directly blowing up all the base facilities on the ground...

Chen Xiu instantly counterattacked from high in the air, continuously shooting down the chasing fighter jets from behind.

Chen Xiu opened the public radio channel while flying fighter jets to fight with each other. He shouted directly to the group of fighter pilots chasing behind them.

"If you don't want to die, land immediately. Otherwise, you will become the victims of the Yun family. The Yun family has been in charge of the base for so many years, but have they ever given you a chance to be promoted? Is it worth sacrificing your life for such a selfish family like the Yun family?

As pilots, you should die on the battlefield, not under the control of the Yun family." Chen Xiu said in a cold voice to the wireless channel, "Today I will only deal with the Yun family. As long as the others do not resist and obstruct, they will.

It’s safe and sound.”

As Chen Xiu's words came out from the radio channel...

Among the group of fighter planes returning, countless pilots had complex expressions on their faces and were deep in thought.

Finally, a fighter jet slowed down slowly, and finally... landed on the ground base.

Then, the second one...the third one.

But there are still a few fighter jets that continue to pursue!

They tried to shoot down Chen Xiu... get the title of Dragon Slayer! Gain the trust of the Yun family!

Facing the group of pursuing fighter jets from behind, Chen Xiu showed no mercy, suddenly made a Cobra maneuver and opened fire like crazy!

"Boom boom boom...!!" In the sky behind, several fighter jets were directly blown up on the spot!

Many pilots were forced to parachute and abseil to escape!

Of course, Chen Xiu did not pursue those pilots who were parachuting.

They are all excellent pilots trained by the organization with a lot of money. Chen Xiu would not want to kill them all unless it was absolutely necessary.

As long as they are out of combat effectiveness.

Chen Xiu was like an angry dragon soaring high in the sky, with countless fighter planes behind him

After being shot down...a large number of pilots completely collapsed and took the initiative to land...surrendered.

At this time, outside the Yunjing base.

Kaihuang is leading a group of subordinates, trying to break into the base...trying to capture Yun Tianjiao and his grandson...to seize power.

The Yun family has suppressed them for too long, and now...it's time to change the leader!

Emperor Kai saw the fierce battle of fighter jets in the sky... A flash of excitement flashed in Emperor Kai's eyes!

He knew who was in that fighter jet!

Looking at the entire northwest region, there is only one person with such terrifying flying skills!

Dragon King Chen Xiu!

It's the Dragon King who's coming!

Sure enough, he came to help him.

"The Dragon King has arrived and is cleaning the base battlefield for us! Brothers! Charge! Capture the Yun family. From now on, we will be the leaders of the base!" Emperor Kai held a long knife and shouted an order!

Suddenly, the brothers in the darkness behind them raised their swords one after another, "Charge...!!"

The morale of Emperor Kai and the others soared, and they became more and more courageous as they fought... and broke into the base directly!

Inside the base, countless soldiers were unable to resist... and were retreating steadily after being attacked!

While Emperor Kai was attacking, he was lobbying the warriors to surrender to him!

In the Yunjing base, these soldiers had actually already had enough of the oppression of the Yun family.

Now, with Emperor Kai's persuasion, they have joined Emperor Kai's camp one after another...

Emperor Kai gradually invaded the base... more and more people joined his camp!

Chen Xiu flew a fighter jet to bomb the base and destroyed countless combat equipment!!

The Yunjing base is almost paralyzed!

Chen Xiu flew a plane and patrolled the base... Whenever anyone dared to come forward to support, Chen Xiu roared away directly... directly suppressing the support of the Yun family.

Chen Xiu used fighter jets to forcefully hold back the Yun family's backup troops...

Let Emperor Kai take the opportunity to seize the top position.

Kaihuang led a group of brothers and rushed directly into the base headquarters building!

At this time, the general podium.

The Yun family’s grandfather and grandson were inside the base building, their faces turned pale!!

"Young Master... they, they have invaded...!! Kaihuang and the others came with a large number of troops! The building will not be saved..." The men rushed into the conference room anxiously and reported in panic!

"What?!" After hearing the reports from his subordinates, Yun Tianjiao's expression suddenly changed!!

His Cloud Realm base...with a force of one million troops...can't even defeat a mere Armored Emperor?!

