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Chapter 774 True colors revealed!

Yun Jianguo's face was complicated, and he said with a slight trembling, "Back then...it was...the Imperial Forbidden City...issued an order."


Hearing Yun Jianguo's words, Chen Xiu's pupils suddenly shrank!

Is it really the Forbidden City?

Back then, he had wondered why the war zones suddenly joined forces?

This may have something to do with the Imperial Capital, but I didn't expect... it turned out to be the case!

"Who specifically gave the order? What is the other party's name and rank?" Chen Xiu asked coldly.

There are many bosses in the Forbidden City, and each boss may give orders.

Chen Xiu would not be able to tell who was behind the scenes for a while.

Yun Jianguo trembled and shook his head, "The specifics... we... don't know... the imperial capital just issued a mysterious order, allowing us to take action and join forces to suppress you and overturn the new rules you established."

"As for who gave the order behind the scenes, we... really don't know. It was a special secret order." Yun Jianguo replied with a trembling voice.

In the fighter cabin, Chen Xiu stared at him for a long time.

Seven years ago, as the Dragon King of the Western Territory, he tried to launch a new martial arts system... As a result, he was wildly opposed by the major martial arts groups. Even the war zones took advantage of the destruction of the Chen family to join forces to suppress it and tried to suppress it.

Slay the dragon.

After that battle, Chen Xiu was seriously injured... and was finally rescued by Qin Buxu.

Chen Xiu stared at Yun Jianguo for a long time, and the fighter jet's gun ports were always locked on him.

Through Yun Jianguo's eyes, he can tell whether a person is lying.

Chen Xiu is a human lie detector, no one can lie in front of him.

At this time, Yun Jianguo's eyes did not dodge, and his words were not false.

Chen Xiu sighed and shook his head, but in the end he did not kill him.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted to Kaihuang in the building, "Let them go, they have no power to resist anymore."

After all, this was the God of War back then. He had made great achievements in battle... and made great contributions.

Chen Xiu will not kill them all.

Emperor Kai had a complex expression on his face and wanted to refuse, but he didn't dare.

After all, it was thanks to the Dragon King that he was able to turn defeat into victory this time.

"Okay! I promise you." Emperor Kai nodded coldly.

Chen Xiu then turned around and roared away...

The overall situation of Yunjing has been decided.

With this assist, he successfully changed the name of the Yunjing Base...

It was inconvenient for him to interfere in other matters, so he roared away in a fighter jet...

That night, Emperor Kai completely took control of the Yunjing Martial Area Group.

Became the new God of War in the Cloud Realm!

In the end, Yun Jianguo and Yun Tianjiao were forced to hand over their power and were completely driven away from the Yunjing base.

The two former war gods are now completely in decline...

Emperor Kai abided by the Dragon King's agreement and allowed his grandfather and grandson to leave.

And that night, anyone who resisted would be killed.

In the end, everyone did not dare to resist and pledged their allegiance to Emperor Kai.

6 am.

a car

The military jeep was speeding towards the Yunjing border.

Yun Tianjiao drove and personally carried his grandfather, planning to leave the land of hot summer together... to escape from this place where the Yun family was completely defeated.

"Grandpa... why do we have to evacuate Yanxia? Even if the Yunjing base is gone... we can recruit new people and reorganize our troops! Yunjing is our home. We grew up here, why should we escape?

Grandpa, as the former God of War, how much contribution have you made? That traitor Emperor Kai doesn’t dare to touch you! You can leave the green hills without worrying about having firewood." Yun Tianjiao said with great reluctance as he drove.

In the passenger seat, Grandpa Yun Jianguo's face was extremely complicated, and he said anxiously, "Stop talking nonsense... drive quickly, and evacuate quickly. You don't understand... once some people risk their lives, they are likely to fall into a trap... Kaihuang

It's impossible to let us go and escape from the country now... He won't dare to touch us."

"How dare he try to touch us? Just now, the Dragon King didn't dare to kill us on the fighter plane. That means that your identity, grandpa, makes even the Dragon King fear him. Does the rebel Kaihuang have the guts to touch us?" Yun Tianjiao said.


