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Chapter 909 Tearing up the treaty!

West, north.

Inside the border city, and outside the entire border city, the enemy troops were massive and were attacking frantically.

The enemy suddenly attacked from the northern desert, causing the border city to be caught off guard. At this time, it was struggling to resist.

The border guards of the Furious Dragon Army fought bloody battles to resist, but the enemy's firepower was too fierce. This sudden sneak attack caught the Furious Dragon Army by surprise.

This sneak attack may also involve another country in the northern part of the Western Border.

To the north is the border of the Mantis Kingdom.

Without the secret permission of the Mantis Kingdom, these enemies would never have been able to successfully attack. ??

Countless Raging Dragon Army soldiers were defeated and retreated, and the border city was about to fall.

"Brothers, hold on to the city! Even if you die, you must persist until reinforcements arrive! The border city cannot be lost! Brothers who cannot hold on... die standing! Never kneel!" In the border city, the Raging Dragon Army

The soldiers were covered in blood and struggling to hold on.

Countless enemy soldiers who tried to climb up the city were chopped down by the soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army.

But there are still countless enemies below trying to climb up...

Outside the border city, the enemy invaders are densely packed, sweeping like an endless wave!

In the dark night sky, there are enemy fighter jets sweeping past... constantly bombing the bottom of the border city!

"Boom...boom...boom...!!" The terrifying explosion echoed across the place!

The missile bombardment swept across... wherever it passed, the city walls of the border city were continuously blasted to pieces!

The officers and soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army on the top of the city were blown away one after another, their flesh and blood flying everywhere.

This is a defensive battle that is destined to be destroyed.

"Listen up, Raging Dragon Army! Those who raise the white flag and surrender will live. Anyone who continues to resist... will be killed!! You have to think carefully!! You are destined to not be able to defend this city tonight! Why don't you surrender obediently?"

, join our army!! He who knows the current affairs is a hero!" Outside the border city, a general among the mysterious enemy troops shouted in Daxia language!

But the answer to this enemy general... was the even more bloody resistance of the border guards of the Raging Dragon Army!

"Kill...!!" On the border city, the remaining angry dragon soldiers roared and fought crazily.

Cut down the countless enemy soldiers who rushed to the city...

For a time, this group of enemies was unable to break through the city gate.

The Furious Dragon Army is determined to refuse to surrender! These soldiers would rather die here than surrender!

Outside the city, when the enemy generals saw this scene, their expressions suddenly turned cold and murderous.

"Stubborn iron lump! Since you want to die, I will help you!" the enemy general shouted angrily, "Everyone listen to the order, the air force will increase the firepower and conduct a full-scale bombing!! Blast this border city into rubble!

! Leave no warriors of the Raging Dragon Army alive! Kill without mercy!!"

Following the enemy general's order, suddenly... countless enemy fighter planes roared across the night sky, circling at high altitudes, and air-to-ground missiles bombed down one after another!

"Boom...!!" A missile hit the ground hard and exploded instantly... directly destroying more than half of the fortifications of the border city!

The countless soldiers stationed on the top of the city were blown to pieces with blood flying everywhere, leaving no bones left.

The enemy fighter plane formations continued to bomb, and fire swept across everything they passed!

Seeing that the border city was about to be completely blown into ruins...,

At this moment, suddenly... in the distant airspace, a sound of breaking through the air swept across!

"Whoosh...!" The sonic boom swept across! A white dot quickly passed through the dark night! It roared towards the border city!

In the sky above the border city, among the countless enemy fighter jets, the pilots stared into the distance of the night in shock...

That sudden roar of white dot made all the enemy pilots tremble??

That was... the sonic boom of a fighter jet flying past??

They looked at the white dot flying rapidly, and all the enemy pilots were instantly alert! Because that white dot... was a fighter jet!

Because the fighter jet was too fast and roared in quickly... it broke through the sound speed barrier, so the fighter jet created a terrifying sound barrier during its flight! As a result, white steam cones were generated around the aircraft!

This is a phenomenon caused by the surrounding air pressure during supersonic flight. When the local air pressure around the object drops, the temperature will also drop. If the temperature drops below the saturation temperature, a "cloud" visible to the naked eye will be formed.

From a distance, it looks like a white dot whistling rapidly!

"A supersonic fighter jet is approaching! All fighter planes are on alert! Be on alert!!" High in the dark night sky, all the enemy fighter jets shouted in warning!!

"Whoosh...!! Boom...!!" However, as soon as the enemy air force issued the alert order...the terrifying supersonic white dot quickly approached...and opened fire instantly!

An air-to-air missile came quickly... "Boom...!!" The missile directly hit an enemy fighter jet.

One of the enemy's fighter jets exploded in the air, and the flames shot into the sky and filled the night sky!!

