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Chapter 148 The end of the Chinese exam

 As the second person turned into blood mist, everyone in the classroom was completely silent.

Everyone knows that since it is an exam, there will definitely be a score. If you do well in the exam, it will be nothing, but if you do poorly in the exam, you may not end up well in this ghost school.

So everyone wants to answer the questions quickly and try to get a higher score.

But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, you must first have the tools to answer the questions. Now the tools are on the podium, but no one can get them, which is worrying for everyone.

After seeing the two people turn into blood mist, Li Yue had some ideas in his mind.

"Since the dormitory has house rules, the examination room naturally has the rules of the examination room.

The compiled house rules are so similar to those of ordinary schools, so will the rules of the examination room be similar to those of ordinary examination rooms?

If this assumption is true, then the deaths of the two people before can be explained. They were killed because they failed to comply with the rules of the examination room."

Li Yue's thoughts became clearer and clearer.

"But I can't make a final conclusion yet. I still need someone to verify my conjecture, but who should I choose?"

When Li Yue thought of this, his eyes began to wander around the classroom.

"It's you!"

In the end, Li Yue's eyes were locked on the man in the row in front of him.

"A bunch of idiots, don't they know that if something happens during the exam, they need to raise their hands first?"

Li Yue deliberately spoke in a low voice, so that his voice would not be too high and could be heard by the man in the front row.

Sure enough, just as Li Yue finished speaking, he saw the man in the front row suddenly stiffened, and then slowly relaxed.

But the man did not act immediately.

Li Yue was not anxious when he saw this, because he knew that the man was thinking about his words in his heart. Li Yue believed that in the end, this man would definitely do it.

Sure enough, not long after, the man slowly raised his right hand, but he hesitated a little in the process.

The man found that it had been more than ten seconds since he raised his right hand, and there was still no unexpected incident. He believed Li Yue's words even more.

Then he slowly stood up and left his seat, walking towards the podium step by step. At this time, his heart felt like the wind was rustling and the water was cold.

At the same time, other people in the classroom also saw the man walking towards the podium.

Just when everyone thought that he would soon turn into blood mist, the man successfully got the pencil from the podium and returned to his seat.

Everyone suddenly became excited, after all, this meant that the pen could be obtained.

The man who got the pencil at this time was also very excited, and he was very grateful to Li Yue. But now that time was running out, he immediately started answering the questions on the test paper.

When Li Yue saw the man successfully get the pencil, he thought for sure. He knew that his guess was right.

Then Li Yue decisively raised his right hand, left his seat and walked towards the podium. After successfully getting the pencil, he quickly returned to his seat.

Seeing that Li Yue also successfully got the pencil, everyone's confidence suddenly increased. One person can be said to be a coincidence, but it is definitely not a coincidence for both people to succeed.

Many people saw Li Yue's action of picking up the pen this time, and everyone knew the method.

Then from time to time someone in the classroom raised their hand and stood up to pick up a pen, and everything went smoothly.

Li Yue glanced at it twice and stopped paying attention.

At this time, he had already started to answer the questions, but he wanted to find out the person who gave the test paper and beat him up. What kind of nonsense is this?

1. Zhuangzi, the master of health preservation, said: "How can it be a big thing if you haven't even tasted the skill of "綮"?" The word "綮" is read as:

A. Qing Yi. Qi Bing. Fan Ding. Please.

2. Mencius said: "A gentleman has three kinds of happiness." Which of the following is not the same?

A. Obtain the world’s talents and educate them

B. Look up to the sky and be worthy of heaven, bow to others and not be ashamed

C. Both parents exist, but brothers have no reason

Ding.Wang Tianxia.

3. After the middle period of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, people liked to write strange sentences and rhyme with sinister rhymes, resulting in a deep and lonely style. The mainstream of literary thought is:

A. Public Security Faction B. Jingling Faction C. Yanghu Faction Ding. Tongcheng Faction.

4. Among the following opera novels, which one does not take Yang Guifei as its theme?

A. The Green Tomb B. The Palace of Eternal Life C. The Song of Everlasting Sorrow D. The Rain in the Indus.


These test questions are a bit overwhelming even for Li Yue, let alone others in the classroom. His extraordinary hearing allows Li Yue to hear other people's whispered curses from time to time.

Just when everyone was having a headache, Li Yue suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

Li Yue started to take out his mobile phone, and then concentrated all the power of ghosts to cover the phone. Through the power of ghosts, he opened a knowledge library that he had previously downloaded on his mobile phone.

During this process, he was on guard throughout the entire process, and once he found anything amiss, he would respond.

Li Yue waited for a long time and found that he was not attacked by supernatural powers, which made Li Yue feel relieved.

Then he directly searched for the answers to the test paper in the downloaded library.

At this time, Li Yue has decided to give this APP a five-star rating once he leaves here, because he has found almost all the answers in the offline library he downloaded.

It didn't take long for Li Yue to answer all the questions in the test paper.

At this time, everyone in the classroom is still working hard with a look of bitterness and hatred on their faces, but the final effect is unknown.

Li Yue saw Liu Yang and Chen's siblings also looking sad.

It seems that their way to answer the questions is not smooth either.

"Young people just don't like studying. They are stumped by such a simple test question. How can they be like me, who can answer the test easily!"

Li Yue couldn't help but say proudly, but he completely forgot about what he had just done by using the ghost domain and his mobile phone to cheat.

Although he was dissatisfied with the ignorance of these people, they were still his followers, so Li Yue still planned to help them.

But this time he did not use the ghost, but prepared to use the ability of thunder and lightning.

I saw Li Yue lightly stamping his feet on the ground, and three lightning bolts as thin as gossamers emerged from his feet. Under Li Yue's control, the three thunder threads swam directly towards Liu Yang and the Chen siblings.
Lei Si was very fast, but she had already penetrated the bodies of the three of them in the blink of an eye.

