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Chapter One Hundred and Eighty An Unacceptable Start

The swarm of void whale monsters swept by the black river soon arrived at the Broken Star Belt where Liang Ji and others were.

However, under the impact of the big waves and the impact of the whale monster, stars in the broken star belt were constantly being cracked and smashed, and then the waves would sweep these broken stars and the original starlight energy into the river.

The void whale monsters swimming in the black river chased and devoured these shattered stars and the starlight energy that exploded within them.

Liang Ji looked at it with slightly bright eyes. He saw the stalker star masters who were chasing after the void whale monsters in the black river. Not only were they hunting the void whale monsters, they were also fighting for and harvesting them.

The starlight energy that shattered the stars.

These starlight energies can all be exchanged for meritorious deeds.

And now is the time when he lacks merit.

"It's coming! It's coming! The void whale monster group is coming..." Zhao Peng said loudly at this time: "Everyone is in place, let us tear off a large piece of meat."

"Song Yu, the target is thirty heads this time!"

"Okay!" Song Yu responded with a loud voice. At the same time, his Juan tribe also made arrangements on the hunting stars, took out a magic weapon like a orb with starlight flowing in it, and placed it among the carved runes.

Then, the runes were activated, and the spiritual light disappeared into the starlight orb. The next moment, bright starlight burst out from it and shot into the void.

In the black river that swept forward, there was a flying void whale monster that was attracted by the burst of starlight and rushed towards the battlefield and trap laid out by Song Yu and others.

Not just here, Liang Ji saw that in this broken star belt, there were more than a dozen other places with similar starlight rising into the sky, attracting the void whale monster.

"This is bait fishing."

Liang Ji has understood the methods and procedures used by these whale hunting teams to hunt the void whale monster.

The starlight orb is obviously a specially made magic weapon. It may indeed contain a trace of starlight energy, but it is definitely not as bright and eye-catching as the explosion. It is a bait amplified by runes, specially designed to attract the void whale monster into the trap.

In the hunting grounds.

"Ten heads! Twenty heads! Thirty heads...Okay! That's enough!"

"Classmate Liang, it's time for your Juan clan to take action. Stop the other whale monsters and seal these thirty!"

Zhao Peng shouted loudly.

At the same time, the bright starlight that erupted in the hunting ground was instantly extinguished, causing more than thirty void whale monsters that rushed into it to become chaotic.

In the black river, there were also some void whale monsters that were also attracted by the bright starlight and were about to rush towards them, but they also suddenly lost their direction.

Yin! Yin! Yin...

At this time, the wind roared like a dragon's roar.

Liang Ji's Wind-Making Clan took action, activated the bloodline magical power of 'Wind Breathing', and cast the 'Wind Control Technique' spell, sweeping through countless wind knives. The wind blade slashed down, immediately killing those who had lost their way and wanted to move toward the stars.

Stop the void whale monster that breaks through and kill it.

The void whale monsters that were attacked suddenly became more and more confused. They stirred the waves of the black river, raised their giant tails, and wanted to attack the attackers.

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However, Liang Ji's Chao Fengjuan clan moved against the wind at a very fast speed. In addition, they carried out long-distance attacks at high altitudes and far away. It was impossible for these attacked Void Whale Monsters to counterattack them.

In addition, the bright starlight used as bait in front has dissipated, and the Void Whale Demon that was attacked quickly swam back to the black river and the Void Whale Demon Group after launching a chaotic counterattack.

"Okay!" Zhao Peng shouted: "Quick! Surround! Surround! Surround these prey..."

Yu Henghai, the brothers and sisters of the Wei family, and the Juan clan of Song Yu all started to cooperate with each other at this time. They formed an array in four directions, blocked it, and surrounded more than thirty void whale monsters that had fallen into the trap in the hunting grounds. .

At this time, Zhao Peng's Qingpeng Juan Clan team also flew over the battlefield, blocking the sky to prevent these void whale monsters from escaping from the air.

"Attack! Focus fire attack! Kill the biggest one first..."

Zhao Peng commanded the battlefield, and the five Juan tribes also cooperated with each other and attacked a void whale monster nearly a hundred feet in size in the hunting ground.

The Qingpengjuan tribe also uses the wind control technique, using a magical weapon that looks like blue feathers. It blends into the wind, sweeps the wind blades and stabs them down, forming a continuous sheet, and the power is not small.

The whale people Juan Clan in Henghai set off a surging black wave, and the "whale hunting harpoon" magical weapon specially used for hunting whales came out with the turbulent black wave.

The golden-scaled whale people of Wei Hai smashed out huge golden hammers, as if they were hills made of fine gold.

Wei Xue's silver-scaled whale human scroll tribe used the power of ice to freeze towards the void whale monster that was nearly a hundred feet in size. Among them was a magical weapon that looked like an ice knife. He swims like a fish in his power, constantly attacking and attacking.

Finally, Song Yu's blue-scaled murloc tribe manifested runes one after another, setting off a big blue wave. They also used a blue 'whale hunting harpoon' to attack the void whale monster with the big blue wave. .

The attacks of the four-man Tribe usually had a tacit understanding, and they were carried out one after another, including blocking, suppression, control, and concentrated fire bombardment.

The Void Whale Demon, which was nearly a hundred feet in size and had reached the late second level, was also killed on the spot by their concentrated fire.

However, the next moment, the remaining thirty or so Void Whale Demons surrounding the hunting grounds were frightened and started to attack in all directions and in the sky in a chaotic and powerful attack.

Immediately, the five-man Tribe team that had sealed off the four sides and the sky suffered a huge impact. They began to find it difficult to resist and suppress. The casualties increased rapidly. The hunting ground that surrounded them suddenly became in danger and was about to be broken through.

Every time Zhao Peng, Yu Henghai and others hunted void whale monsters before, they basically only attracted about twenty of them into the hunting ground. This matched the combat power of their Juan clan, so they could suppress, kill, and hunt them. Maximum gain and minimum damage.

But this time, because of the addition of the Liang Jijuan clan, Zhao Peng directly increased the number of void whale monsters he hunted from about twenty to more than thirty, an increase of more than ten.

This suddenly exceeded the limit that the five-man Juan clan team could block and withstand. Under the impact of more than thirty void whale monsters, the defense lines in the four directions and in the sky were immediately in danger.

"Classmate Liang, hurry up! Your Juan clan is coming up quickly!"

Zhao Peng quickly raised his voice and shouted.

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately sent his subordinates, the Juan clan, to rush to all sides of the hunting ground to support the five people.

‘Hu Feng’ from the Mocking Wind Juan Clan rushed forward, joined Zhao Peng’s Qing Peng Juan Clan, and blocked the sky.

The Chi-kissed Juan Tribe 'calls for rain' and joins the Whale-Man Tribe across the sea, causing huge waves to surge into the sky.

The Jiao Tujuan tribe also used the power of ice and joined Wei Xue's Silver Scale Whale Human Juan tribe's defense team.

Among the ranks of Wei Hai's Golden Scale Whale Man Juan Tribe, the Yajuan Tribe rushed forward.

Song Yu's team of blue-scaled murlocs, the Juan Tribe, was hit to the point of danger, and Liang Ji's Baxia Juan Tribe blocked them in time, holding high the 'Thousand Mountain Shield'.

Soon, the dangerous defense line was re-stabilized, the chaotic battlefield was re-suppressed, and the attacking Void Whale Monster was pushed back into the hunting ground.

But it can still be seen that Liang Ji and the five members of the whale hunting team did not have much tacit understanding at the beginning of their first cooperative hunting.

This chapter has been completed!
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