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Chapter 79

"Aim... aim at that motorcycle...! Intercept it and kill it on the spot!" The killer leader said in a sullen voice to his men!!

In an instant, dozens of thermal weapons were directly locked and aimed at the speeding motorcycle...!!

The next second, countless firearms opened fire...!!

"Da da da da...!!" Terrifying tongues of flames, overwhelming the sky, crashed towards the motorcycle hundreds of meters away...

And, on the long street, in the heavy rain.

That motorcycle suddenly dodged left and right!

Chen Xiu was driving a motorcycle, and while it was speeding rapidly, it tilted the body suddenly!

In an instant, the bullets fired from the front were directly avoided by him!

In the van, when the killer leader saw this scene, his pupils shrank!!


This man, while driving a motorcycle, can actually... dodge bullets??


What kind of terrorist method is this???

Long Street in the distance.

Chen Xiu drove his motorcycle and sped over.

Seeing it, the motorcycle was about to hit the group of surrounding vans.

In an instant, Chen Xiu suddenly jumped into the air, jumped up from the motorcycle, and rolled in the air!

At this time, the motorcycle below had already slammed into the group of vans...!

"Boom...!!" The moment the police motorcycle... collided with the group of vans, it exploded on the spot...!!

Several vans were directly hit and set on fire, the scene was heroic...!!

In the van, the group of killers had no time to react and escape... before they were swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire!

Chen Xiu's body tumbled high in the sky and landed firmly on the ground.

The moment he landed, in the surrounding vans... countless killers and dozens of firearms were all locked on and aimed at him!

"Aim and shoot for me...!!" The killer leader's voice was cold and angry, and he shouted angrily!

Follow the orders of the killer leader!

Dozens of firearms opened fire in unison...!!

"Bang, bang, bang...!!" A burst of gun bullets came out in a violent attack... and shot towards Chen Xiu's figure...!

And, at the moment when the bullet was about to hit Chen Xiu.

His figure flashed suddenly!

A dodge!

"Whoosh whoosh...!" Countless bullets whizzed past his side...!

He, with his physical body, avoided the bombardment of countless bullets!

The next second, Chen Xiu's body suddenly rushed forward!

"Boom...!" He slapped his right hand hard and hit a van hard!

The entire van was instantly knocked to the ground by the palm.

The strength of this palm was simply terrifying.


Behind him, a van started suddenly and crashed towards Chen Xiu...!!

Chen Xiu's eyes rolled and he raised his right hand.

"Zheng...!" A silver scalpel flew out from his sleeve in an instant...!

"Poof...!!" The scalpel penetrated directly through the head of the van driver!

Penetrating out of the van!

Chen Xiu gently pulled with his right hand.

A thin wire connects the handle of the scalpel.

The scalpel flew back into his hand again.

The driver of the van was killed, lost power, and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

At this time, the entire four-way intersection street and scene was in a mess.

In the circle surrounded by the van, the group of killers all opened their eyes wide, staring at the man in shock and horror...

Inside the Mercedes-Benz car.

Ning Dongxia's pretty face was also pale... dull and shocked... looking stupidly out of the car window... at that man.


Is it Chen Xiu??

he came?

It's him who's coming!

But wasn't he just taken away this morning... and put into the investigation office?

Now... how did he come out?

At this moment, Ning Dongxia's eyes were filled with only a trace of mist.

At her most critical and dangerous moment.

The same man showed up.

Come and save her.

Four forks, in the middle of the street.

Chen Xiu turned his head and glanced at the woman in the Mercedes-Benz.

He nodded slowly at her, signaling to reassure her.

Then, holding a scalpel in his right hand, Chen Xiu walked step by step towards the row of vans surrounding him.

Behind the Mercedes-Benz.

That miserable detective, Wu Feifan, at this moment... also quietly... stuck his head out from behind the car, secretly looking forward...

And at this time.

Chen Xiu, a figure, calm and indifferent, walked towards the van step by step...

"Fire...! Shoot...!! Kill him...!!" In the van, the killer leader said angrily with a cold voice!

Suddenly, the firearms of countless killers were once again targeted at Chen Xiu...

Fire hard...!

Countless bullets pierced the void and shot toward Chen Xiu's body...!!

At that moment, Chen Xiu's pupils shrank slightly.

The next second.

His body suddenly... turned into a bolt of lightning...

Instantly dodge left and right...!