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The Chen siblings had no ability to resist Li Yue's thunder and lightning, so the control of their right hands was instantly taken over by Li Yue.

Then, with his right hand looking at the surprised eyes of the two, he quickly answered the questions on the test paper.

As for the lightning power that penetrated Liu Yang's body, it was an accident.

Because Liu Yang himself is a ghost controller who has controlled two powerful ghosts, the moment Li Yue's lightning entered his body, it caused a counterattack from his own supernatural power.

Fortunately, Liu Yang reacted in time. After noticing the thunder and lightning, he knew that this was Li Yue's power, and then began to restrain his own supernatural power and stopped attacking the thunder and lightning.

This is also because Li Yue used too little thunder and lightning, otherwise Liu Yang would not be a match for thunder and lightning with his strength.

Under Liu Yang's indulgence, Lei Dian directly took over his right hand, and then began to answer questions on the test paper.

When Liu Yang saw this, he immediately knew what Li Yue meant, and he felt even more grateful and admired for him.

As for the others, Liu Yang and the other three were not as lucky, and Li Yue was not going to help these strangers answer the questions.

There is still some time before the end of the exam, but Li Yue is a little idle. Since what he is doing is next to the window, he looks out through the window.

You can just see the small park behind the teaching building. Looking towards the small park from a high place, since the sky is already dark, the park is even darker, and the small park looks like it is shrouded in a layer of erratic fog.

Li Yue looked at it for a few times and lost interest. Just when he was about to withdraw his gaze, two figures suddenly flashed across the park.

Li Yue quickly looked again, only to find that the place was empty, with nothing there, as if the figure Li Yue had just seen was an illusion.

But Li Yue didn't think what he saw was an illusion.

"Are those two figures just now ghosts? How come their backs look familiar?"

Li Yue couldn't help but continue to look towards the small park. This time he carefully observed every corner, but after looking back and forth several times, there was still nothing.

"It seems that even the small park is not simple!"

Li Yue couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but after thinking about it, this was considered a normal phenomenon. After all, this is a ghost school.

After confirming that he would find nothing if he continued to look, Li Yue withdrew his gaze and looked at the people in the classroom again. He could clearly hear people sighing and cursing, and he could also see many people scratching their heads and ears.

But even so, he didn't see anyone looking at other people's test papers, and no one exchanged test questions with each other.

It seems that everyone already knows that they must abide by the corresponding regulations in the examination room, otherwise they may be the next ones to turn into blood mist.

Although they don't know what the rules of this examination room are, they are all smart and don't try their own way.

However, everyone's reaction made Li Yue a little strange. It is said that these people came from different places. After being involved in the supernatural incident, not only did they not cause confusion, but they all adapted quickly. This is not an easy thing.<


But Li Yue was just confused for a few seconds and stopped thinking about it.

Because the better the quality of these people, the greater their role in solving supernatural incidents. This is always better than bringing a group of people who only scream and make trouble.


Just when Li Yue was thinking wildly, suddenly three bells rang again in the campus.


At the same time, the classroom door suddenly opened.

Li Yue looked at the time and saw that it happened to be 12 noon. It seemed that the exam time was over.

When he remembered the bell this time, Li Yue did not look around, but stared at the test paper on the table.

But even if his realization did not leave the test paper for a second, the test paper disappeared in front of his eyes, as if it had never appeared.

Li Yue was a little disappointed. He thought he could find out something through the test paper, but he ended up feeling lonely.

I had no choice but to give up.

Just when he was about to get up and leave, the man in front of him suddenly turned around and said:

"Thank you for telling me how to safely remove the pen."

Li Yue didn't care about the other party's gratitude. Moreover, at that time, he had the idea of ​​using the other party to test the rules, and he didn't really want to help the other party.

"You're welcome, just take what you need."

After Li Yue finished speaking, he put away the pencil and then stood up to leave. However, when walking out of the classroom, he still looked around as usual.

Suddenly he discovered that there were no people in the photos on the desks.

Li Yue quickly checked all the photos in the classroom and found that a total of six photos on the desks were empty.

Li Yue began to recall in his mind that four of the six desks were unoccupied from the beginning, but the remaining two were occupied by the two people who started to lose their seats this time.

"Six dead people, six blank photos?" Li Yue whispered;

"What did you say, boss?"

Suddenly, Liu Yang's voice came to Li Yue's ears. It turned out that Liu Yang and the Chen siblings were waiting for Li Yue outside after leaving the classroom.

But after a while, Li Yue still didn't come out, so Liu Yang walked into the classroom to look for Li Yue.

Just when Liu Yang walked up to Li Yue, he heard Li Yue say something, but because Li Yue's voice was too low, Liu Yang didn't hear it clearly.

After Li Yue heard Liu Yang's words, he temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, then raised his head and glanced at Liu Yang.

"Nothing, let's get out of here first."

After saying that, he walked out of the classroom, leaving Liu Yang where he was. Liu Yang saw Li Yue leaving, scratched his hair, and followed him out of the classroom.

As Li Yue left the message, the classroom was now empty.


At this time, the classroom door slowly closed.

After Li Yue heard the sound of the door closing, he quickly walked to the classroom window and looked up into the classroom.

But what Li Yue saw was darkness. No matter how he looked, he couldn't see anything, just like the classrooms on the first floor of the teaching building before.

Li Yue tried to open the classroom door again, but it still had no effect at all. The door showed no intention of opening. After thinking about it, Li Yue gave up using supernatural power and continued trying.

After all, his experience in the dormitory building told him that there might be something behind these doors that cannot be opened. He hasn't fully figured out the details of the ghost school yet, so it's better not to act rashly.

This chapter has been completed!
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