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Chapter 842 Flight to the Imperial Capital!

That night, in the Western Territory Furious Dragon Camp, they stayed awake all night.

In dozens of Furious Dragon Camp bases throughout the Western Territory, countless soldiers stayed up all night, and all military camps reached the highest alert level!

In the highest military command room of the Furious Dragon Camp, the eight generals of the Furious Dragon Camp were sitting together, discussing countermeasures!

Tonight, one of their border city strongholds was destroyed and their military advisor, Mr. Hai, was also kidnapped.

This was an unprecedented blow to the Furious Dragon Camp.

The Naval Division has always been the leader of the Raging Dragon Army. Thanks to Mr. Hai's leadership and command over the years, the Raging Dragon Army has been able to safely survive the joint stranglehold by all parties.

But now, the naval division was suddenly captured... The million-strong army of the Furious Dragon Battalion was leaderless!

They must rescue the naval division at all costs!

That night, the Eight Great War generals came forward and tried to negotiate with the Divine Wolf Kingdom...but the negotiations were fruitless.

The Divine Wolf Kingdom denied invading the Yanxia border and even denied capturing their naval division.

All, no evidence.

The Raging Dragon Army now has no orders from its superiors and no authority to rashly start a war with the Divine Wolf Kingdom.

The situation reached a stalemate.

Without a war or invasion, they would not be able to save their military advisors.

And now that the military advisor is gone and there is no commander, no one can command this million-level army group.

It was not until early in the morning that in the command room of the top leadership of the Furious Dragon Army, the eight generals made the final decision. The eight generals jointly signed a blood letter!

Their Raging Dragon Army has encountered a major crisis, and they have no choice but to write a letter with tens of thousands of people to ask the Dragon King to come out!

But in view of the fact that the Dragon King in Jiangnan has always refused to admit his identity and refused to come out.

So they can only write blood letters! Begging the Dragon King to come out of seclusion!

In the command room, the eight generals cut their fingers and wrote their names on the paper with their bloody hands!

The Western Territory's Raging Dragon Camp is in unprecedented crisis! The naval division has been captured! I beg the Dragon King to take action! Save my Raging Dragon Camp!

Ask the Dragon King God of War to come out of seclusion, save the naval division, and save my iron-blooded and angry dragon army!

Lord Dragon King, please come out!!

The eight peak generals quickly finished writing the blood letters! They continued to pass the blood letters to the generals, battle groups and battle schools of the Furious Dragon Camp under their command!

Throughout the morning, countless generals of the Raging Dragon Army... cut off their fingers to write!

That volume of blood... was written hundreds of meters long!

Thousands of people signed a blood letter! Requesting the Dragon King God of War to come out of seclusion!

Soon, the hundreds of meters long blood book was rolled up, personally escorted by the military intelligence department, and rushed to the hot summer Jiangnan!

10 a.m., Hangcheng International Airport.

Chen Xiu put on his sunglasses and came to the airport waiting hall to wait.

He has already bought a flight ticket to the Imperial Capital this morning.

At this time, we are preparing to take off.

This time, he will face all the powerful forces in the imperial capital to thoroughly investigate the cause of his grandfather's death and the truth behind the fall of the Chen family!

He wants to avenge the Chen family! Settle the general ledger!

"Passengers heading to Kyoto, please note that your flight 0017 is now boarding. Please bring your belongings, show your boarding pass, and board the plane through Gate 1. I wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you!" in the airport departure hall

, came the announcement from the station.

When Chen Xiu heard the announcement, he put out his cigarette butt, got up and walked towards Gate 1.

On this trip, he did not bring any salutes or companions. He was going to the imperial capital to kill people.

Why do you need to carry so much luggage when you kill people?

Bringing a knife is enough.

The younger brother Chen Xing was arranged to stay in Hangzhou and continue to protect Ning Dongxia secretly.

After passing the airport security check, Chen Xiu boarded flight 0017 alone.

Because he was wearing a suit made of special materials, the lead weight in his body and the bullet fragments stuck in his body were not detected.

Chen Xiu boarded the plane calmly.

Chen Xiu randomly found a seat by the window and sat down.

