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Chapter 147 The Chinese test begins

 After leaving the known information on the wall of the hall, Li Yue quickly left.

As for how much effect this piece of information can have, Li Yue actually has no idea, but it is just an experiment. How bad can it be at the worst?

When he returned to the playground again, he found that Liu Yang and the Chen siblings were already waiting for him.

"Boss, are things done?" Liu Yang guessed that Li Yue must have something to do when he entered the dormitory.

"It's done, have you told them the information?" Li Yue said calmly;

"I've already told them." Liu Yang replied immediately;

Li Yue nodded, and then said to the Chen siblings:

"We still don't know what will happen in the next exam, so you should be careful and remember to read more, listen more and pay more attention." Li Yue gave them a rare reminder.

The Chen siblings nodded quickly.

At this time, Liu Yang looked at the time, then walked to Li Yue and said:

"Boss, we don't have much time, it's time for us to set off!"

Li Yue also checked the time and found that it was already eight forty, so he took the lead and walked towards the teaching building, and Liu Yang and the other three immediately followed.

At this time, other people were slowly walking towards the teaching building.

As soon as they entered the teaching building, everyone felt that it was dark before their eyes. It felt gloomy and very cold. They walked along the door and when their eyes adapted to the dim environment, they saw a very high and steep staircase.<


This should be the main staircase of the teaching building, but it seems that no one has used it for a long time. The stairs are full of dust accumulated over the years.

The dark environment of the teaching building, even during the day, is still filled with an aura of terror.

There are also several classrooms symmetrically located on the left and right sides of the stairs, but unfortunately, all the classroom doors are closed at this time, even the windows are the same.

Li Yue tried to look into the classroom through the window and found that the classroom was completely dark. It was not like he couldn't see because of insufficient light, but more like it could even be swallowed up by light.

"Boss, it's time for us to go to the examination room!"

At this moment, Liu Yang's voice came over.

Now that time is running out, Li Yue can only give up temporarily and continue to explore the classroom.

"Boss, the examination room is on the fourth floor. We need to climb upstairs." Liu Yang said quickly after seeing Li Yue come to his senses;

Just now, Liu Yang already knew the location of the examination room through other people.

"Then let's go upstairs!"

A few people quickly went up to the fourth floor and saw someone walking into a classroom from a distance. They knew that classroom should be the examination room.

Several people walked along the corridor to the examination room.

Li Yue came to the door of the exam classroom, but did not see any instructive signs outside the classroom. At this time, on the blackboard in the classroom, it was written: The first Mandarin test of the graduation exam.

The font is exactly the same as the exam arrangement that appeared in front of the teaching building yesterday. It seems that it should be written by the same person.

I don’t know who is so good at finding the exam room among so many classrooms without any signs.

Li Yue looked towards the classroom and saw three rows of desks and chairs neatly arranged inside. They were all red and black and felt very bright and new.

There is a blackboard at the back of the classroom, which should be used for posting blackboard reports. However, this blackboard is very clean at the moment, without anything.

He counted in his mind and found that each column had seven rows of desks and chairs, a total of twenty-one double desks and chairs.

"It's also twenty-one, one for each person."

After coming here again, the number twenty-one has appeared several times. It seems that these desks and chairs should be prepared for everyone.

It's just that four people died in the dormitory last night, and now there are seventeen people left. I don't know if anything will happen.

At this time, there were already thirteen people sitting on the desks and chairs. If the four newly arrived Li Yue were added, then all the living people would be here.

Seeing this, Li Yue began to walk into the classroom. Maybe it was because this classroom was usually locked, but now it was opened for the exam. There was a strong smell inside, and the light was not good.

Just when Li Yue was about to find an empty seat and sit down, he found a small piece of paper in the upper left corner of every table.

Li Yue took a closer look and saw that it was a black and white photo, just like a black and white ID photo. However, the figure in the photo had a stiff face and empty eyes, and did not look like a living person.

"No need to look any further. There is a photo on each table, corresponding to each of us. Just like you need to be seated for the exam, you should find your seat as soon as possible. The exam is about to start."

After Lao Mei saw Li Yue and others entering the classroom, she took the initiative to speak.

It seems that the previous information sharing made him very satisfied, so he didn't mind taking the initiative to express his goodwill to Li Yue and others through some insignificant things.

After Li Yue heard what he said, he nodded to Lao Mei.

Although he can quickly discover the secret even if the other party doesn't tell him, but since the other party takes the initiative to show his kindness, he doesn't mind giving a response. As for what he is thinking in his heart, only he knows.

"You guys should go and find your own seats quickly. You don't have to follow me."

Li Yue turned around and said to Liu Yang and the others.

They also heard Lao Mei's words just now, so they naturally knew what Li Yue meant, so they began to look for their seats in the classroom.

Since there are a total of twenty-one seats in the entire classroom, thirteen people are already seated, so they only need to search among the eight vacant seats.

Soon Liu Yang and the three of them had found their corresponding seats and sat down.

Li Yue also found his own photo in the upper left corner of the last desk. In the photo, Li Yue's eyes were cold and strange, and his expression was stiff without any fluctuation.

If the current Li Yue is also a fierce ghost, but still retains some humanity, then the Li Yue in the photo at this time is the one who has given up all humanity and completely turned into a fierce ghost.

