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Chapter 1117: Creation of Life Stars, Creation of Life Galaxies, Creation of Life Star Fields

Liang Ji spent a lot of time 'refining the void' and repairing the 'New Green Sun' galaxy.

The Star Alliance's development of the last few galaxies in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' has gradually settled down. The remaining void demon clan, gods from the divine world who want to cause trouble, and spirits of spiritual elements, etc., have finally been conquered by the Star Alliance's development teams.

Suppress, drive away.

During this process, there were also some void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc., who noticed the changes in the 'New Green Sun' galaxy, and gathered here, wanting to launch an attack.

However, Liang Ji's first attempt to 'refining the void' and repairing the 'New Green Sun' galaxy was carried out step by step according to the teachings of the Star Alliance. While moving the stars, refining the void and repairing the galaxy, he also used these

The stars and stars are arranged in the "Star Map Array".

As many stars as he moves, refines the void, and repairs the area of ​​the galaxy, he completes the layout of as many "star map arrays" simultaneously.

Therefore, with his seventh-level 'Star Spirit Giant' body, coupled with the arranged 'Star Map Array', there are also seventh-level dependents summoned from the natal stars, seventh-level gods, and seventh-level elements.

The spirit 'dragon beast' and others are in charge.

The void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. who were defeated by the Star Alliance's pioneering teams and fled in embarrassment were naturally no match for him, and were all blocked from the 'New Green Sun' galaxy.

Some of the Void Monsters who were lingering nearby and unwilling to leave, after Liang Ji completed the Void Refining and rebuilt the 'New Green Sun' galaxy, they even used the 'Star Map Array' arranged in it to help them, and directly erupted into a huge round.

An area-wide attack will kill all the enemies lingering in the surrounding void and unwilling to leave, and capture them.

Liang Ji looked at the 'New Green Sun' galaxy that he had repaired through physical training, and carefully checked the stars and the movement of each star. He made sure that there were no problems, and he couldn't help but show satisfaction on his face.

Then, he came to a star in the 'New Green Sun' galaxy.

According to its position in the galaxy, this star should be a star of life that shines under the "new green sun" and is created by creation.

This star is not the life star originally born in the 'Green Sun' galaxy. Nearly half of the original life star has been destroyed in the eighth-level war, and the life on it has long been extinct.

Liang Ji didn't even use the original life star that was destroyed and extinct to shape this new life star. Instead, he found a star with the right size and the right elements from the surrounding void and the galaxy, and moved it to

Come here, place it in this suitable space and location, and let the 'new green sun' shine, nurture, and create creation.

Let’s try to see if we can breed new life stars in this ‘New Green Sun’ galaxy.

Only by successfully cultivating life stars can we say that the 'New Green Sun' galaxy that Liang Ji refined and rebuilt was truly successful.

Even further, if he can successfully cultivate new life stars, it will undoubtedly prove the success of Liang Ji's methods. If he is a 'Dragon Ball', he can go one step further and twist other primitive stars into similar 'New Green Suns'.

, 'New Qingyang', 'New Jinyang' and other vitality-creating stars.

Then, he might not be able to create life galaxies and cultivate life stars in the cosmic sea of ​​​​stars like this ninth-level celestial demon in the future!

Such a method is very close to the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation", which is the method used to create the Star Lord's natal stars.

If the Star Alliance masters such a method, it will not only be able to create creations in the sea of ​​stars in the universe, occupy more life star fields, and greatly enhance the power of the "Celestial Star Array" and the Star Alliance.

It can even greatly lower the threshold for 'Star Lord' practice, allowing more Star Lord monks to be born in the Star Alliance.

This was also the time when Immortal Lord Tian He wanted to use a huge star to swallow the "Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon" at the "Central Black Hole" to create a thirty-six-color star core, and even to improve it step by step in the future.

One of the important reasons for the qualitative change to eighteen colors, nine colors, and even one color.

Not only to prevent the third "tide of the power of the sky demon" from erupting, but also to research and master the creation power of the sky demon.

So that in the future, the Star Alliance can create life stars, life galaxies, and even life star fields in the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe!

Liang Ji is now refining the void and repairing the 'New Green Sun' galaxy, which can be regarded as an attempt and a half to create life stars and life galaxies in this way.

The reason why it is said to be a 'half-attempt' rather than a complete attempt is that this 'New Green Sun' was only repaired by him and not created by his own efforts.

If he wants to create a "New Green Sun" by himself, his current nine-color "Dragon Ball" creation light is not enough. Maybe it will be possible to go one step further and merge the nine colors into one color.

At that time, the power and power of creation of the "Dragon Ball" light of creation may reach the level of the real "light of creation" of the universe in the sea of ​​stars in the universe, creating stars, stars of life, and even galaxies of life, etc.!

In the void above the stars, Liang Ji was running the 'Star Spirit Eye', observing the stars below.

Although it is located in the position of the life star in the 'New Green Sun' galaxy, Liang Ji cannot guarantee whether this star can contain innate energy and give birth to life. This will require more time to test.


This may take more than ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years, unless Liang Ji upgrades the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' again, which can enhance the vitality of creation of the 'New Green Sun', and perhaps speed up the life star.

The nurturing and growth.

Therefore, after Liang Ji observed the development process of this life star, he had no intention of staying here for a long time.

Open the 'Star Gate', summon a group of dependents, and leave behind a few imperial gods and gods. They control the 'Star Chart Array' here and are responsible for observing and recording the changes in the 'New Green Sun' galaxy and the nurturing of life stars.

, the change process is enough.

These data may be of great use to Liang Ji's future research on refining natal stars and galaxies, as well as creating other life stars and life galaxies.

But it's not worth spending too much time observing and wasting it here. Just leave it to these immortals and their dependents.

The first and biggest advantage of the Star Lord monks is these subordinates, the dependents.

From the 'New Green Sun' galaxy to the 'Chengyang' galaxy, Liang Jigang learned about the development and management of the 'Chengyang' galaxy and the 'Golden Sun' galaxy by Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others.

Without much rest, I received another call-up order from the frontline headquarters.

Recruit him to go to the 'Central Black Hole' in the middle area of ​​the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' again.

Now, the Star Alliance development team has captured all the galaxies and void areas in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', leaving only the last 'central black hole' that has not yet been captured.

Now it is natural to launch a final general attack on this 'central black hole'.

This chapter has been completed!
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