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Chapter 183 Battle of the Stalkers

In the great black wave rolled up by the void whale demon swarm, Liang Ji quickly made arrangements for his clan and adjusted his tactics.

Then, like a pack of wolves, they start looking for their first prey.

In the black waves in the distance, there are also several stalker star masters. Their Juan tribe is hunting and fighting among the whale monsters.

These people also saw Liang Ji leading the Juan clan rushing in, but they had no intention of coming forward to say hello yet.

There were even bets on how long Liang Ji and the Juan tribe could last among the void whale monsters.

In the process of hunting the Void Whale Demon, they often saw some Star Lords rushing in with the Juan clan, wanting to join the ranks of the hunters.

But in the end, only a few were actually hunted, and more were crushed by the Void Whale Demon Group, causing heavy casualties to the Juan clan, and the Star Master could only leave in embarrassment.

Therefore, for these stalker star masters, they still have to wait and see whether the star masters and Juan clan who rushed in this time can stand firm in the battlefield of the void whale monster group and hunt down

Void whale monster.

Only when you succeed can you gain their recognition and integrate into the hunter group.

Liang Ji ignored these people. His Juan tribe had already selected a target, which was a whale monster over sixty feet in size that landed on the periphery of the void group of whale monsters.

During the first hunt, Liang Ji's Juan tribe was very careful and cautious, and the targets they chose were as small and weak as possible.

Yin! Yin! Yin...

It was still the Moofengjuan clan who took the lead in attacking from the air.

However, different from the previous tactics, at the same time that the Chao Feng Juan Clan launched an attack, in the black waves below, the Chi Kiss Clan also launched an attack at the same time.

The 20,000 Chao Feng Juan Clan and the 20,000 Chi Kiss Juan Clan activated their bloodline magical powers of 'Call the Wind' and 'Call the Rain' respectively, raising their combat power to the limit.

The strong wind and heavy rain swept from the sky toward the selected void whale monster that was more than 60 feet tall.

Boom! Bang! Bang...

At this time, the black waves rolling around suddenly rose up, roaring into the air towards the attacking Chao Feng Juan Clan, and photographed the Chi Kiss Clan rushing towards them.

At this time, it is simply difficult for the Chikisi Juan Tribe to fight for control of these stormy waves. It is even more difficult to suppress them. All they can do is to use their bloodline magical power 'Calling Rain' with all their strength, and use water-bending spells to guide them.

, twisting the direction of the impact of these huge waves, so that they can avoid the Wind-Mocking Clan and the direction of their own impact as much as possible.

Moreover, the Jiaotu Juan clan also activated the power of ice at this time, using all their strength to freeze those waves and the surrounding water waves to prevent their impact and sweeping.

But even so, in the "Black River Domain" of the Void Whale Demon Group, the power of the waves stirred up by the Void Whale Demon can often be increased several times or ten times, and there are still some big waves that break through the twisted guidance of the Chikisi Juan Clan.

The Jiaotujuan clan's ice blockade bombarded the Xiaofengjuan clan and the Chikishujuan clan.

It caused many Moo Fengjuan clan members and the Chikishujuan clan suffered heavy losses.

Despite this, the two Juan clan teams of Chaofeng and Chiki cooperated with each other to launch an attack, and the effect was still very successful.

The void whale demon, which was more than sixty feet in size, was directly torn from the group of void demon whale demons in the attack of the violent wind and rain.

Behind them, the half-dragon Juan clan, the Baxiajuan clan, and the Jiajuan clan, who had been preparing for a long time, all used their bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' to rush forward.

The half-dragon human scroll clan held the 'Giant Spirit Hammer' high and struck it down. The black and yellow light flickering on it, the power of breaking magic, hit the place where it struck, and the black waves that swept up around the void whale monster guarded the body.

The black water film was blown away.

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Those black waves and water films, under the bombardment of the giant hammer and the force of breaking the law, lost their spirituality and control, as if they were dead, and even broke away from the black waves sweeping the river and fell into

In the endless void.

The inheritance of Kunlun Star Palace’s ‘Jade Lineage’ and the law-breaking power of ‘Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade’, as the Half-Dragon Tribe gradually grew up, their power and effect became more and more powerful.

Immediately afterwards, the Yajujuan tribe rushed forward, forming a formation of 'Mo Dao' and 'Geng Jin Dao Qi'. They all slashed down, breaking through the defenses of the Void Whale Demon's scales, skin, and flesh, and seriously injuring it.


Then, the Baxiajuan clan used the bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and 'Danshan' at the same time, holding up the magical weapon 'Thousand Mountain Shield' to blend with the mountain shadow, turning into a mountain to suppress the attack, and launched the final killing blow.

In one round of combos, he successfully killed the selected target, a void whale demon that was more than 60 feet tall.

However, the hunt is not over yet.

The attack and hunting by the Liang Jijuan clan also alarmed the group of void whale monsters. There were dozens of void whale monsters in the surrounding area. They stirred up huge waves and rushed towards Liang Ji's Juan clan.

After tearing out the more than sixty-foot-foot-long void whale monster, the Chaofeng Juan Clan, the Chikiss Juan Clan, and the Jiaotu Juan Clan did not participate in the subsequent attacks. On the one hand, they were not needed.

The clan team can take it down; on the other hand, they are also trying their best to resist the impact of the waves set off by the dozens of alarmed void whale monsters.

The violent winds swept by 'Call the Wind' and 'Call the Rain', the impact of heavy rain, the guidance and distortion of water-bending skills, the freezing and blocking of ice-bending skills, the three Juan clan teams tried their best to resist, but in this 'Black River Domain'

Among them, the turbulent waves caused by more than a dozen Void Whale Monsters still broke through their obstacles and rushed step by step towards the battlefield where the sixty-foot-foot whale monster was hunted.

Even among the three Juan clan teams responsible for blocking, some were hit by huge waves from time to time and suffered heavy losses.

Lining up at the back of the battlefield, the Prison Niujuan tribe, which received the most and best protection, had already used the magical power of the bloodline of 'Rejuvenation' to the extreme. The green light rain for healing and life-saving was constantly sprinkled on the mocking wind, Chi Kiss,

Among the Jiao Tujuan tribe's team, these Juan tribe members who were constantly being attacked and severely injured had just been rescued.

Until this time, the half-dragon, Ba Xia and other melee Juan tribesmen killed the torn void whale monster with one round of attacks. The half-dragon Juan tribe and the Ba Xia Juan tribe did not stop at all, and immediately rushed to support Chaofeng.

Chi Kiss, the defense of the Jiao Tujuan tribe.

The half-dragon's giant hammer carried huge power and blasted down the law-breaking force, continuously blasting away the oncoming stormy waves; the Baxiajuan clan held high the 'Thousand Mountain Shield' and blended it with the mountain shadow, turning into a mountain to suppress it, resisting in front, blocking

The impact of the stormy waves.

The Yajujuan clan was left behind, quickly cleaned up the battlefield, divided the materials on the Void Whale Demon, and then withdrew from the battlefield with the loot.

The dozen or so alarmed Void Whale Demons were also swept forward by the Void Whale Demon Group at this time, with no intention of turning back to pursue the Liang Jijuan Clan.

The entire whale hunting battle was fast and fierce.

Although there was no demon elixir released on the more than sixty-foot-long Void Whale Demon, the victory in the first battle undoubtedly proved the Juan clan's combat power and proved that they could survive in this black wave river and this Void Demon Whale Demon Group.

Stand still, fight, and hunt the void whale demon.

It proves that Liang Ji is good enough to be a hunter among the whale monsters in the void.

This chapter has been completed!
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