The entire night sky was in complete chaos!

"Confirm the model! Confirm the model! It is Daxia's airborne supersonic fighter, model number

Destroy - 10!! This is Daxia's reinforcements!!" The solemn voice of the captain and commander came from the enemy's air fighter formation!

The commander was also driving a fighter jet, hovering in the sky, and he could clearly identify the model of the Daxia fighter jet! The commander’s voice was solemn, and he reminded on the Bluetooth intercom!!

The expressions of all the enemy pilots present changed!

Destruction - 10, this is Daxia's standing fighter, with extremely excellent combat performance!

"Don't be afraid, everyone! The opponent only has one fighter jet! It can't compete with us!! Launch an air blockade immediately...!! Fire...!!!" In the enemy fighter formation, the commander and captain ordered in a sullen voice!!

In an instant, countless fighter jets in the sky formed a blockade array, blocking the silver fighter jet in the sky! "Whoosh whoosh whoosh...!!"

Dozens of enemy fighter jets locked onto each other instantly, and countless air-to-air missiles bombarded frantically... heading towards the Great Xia Kingdom's Mi-10 fighter jet!!

In the dark night, in the cabin of the Mi-10 fighter jet, Chen Xiu and the pilot raised their helmets, their faces condensed, and they stared solemnly at the situation around them.

He suddenly pulled up the control stick of the fighter jet and piloted the fighter jet...with a terrifying ultra-high maneuver...the Cobra maneuver, accurately avoiding countless missiles fired from high altitude!!

Seeing this scene, in the dark night, the faces of the countless enemy pilots all became condensed?!

How can this be?!!

Their so many missile blockade bombings... were all avoided by the opponent's fighter jets?!

What kind of terrifying flying skills is this?!!

"Second lock!! Collective fire!! Fire coverage!!" In the array of enemy fighter planes, the commander looked coldly and shouted again!!

In an instant, countless fighter jets frantically locked onto the M10 again!

The next second, countless missiles roared crazily, shooting towards the Mi-10 fighter jet!

Chen Xiu sat in the cabin of the Mi-10 fighter jet and suddenly raised the control stick...! He used weird and extreme aerial maneuvers to avoid countless incoming missiles!

High in the sky at night, all the air force enemies were stunned when they saw this scene...

How can this be???

How could he avoid so many missile attacks?

How terrifying is this fighter pilot?!!

Moreover, such extremely difficult aerial maneuvers will cause pilots to endure extremely strong g-value pressure.

Under this g-value, the pilot's body cannot bear it at all, and may even be torn apart by the g-value!

How did this pilot do it??!

"Air blockade!! Give me intensive bombing!! Interweave firepower network!!" In the air thousands of meters above, the enemy's fighter commander ordered in a stern voice!!

But just as the commander finished giving the order... suddenly, the Mi-10 fighter jet in the dark night suddenly spun around, disappeared into the clouds of the endless night, and completely disappeared??

Thousands of meters in the air, all enemy fighter jets were frantically searching for his whereabouts.

But the M-10 fighter jet seems to have completely disappeared?

"Turn on infrared radar detection! Search for its whereabouts! Don't let him escape!" the enemy fighter commander ordered coldly!

But just as the commander gave the order, he suddenly realized something was wrong?

The fighter commander suddenly raised his head and looked high into the night sky??

Above his fighter jet, in the endless night sky...astonishingly...there was a fighter jet swooping down quickly!!

Swipe~!! The expression of the enemy air force commander changed drastically!! He suddenly flew the plane... and was about to escape...

But it was too late for him to escape.

In the dark night sky, the Mi-10 fighter jet swooped down rapidly... through the fighter's cabin...

You can clearly see the pilot taking off his helmet in the cabin of the Mi-10 fighter jet.

At this time, the speed of the fighter jet was too fast, and the pressure g value was too high. Even the helmet could not bear it, and the goggles on the helmet were cracked.

In order not to affect his driving, Chen Xiu simply took off his helmet and flew without a helmet.

And below, the enemy commander finally saw clearly the face of the figure in the Mi-10 fighter jet above...

The pilot flying the Mi-10 fighter jet took off his helmet, and it turned out to be the face of Dragon King Chen Xiu?!

The enemy commander's pupils shrank, he hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "The pilot of the M-10 fighter is the Dragon King!! SSS level alert!! Raise the alert level... SSS level alert!!!"

At the same time, the enemy commander suddenly controlled the plane, trying to escape Chen Xiu's bombardment...

However, the commander had just raised the control stick

In an instant...several missiles suddenly shot from a strange angle in the sky!!

The trajectory of the missile is extremely precise, and there is no way for this commander's fighter jet to avoid it!

In an instant, three air-to-air Thunderbolt missiles severely hit the enemy commander's fighter plane...

