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Chapter 1112 Successor

Under the orders of Jerome Bonaparte, Basilio faced the howling cold wind and arrived at the Quai d'Orsay in a carriage.

When Basilio came to the corner of the stairs on De Ruys' floor, he saw De Ruys' confidential secretary.

At this moment, the confidential secretary who was holding a large pile of documents also saw Basilio. He quickly asked the butler in front of him respectfully, "Mr. Basilio, why are you here?"

"I have come here to invite Minister Ruiz to the Tuileries Palace on His Majesty's orders. Is Minister Ruiz still working in the office?" Basilio asked the confidential secretary decisively.

When the Confidential Secretary heard that His Excellency the Minister had been invited to the Tuileries Palace, he immediately realized that the Emperor must have important diplomatic information that he wanted to talk to.

Otherwise, the emperor would not have called De Luys over at this time.

"Mr. Basilio, the Minister is in the office now!" The confidential secretary nodded and said to Basilio, and then added, "I will take you there!"

Basilio glanced at the documents in the confidential secretary's hand, shook his head and responded to the confidential secretary, "You'd better go about your own business!

I know where Minister Ruiz’s office is!”

After that, Basilio stepped onto the last step, turned around and disappeared from the sight of the confidential secretary.

After the confidential secretary froze in place for a long time, he took another look at the document in his hand and felt a little at a loss for a moment.

These documents were originally documents that Minister de Luys would distribute to his subordinates at the following plenary meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

However, Basilio's sudden visit made the plenary meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs originally scheduled to be held at nine o'clock become confusing.

Now the Confidential Secretary does not know how long the minister needs to wait in the Tuileries Palace, and it is also unclear whether the plenary meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can continue.

After a while, the confidential secretary decided to place the documents in his hands in the conference hall as originally planned.

Regardless of whether the Minister ultimately proceeds with the full Foreign Office meeting, the Confidential Secretary has reasons to respond to the Minister's actions

Thinking of this, the confidential secretary set off for the conference hall again.

On the other hand, Basilio, who knocked on the door of De Ruys' office, saw De Ruys sitting upright on the sofa in the room and listening carefully to the report of his subordinates.

"Hello, Minister Ruiz!" Basilio said politely to De Ruiz.

De Luys, who was sitting on the sofa, showed surprise in his eyes after seeing Basilio. He was originally surprised by the speed of the confidential secretary.

Unexpectedly, the visitor was not his confidential secretary, but a guest of the Tuileries Palace.

"Mr. Basilio, why are you here?!" De Luys stood up quickly and stretched out his hand to ask Basilio.

Basilio also extended his hand to shake hands with De Ruiz. After shaking his hands twice, he slowly separated them.

Later, De Ruys invited Basilio to sit down, and Basilio asked the middle-aged man who reported to De Ruys: "Who is this?"

(I say he is middle-aged, but he is actually only forty years old, but for a diplomat, his forties are the prime period of the Spring and Autumn Period.)

After hearing Basilio's question, the middle-aged people who were questioned by Basilio showed a slightly unnatural look on their expressions.

Although the middle-aged man's expression changed very subtly, he still couldn't escape Basilio's eyes.

Basilio turned to De Ruys with a smile and said half-jokingly, "Your right-hand man looks a little shy!"

De Luys naturally understood why the subordinates who reported to him were hesitant and unwilling to tell Basilio his name. Out of love for his talent, Luys naturally did not want to let him be suspected by the Tuileries Palace.


"Mr. Louis Decaz, you have nothing to be ashamed of!" De Luiz deliberately scolded loudly, "His Majesty the Emperor has already forgiven your uncle!"

Only then did Basilio realize that the person in front of him was Luis Decaz.

His uncle is the famous Ellis Decaze, a relatively tolerant member of the royalist party. It is thought that it was his uncle Ellis Decaze who replaced the ultra-royalist position of Home Secretary.

This allowed people living under the Bourbon dynasty to enjoy a long-lost peace.

Of course, although Louis Decaze's uncle was a tolerant royalist, he had always been a staunch Bourbon member in his political stance.

I remember that when Jérôme Bonaparte was president, he sent someone to invite Ellis Decaze to participate in the construction of the new government, but he was ruthlessly rejected by Ellis Decaze.

In the subsequent coup in December, Ellis Decaz played the role of one of the anti-coup leaders.

