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Chapter 795 Raging Dragon Military Order

A few minutes later, in the meeting room of the Supreme Commander at the Furious Dragon Camp in the Western Territory.

The top warriors from all parties are sitting together.

A high-level secret meeting is being held.

Mr. Military Hai handed a stack of documents to the various generals sitting here.

"Everyone, please take a look at this document first. It is information intercepted from Jiangnan Hang City an hour ago." Mr. Hai condensed.

All the war generals opened the documents one after another and started reading.

When they saw the information on the document, the faces of the generals became solemn.

The man who caused a riot in the Yunjing War Zone has returned to Hangzhou at this time?

Moreover, even the gods of war from the six war zones came out one after another, and IU arrived in Hangzhou secretly?

At this time, Hangzhou has been sealed off by the entire city.

"Everyone, what do you think?" the naval division glanced around the conference table and asked calmly.

His voice used a voice changer, and his voice was mechanical and hoarse, making it impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

The faces of the warships sitting there were complicated. General Gai Nie said slowly, "Could it really be Longwanggou? I think... the possibility is very high."

"It's impossible... The Dragon King God of War died seven years ago... How could he still be alive? I don't really believe it..." Another general shook his head.

At the conference table, controversy continued.

If the Dragon King is really still alive, it is great news for their Western Raging Dragon Army.

The Dragon King is back, and the Raging Dragon Army of the Western Region will once again fight on the battlefield, becoming the most powerful army sweeping across the entire Western Border!

"How about we send a secret army to Hangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River to find out what's going on? If that person is really the Dragon King, then our secret army... can also assist the Dragon King and fight against the six war gods. If that person is not the Dragon King,

Dragon King, it's not too late for us to retreat." At this time, General Lu Bu, the general of the seventh tribe, spoke.

After hearing Lu Bu's speech, the other generals in the conference room shook their heads.

"No! When the Dragon King's accident happened, the war zones forced us to sign a military order promising that our millions of soldiers in the Western Theater Zone would never step outside the Western Border! We can only be imprisoned in the Western Border for the rest of our lives, guarding the borders! This is a violation of the Western Border

Punishment in a war zone! Until we all die here! If

We have rashly violated the regulations and stepped out of the Western Territory... I am afraid that it will cause other war zones to join forces. They will seize the opportunity to jointly impeach our group and take the opportunity to destroy our group's power!" At this time, in front of the conference table, a group of soldiers were fighting

General, Gai Nie said.

Several other generals also shook their heads and rejected Lu Bu's proposal.

Seven years ago, the Dragon King was persecuted and killed by a gang.

The Raging Dragon Army of the Western Region is leaderless.

But the Furious Dragon Army, led by military advisor Mr. Hai, is still strong.

The various war zones are unable to destroy the Raging Dragon Army.

The war zones were forced to join forces... to force the Western Territory Raging Dragon Army to make a promise and not to step out of the Western Territory.

Otherwise, they will be dealt with according to military law.

But now, so many years have passed. There are constant wars at the western borders, but the Iron-Blooded Furious Dragon Army still has millions of generals! In these years, there have been very few casualties! Their rivalry continues!

Everything is because of that military advisor, that military advisor who can’t distinguish between men and women. Hai!

After the Dragon King disappeared, Military Advisor Mr. Hai took charge of the entire Western War Zone and managed the war zone as brilliantly as ever!

In recent years, all war zones have always been eyeing the Western Group.

If the Raging Dragon Army violates the commandments today, then the war zones may just be able to seize the opportunity to deal with the Raging Dragon Army!

In recent years, all war zones have been suffering from the lack of leverage and opportunities to deal with the Western Region.

At this time, all the generals in front of the conference table turned their attention to Military Advisor Mr. Hai.

They want to hear Mr. Hai's answer.

Now the Dragon King has been dead for seven years.

Their entire Raging Dragon Army is taking orders from Mr. Hai.

Mr. Hai is the acting leader of the Raging Dragon's million-strong army.

Looking at the looks cast by the generals, the naval division wore a mask and took a sip of hot tea.

"What are you looking at me for?" the Marine Division asked slowly.

"Mr. Hai, we can't agree on the same opinion. I still want to hear your thoughts." General Gai Nie asked respectfully.

The naval division slowly took out a ticket and handed it to Ge Nie.

