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Chapter 1040: A good show

The cotton issue was finally properly resolved through the joint discussions of Jérôme Bonaparte and Achill Fuld.

Next, Jérôme Bonaparte turned his attention to Minister of Public Transport Baros.

Baros respectfully handed the summary of "Report on the Public Finance Budget of the Ministry of Communications in 1858 and Outlook for 1859" that had been prepared for a long time into the hands of Jérôme Bonaparte.

Looking at about 100 pages of information in his hand, Jérôme Bonaparte casually praised, "Baros, it seems you are well prepared!"

"Thanks to your Majesty for your kindness! Appoint me as Minister of Public Transport.

I will definitely do my best in the Ministry of Public Transport, only in this way can I repay your appointment to me!" Baros responded humbly.

Hearing Baroche's compliment, Jérôme Bonaparte showed a knowing smile on his face, "I hope the answer sheet you give me will be as beautiful as your language!"

After that, Jérôme Bonaparte began to flip through the information of the Ministry of Transport page by page. His expression sometimes showed a smile, and sometimes he looked sad. This made Baros, the Minister of Transport, have to follow the mood.

Changes in the expression of Jerome Bonaparte.

By the time Jérôme Bonaparte had read through all the information, nearly an hour had passed.

"Mr. Barroche!" Jérôme Bonaparte took a long breath and said with a meaningful smile on his lips, "I have to admit that you have worked really hard during this period!

The results achieved by the Ministry of Public Transport last year can indeed be called perfect!”

Speaking of this, Jérôme Bonaparte opened the Baros document, pointed to one of the pages and said to Baros, "Especially the widening of these canals and the subsequent renovation of the roads!"

What Jérôme Bonaparte pointed to was the Eastern Border Canal Widening Plan formulated by the Public Transport Department in 1858, which included the Saar Canal, the Rhineland River, the Marne River, etc.

Moreover, in the subsequent road renovation, the Ministry of Public Transport plans to use five years to renovate all the roads in the Alsace-Lorraine region.

In this way, the waterway network and highway network in the entire eastern region can assume more transportation functions.

This would greatly benefit Jerome Bonaparte's future plans.

Jérôme Bonaparte's unstinting praise made Baros feel like he had eaten several kilograms of honey.

"I'm just doing what I should do!" Baros responded to Jerome Bonaparte with still humility on his face.

However, Ashil Fuld, who was standing aside, began to look a little gloomy.

He knew very well that based on Baros' ability, he would never have constructed such a plan, unless there was someone else behind Baros.

Looking at the entire Ministry of Public Transport, there is only one person with such a mind - that is George Osman, Deputy Minister of Public Finance (Deputy Minister).

Damn Osman, do you want to attract the emperor's attention through this method and then start again?

In his heart, Achille Fuld wanted to tear the plan submitted by Baros (Baron George Haussmann) into pieces, but his reason prevented him from doing so.

After all, the place he was in was the Imperial Council!

Immediately afterwards, Jerome Bonaparte changed the subject and said to Baros, "However, I see that some of the plans in your plan do not seem to have been approved by our financial steward, Mr. Achille Fuld.


Does it mean that the Ministry of Public Transport no longer needs funding from the Ministry of Finance?”

Baros's expression immediately changed from his previous smile to one of embarrassment. Feeling guilty, he glanced at Achille Fuld subconsciously.

Baros saw the undisguised hostility in Achille Fuld's eyes, and he understood that Achille Fuld had already guessed who was behind the plan.

Later, Baros remembered what Deputy Minister George Osman had said to him before he left the public transportation department.

Baros, who was working in the Ministry of Public Transport at the time, received the news from Colonel Burbaski that he had arrived at the Tuileries Palace at about three o'clock in the afternoon. He immediately concluded that the emperor wanted to continue the convening, which had been suspended due to the death of Radetzky.

The imperial meeting was forced to end.

So, Baros subconsciously opened the drawer and took in his hand the information and plan that George Osman had drafted for him.