How can this be?!!

"Where are our troops?! Mobilize our troops! Attack!!" Yun Tianjiao said angrily!

He cannot accept failure!

The subordinates said in frightened voices, "Most of the people in our base headquarters... have been recruited by King Kai... While he is attacking, he is recruiting our troops..."

Brush~! Hearing these words, Yun Tianjiao was furious and couldn’t believe it?!

The Yunjing base built by his father... ended up being defeated so easily?!

Those subordinates betrayed the Yun family so easily?

"Backup! Where is our reinforcement team?! Reinforcements from the major branch bases outside the base, contact them and come over for support immediately!!" Yun Tianjiao said angrily!

The men reported with trembling voices, "The reinforcements were intercepted by the Dragon King with fighter jets on their way in... The Dragon King blew up the roads and bridges supporting the team... Currently they are all trapped on the other side of the Yellow River.

Can’t get through…”

"Is there no other way?!" Yun Tianjiao said angrily!

The men looked complicated and shook their heads, "Sir, there is nothing we can do... Let's... withdraw! The helicopter is upstairs! We must evacuate immediately! Otherwise, when they break in... we will all be captured alive..."

All the senior officials present were pale and embarrassed at this time.

Has the Yun family been completely defeated?

"That's it... eh." Grandpa Yun Jianguo sighed in the wheelchair, "This... is all fate, Tianjiao, let's withdraw."

Yun Jianguo's face was filled with sadness. How could he not understand the cause of the matter after living all his life?

In the final analysis, it is the Yun family's fault after all.

Back then... he should not have handed over control of the Yunjing Base to his eldest son Yun Kunpeng.

This Yun Kunpeng will not win over people's hearts at all, and his personal heroism is serious.

Over the years, he has suppressed all kinds of subordinates and prevented them from being promoted. In order to consolidate the Yun family's position, he has tried every means.

Now, things have finally turned against each other... which has aroused the resentment of other people in those bases.

The moment Emperor Kai broke in, all the subordinates in the base rebelled...

This is life.

After Yun Kunpeng came to power, he crazily killed his own younger brother, as well as various high-level relatives of the Yun family. To prevent them from ascending to power, Yun Kunpeng did everything he could to consolidate his position.

Now the Yun family has finally reaped the consequences.

Swipe~! Yun Tianjiao's face turned pale at this moment! He was slumped on the chair!

It's over... everything is over.

Yun Tianjiao slumped on the chair, with ferocious determination in his eyes. He suddenly gritted his teeth and said ferociously, "Where is the death safe?! Bring me the safe!!"

There was anger in his eyes, "Since Emperor Kai dares to rush in! Let them all die here!!"

Yun Tianjiao said angrily!

The subordinates had complicated expressions, "But... Young Master... that... that is against the rules of the base..."

The Death Valley safe is the last line of defense for the base.

Once pressed, the entire base... will be directly razed to the ground! Even kilometers away will be affected by horrific radiation.

How can you press this randomly?

But Yun Tianjiao was completely crazy at this time. He pushed away his men and rushed to the encrypted office... He wanted to take out the safe!

The expressions of countless senior officials around him changed suddenly.

In the wheelchair, Grandpa Yun Jianguo also changed his expression and stopped him, "Tianjiao, don't do stupid things! Escape while you can still escape! This is the fate of our Yun family!"

Yun Jianguo pushed his wheelchair and stood directly in front of his grandson Yun Tianjiao, blocking him.

"I don't believe in fate! I have no control over my fate!!" Yun Tianjiao's eyes were bloodshot and he kicked the grandfather in the wheelchair away!

Yun Jianguo was kicked to the ground, his head was bruised and bleeding. Countless executives behind him rushed forward and tried to stop him.

Yun Tianjiao was completely angry. He took out his gun and fired directly at the group of senior officials who were blocking him!

"Boom boom!" Many senior executives were shot by bullets and fell to the ground screaming...

Sun Tzu Yun Tianjiao's eyes were bloodshot... he rushed towards the secret office like crazy...

He directly opened the password lock of the office and broke into the secret office...

After many layers of unlocking, the last encrypted cabinet in the office was opened.

Inside, there was a dark black safe!

Yun Tianjiao took out the black safe directly!

This chapter has been completed!
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