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Chapter 1053 The funeral ends

In the silent mourning of the people of Vienna, the carriage carrying the coffin of Count Radetzky moved along the main road of the Vienna Pass.

Franz Joseph, who was riding a horse, looked at the crowds on both sides of the street and the gap that could only accommodate two carriages, and he couldn't help but think of Paris.

Compared with the main roads in Paris, which are spacious enough to pass several artillery pieces side by side, the width of the main roads in Vienna, also one of the most influential cities in Europe, is really unsatisfactory.

If this width is normal, it can still be smooth and smooth.

Once Vienna reappears in the crisis more than ten years ago, such a width will seriously affect the military's combat capabilities, and artillery and other equipment will not be able to be deployed in Vienna's urban area.

At that time, the army can only rely on the rifles in their hands to fight.

The opposition who participated in the riot could quickly build barricades on both sides of the street to block the army's movements and delay the army's time.

Thinking of the Great Revolution of 1848, Franz Joseph had the idea of ​​​​renovating the streets of Vienna.

However, Franz Joseph also knew that the finances of the Austrian Empire would never allow him to transform Vienna in the same way that Jerome Bonaparte transformed Paris.

Therefore, Franz Joseph secretly decided to widen only the main road across Vienna, leaving other roads as they were.

The current savings of the Austrian Empire should be able to afford the cost of widening the main roads. If it cannot, it can learn from France and borrow money from bankers to build roads.

Franz Joseph also knew that France's Banquet de l'Antoine had always wanted to get involved in the infrastructure construction of the Austrian Empire.

It's just that he has no chance. If he can give Dongdai Bank this opportunity, Dongdai Bank will definitely accept it happily.

Of course, all this needs to be decided after discussion between Franz Joseph and Minister Bach.

Right now, Count Radetzky's funeral must be carried out smoothly.

The carriage moved forward and soon arrived near Stephen's Cathedral in the center of Vienna.

Members of the Imperial Episcopal Conference, headed by Cardinal Angelo Becciu of Vienna, were already standing at the gate of Stephen's Church. In order to show respect for the passing of Count Radetzky, the members of the Episcopal Conference were all wearing black cassocks with solemn expressions and eyebrows.

There is an inexplicable majesty between them.

Behind the bishopric is a huge team composed of church priests, priests and choirs.

When Franz Joseph's troops stopped at the gate of Stephen's Church, the choir began to sing the funeral "Haydn's Requiem".

During the singing of "Haydn's Requiem", Franz Joseph and Elizabeth got off the horse together, and the members of the bishops' conference headed by Angelo Becciu saluted Franz Joseph to show their respect.

Joseph also wanted the bishops present to return the favor.

Subsequently, under the guidance of Franz Joseph, members of the bishops' conference headed by Angelo Becciu came to the coffin carrying Count Radetzky's coffin, and "Haydn's Requiem" also ended abruptly at this time.

"May the Lord forgive you for all your crimes in this world!" Angelo Becciu said solemnly to Radetzky who passed away in the coffin.

The priests standing behind Bishop Angelo Becciu came forward, each holding a gilded candlestick with a white candle in his hand and standing on both sides of the carriage.

Witnessed by the priest and Franz Joseph, the bishops unfurled the flag of the Austrian Empire and then slowly moved it to the top of Radetzky's coffin and lowered it.

The imperial flag completely covered Radetzky's coffin. Franz Joseph and others walked to Radetzky's coffin under the surprised eyes of Bishop Angelo Becciu. The coffin covered with the flag was once again carried by six people.

stand up.

The originally stopped "Haydn Requiem" continued to be sung after Franz Joseph and others lifted the coffin.

During the Holy Requiem, Franz Joseph and others entered Stephen's Cathedral with steady steps, and Angelo Becciu and others followed Franz Joseph into the church.

The nobles and imperial officials who were waiting for the arrival of Radetzky's coffin in the church saw Franz Joseph carrying Radetzky's coffin, and their faces also showed varying degrees of surprise.

Franz Joseph didn't care about the status of the nobles and officials at the moment. He just wanted to place the coffin smoothly where it should be placed as soon as possible.

The team walked slowly along the road paved with red carpet, and soon arrived in front of a huge white candle [1] with a Crucifixion Cross on it. On both sides of the huge candle, three candles were placed on each side.

A smaller candle, this is Franz Joseph's final destination.

Franz Joseph placed the coffin smoothly on the red holding stand in the middle of the candlesticks on both sides, and then each returned to the auditorium.

This signaled that the right to preside over the funeral had been transferred from the emperor to Bishop Angelo Becciu.

