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Chapter 615: The Fall of the Immortal

Within the thirty-three Star Territories of the Star Alliance, the unity of writing and language has naturally been realized. The language and writing based on runes naturally contain power.

However, in the vast star field outside the Star Alliance, among the many indigenous stars, due to the free internal development, various unique environments, inheritances, and languages ​​have naturally formed.

The monks in the Covenant have difficulty understanding these indigenous languages.

However, with hundreds of thousands of years of exploration and overseas expansion experience, the Star Alliance has already found various ways to solve these problems.

First, Star Lords of the third level and above, after soul refining practice, can already directly communicate with the natives of the outer lands through the power of the soul, and understand the meaning and thoughts of the natives of the outer lands through the fluctuations of the soul.

Furthermore, you can also use special astrology, formations, restrictions, etc. to directly capture the reactions of indigenous souls, translate them, and understand these indigenous languages ​​and ideas.

At this time, in this starship, everyone in the exploration team had their own ways to understand the meanings and soul thoughts of the dozen or so indigenous people captured in front of them.

But it is undoubtedly not necessary to practice and understand each one.

Liang Ji directly sent an order to the ship spirit, and a beam of starlight immediately shot out from the main console in the cabin and dispersed into the bodies of more than a dozen indigenous people.

The next moment, the formations and restrictions in the starship directly reflected these indigenous words, thoughts and meanings.

"Green Devil!"

"Weed Devil!"

"The God Who Came from the Starry Sky!"

"Devil from heaven!"

"Spare my life..."

"The snake people are willing to be slaves..."

As the translation circle was opened, the captured voices of the indigenous aliens were translated one by one, and all kinds of frightened, angry, and begging words rang out in the cabin.

Upon hearing these native words, Liang Ji, Wu Shan and others couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with the origin of the vegetation and forests in the stars. They are the "green devils" that fell from the stars!"

"Moreover, have you noticed that these indigenous aliens regard us as the "green devil", which means that the "green devil" they have seen before is at least very similar to us in appearance!"

"Could it be that among the Star Alliance, some immortal Taoist who practiced the Way of Wood actually wandered into the stars in front of us and fell here, leaving behind the remains of Taoism?"

The members of the team listened to the words of these indigenous aliens and quickly made various analyzes and inferences.

Although Wu Shan had just speculated that the aquatic forest in the stars in front of him was probably a Taoist ruins, but it was actually confirmed that a Taoist fellow from the Star Alliance fell here, which undoubtedly made several people's expressions change slightly, and they were shocked.


"But, how could it be?" The five ghosts and immortals couldn't help but wonder: "This place is far away from the Star Alliance. We took a starship and sailed for several years before arriving here. How could there be immortal Taoist friends from the Star Alliance traveling here?

And then died here?"

"There are too many possible situations..." Immortal Wu Shan shook his head slightly and said: "Among the Star Alliance, there are also some immortal monks who have reached the third level of cultivation and cannot find a way forward. They will choose to leave the Star Alliance area and go to the outer realm.

Wandering in the sea of ​​stars, traveling around the sea of ​​stars, or looking for opportunities."

Among the Star Alliance, the heretical paths other than the Star Lord Dao lineage, the human immortal Dao lineage, the ghost immortal Dao lineage, the immortal Dao lineage, the Qi Refining Master Dao lineage, etc., all have been separated from the stars and are in the void after practicing to the third-level immortal realm.

The ability to walk and survive.

Therefore, if there really is a heretic immortal who practices the Way of Wood, leaves the Star Alliance, wanders in the outer star sea for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, and then comes to this star, he will either die at the end of his life, or accidentally

It is not impossible to die here.

"Or perhaps, another expedition team came here, but something unexpected happened. The expedition team was destroyed, and some immortal Taoist friends who practiced the Way of Wood died here, leaving behind this Taoist ruins."

Human Immortal Wu Shan proposed another possibility and said in a deep voice:

"Don't forget, the weird and dangerous place "Starlight Forest" we discovered before is not far from here, it's just a few months' journey of a starship."

"And in the "Starlight Forest", there is a ship

A fallen starship, a destroyed expedition team."

"Perhaps, the immortal fellow Taoist who fell in this star was the starship that crashed in the "Starlight Forest" and the members of the destroyed expedition team."

Listening to Wu Shan's words, Liang Ji and others' hearts moved slightly.

Perhaps, things are just as Wu Shan speculated.

The immortal monk who fell on this star was probably the member of the expedition team who crashed on the starship in the "Starlight Forest".

After all, although the "Starlight Forest" is strange and dangerous, an expedition team from the Covenant Alliance, riding a starship larger than the "Dragon Snake", will not fall into it completely silently. There will always be some struggle.

An act of escape, right?

Nowadays, outside this "Starlight Forest", the stars of life are found in the galaxy not far away, and the Taoist relics of the immortal's death are found, which shows that the immortal in the expedition team escaped with serious injuries, but fell here again, which is reasonable.

At this time, the formations and restrictions on the starship continued to operate and play their role. The starlight that shot into the bodies of the natives directly collected information and thoughts from their souls and presented them on the light curtain.

As a result, Liang Ji and others obtained more and more detailed information through the information and images displayed on the light curtain.

According to the memories and thoughts of these indigenous people, about forty years ago, a "meteor" fell from the starry sky into their stars.

The "Meteor" in the memories and songs of these indigenous aliens is a humanoid creature with green light all over its body. Judging from the body shape and size, it is similar to the human monks of the Star Alliance. This also makes Liang Ji and others more and more sure that the fallen person

He should be a monk from the Star Alliance.

And this person should have suffered fatal injuries before falling into the stars. The uncontrollable power of the Wood Elemental Law collapsed wherever he passed, and various vegetation grew in the ocean of stars.

In the memories and songs of these indigenous aliens, this green figure finally split open the ocean, split the land under the sea, entered the depths of the land, and then never appeared again.

Then, after more than ten years, grass, trees and forests began to emerge in the ocean, taking root in the ocean, capturing the indigenous sea creatures, devouring life, etc., and continued to expand. In more than thirty years, it expanded to what it is today, almost occupying

Nearly halfway to the stars.

"This fellow Taoist was indeed seriously injured. Judging from his last movements and whereabouts, he must have entered the star's spiritual veins and tried to use the star's spiritual veins to cultivate and recover from his injuries."

Chu Yue looked at the picture displayed on the light screen and made an inference.

"It is also possible that he knows that he is beyond treatment and wants to use his last strength to refine the star spiritual veins and embark on the path of earthly immortality in order to save his life!"

Human Immortal Wu Shan added.

"Unfortunately, no matter which one it is, judging from the appearance of this Daohua relic, it is obvious that he failed in the end. He fell into the star's spiritual veins of this star. The power of Daohua directly eroded and distorted the spiritual veins, and it was only in a short time that he could

Within a short period of time, the Taoist ruins of vegetation and forests were formed that occupied nearly half of the stars.”

Liang Ji said in a deep voice, having basically figured out the cause of the sudden change in the stars.

This chapter has been completed!
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