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Chapter 1,128: Britain and France appear to be in harmony but are inseparable from each other

"Mr. Decaz, I think you won't let me down! Right!"

Louis Decaze, who was sitting on the sofa quietly waiting for the end of the meeting, suddenly felt that his mind went blank after hearing the appointment of Jerome Bonaparte. Even De Luys, who was sitting next to him, also had a look on his face.

There was a fleeting moment of surprise.

According to common sense, for a task like this that may trigger diplomatic relations between the two countries (although relations between France and Russia are not much better now), the emperor should appoint a trustworthy member of the royal family to carry out the task.

No matter what happens, a close minister should be assigned to go there, so as to ensure that there is no risk of leakage of the entire mission.

However, Jerome Bonaparte chose to appoint Louis Decaze as the executor of this task.

It is difficult to tell whether the emperor valued Louis Decaze or was preparing to make Louis Decaze an outcast.

Mr. Louis Decaz, this is my first test for you. I wonder if you are willing to accept this challenge!

The instigator, Jérôme Bonaparte, looked at Louis Decaz, who was thinking with his head lowered, and couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart.

Of course, Jérôme Bonaparte was very optimistic about this "famous" foreign minister in history, and hoped that they could take over the position of Minister de Ruys at the appropriate time and shine for the Second Empire.

However, if you are optimistic, you will be optimistic. Jérôme Bonaparte will not rashly promote Louis Decaz because of his "great achievements" in history.

It has been nearly ten years since the establishment of the empire, and the promotion of officials has gradually been on the right track.

As the official system gradually matures, as the emperor, he can no longer promote a mid-level official to an imperial minister at will as he did before.

However, this does not mean that Jerome Bonaparte lost the right to appoint and remove officials.

Although he cannot appoint officials as he likes now, if an official's merits are sufficient for the job, he can also select officials under the condition of complying with regulations.

In other words, if Louis Decaz wants to be promoted to Imperial Minister, he must have appropriate merits.

Jérôme Bonaparte gave him this task so that he would be less slandered when he was promoted.

This is a challenge for Louis Decaz, but it is also an opportunity.

Jérôme Bonaparte made up his mind that if Louis Decaz was willing to take over this task and successfully complete the task, then he would consider seeking a full foreign post for Louis Decaz after the task was completed.

The duties of an ambassador.

There is an unwritten rule in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that is, only those who have served as ambassadors abroad are eligible to further seek the position of foreign minister (except for some who are suddenly promoted by the monarch)

After Louis Decaze served as ambassador abroad for several years, Jérôme Bonaparte could justifiably promote him to become Minister of Foreign Affairs.

But at that time, De Ruys can retire "honorably".

Of course, the premise of all this is that Louis Decaz is willing to take on this difficult task.

On the other hand, if Louis Decaz was afraid of the challenge and chose to give up, then Jérôme Bonaparte would abandon him without hesitation.

The French Empire does not need a timid minister, but according to Jérôme Bonaparte's "understanding" of Louis Decaze, he is not the kind of person who chooses to retreat when faced with challenges.

A foreign minister with a weak personality would never choose to use a tough attitude to deal with Bismarck's war threat just a few years after the Prussian army had just withdrawn from France (the Third Republic).

Things developed just as Jérôme Bonaparte expected.

After a brief silence, Louis Decaz, the person involved, raised his head again and said to Jerome Bonaparte with firm eyes, "Your Majesty, I am willing to follow your arrangements!"

Hearing Louis Decaze's sonorous and powerful response, Jérôme Bonaparte's mouth showed a pleasant smile. He turned to De Luys and praised, "Mr. Luys, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is here

Under your leadership, there are really a lot of talents!

I think we should find an opportunity to propose to the Senate that you be awarded a Legion of Glory medal."

"Your Majesty, the reason why so many talents have emerged in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is because of your wise leadership!" De Ruys praised Jérôme Bonaparte without blushing.

Jerome Bonaparte smiled even brighter, and no one would refuse the compliments of his subordinates.

Immediately afterwards, Jérôme Bonaparte made some "requests" to Louis Decaz.

"Mr. Decaz, because Alexander is about to win a complete victory in the Russian Civil War, the French Empire must completely break away from the Golitsyn government at the official level!

Our embassy in St. Petersburg will announce its temporary return to the French Empire next month.

Therefore, I hope you don’t mind that your mission to St. Petersburg this time cannot be in an official capacity!”

