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Chapter 1073: The whole story of the turmoil in Paris (Part 2)

As a person who has traveled through the world for 150 years, no one knows the development process of this world better than Jerome Bonaparte.

The world in 1859 was in the intermission period between the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution. Soon, the dawn of electricity and internal combustion engines would appear, and mankind would once again enter a stage of rapid development.

What Jerome Bonaparte wants to do is to accelerate the advent of this era, so that France can get rid of this meaningless internal friction.

However, Jerome Bonaparte had to prevent opposition forces from taking advantage of the gap between the first and second industrial revolutions to incite the unemployed in Paris to rebel.

After all, during the period of rapid development of the country, the conflicts between the various classes of the country were hidden under the flowers and fine wine, and everything looked like a prosperous scene.

When high-quality development replaces high-speed development, the contradictions hidden under the wave of prosperity will inevitably be completely exposed, and the harmonious environment will disappear and be replaced by sharp conflicts.

"Father!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Prince Montfort in a solemn tone, "France has no time to make any more detours!

We must lead the development of the next industrial revolution like the Kingdom of Britain. Only in this way can France continue to maintain its advantage on the European continent!

I am convinced that if France loses the opportunity to lead the industrial revolution, what awaits us is to be completely surpassed by those rising stars!"

No one knows better than Jérôme Bonaparte how rapidly Germany and the United States, as the initiators of the Second Industrial Revolution, developed in the Second Industrial Revolution.

On the contrary, Britain and France, as old industrial countries, were not satisfactory during the second industrial revolution.

Some people may say that the reason why France did not develop well in the second industrial revolution was due to the lack of high-quality coal resources in France.

However, this explanation cannot perfectly explain the backwardness of the British Kingdom during the Second Industrial Revolution.

In terms of the distribution of coal and iron ore resources, the Kingdom of Britain can be said to be unique in Europe. Even Germany, which has the Ruhr Industrial Area, cannot compete with it.

The interdependent distribution environment of coal and iron ore was an important reason why Britain led the first industrial revolution.

Even such a country with such excellent resource conditions can only catch up with, rather than surpass, Germany and the United States of America.

The reason is that Britain and France are only the importing countries of the second industrial revolution, not the exporting countries of the second industrial revolution.

The gap between exporting countries and importing countries cannot be caught up by simply catching up.

Therefore, France must replace the ecological position of the future German Empire and become the exporting country of the second industrial revolution.

To achieve this condition, political stability is an essential factor.

Therefore, Jerome Bonaparte will never give up power.

Neither the orthodox nor the republicans can truly lead France. All they can do is repeat the laws of history over and over again and passively accept external changes.

And he, Jerome Bonaparte, is the one who can truly lead France into a new era. No one is more suitable for the family ship of France than him!

Jérôme Bonaparte had absolute confidence in this.

"Father, I am convinced that I am the only one who can truly lead France to the right path!" Jerome Bonaparte responded to Prince Montfort confidently without any stage fright in his tone.

Looking at the son who exuded confidence in his bones, Prince Montfort seemed to see his long-dead brother.

At the beginning, he was as confident as Jerome Bonaparte. He believed that he could dominate France, and he became the emperor of the French Empire.

He believed that he could defeat the Anti-French Alliance, so he defeated the Anti-French Alliance several times in succession.

"My child, self-confidence is a virtue! However, you cannot be too confident. People who are overconfident tend to become arrogant. They think that they are in control of everything and everything should be according to their own rules.

Will action!

Such people often make wrong decisions on some important matters!" Prince Montfort implicitly said to Jerome Bonaparte.

Although Prince Montfort admired Jerome Bonaparte's self-confidence very much, he still felt that he had an obligation to remind his children not to follow his brother's old path.

If his brother had not insisted on conquering Spain and Russia, Bonaparte's empire would not have collapsed.

At that time, Britain could no longer find a country that could serve as the vanguard against France. With the exception of the Russian Empire, the entire Europe had completely fallen under the feet of the French Empire.

Jérôme Bonaparte naturally understood who his father, Prince Montfort, was talking about. He reiterated, "Father, I have said before that I will not turn all the land in Europe into a land like my uncle."

A fiefdom for the Bonaparte family!

I am willing to cooperate with all European countries as long as their monarchs are willing to respect France's position in Europe (that is, to recognize France as the European army hegemon).

Now I still agree with my previous thoughts!

I will not resort to force unless absolutely necessary!

Force is only a last resort when negotiations reach a deadlock!"

"It's great that you have such an understanding!" Prince Montfort smiled happily.

Immediately afterwards, Prince Montfort once again turned the topic to the Paris riots.

"By the way, what happened after the police "escorted" the parade to the Place de la Bastille?" Prince Montfort then asked Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte was silent for a moment, then reorganized his words and said to Prince Montfort, "After those policemen followed the parade to the Place de la Bastille, most of the policemen continued to monitor them silently, and a small number of policemen broke away and ran to the Place de la Bastille.

The Ministry of the Interior reported everything that happened on the Place de la Bastille to the Minister of Police, Mauppard!

After Mopar received the news, he reported the news to Pesini without stopping!

When Pesini arrived at the Tuileries Palace, Marcel Jerug (Director of the National Intelligence Service) had already reported the news to me!"

"Since you already know that there are demonstrations in the Place de la Bastille, why don't you send someone to suppress them!" Prince Montfort looked at Jerome Bonaparte in confusion and said.

Jerome Bonaparte shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and replied to Prince Montfort, "I said if we had suppressed it from the beginning, then things would not have reached this point!

However, now that we have discovered this stage, let us continue to let them develop!"

