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Chapter 141 Habsburg Little Meat

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister is here!"

Following the attendant's call, the young emperor, who was sitting at the desk near the window, just put the quill dipped in ink back into the pen holder, twisted his chair to face Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg.

Looking at the haggard young emperor in front of him, Felix Schwarzenberg saluted him humbly: "Your Majesty!"

The young emperor showed a meticulous look, pointed to the sofa next to him and said: "Prime Minister Felix, sit down and talk!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Felix Schwarzenberg sat on the hard sofa.

"Prime Minister Felix, what's the reason for you coming to my place?" Franz Joseph, who was only 19 years old and still had not gotten rid of his youthful age. He hated political speeches and asked Felix directly.


"That's it..." Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg first told Franz Joseph about Bach's plan to divide Hungary.

Due to the influence of the European Revolution of 1948, Franz Joseph's disgust for the Hungarian nation has reached its maximum. Now he just wants to completely turn the Magyar nation into a historical noun.

"Excellent! Prime Minister Felix, I believe that according to your proposed plan, it won't take many years for us to completely turn those damn Magyars into history!" Fernando, who finally showed joy in his indifferent expression.

Lanz Joseph clenched his fists and said to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"Your Majesty, such behavior is beneath your noble status!" Felix Schwarzenberg had to carefully remind Franz Joseph to act in accordance with Austrian rules and etiquette.

In the Austrian Empire, maintaining aristocratic etiquette is a criterion that every Austrian noble must master.

Franz Joseph quickly unclenched his fist and continued to say to Felix Schwarzenberg with a straight face: "Sorry, Mr. Prime Minister!"

Later, Franz Joseph began to put forward his "opinions" on Bach's plan to divide the Kingdom of Hungary. He said to Felix Schwarzenberg with murderous intent: "Prime Minister Felix, I think that in

Before officially dividing Hungary, we should solve the problem of Hungarian rebels!"

"Your Majesty, the Hungarian rebels have been defeated by the army of the Imperial United Tsar!" Felix Schwarzenberg did not understand what Emperor Franz Joseph meant, or what Felix Schwarzenberg meant

He never thought that the monarch he was loyal to would be so "cruel".

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister! If we do not completely eliminate the source of Hungary's rebellion, then the empire's reform of Hungary will never be successful!" Franz Joseph said to Felix Schwarzenberg according to his own opinion: "

We should behead all the rebel leaders!"

Felix Schwarzenberg was stunned by Franz Joseph's murderous words. He never thought that Franz Joseph would have this side.

Except for a small group of middle class people like Kossuth who led the rebellion in the Kingdom of Hungary, most of the members were small nobles in the Hungarian countryside.

If it is resolved according to Franz Joseph's instructions, it will only increase the hostility of the Hungarian people and make it difficult for the Austrian Empire to implement its policy in Hungary.

"Your Majesty!" Felix Schwarzenberg still maintained a respectful attitude and replied bravely: "I think we don't need to kill all of them!"

"Do we have to wait until they launch a second or third rebellion?" Franz Joseph said decisively: "The empire was so kind to Hungary that they began to press against the empire step by step. The only way is to kill them all.

Only through those Hungarian rebels can the empire truly gain long-term peace and stability!"

Franz Joseph's categorical attitude made Felix Schwarzenberg give up arguing with him on this issue. He was only the prime minister of the empire, so how could he strongly oppose the emperor's policies.

The greatest tragedy of the authoritarian system is this!

Felix Schwarzenberg, who originally wanted to capture the large and let go of the small Hungarian nobles to gain the gratitude of the small and medium-sized Hungarian nobles and thus make the road to provincialization of Hungary smoother, could not reverse Franz Joseph's plan to suppress all those who participated in the rebellion.

Felix Schwarzenberg, who was deeply aware of the emperor's constraints and wanted to execute all the middle and high-level officials in Hungary, had a thought of disrespect flashing through his mind.

Felix Schwarzenberg's silence convinced Franz Joseph of his "correctness", and he said to Felix Schwarzenberg: "I originally wanted to let Albrecht

He specially went to Hungary to serve as executioner, but Albrecht was unwilling to take up this position. Now we have to let Marshal Heinau go to Hungary to execute those damn traitors, what do you think?"

Franz Joseph seemed to be seeking Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg's opinion, but in fact he was just reporting to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"Your Majesty, Marshal Hainaut is undoubtedly the best choice!" Felix Schwarzenberg, knowing that he could not reverse Franz Joseph's idea, could only respond along Franz Joseph's train of thought.