"Boom...!!!" The enemy commander's fighter plane exploded in an instant, with flames shooting into the sky!!

The enemy commander didn't even have time to parachute to escape, and was directly swallowed up by the sky full of fire... his body was completely gone!!

High in the sky at night, when all the enemy fighters saw this scene... their expressions suddenly changed?!

Their commander died like this??

At this time, in the border city below.

The remaining officers and soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army raised their heads one after another, looking at the dark sky high in shock and excitement...

"Cobra Maneuver...?? That...that's the Dragon King God?!! It's the Dragon King God! He's here to save us!! Brothers!! Kill me!! Guard the border city!! The Dragon King has arrived!

!Repulse the enemy invaders for me...!!" On top of the dilapidated city, the commander of the border city roared angrily, brandishing his sword!!

"Kill...!!" In the border city, countless officers and soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army, with their eyes red, drew their swords and roared!

For a time, the morale of the officers and soldiers of the Furious Dragon Army was high!!

Their leader, the Dragon King God, has arrived!

The appearance of the Dragon King boosted the morale of all the Raging Dragon Army soldiers, and they finally had hope of winning!

The Dragon King has never given up on these brothers!

Countless officers and soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army wielded their swords and killed the enemy crazily!

Groups of enemy soldiers who had just climbed up to the top of the city were all chopped down...

Over the dilapidated border city, there was a bloodbath.

The Furious Dragon Army fought back with blood!

At this time, in the sky above the dark night, Chen Xiu was driving a Mi-10 fighter jet, quickly passing through the void of the dark night!

"Boom...!!" He opened fire suddenly and fired out several more missiles, directly knocking down two enemy fighter jets!

Chen Xiu piloted the M-20 fighter jet, like a ghost in the night, tearing open the sky in the endless night sky, bombing and killing to his heart's content!

That group of enemy fighter jets... were defeated by him almost instantly!

One after another, fighter jets were shot down.

The enemy pilots didn't even have time to parachute, and they were directly blown to death in the sky... with no bones left.

Chen Xiu piloted the Mi-10 fighter jet, like a god of death in the air, constantly bombarding and killing people.

The group of enemy fighter jets completely collapsed after being killed!

Finally, the group of enemy fighter jets collapsed, and the remaining dozen or so fighter jets suddenly turned around and tried to escape from the airspace!

This Dragon King is simply a madman!!

Their fighter jets couldn't even get close to the Dragon King's plane, let alone damage his plane.

The Dragon King's flying skills completely overwhelmed them by several levels.

It's like top professional gamers abusing a group of Bronze-level novice players.

Chen Xiu piloted a fighter jet and fought in the air, killing three, four, five... with a soft hand.

But the enemy fighter jets didn't even get a kill.

This group of enemy fighter jets could not even touch a single hair of Chen Xiu's plane.

The countless missiles they fired were all avoided by Chen Xiu's terrifying flying movements!

In the dark night sky, Chen Xiu is almost invincible!

"The idea is too tough! The Dragon King is flying the plane himself!! We can't fight! Escape quickly...!!" Finally, at high altitude, the group of pilots collapsed and tried to escape in panic while flying the fighter jets!

But how could Chen Xiu give them a chance to escape?

Chen Xiu sat in the cabin of the Mi-10, picked up the public channel intercom, and ordered in a cold voice to the group of fighter pilots, "Those who land will live, those who escape will perish. I will give you one last chance to survive. Descend immediately.

Land the fighter jet in the border city, get off the plane and surrender. I will leave you a way to survive. Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

But the group of enemy pilots ignored Chen Xiu and fled together in their planes.

Chen Xiu stopped talking nonsense and directly flew the Mi-10 fighter jet to catch up, killing all the way!

"Boom...boom...boom...!!" In the dark night sky, terrifying explosions swept across continuously!!

The enemy's fighter jets were blown up one by one from high in the sky... The flames swept into the sky, reflecting across the entire dark night sky!

Finally, the group of enemy pilots completely collapsed...

No matter how they fled, they could not escape the range of Dragon King's fighter jets.

Seeing that they had no way to escape, they could only pick up the walkie-talkie in despair and beg for mercy, "Don't hit me...I am willing to surrender..."

The enemy pilot collapsed in fear and took the initiative to remove all missile systems from the fighter jet. Then he lowered the altitude and landed the fighter jet in the border city of the Raging Dragon Army.

As the fighter jets landed, in the border city, countless Furious Dragon Army soldiers

Step forward and surround the fighter jets.

The cabin was opened, and the enemy pilot got off the plane trembling and collapsed, holding his head in his hands and holding a white flag.

He fell to his knees and shouted, "Surrender! I surrender...!"