He was well aware of the pros and cons of presenting this plan in front of the emperor.

This plan will not only attract the emperor's admiration, but also the hatred of Achille Fuld.

After all, which high-level Parisian does not know about the "love-hate relationship" between Achill Fuld and their deputy minister of public transportation.

When Baros was able to secure the position of Minister of Public Transport, he relied on the help of Achille Fuld.

In the eyes of other ministers, he (Baros) is Achille Fuld's most loyal ally (dog).

Once he breaks with Achille Fuld, it means that he may face a merciless attack from Achille Fuld's faction.

Traitors are often more hated than enemies.

Just when Baros was hesitant, Deputy Minister George Osman opened the door of Baros' room.

"Your Excellency Baros, I heard that you will go to the Tuileries Palace to attend a meeting this afternoon!"

George Osman entered the room and asked straight to the point.

Baros put the plan on the table, nodded and said to George Osman, "Yes! Just now His Majesty the Emperor's adjutant, Colonel Burbaski, came over and gave me His Majesty's notice!"

George Osman glanced at the plan that Baros put on the table and said unabashedly, "Your Excellency, Minister, I think you should be ready to break with His Excellency Achille Fuld!"

"Break! Why should I break! Deputy Minister George Osman, this is not your business!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although Baros is still undecided in his heart, his expression still reveals the strength that a minister should have.

However, Baros's strength was of no use to "thorns" like George Osman. In George Osman's heart, only His Majesty the Emperor was the one truly worthy of respect.

Neither the remaining legislators nor the ministers were enough to awe George Haussmann.

"Your Excellency, are you still dreaming of cooperating with Minister Achille Fuld?" George Osman said to Baros with an exaggerated expression.

"Shouldn't ministers cooperate with each other?" Baros shot back at George Osman, "His Majesty the Emperor is encouraging us to cooperate with each other!"

"Ministers should indeed cooperate with each other!" George Osman first affirmed Baros's statement, and then changed the topic, "But the premise of full cooperation is limited to two ministers with the same ideas!

If two ministers have inconsistent ideas, no matter how they work together, they will only undermine each other!"

"This..." Baros was speechless. He forcefully defended Achille Fuld, "How do you know that Minister Fuld and I have inconsistent ideas!"

"Your Excellency, Minister, I would like to ask what the functions of the public transportation department are!" George Osman did not answer directly, but asked Baros.

"Draw up road and waterway development plans, implement relevant policy standards and supervise their implementation..." Baros answered George Osman without thinking.

"Will there be a lot of financial expenditure during the preparation and actual planning?" George Osman then said to Baros.

"Of course!" Baros responded.

“Our Minister Achil Fuld has been opposing excessive fiscal expenditures!” George Osman mocked without concealment. “He is like a miser who wants to break a gold coin in half to spend it.


Would such a person really agree with our plan?"

Baros was silent. He understood that when this plan was placed in front of Achille Fuld, he would not agree to it 100%... no, 10,000%.

But the power of the Ministry of Public Transport cannot be separated from infrastructure construction.

There are huge interests involved behind any piece of infrastructure construction. Even if you just endorse a certain project, the profits generated are enough to move countless people.

Baros knew very well that the reason why he was able to take control of the Ministry of Public Transport in such a short period of time was entirely because the Ministry of Public Transport, from the director to the support staff, had great hopes for him.

They hope that they can seek some benefits for them.

If he cannot benefit the Ministry of Public Transport, then it will be difficult for him to issue orders to the Ministry of Public Transport.

Rights depend not only on the appreciation of the superior, but also on the obedience of the inferior.

Baros understands that if he wants to continue to control the Ministry of Public Transport, he must fight and rob him!

"George!" Baros' tone became friendly.

George Osman understood that Baros had made up his mind!

"I..." Baros hesitated for a moment and then said hesitantly, "The reason why I... can serve as the Minister of Public Transport is all because of Mr. Fuld's help!