Louis Decaz's expression was very calm, as if he already knew the result, "Your Majesty, I understand!

I will try my best to keep a low profile in St. Petersburg and not be caught by the Moscow regime!"

"You will go to St. Petersburg as my personal envoy!

After you arrive in St. Petersburg, someone will meet you!

He will bring you to the (new) Prime Minister of the Russian Empire, the Consul Prince Golitsyn!

At that time, you must use your eloquence to persuade him to leave St. Petersburg!"

Louis Decaze seized the pause of Jerome Bonaparte and said to Jerome Bonaparte, "Your Majesty, I have reviewed Duke Golitsyn's information and have a certain understanding of him!

I personally think that Duke Golitsyn will never agree to leave, even if he dies, he will stay in St. Petersburg!"

Jérôme Bonaparte nodded, confirming Louis Decaze's opinion.

"You are right, a guy with firm beliefs like Duke Golitsyn will never choose to go into exile!

If Mr. Duke really insists on dying with his regime, then you can persuade the Duke to let his Russian colleagues who are unwilling to be buried with the regime leave!

They have persisted for four years, and they are worthy of this regime!

There’s really no need to be buried with “it”!”

"I will try to persuade His Excellency the Duke!" Louis Decaze said to Jerome Bonaparte.

After all these instructions, Jérôme Bonaparte chatted briefly with Louis Decaz and De Ruys for a while.

Finally, Louis Decaze and De Ruys left Jérôme Bonaparte's study.

After everyone left, Jerome Bonaparte put his head close to the sofa, with an expression similar to "Geyou lying" on his face.

After a while, Jerome Bonaparte complained to himself, "Really! Why do everything happen in this year!

Cavour, Alexander, and Lincoln, why can't you give me some peace of mind!

Can't you guys break out something once in a while? This will make me really passive!"

After feeling sorry for himself for a moment alone in his study, Jérôme Bonaparte regained his composure and called Basilio again.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?" Basilio said respectfully to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Mr. Basilio, would you please make a quick trip! Summon the envoy from the Kingdom of Britain to the study!" Jerome Bonaparte ordered Basilio.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Basilio bowed to Jerome Bonaparte and left.

About half an hour later, the British ambassador, Lord Bureau, appeared in Jerome Bonaparte's study.

"His Majesty!"

Lord Bureau first bowed respectfully to Jerome Bonaparte, and then asked Jerome Bonaparte the purpose of calling it over.

"Ambassador Bourault, I wonder if you know anything about the ongoing civil war in the Russian Empire!" Jerome Bonaparte said.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Lord Bourreau responded to Jérôme Bonaparte without missing a beat, "Your Majesty, who in the whole of Europe does not understand this war!"

"Then do you know that the St. Petersburg regime is about to be defeated by the Moscow regime!" Jerome Bonaparte continued to ask.

"I'm not sure about that!" Lord Bureau shook his head and replied to Jerome Bonaparte. "My duty is to maintain harmonious and friendly diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Britain and the French Empire. As for the situation in the Russian Empire,

I only found out about it through newspapers!”

"Can you please send a telegram to the British Cabinet to inquire about Prime Minister Palmerston's attitude on my behalf!" Jerome Bonaparte then expressed goodwill to the British Kingdom behind Lord Bureau, "If Palmerston

If Prime Minister Don is willing to take some actions, the French Empire will be willing to cooperate with the actions of the British Kingdom on certain issues."

"Of course!" Lord Buro replied immediately.

"That would be troublesome!"

After Lord Bourreau only exchanged a few words with Jerome Bonaparte briefly, he left the study on the pretext that "there are still some matters waiting for him to deal with in the mansion".

Jérôme Bonaparte was once again alone in the study, and Jérôme Bonaparte once again started the "network suppresses the clouds" mode.

"Alas! It seems that the relationship between the Kingdom of Britain and the French Empire will never be restored to the past!

It is impossible to count on that guy Palmerston to continue to interfere in Russia!" Jerome Bonaparte whispered to himself, "However, if you think about it carefully, it is normal! The British Kingdom will never allow any European

The country is the largest in Europe!

The division of the Russian Empire was only the result of the British Kingdom's momentary stupidity, and they will never make a second mistake!"

As Jerome Bonaparte had predicted, Palmerston rejected Jerome Bonaparte's "hint" and declared that "the Kingdom of Britain will unswervingly safeguard the integrity of the Russian Empire!"

This chapter has been completed!
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