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Chapter 927 Potential development rate, 78%

"Boom...boom...!" On the martial arts field, Chen Xiu waved his fist wildly, and every time he swung it out, there would be bursts of terrifying air blasts!

"It's not heavy enough! Keep adding weight-bearing lead!" Chen Xiu shouted in a cold voice.

He stopped.

The men carried heavy lead weights and hung them on Chen Xiu's shoulders.

At this time, his whole body was covered with 3,500 kilograms of lead weights.

Due to the extremely high-intensity and strenuous training, the muscles all over his body were torn, red and swollen, and the surface skin was chapped and blood overflowed.

Chen Xiu didn't care. He hung up the lead weight and slowly walked to the center of the martial arts field.

In the center of the martial arts arena, ten heavy armored off-road vehicles were parked.

Not counting the armored vehicles, they all weighed three tons.

The fronts of every armored vehicle were tied with thick iron chains.

A total of ten armored vehicles weigh a full thirty tons.

Chen Xiu grabbed the chain of an armored vehicle and pulled it suddenly.

He just held the chain with his bare hands and dragged the armored vehicle forward quickly!

The entire three-ton armored vehicle was moved by him at a rapid speed.

He is training the explosive strength of the whole body and the core muscles of the legs.

Chen Xiu dragged the armored vehicle... faster and faster, and gradually he began to run wildly.

The armored vehicles at the rear were also towed and speeding along...

Outside the martial arts arena, countless soldiers were shocked when they saw this scene.

Chen Xiu dragged the armored vehicle several kilometers before stopping.

Then he followed the same training pattern and towed all the remaining nine armored vehicles several kilometers away.

But Chen Xiu still felt that it was not heavy enough.

"Connect these ten armored vehicles together!" Chen Xiu shouted coldly!

A group of men around him hurried forward and connected the chains of ten armored vehicles together.

Chen Xiu suddenly grabbed the iron chain and wrapped it around his back. Then he grabbed the iron chain with both hands, exploded with strength, and rushed forward!

"Uh...!" Chen Xiu shouted, and the ten armored off-road vehicles wrapped in iron chains behind him...the ten vehicles with a combined weight of forty tons...were actually dragged forward by him.


Chen Xiu dragged ten armored vehicles forward with his own strength!

Gradually, his speed is getting faster and faster!

Almost in a hurry!

The muscles in his legs were constantly exploding, red and swollen.

He is breaking through the limits of his muscles, bones, and physical fitness again and again!

Chen Xiu dragged ten armored vehicles... for a full five kilometers before finally stopping.

At this time, the muscles in his legs had exploded, and the skin on his legs was also chapped. A series of ferocious scenes appeared on the skin of his legs.

Blood continuously overflowed and seeped down the chapped skin of his legs, staining his camouflage military pants red.

During the intermission, Chen Xiu took out the silver needles and inserted them into his legs one by one to relax the muscles in his legs and release the blood pressure in his legs.

He is using traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture to temporarily heal himself.

Then cover the wounds on the legs and back with Chinese herbal medicine.

"Keep adding weights!" After resting for half an hour, Chen Xiu continued to get up and start training.

As soon as he shouted, his men added a full 500 kilograms of lead weight to his body!

At this time, Chen Xiu was already carrying a full 4,000 kilograms of lead weight!

This level of weight-bearing has completely exceeded the limit that the human body can bear!

Chen Xiu felt heavy even when walking at this time, and the muscles in his legs were trembling slightly.

Every time he takes a step, he will leave a deep sunken footprint on the ground of the martial arts arena.

Because his body was too heavy at this time, even the loess floor of the martial arts arena could not bear his weight.

Chen Xiu walked into the martial arts arena step by step, and then he started training again with a weight of four thousand kilograms of lead!

He began to run around the entire martial arts arena, which was dozens of kilometers long!

Chen Xiu was carrying a 4,000-kilogram lead weight on his back as he sprinted and circled!

This scene is simply shocking!

He ran for ten kilometers...and was gasping for air.

