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Chapter 578 Traveling with the United States and returning home from the trip

"Please note, passengers, we are about to arrive at Jupiter."

"The Jupiter Star is the thirteenth indigenous star discovered by the Star Alliance during the development of the Mayfly Star Territory. The stars are of the sixth level. Grass and vegetation occupy more than 90% of the area on it. The natives of the stars are various vegetation elves."

"For a long time, Jupiter's travel recommendation index has been within the top 100 on the Star Network. It is famous for its scenery, delicious food, natural breath, rainbow light of vegetation, etc..."

"The starship Qingyuan will stay on the Jupiter Planet for half a month. Passengers please return in time..."

In the Star Alliance, in the void surrounded by stars, a galaxy appeared in front of it. The stars in the galaxy were arranged to form a "star map array". In the key position of the array, a green star appeared.

Protected by the star map of the entire galaxy.

At this time, a ray of cyan starlight emerged in the void and flew in front of this galaxy. The cyan starlight flickered in the sky and turned into a huge starship in the shape of a blue kite.

The Qingyuan starship shot out a ray of cyan starlight and sank into the "Star Map Array" of the Jupiter star system ahead. The starlight circulated in the galaxy. After passing the verification, a starlight road spread out from the "Star Map Array" of the galaxy.

Out, the Qingyuan starship took the Starlight Road and quickly arrived at the airport outside the Jupiter Planet.

It can be seen that Jupiter is worthy of being one of the top 100 tourist destinations among the Star Alliance. In the void port outside the stars, starships are coming in and out in a steady stream. The Qingyuan starship has been waiting in line for half an hour.

The team had just parked in the airport.

Afterwards, the starship opened. Liang Ji and Peng Yue followed the flow of people and walked out of the starship, standing on the airport and overlooking the Jupiter planet below.

After the first expedition to the outside world was over, Liang Ji decided to go home to strengthen the connection and restraint between his mind and his home. After finishing the transactions with Shan De Lou and Herborist Group, he left Kunlun Star Palace and embarked on his journey home.


But before going home, Liang Ji made an appointment with Peng Yue, who also wanted to return to Snake Repair City, so the two of them acted together.

Moreover, unlike the previous trips between the Star Palace and the Penglai Star Territory, which were mostly teleported through the Star Gate; this trip home, neither of them had any urgent thoughts. They had just harvested a lot of information in their first expedition to the outside world.

Spiritual stones, spiritual roots, spiritual seeds and other resources each hunted a large amount of required fourth-level demon elixirs in the guardian battle of the Shuangyang Galaxy. It is precisely these demon elixirs and resources that need to be slowly digested to enhance their respective natal stars and improve

When the clan's fighting strength is increased.

Therefore, the two of them did not choose to teleport home directly through the star gate this time. Instead, they chose to take a starship, travel in the void, traverse several star fields, visit various star attractions along the way, and return to their hometown.

In this way, on the one hand, they can relieve their vigilance and fatigue from exploring the outer star sea in the past few years.

On the other hand, since Liang Ji stepped out of Serpentis and into the sea of ​​stars, he has always wanted to take a starship to visit various star fields of the Star Alliance and observe the scenery in the star fields and the void.

It's just that over the past few years, he has been busy cultivating and practicing his natal stars. When traveling to various star fields, he has to teleport directly through the star gate. He has never had the opportunity to take a starship to visit the various star fields of the Star Alliance.

This time I took a rare opportunity to relax, take a starship and travel all the way home, browsing the void, star field, and starry scenery along the way, which was a little realization of my long-cherished wish for many years.

Liang Ji and the two transferred to the spaceship at the airport and flew directly into Jupiter. As they got closer and deeper into Jupiter, everything they saw was green vegetation, and it was almost impossible to find other colors and substances.

"This star can support so much grass and vegetation, and the star's spiritual veins must contain a very strong source of life power."

"That is to say, this Jupiter Star is under the protection of the Star Alliance. If it is in the outer star sea, it may not be able to escape being occupied by the void mirage, twisted, and even cultivated into a void mirage's demon nest, specially used to hatch mirages.


Liang Ji looked at the Jupiter star getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but said to Peng Yue with some emotion.

When he saw the Jupiter Star, the first thing he thought of was the Yuyang Star, the Void Mirage, the Monster Egg Monster Nest, etc. This shows that although he has returned to the Star Alliance, his mind and thoughts are still there for a while.

In the outer star sea, stay in the last adventure.

If things go on like this, if it is a star

Without enough mental traction and restraint within the alliance, monks exploring the outer star sea will easily get lost and sink into the boundless void and star sea in the outer realm.

There are many related examples and solutions in the Star Palace course. There are also many seniors and seniors in the Star Palace official website forum who have similar discussions.

For example, the food, beautiful scenery, enjoyment, family, affection, etc. in the Star Alliance are all appropriate experiences summarized by predecessors.

Liang Ji chose to travel home on a starship this time, which was also the advice given by many seniors and seniors in the Star Palace Forum.

"Haha, Liang Ji, since you have returned to the Star Alliance, let's forget about the matter of the outer star sea for the time being."

Peng Yue heard the words and said with a smile. She also understood that the more important thing now is to withdraw her mind and thoughts.

Liang Ji smiled when he heard this and stopped thinking about it. He concentrated on browsing the beautiful scenery of Jupiter. But soon, he made another surprising discovery. He pointed to the highest peak of Jupiter with a surprised look on his face and said, "That is the Palace of Good Fortune."

The world tree, right?"

"Well, it doesn't seem to be complete. It's still a little different from some of the world trees I've seen in the Creation Star Palace."

At this time, Peng Yue had also seen the huge tree standing on the highest peak of Jupiter. The tree crown spread out and covered almost half of Jupiter's area. There was even a city built on the tree crown, which was where they were now sailing in the starship.

The goal.

"That's the World Tree, but it's just a semi-finished product."

Peng Yue introduced:

"The Star Alliance has been conducting research on the improvement of indigenous spiritual veins and star levels for a long time, even before the emergence of the Earth Immortal Taoism."

"The Creation Star Palace originally tried to cultivate the World Tree on the Wood Emperor Planet, in order to enhance and advance the Wood Emperor Star's spiritual veins through the World Tree."

"It's just that this experiment failed later. Before the World Tree could be successfully cultivated, it triggered an ecological disaster on Jupiter. A large number of vegetation died, and vast areas of land turned into deserts. The green color on the stars was greatly reduced."

"As a result, the Creation Star Palace had to stop, reverse the cultivation of the World Tree, and leave this half-finished product. It also cost a lot of time and resources to restore the Jupiter Star to its current appearance."

Liang Ji was slightly surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that this one of the top 100 tourist attractions in the Star Alliance would have such a historical background. He couldn't help but ask, "How do you know this?"

Hearing this, Peng Yue also looked at him slightly surprised and said, "Don't you ever read the guide when you travel?"

When Liang Ji heard this, he couldn't help but twitching his lips: "What surprises can there be after reading the guide."

While the two were talking, the starship had landed on the Jupiter Planet, the formations and restrictions were opened, and they immediately felt a clear, natural, and vital breath coming towards their faces, infiltrating their bodies, souls, and even minds.

This chapter has been completed!
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