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Chapter 865: The strange bloodline clan’s attempt to swallow the power of the sky demon.

In the Zichen Galaxy, the Taiyi Star Palace is built on the "Airport" built here. Liang Ji opened the "Star Gate" in the void and collected the power of Ziyang.

Because this 'Purple Sun' is too big, there is a lot of 'Purple Sun Power' shining on the galaxy. There are many star master monks like him who open the 'Star Gate' to collect the power of the Purple Sun in the void around this star.

Most of them are Star Master students of Taiyi Star Palace, and the power of Purple Sun has the greatest effect on these Star Master monks of Taiyi Star Palace who specialize in the "power of blood" of the dependents.

Taiyi Star Palace has also opened this Zichen galaxy to all star master students in the star palace. As long as there is a need, you can come and collect the power of Ziyang by applying.

Previously, Wang Ziqiu also had the authority to apply here to collect the power of the Purple Sun, so that the bloodline of the Sun Feathered Serpent people could mutate and break through.

But she did not choose the power of the purple sun, but the power of the green sun of the 'Green Wing Galaxy'.

Naturally, she had some considerations in this. The competition in the Taiyi Star Palace is fierce and the fittest survive. Wang Ziqiu has already experienced it deeply and understands that if you want to be better than others, you must be 'different'.

Because Taiyi Star Palace studies bloodlines, the galaxies it occupies in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' are basically the 'Purple Sun' galaxy, so most of the Star Palace students use the 'Power of the Purple Sun' to break through.

Only by choosing to break through with the 'power of Qingyang' can Wang Ziqiu find a different path and gain more advantages in the competition within the Taiyi Star Palace.

After all, Taiyi Star Palace studies the ‘Bloodline Catalog’ and naturally likes to see all kinds of new bloodlines and attempts, and will receive more support from the Star Palace.

Moreover, the 'Qingyi Galaxy' was recently created by the power of the heavenly demon. Among them, 'Qingyang' can be said to be newly born, and naturally contains different Taoist charms, which is also very beneficial to the variation and development of its family's bloodline.

Therefore, Wang Ziqiu originally chose to use the "power of Qingyang" to mutate the family members and promote them to the "Four-Winged Sun Feathered Serpent" family members.

But the ‘Power of Purple Sun’ is still the choice of most star master students in Taiyi Star Palace.

Liang Ji looked at the 'star gates' that were opened in the void. All kinds of strange family members were coming in and out of the 'star gates', either collecting the 'power of the purple sun', or simply staying in the void to endure the 'power of the purple sun'.

The illumination and influence of "power" is also an eye-opening feeling.

Because of the study of 'bloodlines', the dependents of these Taiyi Star Palace Star Master students are affected by various natural, artificial, and mutated 'bloodlines'. They can be said to be all kinds of strange, and many of them have strange shapes.

Liang Ji saw many "four different" beings in it, and he always felt that they were made up of the limbs of monster beasts of various bloodlines.

Like Wang Ziqiu's clan, the 'Four-Winged Sun Feathered Serpent' clan has a pair of golden wings and a pair of cyan wings, which already looks like a very normal style.

Moreover, these star master students of Taiyi Star Palace, because of the help of the "Bloodline Catalog", basically directly contact the dependents to collect the power of the purple sun, and even directly receive the light of the power of the purple sun in the void to cultivate and cultivate their bloodline.


Liang Ji looked at it with envy and shook his head. Although he was a fifth-level star master and had surpassed many of the Taiyi Star Palace star master students, he could not let his family members collect the power of the purple sun, nor could he let his family members directly bear the power of the purple sun.

The influence and research of force.

Otherwise, we still don’t know what kind of mutation his family’s bloodline will undergo, and it’s hard to tell whether it’s good or bad.

He can only open the 'Star Gate', collect some of the power of the Purple Sun through the Star Gate, and send it into his natal star. He also has to be screened by the dragon soul, the natal star 'Nine Heavens', the list of gods, and the earthly gods.

, only after refining can it be put into research and experiments.

In contrast, he felt the power and benefits of the 'Bloodline Catalog' more and more.

It was a pity that after Cao Chanyue arranged for him to collect the power of Ziyang, she took the 'Pterodactyl Monster' he gave him and went into seclusion for research.

Liang Ji wanted to find out more information about the 'Bloodline Atlas', but he had no chance.

Shaking his head, Liang Ji put his mind and consciousness into the natal star, and could see a 'star gate' opening in the void above the natal star, instead of opening directly inside the natal star as before.

Wisps of purple sun power shine out from this 'star gate'. They are first swallowed by the dragon soul entangled in the natal star, refined, and then sent into the natal star.

Liang Ji could clearly sense that in the process of swallowing and refining the 'Power of the Purple Sun', the dragon soul swallowed some of the aura of the power of the heavenly demon. Under the influence of these auras of the 'power of the sky demon', the dragon soul

Some changes are taking place in the soul.

It's just that these changes are still too small, and Liang Ji can't distinguish them for a while, but he can sense that they are good changes.

This is what Liang Ji has just recently discovered. The aura of the power of the sky demon will directly distort, mutate, and lose control of his family members, spiritual beasts, etc. in his natal star. As a result, he has never found a way to use the "power of the sky demon".

However, in recent years, during his research and experiments on the power of Qingyang and Purple Sun, he did accidentally discover a phenomenon. The dragon soul could actually withstand the influence of the "power of the sky demon" and even benefit from it.

However, after all, this dragon soul is related to his foundation and is directly connected to his soul. However, Liang Ji did not dare to use it for too risky experiments and did not dare to directly let it swallow the 'power of the sky demon', so he

Letting it swallow and refine the power of Ziyang and the power of Qingyang is not only a refinement of the two powers, but also the aura of the 'power of the heavenly demon' contained in them.

Only after he was sure that the dragon soul had been affected and changed, and was completely sure that there was no problem, would he allow it to have more contact with, and even devour the 'power of the sky demon'.

Even according to Liang Ji's inference, if the dragon soul can really swallow it completely, after refining the 'power of the heavenly demon', it is unlikely that he will be able to combine the 'bloodline catalog' and 'the list of gods' with the help of the dragon soul.

'Inheritance fusion, realizing his idea of ​​merging the inheritance of the Star Palace.

After all, Taiyi Star Palace has already determined through research that the power of the Sky Demon is the most powerful bloodline power, the ninth-level bloodline power!

If the dragon soul can refine and control it, it will naturally allow his natal star and his family to be well integrated with the power of the 'bloodline catalog'.

Even inspired by this, Liang Ji is planning to try later to see if he can let the dragon soul swallow him and refine the origin and power of the elemental sea in the 'Elemental Nest'. If he can refine and master the power of the 'elemental sea', he will definitely be able to help.

He mastered and integrated the inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts'.

If he succeeds, he will be able to successfully break through the high-level star masters by integrating the three starlight inheritances into one, and even become the top powerhouse among the high-level star masters.

"However, the road must be walked step by step. The most important thing now is to determine the family's ability to withstand bloodline mutations."

"The most important thing is to determine whether the dragon soul can be refined and master the power of the sky demon..."

Liang Ji already had a somewhat clear plan for the road ahead.

This chapter has been completed!
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