Immediately, a group of Furious Dragon Army soldiers came forward, detained him, and took him away!

There was the first surrender, and then, high in the sky, the second pilot...the third pilot...

One after another, pilots collapsed and surrendered...

Enemy fighter jets continue to land in the border city...

Groups of enemy pilots all surrendered en masse.

Fifteen enemy pilots all surrendered and were captured and detained.

Moreover, the Furious Dragon Army also took the opportunity to capture fifteen imperial fighter jets.

After the pilots were detained, they quickly gave their account.

They are indeed the secret air force from the Wolf God Kingdom!

This raid on the northern part of the Western Territory was also planned by the Wolf God Kingdom!

At this time, outside the border city, countless enemy invaders were still attacking crazily!

A dark sea of ​​people swept in like a tide, trying to capture the border city directly.

Chen Xiu drove the Mi-10 fighter jet, killing all the way, and bombing the ground below like crazy!

Under the interception and bombing of Mie 10, the enemy invaders below were finally defeated in succession.

At this moment, on the ground below, a giant fort was suddenly lifted up.

That's a surface-to-air interceptor missile!

This is a missile defense system specially developed by the Wolf God Kingdom to intercept aerial fighter jets on the ground!

At this time, a mysterious officer finally showed up.

He was wearing a golden warrior armor, and it turned out to be Ye Wutian, the Wutian War God of the Wolf God Kingdom!

Tonight's battle was surprisingly directed by Ye Wutian himself!

He mobilized most of the Wolf God Kingdom's groups to carry out this invasion of the northern part of the Western Territory!

Ye Wutian's eyes were ferocious, and with endless killing intent, he personally came to the interception fort, set up the cannon, and locked the Mi-10 fighter jets aimed at the sky above.

"Dragon King... suffer death!!" Ye Wutian looked ferocious, and he suddenly pressed the missile launch button!

"Bang bang bang...!!" In an instant, dozens of surface-to-air interceptor missiles shot out suddenly, shooting towards the fighter jet above!!

Chen Xiu looked indifferent as he sat in the Mi-10 fighter jet. He suddenly controlled the aircraft and used a weird S-turn maneuver to avoid countless surface-to-air missiles fired from below.

Chen Xiu sat in the cabin, staring coldly at Ye Wutian below.

A cold arc flashed at the corner of his mouth, and the next second Chen Xiu suddenly controlled the plane and dived towards Ye Wutian below!

Chen Xiu suddenly opened fire!

"Whoosh whoosh...!" Dozens of missiles flew out from the wings on both sides of the fighter jet!

"Intercept!!" Ye Wutian shouted sharply!

Suddenly, the air interception system on the fort was activated! Countless flame bullets flew out, forming a vitality network!

The shells fired by Chen Xiu were directly intercepted by the bullet fire network at high altitude... The missiles were detonated at high altitude!

Ye Wutian's face was cold and stern, and he shouted angrily and ordered, "Surface-to-air interception systems, all activated!"

Suddenly, countless forts opened on the ground!

Dozens of forts were all locked and aimed at Chen Xiu!

"My good friend! Show up! It's time for the dragon-slaying battle to begin!" Ye Wutian picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted at the other end of the walkie-talkie.

A few minutes later, dozens more enemy fighter jets were seen breaking through the night sky above the dark border line!

Chen Xiu sat in the M10 cabin, his pupils shrinking slightly.

Is that a fighter jet flying rapidly from the airspace of the Mantis Kingdom next door?

Are these fighter planes all combat aircraft of the Mantis Nation?

"Whoosh whoosh...!" More than thirty fighter jets from the Wolf God Kingdom roared in, breaking through the sonic barrier!

Countless missiles were fired in unison, flying out from the thirty-odd fighter jets! They were fired in the direction of Chen Xiu high in the sky!!

Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed and he suddenly controlled the fighter jet to dodge!

He used a strange fighter maneuver to avoid the missile attack from the Mantis fighter jets.

Chen Xiu sat in the cabin with a condensed expression. He turned on the high-altitude public wireless channel and shouted coldly, "Mantis Kingdom...do you also want to intervene in my war in Daxia? Have you forgotten the surrender treaty eight years ago?!


Eight years ago, chaos continued at the western border. At that time, Chen Xiu led the Furious Dragon Army and defeated the Mantis Kingdom, causing the Mantis Kingdom to suffer heavy losses. The Mantis Kingdom was frightened and signed a surrender treaty, stating that in the next thirty years, it would never

Do not invade the Western Territory of Daxia. Maintain peaceful relations and coexist peacefully with the Western Territory.

But now eight years later, tonight... the fighter jets of the Mantis Kingdom actually dispatched to attack the northern part of the Western Border?!

Is this to tear up the surrender treaty??

This chapter has been completed!
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