"Excellent! The transfer of Marshal Heinau will be left to you!" Franz Joseph said to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"Yes!" Felix Schwarzenberg responded.

He then told Franz Joseph about the upcoming treaty between the Austrian Empire and the Sardinian Dynasty, which included: 1. The Kingdom of Sardinia gave up its claims to Lombardy and Venice. 2. The Sardinian Dynasty needed to pay Austria

The empire needs to pay an indemnity of 70 million. 3. The Kingdom of Sardinia needs to conclude an alliance with the Austrian Empire. 4. The Kingdom of Sardinia needs to recognize the territorial boundaries of 1815.

"We fought two wars with that damn rebel, and now we only ask them for 70 million francs? Are we going to form an alliance with them?" Franz Joseph looked at Felix Schwa in surprise with his eyes wide open.

Zenberg said.

Franz Joseph couldn't believe his ears. It was clearly the Kingdom of Sardinia that provoked first, but in the end it turned out that the Austrian Empire also spent money and people died, and the war compensation was not enough to send out two troops.

As for the first, third, and fourth treaties, they do not seem to punish the Kingdom of Sardinia, but rather to protect the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Franz Joseph, who believed in power politics at heart, obviously did not understand what Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg meant.

Felix Schwarzenberg could only explain to Franz Joseph earnestly: "Your Majesty, the enemy of the empire has never been the Kingdom of Sardinia! When Prince Metternich merged the Republic of Genoa into the Kingdom of Sardinia, his purpose was

To prevent France from bordering the Empire, the Kingdom of Sardinia serves as a barrier to protect the Austrian Empire!

If we criticize the Kingdom of Sardinia too harshly, it will cause the Kingdom of Sardinia to surrender to France! Then the territory of the empire will be directly bordered by France, and France can drive straight into the Apennines. If our support is not timely, I am afraid..."

Felix Schwarzenberg did not continue. He said that Franz Joseph also understood the next words.

The next plot may be like when Napoleon penetrated into the Apennine Peninsula.

However, the French army is definitely far inferior to the army led by Napoleon. The Austrian army also cannot find anyone with the same extraordinary commanding ability as Archduke Karl. Marshal Radetzky's lifespan is also a big problem.

"Prime Minister Felix, how can you guarantee that the Kingdom of Sardinia will not betray the empire again!" Franz Joseph asked Felix Schwarzenberg again.

"Your Majesty, the reason why the Sardinian Dynasty declared war on the empire last year was not only because the previous king wanted to expand the Sardinian Dynasty, but more importantly, the revolutionary wave in the Apennine Peninsula forced them to make a choice! Or the subjects under their rule

Abandon it, or use this wave to declare war on Austria!" Felix Schwarzenberg paused and then said: "Now, we have suppressed this wave! Sardinia has made another choice.

We just need not to push them so hard that they will turn to France! Now that the new king has succeeded, we can choose a Habsburg to marry them, so that they will not turn to France."

Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg, who adhered to Metternich's pragmatism, decided to sacrifice another Habsburg princess.

In Felix Schwarzenberg's view, no matter how much blessing you receive, you must pay a price. Since the princess of the Habsburg family followed God's will and joined the Habsburg family, she should serve the Habsburg family.

The Fort family gave everything they had.

After Franz Joseph was silent for a long time, he spoke again: "Prime Minister Felix, you remind me of my teacher Prince Metternich!"

"It's such an honor to be compared with Prince Metternich!" Schwarzenberg responded with a pretended to be flattered.

"One more thing!" Franz Joseph brought the letter paper placed on the table to Schwarzenberg and said: "This is a letter sent to me by the teacher in London. In the letter, he said that he wanted to return to the Empire.

.I think the prince is too lonely in London alone. Now that the revolution in Austria is over, I hope that the teacher can return to Austria to live his life. Prime Minister, what do you think?"

Felix Schwarzenberg was shocked when he heard that Metternich wanted to return to Austria. He got the position of prime minister from Metternich. When he heard that Franz Joseph just said that Metternich would

Prince Tene returned to take care of his old age, and Felix Schwarzenberg's heart settled down again.

"Of course I agree with the return of Prince Metternich. As an outstanding politician who has served Austria for more than 30 years, it is a huge tragedy for the empire and the prince himself to be wandering alone."

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