But he didn't have any rest, and the muscles in his legs were still bleeding.

He used acupuncture directly on his legs

to prevent blood from spilling out.

"Army camp, bring ten heavy tanks over here!" Chen Xiu wiped the blood off his body and shouted to a group of soldiers on the side.

Beside, a group of soldiers nodded solemnly.

Soon, heavy tanks slowly rolled over the tracks and drove to the center of the martial arts field.

Dark green heavy tanks parked quietly in the middle of the martial arts field.

Type 99g...main battle tank.

Nickname, Eastern Overlord.

It is one of the most powerful super tanks in the East.

The most important weapon of the country and the overlord of the land.

Each Oriental Overlord tank weighs 51 tons and is equipped with a super powerful 20-cylinder turbocharged engine that can produce 2,000 horsepower.

At this time, Chen Xiu tied chains to these heavy tanks!

Then, he directly grabbed two iron chains and tried to drag two heavy tanks forward with his bare hands!

"Uh...!" Chen Xiu's muscles exploded with terrifying power!

The two iron chains were suddenly tightened... The iron chains connected with the two heavy tanks were pulled by him!

The two tanks were towed by Chen Xiu... and moved forward slowly...!

The two tanks weigh a total of 102 tons!

Actually, he was dragged by Chen Xiu?!

This scene is simply shocking!

Chen Xiu slowly dragged the two heavy tanks forward for one kilometer, and then dragged the two tanks back.

"Add more!" he shouted, signaling his men to continue adding chains!

The men complicatedly tied another tank to a heavy iron chain.

Chen Xiu directly grabbed the three tanks and continued to drag them!

Gradually, Chen Xiu's thigh muscles were torn again and again, the skin on his legs was chapped, and the skin and muscles on his back were chapped.

Blood continued to overflow along his body.

"Uh...!" Chen Xiu shouted and forcibly dragged three heavy tanks ten kilometers away!

During this process, the muscles and skin all over his body continued to crack... and blood overflowed crazily along his legs!

He just dragged the path he walked through

On the ground, blood fell on the ground, forming a long blood mark.

Chen Xiu dragged three tanks back on the same road again...

At this time, the military agent watch on his wrist finally made a beeping sound.

"The heart rate exceeded 200...the blood circulation exceeded ten times, and...the body's potential development rate was monitored, exceeding 78." A mechanical notification sound came from the military agent's watch.

Chen Xiu has been using military equipment... to monitor his physical condition.

He trains so intensely and crazily for one purpose only... to break through the limit of his body's potential!

At this time, after dozens of days of crazy training, his physical potential finally exceeded the limit again!

But this method of quickly breaking through the body's potential is simply walking a tightrope in hell.

He may die at any time!

The body may not be able to withstand the horrific pressure and eventually explode and die...

But Chen Xiu did not hesitate, his physical potential had been developed to 78.

His strength, speed, and bone strength have risen to another level.

But he still felt it was not enough!

His potential development level of only 78 is not enough for him to cope with the martial arts institutions in the entire Great Xia.

"Keep adding more!" Chen Xiu shouted.

But the subordinates outside the martial arts arena finally couldn't stand it anymore. Their eyes were bloodshot and they said, "Dragon King Lord... we can't take any more! Your body won't be able to bear it!"

"Yes, Lord Dragon King! That's enough! Your training intensity has completely exceeded the standard... Your body is the most important thing!" The group of guards and soldiers stepped forward one after another, bowing and pleading!

They couldn't bear to watch the Dragon King train so crazily anymore!

This is not training at all, this is simply costing one's life!

At this time, even the naval division not far away could no longer stand.

The naval division's movement flashed and he teleported to the center of the martial arts field.

She put her hand on the Dragon King's shoulder and tried to stop him.

"Dragon King, that's enough. Your body's potential development level has exceeded 77. If you continue to develop your potential, your body will not be able to bear it. Your lifespan will be shortened sharply! You are risking your life in exchange for strength!" Navy

The teacher advised with a solemn voice.

This chapter has been completed!
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