"What is your purpose for doing this?" Prince Montfort blurted out.

Then something suddenly occurred to him and he changed his words, "Do you want to discover more accomplices lurking in the dark?"

"That's right!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded, with a sneer on his lips, "There must be more than just Blanquists behind this parade, but only this group of fools would choose this time to provoke the empire!

The workers and Blanquists are nothing but a bunch of pathetic puppets, manipulated by rats hiding in stinking ditches!

If we can't catch these rats, even if we wipe out all the parades, it won't help!

As long as the economy of the empire does not improve, parades like this will continue to exist!

So, I have to lure the snake out of its hole!"

"So, have you caught them?" Prince Montfort asked curiously.

Jérôme Bonaparte was not in a hurry to answer Prince Montfort's questions, and recounted the entire process to Prince Montfort in a leisurely manner.

"I first dismissed the Minister of Police Pierret on the grounds of allowing the parade to develop, and replaced him with Fleury, the Deputy Minister of the Interior." At this point, Jérôme Bonaparte smiled at Prince Montfort.

Tucao said, "Father, you don't know how exaggerated Fleury's expression and movements were when he arrived at the Tuileries Palace.

If Pesini hadn't been there, I doubt Fleury would have leaned over and kissed my boots the next second!"

Prince Montfort could not help but think of the tall and handsome Fleury in tears, and he couldn't help but smile, "Fleury can be reused by you again, so I am naturally grateful to you!"

However, if you just replace Pierret with Fleury, you may not be able to truly effectively control a huge police force!

The interior department is the real force that governs security in Paris!"

"Of course I know this. After Fleury left the Tuileries Palace, I had a "friendly" discussion with Pesini, and in the end Pesini "happily" accepted the appointment to serve as a senator in the Senate!"

Jérôme Bonaparte said to Prince Montfort in a calm tone.

Prince Montfort understood that the confrontation between the emperor and Pesini could definitely be summarized in two simple sentences.

Compared with the senators who appear to have a noble status but actually have no rights at all, the power of the Interior Minister can be ranked among the top five in France.

Pesini would definitely not leave so willingly!

"Subsequently, I summoned General Espinal and appointed him Secretary of the Interior!

General Espinal is a loyal and reliable general. He had just assumed the post of Interior Minister and immediately assured me that he would suppress the unrest in Paris as soon as possible!

I told him that there was no need to be so anxious. The top priority was to train a group of anti-terrorism troops who dared to suppress the troops!

Then, I told the whole story about my plan to lure the snake out of its hole!

After General Espinal heard about this plan, he immediately agreed with it and hoped that I would allow him to recruit members for suppression on his own!

I naturally agree to General Espinal's request!

After General Espinal left, I summoned Marcel Jerug again and ordered him to deliver the news that I was about to go to the Palace of Fontainebleau through people lurking among the rebels!

The next day, I took a train to the Palace of Fontainebleau. At the same time, I was accompanied by some members of the Secretariat and the General Staff. In addition to formulating a suppression plan, they were also responsible for maintaining the Fontainebleau Palace.

The connection between Bai Lu and the Guards prevents the plan of luring the snake out of its hole from being played out.

In the next few days, the imperial government still maintained a silent attitude, and the parade gradually grew with the empire's acquiescence and even encouragement!

Some political groups ready to move also began to jump out of the dark corners, and they promoted "republican ideas" among the crowd.

By the way, there are still several members of the Orthodox faction!" Jérôme Bonaparte showed a mocking expression on his lips. He understood that this group of Orthodox faction just wanted to use the name of "Republic" to unite all forces to defeat the empire.

, and then carry out a coup d'état on Parliament like he did.

However, the routines of these orthodox factions are too outdated!

"Are you just going to leave them alone?" Prince Montfort said.

"Of course not!" Jerome Bonaparte shook his head, with a wicked smile on his face. "Since these people want to overthrow the empire in the name of republicans, I can also stabilize the empire in the name of "republic"!

Parisians like to rebel, but they also crave stability!

So I sent Marcel Jerug to spread Blanquist ideas in Paris and declared that we would establish a completely equal republic in Paris!

This idea was immediately approved by the marching workers, but was opposed by the lawyers and reporters in the march!

Soon, the originally united parade quickly became torn apart!

In order to increase the Paris people's fear and disgust of revolution, I specially ordered Marcel Jerug to dispatch a loyal squad to randomly attack various areas of Paris in the dead of night in the name of revolution!

Yerug's efficiency was indeed astonishing. It took only a few days to burn down dozens of shops in Paris.

The whole of Paris was in panic due to the squad's serial crimes. The people of Paris once again recalled the battle eleven years ago!

Out of a desire for order, various regions jointly petitioned the city government to maintain law and order in Paris!

The city hall that received the petition passed the petition message to the Palace of Fontainebleau. As the French monarch, how could I be indifferent to the call of the Paris people!

Therefore, I ordered Espinal to submit the already formulated and completed "New Public Security Law (1)" to the Legislative Council!

As expected, the legislative group passed the proposal!

Therefore, after the members of Marcel Jerug's squad were captured by the "new" police force led by General Espinal, they were all shot in black sacks in front of the people of Paris the next day.

(The arrested members had already been replaced by death row inmates after entering the prison, so they were all death row inmates who were shot)

Those marching teams and the masters behind them were all imprisoned under the severe crackdowns of the New Public Security Law!"

[1] The "New Public Security Law" mainly strengthens restrictions on parades and expands the police's powers during emergencies, including the use of violence against parades that disobey discipline.

This chapter has been completed!
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