"Whoosh...! Whoosh...! Whoosh...!!" Bullets and flames flew past him from the side of his body...

Countless bullets, all...can't hit him even one bit!

He just... purely... used his physical body to dodge the attacks of numerous bullets from hot weapons!

Behind the Mercedes-Benz, Detective Wu Feifan, who was hiding behind, his eyes widened... his face was pale with shock and horror...

"Meat... flesh body... hide... avoid... hot weapons bullets...??!" At this time, Wu Feifan, with a trembling face, looked stupidly at the fighting figure not far away...

At this moment, in this lifetime.

He actually...really saw...like a scene from a blockbuster movie??

That man is...dodging...the bullet attack with his bare hands??

Wu Feifancai had just boasted to Ning Dongxia, saying that he could dodge bullets with his physical body.

That's just him, just bragging!

In his entire life, he had never seen a human being who could dodge bullets with his physical body.

This is not scientific at all!

No one can do it!

Because the speed of the human body can never break the sound barrier.

The speed at which thermal weapon bullets are fired is completely supersonic.

Therefore, it is impossible for humans to dodge the speed of bullets.

But, at this moment.

In front of me, this scene.

Wu Feifan was completely stunned...shocked and horrified...unbelievable!

"Swish, swish, swish...!" Chen Xiu stretched out his hand as fast as lightning, and his steps were like a dragon... speeding across the ground!

All around, countless bullets passed by him!

He suddenly raised his right hand and impulsively rushed to a van. He pointed the scalpel at the inside of the van and flashed across it like lightning!

"Pfft...! Pfft...!!" The moment the scalpel penetrated the window of the van, it took away the lives of several killers in an instant!

"Heavy firepower...!! Give me heavy firepower to suppress it!! Attack his vital points!! Back, all the bullets, hit his back...!!" In another van, the killer leader's face was ferocious and angry,

Holding the walkie-talkie, he yelled at his men!!

The face of this killer leader was one of shock and horror, with a ferocious look on his face!

He has been a professional killer for decades.

I have never encountered such a terrifying target in my life!

One person can avoid the attack of hot weapons??

Even hot weapons can't hurt him...then what else can hurt him??

The killer leader roared angrily at his subordinates!

But, just as the killer leader finished speaking...

Suddenly, he felt a murderous intent in the air ahead of him!

The killer leader's pupils shrank! He didn't even have time to react...

"Poof...!!" A sharp scalpel instantly penetrated his left atrium and chest!

The scalpel penetrated from his left chest.

Flying through an arc in mid-air.

Then, it flew back into the hands of Chen Xiu ahead.

Inside the van.

The killer leader's pupils widened in disbelief... He slowly lowered his head and looked at the ferocious bloody hole on his left chest...

The killer leader could even see beneath the blood hole... his own heart that had been penetrated.

I was just... killed by a knife??

Until the last second before his death, this killer leader was filled with shock, disbelief... and unwillingness...

You were killed just like that?

Dead without any resistance??

He was unwilling to do so.

‘Bang.’ The corpse of the killer leader fell directly into the carriage.

"Boss...!!" The expressions of the remaining dozen killers in several vans around suddenly changed suddenly...!!

So horrified, so horrified!

Their leaders were all killed??

How can this assassination continue?

At this time, these killers were almost completely shocked!

Didn’t Mr. Bai say... that the difficulty of this assassination mission is only one star?

Didn’t it mean that there weren’t any powerful people around Ning Dongxia?

But why...

Why?! At this time, such a demon god will suddenly appear!!

"Kill...!! Kill this bastard!! Revenge for the leader...!" In the van, the group of killers were completely crazy!

Carrying the firearm, he rushed out of the van!

Shooting wildly at Chen Xiu...!

This group of killers is now leaderless...

They were already going crazy, trying to use heavy firepower to suppress and kill the terrifying man in front of them!

But, the moment the killers rushed out of the van.

Chen Xiu's figure has disappeared from where he was.

"Puff puff...!" Countless bullets were fired at the position where Chen Xiu was standing just now.

The entire ground was penetrated by bullets, leaving a huge hole.

And Chen Xiu has disappeared.

The next second, his figure reappeared.

Already appeared in front of the group of killers.

So close!

This is a terrifying teleportation pace!

Because the speed of movement is too fast...

Therefore, the naked eyes of the killers were unable to capture his moving figure...

It just felt like he suddenly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, you are already close...!

This chapter has been completed!
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