After the founding of the Empire, Ellis Decaz was released from prison by the "magnanimous" Jérôme Bonaparte because he was not the mastermind of the counter-coup.

After that, Ellis Decazes stayed at home and stayed away from political affairs.

The police detectives originally deployed near the door of Ellis Decaze's house were withdrawn by Jérôme Bonaparte because Ellis Decaze no longer interfered with any government affairs.

Unexpectedly, Ellis Decaze's nephew Louis Decaze actually works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it seems that he is still a highly valued subordinate of De Luys.

"Mr. Luis, it's an honor to meet you!" Basilio smiled and stretched out his hand and said to Luis Decaz.

Luis Decaz, who received Basilio's friendly handshake invitation, quickly stretched out his hand and replied to Basilio, "Mr. Basilio, I am also honored to meet you!"

Immediately afterwards, Louis Decaz said goodbye to De Luys and Basilio and left.

De Ruys understood that Basilio's visit this time was probably to invite him to the Tuileries Palace, so he nodded to Louis Decaz and allowed him to leave.

As Louis Decazi closed the door, De Luys asked Basilio, "Mr. Basilio, what are your orders?"

Basilio told Deluys that he had invited him to the Tuileries Palace by order of the emperor.

"Do you know why His Majesty called me over?" De Luys asked Basilio again.

"I'm not sure about that!" Basilio shook his head, and then added, "However, His Majesty ordered me to invite you to the Tuileries Palace after receiving the telegram from the telegraph hall.


De Luys had already understood in his mind that the emperor must have received the information from who knows which embassy again, so he eagerly invited him over.

"Okay! I'll go with you right away!" De Ruis nodded and responded to Basilio.

Having said that, De Ruys got up and left the office with Basilio.

When the two of them arrived at the stairs, Basilio suddenly remembered that he was the maintenance secretary at the stairs.

Basilio then asked De Luys if there was any important work that had not been completed.

If De Ruys still has urgent work to complete, then Basilio can first go and report to the emperor.

After De Ruys had finished the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was not too late for him to go to the Tuileries Palace.

After thinking for a moment, de Luys thought that the emperor's meeting with him should not take too long. He could convene the members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an annual meeting after the meeting.

"It doesn't matter!" De Luys said to Basilio with a smile.

"Yeah! That's good!" Basilio responded lightly.

Later, Basilio and De Ruys took a carriage together to the Tuileries Palace.

The cold wind blew the lantern hanging at the rear of the carriage, making a rustling sound.

The lively streets are now deserted due to the sharp drop in temperature.

The shops on both sides of the road also had their doors ajar, as if they were silently accusing Paris of this winter.

Basilio and De Luys, who were sitting in the carriage, felt the biting cold wind entering the carriage through the gaps in the carriage, while anxiously looking forward to arriving at the Tuileries Palace as soon as possible.

After about ten minutes, the carriage finally arrived at the Tuileries Palace.

Basilio and De Ruiz, who stepped out of the carriage, did not enter the carriage immediately. They stamped their feet that were almost numb from the cold, and then rubbed their hands vigorously twice.

After a short period of exercise, the body began to gradually recover its temperature. Basilio and De Ruys then entered the Tuileries Palace.

Then, under the guidance of Basilio, Ruiz quickly arrived in the study.

When De Luys pushed open the room, a wave of warmth rushed towards his face.

In order to prevent the temperature in the room from losing, De Ruys hurriedly entered the study and closed the door again.

At this moment, Jerome Bonaparte was putting his hands next to the fireplace, enjoying the warmth from the fireplace. The appearance of De Ruy made Jerome Bonaparte put his hands down, and then invited De Ruy.

Si sat next to him.

De Ruys took the opportunity to sit opposite Jerome Bonaparte, enjoying the warmth brought by the fireplace.

After another minute or so, Jérôme Bonaparte estimated that De Ruys' body had almost recovered, and he reached out and handed the telegram placed on the sofa into De Ruys's hands.

"This is a telegram from Ambassador Pesini, take a look!"

De Luys took the telegram and read it carefully. His face also showed a similar expression to the emperor's when he saw the telegram for the first time.

After de Luys thought for a moment, he reorganized his words and said cautiously to Jerome Bonaparte, "Your Majesty,

If Ambassador Pesini’s information is not wrong, then I think Cavour may make big moves in the near future!”

This chapter has been completed!
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