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Chapter 208: The position of the natal stars

Liang Ji raised his head and looked at the disappearing light network and precious mirror in the sky, and he understood something in his heart.

This is probably one of the differences between the Earth Immortal Blessed Land and the Star Lord's natal star.

The Star Lord's natal star only needs to guard against possible invasion from the outside; but the Earth Immortal Blessed Land not only needs to defend from the outside, but also suppresses the inside.

If the Earth Immortal wants to merge with the Tao through the "blessed land" and then pursue the possibility of transcendence, he must undoubtedly completely suppress and control the inside.

"Perhaps this is the reason why the Earth Immortal Path has been derived for more than 10,000 years, and has even been practiced for nearly 10,000 years, but we have never heard of a successful person?"

"Or, at least one of the main reasons!"

If Liang Ji realized something in his heart, he did not stay in the blessed land of "Chishan Star" for a long time, and left "Chishan Star" with the broken spiritual seed that was "spitting flames".

Outside the 'Chishan Star', on the starship of the Bian family's 'Yujing Tower', Xin Ziyu used the land to host a banquet for Liang Ji. All the spiritual materials produced in the 'Chishan Star' were used, although it was not as good as the main star nine.

The top spiritual materials generated by the first-level spiritual veins are also specialties of the original spiritual vein stars, and are much better than the 'secondary spiritual materials' on the star master's natal stars.

The guests and hosts were enjoying themselves at the banquet, but neither Liang Ji nor Xin Ziyu said anything about what happened in "Chishan Star".

Instead, he asked the other party about the other "Earth Immortal Blessed Lands" in the Manggu Star Territory, and asked if there was a situation similar to the "Red Horned Tauren", and other broken bloodline magical spiritual species could be obtained?

Xin Ziyu said that he had never heard of it, but he could help him inquire about it later.

When the banquet was over and Liang Ji left with the starship of the "Yu Jing Tower", Xin Ziyu also gave him a "Red Horn Tauren" bloodline seed as a gift.

Liang Ji did not refuse. To him, this kind of indigenous bloodline seed was no longer a rarity. Although he could not use it himself, it would still be considered good whether he would give it away to others in the future or sell it in the Star Palace.


Standing on the starship of the 'Yujing Tower', heading towards Manggu City.

Liang Ji looked at the vast and endless 'Manggu Starfield' around him, and suddenly thought of something.

Which star field of the Star Alliance is his natal star in?

Because the Half-Dragon Tribe is still at a low level and has limited strength, it cannot use its own strength to break out of the natal stars and check the surrounding star environment; moreover, there are also 'Sun, Moon and Stars' created by the 'Celestial Star Array'

'Blocking and protecting, the Star Alliance has no intention of announcing the position of their natal stars.

Liang Ji still doesn't even know which star field of the Star Alliance his natal star is in.

However, you can do some reasoning.

Within the Star Alliance, for countless years, awakening ceremonies have been carried out for countless students every year. Every year, millions of students have successfully refined their natal stars and awakened as star masters.

After accumulating like this, among the Star Alliance's thirty-three star regions, the positions in those long-established star regions have probably been consumed long ago.

There is a high probability that the natal stars he refined are in the ‘Manggu Star Territory’ that was opened less than ten thousand years ago!

"It's just that the environment in this Manggu Star Territory doesn't look very good!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but mutter to himself.

This can be regarded as the birthplace of the Road to the Earth Immortal. There are a large number of monks from various Taoist traditions gathered in Manggu City. It seems to be more energetic, but it undoubtedly makes the situation and relationships more complicated.

In particular, the members of evil organizations wanted by the Star Alliance such as the Temple of the Ten Thousand Demons, the Pantheon, and the Pantheon are basically developed among monks from various Taoist traditions.

The Manggu Star Territory has gathered a large number of monks from various sects, and it is undoubtedly the best breeding ground for the development and growth of these evil organizations.

This undoubtedly makes the environment of the Manggu Star Territory more complex and dangerous.

Liang Ji couldn't help but think of the attacks and sabotage actions by the 'Pantheon' that he had seen before in the Serpentine City of the Serpentis Star. Although it did not cause much damage or destruction.

But what if such an action is expanded a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times?

Will it cause greater damage, harm, and stir up chaos?

Moreover, the biggest instability factor in the Manggu Star Territory is not necessarily the cultivators of various sects and evil organizations.

Recalling his brief experience in the blessed land of 'Chishan Star', Liang Ji felt that the biggest unstable factor in the Manggu Star Territory was the Earth Immortals and the Earth Immortal Blessed Land.

It has been nearly 10,000 years since the Manggu Star Territory was established, and the Earth Immortals who have been refining the Blessed Land have been there for at least several thousand years, or nearly 10,000 years.

The lifespan of a monk is limited, and even a first-grade heavenly immortal only has a lifespan of ten thousand years. Those earthly immortals who refine the blessed land, even if they have the origin of the blessed land to nourish themselves, are probably close to their limit now.

But so far, I have not heard of any Earth Immortal who has successfully transcended and practiced the path of Earth Immortal.

These undoubtedly make the Earth Immortals and Earth Immortal Blessed Lands in the Manggu Star Territory become bombs that may explode at any time.

Once the Earth Immortal and the Earth Immortal Blessed Land lose control, the impact and chaos caused to the entire Manggu Star Territory will undoubtedly be huge and incalculable.

It is far more unstable than other factors.

Liang Ji thought that his natal star was probably in such an environment, and he naturally became more and more uneasy.

"It seems that we still need to improve the natal stars as soon as possible and develop the Juan clan. At least let the Juan clan have enough power and strength to protect the natal stars."

Otherwise, the city destruction and killing he carried out in the blessed land of 'Chishan Star' may not be the future of his natal star and the Juan clan.

Liang Ji didn't want to see the day when he would actually use the star technique 'Breaking Star Strike'.

Thoughts were floating in his mind, and the Chishan star had disappeared in the distance. Liang Ji suppressed his thoughts and returned to his residence in the starship cabin.

Take out the broken 'Tuyan' bloodline psychic seed, check it again, and then send it to the natal star through the 'Star Dictionary'.


The dragon soul wrapped around the stars raised its head and roared, swallowed the falling 'meteor', refined it once, and then refined it into the Suannijuan clan of its own star.

Liang Ji looked at the dragon soul wrapped around his natal star, and wondered if this dragon soul could protect his natal star if a crisis really happened.

A few days later, the 'Yujing Tower' starship returned to Manggu City. Liang Ji once again looked at the bustling and active atmosphere in Manggu City, but it was no longer as relaxed as before.

He gave ten strands of 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' to Manager Cheng who had been accompanying him all this time as a token of his gratitude. Although he should mainly thank Senior Sister Bian this time, she had been with him all the way, contacted him, and arranged everything. Naturally, Liang Ji also needed to do something.


If you want to give a spirit stone as a gift, as the manager of the 'Yu Jing Tower' group, the other party's cultivation level is not low, so he may not be interested in it; the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' that can be exchanged for meritorious deeds is more suitable.

Sure enough, Manager Cheng looked at the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' presented by Liang Ji, and accepted it after a slight hesitation, and repeatedly said: Liang Ji can come to him when he comes to Manggu Star Territory in the future, he can help solve most things.


Liang Ji smiled to express his gratitude and added a spiritual message to the other party.

Looking at the Manggu City and Manggu Star Territory in front of him, if it is as he inferred that his natal star position is really in the Manggu Star Territory, then he will definitely come here again in the future, and he will come here very frequently.


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