Sitting next to him were a group of young men and women. The writers seemed to be several Internet celebrities, and they were accompanied by several assistants. The scene looked very grand.

Tourists and fans were constantly looking for them to take photos and group photos with them.

At this time, they glanced at Chen Xiu and said, "Brother, can you and I change places? You are acting next to Yanyan, which will affect her privacy."

Sitting next to Chen Xiu is another Internet celebrity beauty. Her name is Yanyan, and she is a Douyin Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans.

Chen Xiu glanced at the beautiful woman next to him in surprise.

At this time, the beautiful woman also nodded, wanting to indicate if he could change places with the assistant.

"This is the seat I bought, why should I change it? I won't secretly photograph you, so how will it affect your privacy?" ??

Chen Xiu didn't care and lay quietly on the chair, preparing to take a nap.

We should be able to arrive at the Imperial Capital in a few hours.

The female internet celebrity Yanyan couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this?

Several male Internet celebrities on the side were a little angry, and they stepped forward and said angrily, "Do you know who she is? Yanyan! Yanyan, whose TikTok name is Dancing, is a big Internet celebrity with 30 million fans! You are qualified to sit here

Are you next to Yanyan? If you are sensible, get out of the way. Otherwise, we don’t mind calling the crew to change seats."

Chen Xiu glanced at them lightly and said, "I don't know, I'm very busy, don't disturb me."

After Chen Xiu finished speaking, he put on a pair of sunglasses, lay on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

This scene stunned the young Internet celebrities??

This? How come this young man has more airs than internet celebrities like them who have tens of millions of fans??

"Oh my bad temper! Do you know who I am?! I am Li Ergou on Douyin, a big internet celebrity in the car industry. I have more than 5 million fans! I drive a 20 million McLaren Senna sports car! How dare you

Talk to me like that?! Brother, raise your head!"

The Internet celebrity man with dyed green hair shouted coldly.

But Chen Xiu was too lazy to pay attention to them at this time, so he closed his eyes and took a rest.

"I have such a bad temper! Is this kid so fucking crazy?! Are you looking for a beating?!" Li Ergou was completely angry at this time, and he would still take action if he raised the issue.

The assistants and fans around him who knew him all stepped forward to dissuade him.

"Brother Ergou, please calm down! There is no need to be as knowledgeable as this poor loser!"

"That's it! Brother Ergou, this guy looks like an insurance salesman, a poor loser! Don't meet him!"

"Brother Ergou, if you hit such a poor loser, aren't your hands dirty? You contact the maintenance staff directly and say that you are all Douyin celebrities and need privacy. The maintenance staff will definitely drive him away.

” several fans and travelers suggested.

After Li Ergou calmed down, he thought about it, there was no need to dirty his hands by hitting such a loser.

He contacted the crew directly.

It must be said that Li Ergou is indeed very famous.

When the crew members heard that they were all big internet celebrities, they were very excited and took the initiative to ask for their autographs.

Knowing that they needed to protect their privacy, the staff quickly agreed to their request.

There is no way, who made them Internet celebrities?

Internet celebrities all enjoy privileges.

Several flight attendants came forward and tried to wake up Chen Xiu, "Sir... please give up your seat... The person next to you is a well-known Douyin internet celebrity. For the sake of her privacy, I hope you can cooperate."


But Chen Xiu still wore sunglasses and closed his eyes to rest.

He ignored the flight attendants at all.

In today's world, it's no longer strange for the powerful to protect each other. Even low-level professions such as flight attendants are already so protective and partial to Internet celebrities and powerful people. What about other classes?

The so-called system is nothing more than a system developed by the rich specifically to restrict and manage the poor.

"Hey, I said you kid! You really deserve a beating! The maintenance staff is calling you. Didn't you hear? Are you deaf?" Li Ergou, a big internet celebrity on the side, was completely angry and directly raised his sleeves to ask for it.

Take action.

But at this moment, suddenly a terrifying sound broke through the air outside the window of the civil aviation aircraft!

"Boom...!" A blast of sound swept through the air! It shook the entire passenger plane!

All the passengers in the passenger plane looked out the window in shock and horror? They didn’t understand... what was happening? What was that loud noise??

At this time, Chen Xiu, who had been resting with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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