Above, it turned out to be the first-class ticket from the Western Territory to Hangcheng International Airport. A few minutes later, in the meeting room of the Supreme Commander of the Western Territory Furious Dragon Camp.

The top warriors from all parties are sitting together.

A high-level secret meeting is being held.

Mr. Military Hai handed a stack of documents to the various generals sitting here.

"Everyone, please take a look at this document first. It is information intercepted from Jiangnan Hang City an hour ago." Mr. Hai condensed.

All the war generals opened the documents one after another and started reading.

When they saw the information on the document, the faces of the generals became solemn.

The man who caused a riot in the Yunjing War Zone has returned to Hangzhou at this time?

Moreover, even the gods of war from the six war zones came out one after another, and IU arrived in Hangzhou secretly?

At this time, Hangzhou has been sealed off by the entire city.

"Everyone, what do you think?" the naval division glanced around the conference table and asked calmly.

His voice used a voice changer, and his voice was mechanical and hoarse, making it impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

The faces of the warships sitting there were complicated. General Gai Nie said slowly, "Could it really be Longwanggou? I think... the possibility is very high."

"It's impossible... The Dragon King God of War died seven years ago... How could he still be alive? I don't really believe it..." Another general shook his head.

At the conference table, controversy continued.

If the Dragon King is really still alive, it is great news for their Western Raging Dragon Army.

The Dragon King is back, and the Raging Dragon Army of the Western Region will once again fight on the battlefield, becoming the most powerful army sweeping across the entire Western Border!

"How about we send a secret army to Hangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River to find out what's going on? If that person is really the Dragon King, then our secret army... can also assist the Dragon King and fight against the six war gods. If that person is not the Dragon King,

Dragon King, it's not too late for us to retreat." At this time, General Lu Bu, the general of the seventh tribe, spoke.

After hearing Lu Bu's speech, the other generals in the conference room shook their heads.

"No! When the Dragon King's accident happened, the war zones forced us to sign a military order promising that our millions of soldiers in the Western Theater Zone would never step outside the Western Border! We can only be imprisoned in the Western Border for the rest of our lives, guarding the borders! This is a violation of the Western Border

Punishment in a war zone! Until we all die here! If

We have rashly violated the regulations and stepped out of the Western Territory... I am afraid that it will cause other war zones to join forces. They will seize the opportunity to jointly impeach our group and take the opportunity to destroy our group's power!" At this time, in front of the conference table, a group of soldiers were fighting

General, Gai Nie said.

Several other generals also shook their heads and rejected Lu Bu's proposal.

Seven years ago, the Dragon King was persecuted and killed by a gang.

The Raging Dragon Army of the Western Region is leaderless.

But the Furious Dragon Army, led by military advisor Mr. Hai, is still strong.

The various war zones are unable to destroy the Raging Dragon Army.

The war zones were forced to join forces... to force the Western Territory Raging Dragon Army to make a promise and not to step out of the Western Territory.

Otherwise, they will be dealt with according to military law.

But now, so many years have passed. There are constant wars at the western borders, but the Iron-Blooded Furious Dragon Army still has millions of generals! In these years, there have been very few casualties! Their rivalry continues!

Everything is because of that military advisor, that military advisor who can’t distinguish between men and women. Hai!

After the Dragon King disappeared, Military Advisor Mr. Hai took charge of the entire Western War Zone and managed the war zone as brilliantly as ever!

In recent years, all war zones have always been eyeing the Western Group.

If the Raging Dragon Army violates the commandments today, then the war zones may just be able to seize the opportunity to deal with the Raging Dragon Army!

In recent years, all war zones have been suffering from the lack of leverage and opportunities to deal with the Western Region.

At this time, all the generals in front of the conference table turned their attention to Military Advisor Mr. Hai.

They want to hear Mr. Hai's answer.

Now the Dragon King has been dead for seven years.

Their entire Raging Dragon Army is taking orders from Mr. Hai.

Mr. Hai is the acting leader of the Raging Dragon's million-strong army.

Looking at the looks cast by the generals, the naval division wore a mask and took a sip of hot tea.

"What are you looking at me for?" the Marine Division asked slowly.

"Mr. Hai, we can't agree on the same opinion. I still want to hear your thoughts." General Gai Nie asked respectfully.

The naval division slowly took out a ticket and handed it to Ge Nie.

The above is the first-class ticket from Westland to Hangcheng International Airport.

This chapter has been completed!
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