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Chapter 205: Broken City

In the Chishan Star Blessed Land, there is a city built around a volcano.

Liang Ji sent an army of Juan tribesmen to surround the volcanic city. Among them were the indigenous alien tribes that Xin Ziyu requested to slaughter.

A kind of alien race of tauren with red horns and fur as red as fire.

At this time, it seemed that a large army was surrounding the city, and the alien tauren in the city were holding a grand sacrificial ceremony.

However, Liang Ji saw that the object of sacrifice by these tauren aliens was not the Emperor of Heaven or the Divine Lord, but the volcano surrounding the city.

"Indigenous rebels?"

"Is it because the Red Flame God Lord has never been able to truly refine and master this 'Chishan Star'?"

"It has been nearly ten thousand years since the Manggu Star Territory was established. It has not been refined for ten thousand years. Do you understand it?"

"Or is it that ten thousand years is too long and something went wrong with the Red Flame God Lord?"

After all, Shinto monks, even third-grade Golden Immortals, usually only have a life span of three thousand years.

Even if the other party refines the 'Chishan Star' into a blessed land and has the original essence of the Chishan Star Avenue, can it persist for ten thousand years?

Liang Ji was not sure. He raised his head and looked at the sky of "Chishan Star".

Boom! Boom! Boom…

At this time, there was a roar and the earth shook.

Then they saw the volcano surrounding the city erupting under the sacrifices of the indigenous foreigners. Large areas of earth fire erupted from the volcano, turning into fire clouds and covering the mountain peaks, but did not fall down.


The alien tribe of red-horned tauren who participated in the sacrifice opened their mouths one after another and sucked in the fire clouds that shrouded the sky. Wisps of earth fire were swallowed by them, and flames burned around them.

"Swallowing fire and spitting flames!"

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this, and he no longer struggled with the issue of the blessed land of 'Chishan Star'. His goal had always been clear, which was the bloodline magical power 'Burning Flame'.

Now that he saw that these indigenous aliens did possess the power of 'swallowing fire and breathing flames', he naturally did not hesitate any longer.

After giving the order, the Juan clan team immediately launched an attack on the city.

Although Xin Ziyu had promised him that the tauren aliens in this city were only at the second level in strength, and they could master the power of 'swallowing fire and breathing flames', it was just a bloodline passed down from their ancestors, and they could not exert their true power.

The power of fourth-level magical powers.

However, to be on the safe side, Liang Ji sent out almost all the second-level Juan clan troops.

The Chao Fengjuan clan flew in the air, activated the bloodline magical power of 'breathing the wind', and set off endless strong winds that blew towards the city and the fire clouds covering the volcano.

The Chikishujuan clan, on the other hand, activated their bloodline magical power of 'calling rain', causing a majestic heavy rain. Combined with the magical power of 'calling wind', it turned into a violent storm and poured onto the fire clouds above the volcano.

This fire cloud must be blown away, extinguished, and the possibility of those tauren aliens devouring the flames, erupting their bloodline magical powers, and increasing their combat power be eliminated.

Under the violent storm, on the sacrificial platform in front of the volcano, the native Tauren priests led the tribesmen to keep shouting and kowtow to the volcano.

There are even tauren aliens who directly mutilate themselves, commit suicide, and offer themselves as sacrifices.

The language and characters spoken by these tauren natives are not the runic language and characters commonly used in the Star Alliance, but their own indigenous languages ​​and characters.

It can be seen that the Red Flame God has refined this "Chishan Star" into a blessed land for at least thousands of years, but he has always implemented a blockade policy against the indigenous aliens in the "Chishan Star" and has not allowed them to come into contact with the Star Alliance.

culture, civilization.

However, although Liang Ji could not understand the language of these indigenous aliens, he knew their purpose by looking at their actions.

And as these indigenous tauren worshiped more and more fervently, and even committed suicide and self-mutilation, the volcano shook more and more violently, roared and exploded, and the earth fire that erupted from it became more turbulent, blazing, and huge.


It even broke away from the violent storm that swept through the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

At this time, the half-dragon Juan clan and the Baxiajuan clan also launched an attack.

The roaring sound was the sound and movement of their attack.

The Baxiajuan clan activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and 'Danshan', and raised the shield of 'Thousand Mountain Shield' high, and the shadow of the mountain appeared on it. The two combined like a real mountain, which was continuously bombarded by the Baxiajuan clan.


They blasted towards the earth and towards the city.

The earth shook and cracked under their bombardment, and even shook the volcanoes surrounding the city, causing landslides and cracks in the ground, which slightly suppressed the earthly fire that erupted.

The half-dragon Juan clan also activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', holding the 'Giant Spirit Hammer' high, and blasted towards the city with the force of shattering the ground and breaking the sky.

On the indigenous city, there are many volcanoes, flames, fire bulls and other relief phenomena carved on it. These are similar to runes and restrictions, and contain the power of fire. They not only protect the city, but also cooperate with the Tauren indigenous people in the city to attack Liang Ji.

The Juan clan launched an attack.

However, under the bombardment of the giant hammer of the Half-Dragon Tribe, the black and yellow light and the power of breaking the law caused these flames to wither and explode, and the power of the flames to guard and attack were all blown away.

The flames were blasted away, the red light was blasted, the reliefs were blasted to pieces, and the city walls were blasted apart.

The Jiao Tu Juan tribe and the Suan Ni Juan tribe also took the opportunity to launch an attack. The ice and flames collided with the indigenous city, collided, exploded, and rapidly expanded the cracks in the city that were blasted open.

Then, without waiting for them to launch the next round of attacks, the Juan tribe's "mountain giant shield" came down from the town, and the half-dragon Juan tribe launched another round of giant hammers that cracked the ground and shattered the sky.

Amidst the roaring and shaking, the city wall built by the red-horned tauren natives had been blasted through.


The leader of the warriors, Chi 49th, gave an order, and the half-dragon Juan clan, Baxiajuan clan, Yajujuan clan, Pulaojuan clan, Suanyijuan clan, Bifanjuan clan, etc. all rushed into the city.

The giant hammer blasted into the sky, the mountain shield suppressed the ground, the sword energy swept like a tide, poisonous insects filled the poisonous mist, ice and fire collided, and thunder roared loudly!

The Prisoner Niujuan Tribe followed closely behind, constantly activating the power of the 'rejuvenation' bloodline magical power, sprinkling green light rain to heal the injuries of the warriors of each Bloodline Tribe.

Liang Ji's Juan clan started a massacre in the indigenous city, heading towards the volcanic area in the center of the city.

Moo! Roar...

At this time, the red-horned tauren indigenous warriors surrounding the volcano, participating in sacrifices and breathing earth fire, roared and roared, spitting out flames, turned into a sea of ​​fire and charged towards Liang Ji's Juan tribe.

Storms of wind, flames and ice, thunder and sword energy, waves of poisonous insects, landslides and cracks collided with the sea of ​​fire set off by the natives, and the battle instantly became fierce.

Boom! Boom! Boom…

At the same time, behind the killing native tauren, the tauren priests were still kowtowing and offering sacrifices to the volcano. The roaring in the volcano became louder and louder, and the vibrations became stronger and stronger.

It seemed like something was about to burst out of it.

This chapter has been completed!
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