I'm not ready for betrayal yet!"

"No, no, no..." George Osman shook his head and said to Baros, "Your Excellency, you are wrong!

The Minister of Public Transport is one of the most important positions in the empire, and the person who can hold this position can only be appointed by His Majesty the Emperor himself!

No one has the right to grant it privately, not even Fuld!

Therefore, Minister, you do not owe Minister Fuld anything!”

"But... Fuld is deeply trusted by His Majesty... Isn't it a bit unreasonable to confront him rashly!" Baros was still worried.

"Your Excellency, the empire is not Fuld's word!" George Osman hinted cryptically, "As far as I know, Count Morny, the Lord Chancellor, and Fuld have never dealt with each other very well!"

Baros stared at George Osman with wide eyes, and after a long time he asked, "George, tell me honestly, have you defected to Morny?"

"Your Excellency, I am loyal to only one person, and that is the Emperor of the Empire!" George Osman said firmly, "The relationship between Count Morny and me is nothing more than an alliance."

"Then...is Count Morny really willing to accept us?" Baros was still a little uneasy.

"Don't worry! Count Morny will definitely accept it!" George Osman responded firmly.

George Osman's answer was like a reassurance, making Baros determined to confront Achille Fuld!

Let us draw our attention back to the Imperial Council.

When Jérôme Bonaparte asked whether the Ministry of Public Transport did not need funding from the Ministry of Finance, Baros just thought for a moment and immediately replied, "Your Majesty, the renovation of roads does require the help of the Ministry of Finance!

It’s just that we haven’t informed Secretary Fuld of the plan yet!”

"Minister Fuld, what do you think?" Jérôme Bonaparte touched his chin, with a hint of joking in his eyes.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Achille Fuld has now been counterattacked by Baros.

"Your Majesty, I don't know yet which road Minister Baros wants to renovate, so I dare not make a rash comment!"

Although Achille Fuld wanted to cut Baros into pieces, he had to stay calm for now.

He raised his head and looked at Baros coldly, and asked without any warmth in his tone, "Minister Baros, such an important thing!

Why didn't you discuss it with me earlier and bring it up on this important occasion?"

Now that he has chosen to break with Achille Fuld, Baros is not afraid of offending Achille Fuld.

Baros said in a generous tone, "Your Excellency Fuld, I don't think you will allow me to realize the contents of the plan!

In your mind, road renovation is a waste of money!"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Your Excellency Baros, I will never allow you to slander a minister with outstanding merits like this!" Jérôme Bonaparte immediately "reprimanded" Baros.

Then he turned his attention to Achille Fuld and asked in a sincere tone, "Mr. Fuld, I want to know what you think!"

Arshile Fuld, who was being held on the fire, didn't know what to say.

"Your Majesty, road renovation is indeed a strategy that benefits the country and the people, but this strategy is based on balancing the empire's financial balance!

As far as the current finance is concerned, I do not agree with increasing the financial burden under this situation!"

"Sir Fuld, I don't agree with your opinion!" Baros said impassionedly.

"Minister Barroche, do you have any different opinions?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked with interest.

Regarding this unexpected "party dispute", as a referee, Jérôme Bonaparte still preferred Baros.

“Your Majesty, road renovation and canal widening are essentially intended to better allow goods from one region to circulate in another region, thereby stimulating economic growth!

Especially for textile and manufacturing regions like Alsace-Lorraine, we must ensure that their roads are smooth!" Baros said to Jérôme Bonaparte, "...I once

When I talked with many cotton textile businessmen in the Alsace region, they always complained to me that due to the inconvenient roads in Alsace, the textiles they manufactured could not be quickly transported to all parts of the country, resulting in losses of no less than tens of millions!"

"Really?" Jérôme Bonaparte pretended to be surprised. "That's really terrible!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Baros also made a sad expression, "So road renovation is a top priority. Even if Mr. Fuld doesn't allocate funds to us, our Ministry of Transportation will continue to do it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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