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Chapter 921 Cooperation and Use

Late at night, the Western Border Territory was covered with endless yellow sand.

Tens of meters deep under the endless yellow sand, Ye Wutian was covered in blood, still curled up and hiding under the yellow sand.

For the past few days, Ye Wutian has been hiding under the yellow sand, trying to survive.

He didn't dare to go out at all.

At this time, there are people from the Raging Dragon Army patrolling the entire desert 24 hours a day.

Ye Wutian didn't have any chance to escape...

At this time, he was like a bereaved dog, trapped and dead in the desert of the Western Region. He could not escape and could only wait to die.

Ye Wutian's body has become weaker and weaker.

Although he had practiced Turtle Qigong, it allowed him to hide under the yellow sand for a long time without suffocating to death.

But he had been hiding in the desert for a long time. There was no water source or food here. Ye Wutian would die of thirst or starvation sooner or later.

He has been so thirsty these days that he can only drink his own urine to quench his thirst.

Sometimes when he finished drinking the urine, he could only endure it... collect his own sweat, or even drink his own blood.

All the bones in his body were broken and smashed, making it extremely inconvenient to walk. The wounds were festering and rotting, producing a large amount of stinking thick water.

But Ye Wutian was so thirsty that he even drank his own concentrated water. He was desperate.

Sometimes when he encountered a few poisonous scorpions in the desert, Ye Wutian would grab the poisonous scorpions directly as if he had found a treasure, pull out the poisonous scorpions' fangs and highly poisonous internal organs, and bite the scorpions directly... Only these poisonous scorpions

Meat can temporarily allow him to live a few more days...

As time passed, Ye Wutian's physical condition became worse and worse... At this time tonight, Ye Wutian almost fainted.

He huddled up and hid under the yellow sand of the desert, crawling under the yellow sand bit by bit. His face turned blue and his lips turned purple. This was a symptom of extreme dehydration.

If not again

There is a water source and he is dying.

At this time, all the muscles in his body had shrunk, and he was skinny and skinny. His whole body was extremely miserable.

Just when Ye Wutian's eyes were weak and his strength was weak, he was about to die of thirst in this desert.

Suddenly, there was a sparse digging sound above the piece of yellow sand where he was hiding?

Has the yellow sand above been dug up?

Ye Wutian hid under the yellow sand, his weak eyes trembling slightly...

He sensed a dangerous aura...

Someone discovered his hiding coordinates? At this time, the yellow sand above him is being dug up bit by bit...

Ye Wutian collapsed in fear. He tried to grit his teeth and use his last strength to drill a hole and escape from this yellow sand area...

But at this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly came from above the yellow sand, "I have locked your coordinates. There is no need to run away. I will lock you wherever you run."

Brush~! Hearing these words, Ye Wutian's whole body trembled and he collapsed in despair.

He stopped.

At this time, the thick layer of yellow sand covering his body... was finally excavated.

Under the yellow sand cave, Ye Wutian turned his head tremblingly and looked out of the cave...

At this time, it was pitch black outside, with stars dotted in the night sky, and a waning moon hanging high in the night sky.

Through the light of the waning moon, Ye Wutian vaguely saw an old man with silver hair standing outside the cave, leaning on a dragon-headed cane.

The old man was staring at Ye Wutian with a deep expression.

"You...who are you?" Ye Wu

Tian asked in a weak and trembling voice.

The old man didn't answer him, but threw him a bottle of ice-cold Tsingtao beer.

When Ye Wutian saw the beer in front of him, his whole body trembled completely... That was hope, that was excitement!

He suddenly opened the beer bottle and drank heavily!

"Gu Long, Gu Long..." After taking a big gulp of cold beer, Ye Wutian was saved from the state of being on the verge of death from thirst.

"Don't worry, and drink slowly." The silver-haired old man threw down a few more bottles of cold beer.

Ye Wutian drank heavily! After drinking four large bottles of beer in a row, he regained some consciousness from his dying breath.

"You...who are you? Why did you save me?" Ye Wutian regained some of his consciousness at this time and looked at the man with a confused voice.

The silver-haired man had a deep smile on his face, "Da Xia, the head of Shanhai Pavilion, Qin Buxu."

Brush~! Ye Wutian's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard the identity announced by this silver-haired man?!

The person in front of me is actually the head of the Shanhai Pavilion in Daxia? That mysterious five-star war god, Qin Buxu?!

Ye Wutian has naturally heard of this person's name! Daxia's Shanhai Pavilion is powerful all over the world.

This is Daxia's famous secret service organization.

And Qin Buxu's name also enjoys prestige in the world!

He is one of the few remaining five-star old war gods in Daxia!

"Qin is not hungry?? Why...you saved me??" Ye Wutian looked suspicious and asked with a hint of vigilance.

A deep arc appeared on Qin Buxuan's face, "Get in the car and talk slowly?"

He gestured.

Ye Wutian looked surprised and confused.

Determined, he hesitated for a long time. At this moment of desperation, Ye Wutian had no choice. He nodded solemnly.

Then he climbed out of the yellow sand pit.

Qin Buxu invited him into a black Audi A8 car.

The interior of this Audi A8 sedan is unique, with extremely luxurious decoration and various precious delicacies.

Roasted chicken, grilled salamander...braised bear paws...top quality wines are all placed in the car.

Ye Wutian got into the car, and when he saw these delicacies, he couldn't hold back anymore and started eating them.

He had been hungry for three days and three nights, and was about to collapse from hunger. Finally seeing so many delicious foods, Ye Wutian ate them wildly.

Seeing Ye Wutian eating like crazy, Qin Buxian had a deep smile on his face, "Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Qin Buxuan signaled for the driver to drive.

The driver nodded, started the Audi A8 sedan, and drove slowly in the endless yellow sand desert...

In the car, Ye Wutian ate for more than ten minutes and finished all the ingredients in the car. At this time, his stomach was full.

"Qin is not hungry...how did you find my coordinates? Why did you save me?" After Ye Wutian had eaten and drank enough, his mind had returned to calmness, and he asked solemnly.

Qin Buxuan sat aside, lit a cigar, and said calmly, "As the head of Daxia Shanhai Pavilion, I have intelligence systems all over the country. Isn't it easy to find you?"

"What is your purpose of saving me?" Ye Wutian asked in a solemn voice.

Qin Buxu's eyes were deep and he said calmly, "Cooperate and take advantage."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wutian's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect Qin Buxu to speak so straightforwardly?

"How to cooperate and how to use me?" Ye Wutian asked coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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