Except for Li Yue, everyone in the classroom is now sitting neatly on the right side of the desk, waiting for the exam to start.

When Li Yue saw that the time was about to reach nine o'clock, he ignored the weirdness of the photo and quickly sat down on the chair placed on the right side of the seat.

Just when Li Yue sat on the chair, a faint rancid smell penetrated his nose, and the source of the smell was the desk in front of him.

Li Yuelai quickly lowered his head and approached the desk to watch.

This look made him discover something.

Originally, when he saw that the desks and chairs were black and red, he thought they were painted with a layer of red paint. It was only because of time that they became what they are now.

But after his observation just now, he discovered that what was on the table was not paint at all, but a thick layer of dried blood.

No wonder I smelled a stinky smell as soon as I entered the classroom.

It seems that something important happened in this classroom, otherwise the blood of one or two people alone would not be able to dye all the desks and chairs like they are now.

I just don’t know if it has something to do with the upcoming exam.

Just when Li Yue was observing the desk, he didn't see that in the black and white photo, Li Yue's cold eyes turned into green eyes, with green light flashing in his eyes, and a trace of ferocious look on his face.

Smile, like a ferocious beast staring at its prey.

But at this time, Li Yue didn't feel anything at all.


At this moment, three bell-like sounds suddenly sounded in the campus, just like the manual bells for class more than a hundred years ago.


The moment the bell rang, the classroom door suddenly closed automatically.

Hearing the sound, everyone couldn't help but look towards the door.

Just at that moment, Li Yue noticed a burst of supernatural power sweeping across the entire classroom. Just when Li Yue was about to pursue this power, it disappeared again.

"This...is this a test paper?" The man sitting in the row in front of Li Yue suddenly whispered. If Li Yue hadn't had extraordinary hearing, he might not have been able to hear it.

Before Li Yue could say anything, he saw an A3 paper-sized test paper appear out of thin air on the table that was originally empty except for personal photos.

As for why Li Yue was sure it was a test paper and not something else, it was because it was clearly written on the paper: Graduation Examination Paper - Chinese.

Li Yue picked up the test paper and checked it over and over several times. He found that it was an ordinary test paper. The material of the paper was a little rough and the color looked a little old.

Li Yue looked at the test paper, thinking of the bell that had just sounded and the supernatural power that had just flashed, and he knew that the first exam should begin.

Li Yue checked the desks and chairs back and forth and determined that there were only test papers. He was suddenly speechless.

Who can tell him how to answer the questions with only test papers and no pen? The exam is waiting online, it’s quite urgent!

At this time, other people in the classroom also discovered that there were only test papers but no tools to answer the questions, which made everyone sad.

"Look, there's a pen on the podium!" Suddenly a woman sitting in the first row said. After speaking, she got up and left her seat, preparing to go to the podium to get a pen.

After everyone heard the woman's voice, they all looked towards the podium.

At this time, the woman had already left her seat, but in the next second, the woman suddenly and silently turned into a ball of blood mist, floating in the air.

Even the clothes, bones, and hair were no exception, they all turned into blood mist.

Then, the blood mist was pulled by an invisible force, and all of it fell on the woman's desk, chair, and test papers.

The original old test paper has been completely dyed blood red, and part of the blood mist is even stained on the black and white photo of the woman.

Immediately afterwards, the figure with a stiff face and empty eyes in the original photo slowly began to change.

The originally black and white figure became vivid, as if it was colored by blood, and at the same time, a ferocious smile appeared at the corner of the mouth.

In the end, the figure in the photo slowly disappeared, leaving only a blank photo.

Others in the classroom were stunned when they saw this scene.

Some people originally planned to go to the podium to get a pen, but after seeing the woman's fate, they did not dare to act rashly.

The entire classroom suddenly fell into dead silence.

However, Li Yue could clearly hear everyone's heavy breathing.

"There are about a dozen or twenty pencils on the podium. If I guessed correctly, those should be prepared for us who are taking the exam. There is no doubt about it.

And when that woman went to get the pencil, the reason why she was killed by the evil ghost must have triggered the evil ghost's law."

Li Yue began to think about everything just now.

At this moment, the man sitting in the first row in the middle slowly stood up. He did not leave his seat, but directly reached for the pen on the podium.

Since his desk and the podium are not very far apart, when the man lies on the table and stretches out his arms with all his strength, he can actually reach the pen on the podium.

At this time, the man couldn't help but smile.

"Since I can't leave my seat, I won't leave. I can still get the pen now. I'm lucky because my seat happens to be not far from the podium."

The man thought proudly.

It's a pity that the man's triumph lasted only three seconds and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Then, the blood mist was also pulled by an invisible force, all falling on the man's desk, chair and test paper, dyeing the entire test paper blood red.

There is also some blood mist on his black and white photo.

Then his photos began to change, and the figures in the photos gradually became more vivid, and finally a ferocious smile appeared on the corners of the figure's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the figure in the photo disappeared, leaving only a blank photo, which was almost the same as the change in the previous photo of the woman.

Originally, everyone in the classroom was looking forward to the man's actions, but they didn't expect that just a few seconds later, the man would turn into a blood mist.

For a moment, everyone was even more afraid to act rashly, because they did not want to become a blood mist.

This chapter has been completed!
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