Yun Jianguo shook his head repeatedly, his grandson... his ideas were too simple.

With such a mentality, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve success in the future.

And just when Yun Tianjiao was flying all the way and was about to escape from the border of Yunjing...

Suddenly, dozens of camouflage armored vehicles sped over on the road behind...

Yun Tianjiao was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the rearview mirror, and his expression changed after a long time!

"Grandpa... those convoys behind us are chasing us?!" Yun Tianjiao said in shock!

Yun Jianguo, who was in the passenger seat, also changed his expression and turned his head suddenly to look back... Sure enough, he found that there were decades-old armored vehicles behind him sweeping up smoke and dust, chasing their car!

Brush~! At this moment, Yun Jianguo’s face was completely embarrassed...

The thing he was most worried about... still happened...

"Quick! Speed ​​up! Don't let them catch up!" Yun Jianguo shouted anxiously!

Sun Tzu Yun Tianjiao suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the entire off-road vehicle roared out...

And when the armored vehicles at the rear saw them suddenly accelerating... the armored convoys at the rear actually began to accelerate at the same time!

"Swish, swish...!" Armored vehicles rushed out one after another... and pursued them closely!

On the border road, dozens of armored vehicles were speeding rapidly... and finally caught up with the off-road vehicle in front of them.

Dozens of armored vehicles directly forced the off-road vehicle to a stop.

"Stop the engine! Get out of the car!!" In the armored vehicle, a group of heavily armed members locked the off-road vehicle with guns and shouted angrily!

In the off-road vehicle, Yun Tianjiao and Yun Jianguo turned pale with fright. They stopped the vehicle one after another and raised their heads with their hands to show that they would not resist.

In the armored vehicle, a group of camouflage members jumped out of the vehicle, came to the surrounded off-road vehicle, smashed the window, and glanced at the two people inside.

"Boss! The identities are confirmed, they are Yun Tianjiao and Yun Jianguo!" The members carefully identified the two grandsons and confirmed that they were themselves.

Yun Jianguo's face was extremely pale and embarrassed at this time.

I already understand... what the other party is going to do.

Yun Jianguo held his head with trembling hands, trying to beg for mercy, "Please... please let us go... We promise not to come back for revenge. Please, please spare us a way to live..."

In the armored vehicle, a captain ordered with a cold face, "solve it on the spot."

The group of armed members outside directly raised their thermal weapons, "Da da da da...!!"

A terrifying sound of bullets fired! ??

Yun Tianjiao and Yun Jianguo were shot dozens of times and died on the spot...

Their bodies were riddled with holes and lay bloody in the off-road vehicle...

"Clean up the scene." The captain glanced at the armored vehicle and replied slowly.

A team member stepped forward and poured a highly corrosive chemical liquid on the two corpses.

In an instant, the bodies of Yun Tianjiao and Yun Jianguo decomposed and melted...

Ten minutes later, the two corpses turned into two pools of thick blood...

One member threw a Molotov cocktail directly into the car.

A fire directly ignited the entire armored vehicle, and the bodies in the vehicle were instantly burned...

After the fire, Yun Tianjiao and Yun Jianguo did not even leave their bodies behind...

If you die with your eyes closed, your bones will not be left.

At this time, inside the Yunjing base.


Emperor Kai was in the command room with his hands behind his back, quietly waiting for the news.

"Ding ding ding~!" At this moment, Kaihuang's cell phone rang, and he slowly picked up the phone.

"General Qi Kai! Yun Tianjiao and Yun Jianguo have been dealt with!" On the other end of the phone, the subordinate reported in a solemn voice!

"Huh? What did you call me?" Emperor Kai held the phone and said in a cold voice.

On the other end of the phone, the subordinate trembled in fright and changed his words again and again, "I'm sorry! Kai Zhan Shen! It was because my subordinate was stupid for a moment that he didn't change his words... I'm sorry! I was confused!"

Kaihuang has now established his own business and has become the new God of War of Yunjing Base.

