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Chapter 747: The Magical Treasure of Life: The Advancement of Xuanhuang Pagoda

Dragonite star spirit, half-step soul!

After Liang Ji advanced to the fifth-level Star Master, he relied on some of the high-level Star Master's power that Dragon Soul had mastered in advance, and used it at this moment. As expected, he successfully broke through the twisted void of the high-level Void Monster Clan and his body defenses, injuring them.


Although Liang Ji had already speculated about this, the fact that it had now actually been put into practice and reached some high-level combat power level undoubtedly made him very excited.

However, this excitement only lasted for a moment.

The next moment, the 'Dragon Star Spirits' in the natal stars let out a mournful cry and had to disperse. The dragon soul returned to the outside of the stars and entangled itself in the natal stars, while the star spirit Yuan Fei continued to sleep in the origin of the natal stars.

, bearing the spiritual veins of the stars and the slowly nourishing origin.

As the cultivation level increases, the origin of the natal stars increases, and the "Feng Shen Bang" seizes the origin from several occupied outer life stars.

Liang Ji's current 'dragon-human star spirit' form has been upgraded from being able to last only a moment when he first advanced to the fifth-level star master a few years ago to now being able to maintain it for a longer period of time. He can even initiate a step-over to reach some levels.

Attacks with high-level combat power.

Although the 'Dragon Star Spirit' in the natal stars has been difficult to maintain, and the 'Half-Step Soul' in the Consciousness Sea Dantian has also dispersed, Liang Ji is undoubtedly quite satisfied with this.

The power of one blow verified the means and strength of the 'Dragon Celestial Spirit'. Next, as long as you try to increase the duration and combat time of the 'Dragon Celestial Spirit', your combat power will naturally be greatly improved.

The Star Alliance will gain more merits and benefits in the next pioneering war.

Ang! Boom boom…

At this time, another roaring sound was heard from the life stars below the starship, like the roar of a giant beast.

However, this time the roaring sound was short and rapid, Liang Ji's heart suddenly moved, and he turned to look in the direction of the stars. Sure enough, the star spiritual veins, which were like long rivers of starlight, had been controlled by Xia Wujiu and Chu Yue's giant starlight hands and chains.

Completely extracted from the stars.

The entire star could no longer maintain its integrity and was completely torn into pieces and disintegrated.

At the same time, the star spiritual veins were also like cargo, violently twisting, shaking, and even twisting in the void, causing the surrounding void to shatter and become chaotic.

The star spiritual veins have been successfully extracted. Although many tears and even fractures can be clearly seen on it, the whole thing still remains roughly intact.

Next, you only need to smoothly put the extracted star spiritual veins into the 'Dragon Snake' starship, suppress it, and store it away.

However, at this time, as the star spiritual veins were completely extracted, the original avenues and the secrets of creation contained in them were also leaked out, spreading in all directions, and completely pushing the surrounding Void Monster Clan riot to its peak.

Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong were already using all kinds of desperate means and magical skills to fight at the expense of their original strength.

All the attack, defense, containment formations and restrictions on the 'Dragon Snake' starship are operating at overload, attacking in all directions.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue also opened the 'Star Gate' again at this time, and even summoned the third-level dependents in their natal stars to join the battle, even if they risked their lives, they still wanted to stop the rioting Void Monsters.

Impact, attack.

The thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth, the List of Gods, and the Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts were all summoned to join the battle at this time.

As Liang Ji advanced to the fifth level of Star Master, the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth' has also successfully advanced from a natal treasure to a natal magic weapon, and has undergone considerable changes.

Among the ten floors below the pagoda, the Jiuquan underworld still emerges and evolves. The ghost officials, impermanent ghosts, and judge ghosts and gods from each layer of the underworld are all stationed in it, blessing and enhancing the power of the pagoda.

At the same time, there are now new changes in the ten-story pagoda in the middle. The power of the ten-meridian elements controlled by the ten-meridian family members such as earth, fire, water, wind, thunder, ice, and yin-yang are successively opened up in the ten-story pagoda.

Each layer of elemental space evolves, which contains the corresponding power of the bloodline of the dependent family.

Symbols of the family bloodlines such as Ba Xia, Suan Ni, Chi Kiss, Chaofeng, Biuan, Jiao Tu, Half-Dragon Man, etc. are condensed and manifested in the pagoda space of each layer, and the power of the blood of the family members is circulated.

Elemental power.

At the same time, the five-level ‘bloodline gods’ of the Ten-lineage Familiar clans enshrined in the Conferred Gods List are also stationed in the corresponding pagoda spaces on each floor, holding the power of the bloodline gods and earthly beings for this natal pagoda master.

The power of ghosts and gods, the power of the earth, the origin of the Nine Springs of the Underworld, the power of the blood of the Ten Veins of the Familia, the power of the elements, the light of black and yellow breaking the law, the belief of the Familia incense, etc., all kinds of power are gathered on this natal pagoda.

Its power was pushed to the extreme, directly suppressing a void, and resisting the impact of a large number of violent void monsters around it.

On the other side, after Liang Ji advanced to the fifth-level star master, he was able to directly sacrifice the body of the 'Feng Shen Bang'; there were also the natal magic weapons sacrificed by Peng Yue, and the 'Ten Thousand Laws Furnace', each of which suppressed one side of the void and guarded the star.

The ship, as well as the extracted 'star spiritual veins', resisted the attack of the void demon clan.

At this moment, time seemed to be flowing away very slowly. Liang Ji could clearly feel that the origin of his natal stars, the power of spiritual veins, and the power of Dao Fruit were being consumed rapidly, and even several projections on the 'Feng Shen Bang' were constantly grabbing the source of the stars.

It’s hard to keep up with replenishment at this rate of consumption.

Just when Liang Ji thought that this time the source of the natal star, the power of the spiritual veins, might be exhausted again, triggering the backlash of the natal star.

A large amount of starlight suddenly erupted from the starship 'Dragon Snake', sweeping the star spiritual veins and starlight rivers that had been pulled close to the starship into the starship.

In the starship, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu, who controlled the forbidden formations and immortal weapons, did not hesitate to sacrifice their origins to break through and explode.

Boom! Boom! Boom…

The star spiritual veins were absorbed into the starship, as if a giant beast was imprisoned in it. There were even loud roars from the colliding 'Dragon Snake' starship, and the entire starship was shaking and shaking violently.

On the starship, various forbidden formations and immortal weapons that were specially designed to block and suppress the star spiritual veins were quickly activated. The starlight and immortal light flashed and rotated several times before they were suppressed.

"Everyone, prepare to evacuate!"

Chu Yue's voice came out from the starship.

Although the star spiritual veins have been successfully incorporated into the starship and suppressed by them, the life stars that have lost the star spiritual veins have also been completely torn and collapsed, and violent explosions have impacted the void in all directions; and in the surrounding void, the stars have been completely destroyed by the star spiritual veins.

The Void Demon Clan, which was seduced and rioted by the pulse, is obviously not so easy to calm down and disperse.

Therefore, despite the destruction and explosion of life stars, there are still many extremely precious and rare resources and treasures scattered in all directions, but the "Dragon Snake" team has no intention of staying and robbing them.

In particular, both the starships and the monks have consumed a huge amount in the process of collecting spiritual veins and stars. Even if they don't care about the source of the explosion, it is difficult to maintain the current combat power for long.

Naturally, it is business to take advantage of the fact that the fighting power is still there, and quickly protect the captured star spiritual veins and evacuate smoothly.

This chapter has been completed!
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