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Chapter 339 Riot

To the north of Silver Wolf City, there is Silver Wolf Lake. The water in the lake turns silver under the light of the sun and moon, as if thousands of silver scales are surging at the bottom of the lake. It is very beautiful and can be regarded as a very famous scenic spot on Sirius.

The target of Liang Ji's mission is in Silver Wolf Lake.

When he arrived at Silver Wolf City, he had already read the information sent to him by Captain Yang Yun and fully understood the purpose of his trip.

Following clues from the Star Alliance security department and investigation by informants, it has now been basically confirmed that there should be a stronghold of the 'Pantheon' hidden at the bottom of Silver Wolf Lake, where many slaves of the evil gods are hiding.

Liang Ji's goal is to clear out this stronghold.

Following Captain Yang Yun's instructions, he did not act rashly after arriving at Silver Wolf City. Instead, he went to the Silver Wolf City government, presented documents from the Covenant security department, and asked the local government to coordinate operations.

On major stars like Sirius, governments at all levels still attach great importance to the documents of the Covenant security department.

After seeing the documents and listening to Liang Ji's explanation of the situation, the local government immediately deployed manpower to surround Yinlang Lake, activated formations, banned and blocked Yinlang Lake, and made full preparations.

However, the 'Pantheon' has been operating a base here for many years, and it is obviously well prepared.

Just when the local government activated the formation to ban and blockade Silver Wolf Lake, an accident occurred.

Amidst the roaring thunder, the formations and restrictions activated around the lake suddenly lost control. The formations and restrictions that were supposed to block the lake either failed or reversed, and instead launched various attacks on the surrounding areas.

So much so that the local government personnel who went to activate the formations and restrictions were attacked by the formations and restrictions, killing and injuring several people on the spot.

As for the plan to block Silver Wolf Lake with formations, it was naturally shattered in an instant.

The 'Pantheon' has been operating here for many years, and has already controlled the formations around Silver Wolf Lake, prohibiting counterattacks.

Seeing this, all the officials from the Silver Wolf City Government suddenly became angry.

For formations and restrictions like this, the local government has dedicated personnel to inspect and maintain them every year. However, no problems have been found for so many years, which shows that there are problems.

The local government has probably been eroded by the ‘Pantheon’ and has penetrated deeply.

After this incident is over, there must be a thorough internal investigation.

However, it is too late to say this now, we still need to solve the problem first.

The mayor of the local city government and the speaker of the House of Lords personally came forward to activate the Silver Wolf City formation. They had to use the city's formation to restrict and directly crush the area around Silver Wolf Lake that was being counterattacked by the 'Pantheon'.

Formation of control and control.

This time, there was no problem with the formation in the city. The 'Pantheon' has been lurking here and eroding it for many years. Although it has mastered some formations and restricted authority, it is still far from the level of erosion and control of a city formation.


After all, those who hold the dominant position in the city are also star master monks of all levels, and they will basically not collude with the 'Pantheon'.

However, although the 'Pantheon' could not seize control of the formation in the city, it had other ways to deal with it, and it had already been planned.

Just when the formation in Silver Wolf City was activated, dozens of roaring explosions were heard from several places in the city. Thunder and fire shot into the sky. The next moment, various 'god slaves' controlled by the evil god were seen coming from

Rushing out everywhere, losing their minds and control, causing chaos, killing, and attacking everywhere in the city.

Liang Ji looked like he had seen the riot of slaves of the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' in Serpentis City on Serpentis Star.

When the evil god's slaves rioted in Tian Serpent City, Liang Ji was only a second-level star master and was unable to participate. He just watched from the sidelines. However, Tian Serpent City was able to quell the uprising with his own strength.

But now, the slaves of the evil god in Silver Wolf City are rioting, and the movement and power are even greater than the movement in Tian Serpent City back then.

The stronghold of the 'Pantheon' has been operating here for an unknown period of time, and there are an unknown number of slaves of the evil gods in the city. At this time, they broke out and immediately caused turmoil and chaos throughout the city.

Unlike Tian Serpent City at the time, there were only a few local turmoils, which were quickly blocked and suppressed.

Here in Silver Wolf City, the whole city is in turmoil.

In addition, the defensive strength of Silver Wolf City is obviously not as anxious as the original Tian Serpent City.

Therefore, even though the formation in the city and the 'star network' in the sky have been quickly activated to block and suppress all directions, it is still difficult to suppress the riot of the slaves of the evil god in the city.

As a result, all the forces in Silver Wolf City had to be transferred back to suppress the uprising of the slaves of the evil god in the city.

The city's mayor, speaker, heads of departments, high school principals and other Star Master monks also summoned the Juan clan team one after another, and even flew out in spaceships and battleships to suppress these rioting slaves of the evil god.

Melee and chaos broke out in Silver Wolf City and filled the air.

Liang Ji looked at the rapidly changing situation in the city and had a higher and clearer understanding of the energy and methods of the 'Pantheon'.

At this time, in Silver Lake City, apart from him, there were only two officials from Silver Wolf City left to accompany him.

Fortunately, these two officials are also Star Master monks, and both are fourth-level Star Masters. Seeing the successive changes at this time, they have completely believed the information provided by Liang Ji, knowing that there must be someone in Silver Wolf Lake.


Therefore, there was no need for Liang Ji to take action. The fourth-level star masters of the two Silver Wolf Cities directly took action, each opened a 'star gate' and sent out the Ju clan team.

The Juan clan of these two star masters, one is a silver wolf half-demon, and the other is a water-walking blue wolf half-demon. They are both fourth-level Juan clans. When they go on an expedition, they always rush directly to Silver Wolf Lake in a flying boat.

The surrounding areas of Silver Wolf Lake were counterattacked, and the controlled formations were activated one after another to launch counterattacks, setting off large waves and bombardments in Silver Wolf Lake. However, under the impact of the flying boats driven by the two Juan tribes, they were either shattered or destroyed.

was broken open.

More than a dozen flying boats directly broke through the surrounding formations and blocked the obstacles, and rushed into the Silver Wolf Lake. The water rippled, and the silver scales shone in thousands, which was magnificent.

However, this is not the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. The silver wolf half-demon and the blue wolf half-demon activated the formations on the flying boat one after another. One of them gathered the silver light of the moon in the sky, and the other gathered the power of the water in the lake to send out a wave.

The divine light, either silver or blue, shines directly into the bottom of Yinlang Lake.

The two kinds of divine light shot into the bottom of the lake, and immediately tore apart the silver scale light waves covering the lake, as if tearing open a curtain, and immediately revealed the truth.

Under these countless silver scale light waves, a very gorgeous silver palace has been built at the bottom of the real lake. It is usually hidden in the silver lake water. It is covered by the silver scale light waves and controls the surrounding formations.

The cover of the ban has never been discovered.

At this time, in the silver palace at the bottom of the lake, there were rays of divine light shining and circulating, echoing the riots of the slaves of the evil god in Silver Wolf City not far away.

This chapter has been completed!
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