Haydn's Requiem continued to be sung, and the bishops arrived in front of the coffin again to pay tribute to Radetzky, who had been dead for many days in the coffin.

After doing all this, the members of the bishopric walked around Radetzky's coffin and came to the altar of the church. Angelo Becciu, who served as the celebrant, opened the mass with the holy name of the Holy Trinity.

After Angelo Becciu finished singing the mass, the envoy of the Papal State also came to the stage.

On behalf of Pope Pius IX, he conveyed his regret for the death of Count Radetzky.

The special envoy claimed that if Count Radetzky had not turned the tide in the turmoil of 1848, there would have been no peace in the Apennine Peninsula.

Pius IX believed that God would not mistreat the Lamb who was willing to believe in Him, and Count Radetzky, who once defended the Holy See, would definitely be able to ascend to heaven after death.

As the speech of the special envoy of Pius IX ended, the entire funeral began to gradually reach its climax.

Amid bursts of hymns, preparations for the Eucharist also began.

The chief priest, Angelo Becciu, first placed the wine and bread (not so much bread as unfermented bread) in the gilded communion cup, and then held a consecration ceremony to make the bread and the bread.

Became physically transformed into the Body and Blood.

Angelo Becciu distributed the "Precious Blood" containing wine to all the clergy present while singing, and the surrounding bishops also distributed the "Holy Body" to all the nobles standing in Stephen's Church.

, imperial officials, and envoys from other countries.

Since the number of people in Stephen's Church has reached more than a hundred, each person can only receive a small piece of "Holy Host". After everyone receives the "Holy Host", they immediately swallow it, which represents their realization with Jesus.

Communion, forgiveness of sins.

After the long Eucharist and Holy Communion, the Requiem Mass came to its final stage.

The chief priest, Angelo Becciu, held holy water and incense and circled around Radetzky's coffin, and sprinkled some in all directions, symbolizing that the deceased's body had become a container for the Holy Spirit.

Finally, all the participants sang a farewell song to Count Radetzky.

Since there were many choices for farewell songs, Franz Joseph chose the imperial national anthem "Ode to the Emperor" and "Radetzky March" as Radetzky's farewell song.

"Radetzky March" covers Radetzky's magnificent life, and "Emperor's Ode" also represents the empire's affirmation of Radetzky's loyalty.

(If a Habsburg member dies, the farewell songs should be "Ode to the Emperor" and "Ave Maria")

Radetzky's funeral ended with high-pitched and solemn singing, which meant Radetzky's double physical and political death.

The nobles and imperial officials in the church left Stephen's Church one after another under the arrangement of the clergy. Then envoys from various countries came to Franz Joseph and conveyed to Franz Joseph the condolences of the leaders of various countries for the death of Count Radetzky.


Franz Joseph expressed his gratitude to the envoys of various countries in turn on behalf of the Radetzky family (Radetzky's son is still waiting for his father's coffin in Heldenberg).

Soon the French envoys, headed by Prince Montfort, appeared in front of Franz Joseph.

Franz Joseph was deeply moved by the fact that the "Royal Father" in front of him (the father of Emperor Jerome Bonaparte, referred to as "Royal Father") was able to attend Radetzky's funeral in person.

Franz understood that Prince Montfort was definitely not here voluntarily, and his appearance represented the importance Jerome Bonaparte attached to the Austrian Empire.

This also means that the friendship between the French Empire and the Austrian Empire remains. There is no better news than this!

“On behalf of the French Empire and Government, I would like to express my deep condolences for the passing of Count Radetzky!

May Count Radetzky enjoy eternal peace under the gospel of God!" Prince Montfort said to Franz Joseph in standard diplomatic language.

“Thank you to the French Empire for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend Radetzky’s funeral!

On behalf of the count family, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Emperor of the French Empire!" Franz Joseph also responded to Prince Montfort with standard words of thanks.

Afterwards, Prince Montfort looked at Radetzky's coffin again, and he couldn't help but feel a sad feeling in his heart.

"Your Majesty, our era has gradually passed, and the future will eventually belong to you!" Prince Montfort sighed to Franz Joseph.

"Your Excellency, although your era has gradually gone away, the legendary stories you left behind will not disappear as you grow old. They will be passed down to future generations in the form of poetry or writing!

That magnificent era is destined to become an important chapter that cannot be erased in human history!" Franz Joseph complimented Prince Monfort.

[1] The white cross candle is called the Resurrection candle, which symbolizes the story of Jesus using his own death to atone for human sins and resurrecting and ascending to heaven as the Son of God after death.

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