Therefore, his subordinates should call him the God of War.

"Slap yourself a thousand times as punishment." Emperor Kai said in a cold voice.

On the other end of the phone, the subordinate quickly raised his hand and slapped him wildly!

Listening to the shrill slaps constantly coming from the phone, Emperor Kai's lips curved up.

Is this the power that power brings?

His desire for control made him completely become a god.

He made people go east, but no one dared to go west.

He makes people die and no one dares to live.

Identity, status, and power are indeed so attractive.

No wonder all men in the world must pursue status and power throughout their lives.

"God of War Kai... What if the Dragon King finds out about your murder of the Yun family?" A subordinate next to him asked cautiously.

When Emperor Kai heard this, a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, "If you kill someone, you have to root it out. If the heirs of the Yun family are not eliminated, it will eventually become a big problem in the future. Instead of letting him grow up, it is better to do it as soon as possible.


"As for the Dragon King? Haha...he is indeed very strong." A trace of fear flashed in Emperor Kai's eyes, "It's a pity that he...is almost in danger...this time he helped me seize power successfully, and all the major military groups will be encircled and suppressed.

He, the Dragon King, is afraid that this time... he will be in trouble. He probably doesn't have the time to care about such trivial matters. Just keep it hidden from him."

Emperor Kai's eyes were deep, he lit a stick of Chinese medicine and took a deep breath.

At this time, he was completely different from before.

Before taking the position, he had hidden his edge.

After taking the position, he completely showed his talents and revealed his true colors.



In the Ning family's residence, Ning Dongxia was anxiously waiting for news about Chen Xiu.

The man suddenly said he was going to Cloud Realm last night... It's been a whole night, and there's been no news from the man. It's as if he's disappeared from the world. He doesn't answer calls or respond to WeChat messages.

This made Ning Dongxia gradually worried.

"Sister-in-law... look at the news!" At this moment, Chen Xing's voice suddenly came from behind.

Ning Dongxia was stunned when she heard this? She quickly opened the news on her mobile phone and took a look...

Sure enough, I saw on the Internet news that it was completely blown up at this time.

The top leader of the Yunjing Group has been replaced - Emperor Kai will serve as the newest God of War of the Yunjing Military Group. The level is one star. It is reported that this is the second youngest leader of the God of War in Yunjing since the previous God of War Yun Kunpeng.

The news content contains few words, but the story is huge.

A few simple words showed what happened last night.

Ning Dongxia was shocked when she saw this news...

Last night, in the Yunjing Group base... the struggle for power was completely successful?

Kaihuang succeeded in seizing the top position in the base?

At this time, thousands of kilometers away, the imperial capital.

Qin Buxu was sitting in the headquarters base of Shanhai Pavilion, slowly puffing out cigar rings.

At this moment, suddenly one of his subordinates hurriedly came to report, "Report...!! Report to the Chief of Qin! There was an internal fight in the Yunjing Group last night... The Dragon King went alone to assist Emperor Kai in the battle... Emperor Kai successfully ascended the throne and seized the throne.

He has won the position of top leader of the Yunjing Group! Currently, Emperor Kai has proclaimed himself the new God of War of the Yunjing Group!"

"What?!" Upon hearing this, Qin Buxian's pupils suddenly shrank and he jumped up from the chair!

Qin Buxu had calculated everything, but he didn't expect... that the Yunjing Group would be taken away?!

After Yun Kunpeng died, Qin Buxu originally planned to find someone of his own to join the Yunjing Group as the new top leader.

In this way, he, Qin Buxu, took control of the Yunjing Group.

But unexpectedly, just after one night yesterday... the Yunjing Group was taken away?

This speed is too fast!

Qin Buxuan's expression was extremely solemn. This chess piece in Yunjing was extremely important. Now that it was taken away by Emperor Kai, something would be very wrong!

"Contact me immediately from the various military districts! Prepare to hold an emergency meeting! Also, find a way to contact the Emperor Kai! I have something to talk to him about!" Qin Buxu ordered Leng Ning!

This chapter has been completed!
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