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Chapter 144: The Protector Barrow

The Orleans royal family's active and cooperative and self-aware attitude surprised Odilon Barrow, and he even felt a sense of regret.

If the Orleans royal family had cooperated as actively as now (for example, before the Cayenne Party in 1847) earlier (for example, before the Cayenne Party in 1847), relying on the Orleans family's leading position among financial capitalists, coupled with the "people-friendly" persona the Orleans family has operated for many years and the moderate republican party in Orleans

With the respect of the Duchess, the Kingdom of Orleans may not be without the possibility of survival.

It's a pity that no one thought that the Kingdom of Orleans, which had been in power for eighteen years and had many experiences of street fighting in Paris, would be directly defeated by a sudden revolution. Thiers, who wanted to serve as Prime Minister of Orleans again, had to declare in a high-profile manner on the eve of the revolution that he was tomorrow.

On the other hand, the republicans (political chameleons) tried to save the Kingdom of Orleans together with Odilon Barro.

Those financial capitalists who defended the Orleans Dynasty also did not expect that the Kingdom of Orleans, which they had worked so hard to build, would be overthrown by the mob.

For quite some time after the establishment of the Second Republic, some financial capitalists still secretly regretted whether they had exploited the Kingdom of Orleans too harshly, which led to such constraints.

Of course, if they are given another chance, they will definitely go back to the same old path.

The attribute of the financial class is to eat more and spit less.

[ps: Since the first generation of the Duke of Orleans, the Orleans family has been the leader of the Paris financial class. In lending and banking, the Duke of Orleans is also far ahead. During the Great Revolution, the Orleans family funded the revolution and imagined that after Louis XVI stepped down, the Orleans family would be able to

Louis Philippe came to power by virtue of his closeness to the people. Louis Philippe's father, the previous generation Duke of Orléans, Louis Equality, voted in favor of the execution of Louis XVI. As the revolution became more and more intense, Louis Philippe left Louis Equality and fled France independently.

Louis Equality was also sent to the guillotine. It was not until Louis XVIII succeeded to the throne that Louis Philippe returned to France. However, he has always been regarded by the orthodox as a descendant of the regicide. After 1830, usurpers were added


Then again, in fact, before Odilon Barrow had decided whether to leave for Claremont Township, he had already considered various scenarios of meeting Louis Philippe.

These include Louis Philippe beating himself to death and calling himself and the Party of Order thieves, or the former king would rather die than support his strategy.

With things going extremely smoothly, Odilon Barro could not help but feel some sympathy for Louis Philippe.

"Mr. Barrow, what is the current political situation in France? Can we still return to France?"

Just after Odilon Barro and Louis Philippe had discussed the "pension" of the Duchess of Orleans, a voice like an oriole came from the right side of Odilon Barro.

Upon hearing the sound, Odilon Barrow quickly stood up, bowed and said guiltily: "Madam!"

If Odilon Barrow was asked to choose the person he was most ashamed of in his life, then it would be Princess Marie, the widow of the Duke of Orleans.

The day after the February Revolution, Guizot was dismissed as a scapegoat, and Odilon Barrot and Thiers were invited to form a government.

As the February Revolution became more intense, Odilon Barro vaguely felt that the general trend of the revolution was irreversible. It happened that Louis-Philippe also fled in a hurry at this time, leaving only the words that the Count of Paris succeeded to the throne, and the Duchess of Orleans became the political assistant.

In just a few words, an ignorant child and a woman who was not proficient in politics were left in the Bourbon Palace to face the members of the Bourbon Palace. At that time, he could only be "cowardly" [Mr. Barrow believed that he had failed

The Duchess of Orleans hid aside, leaving the Duchess of Orleans to bear the crowd alone.

[ps: The Duchess of Orleans was widely loved by people of all factions except the orthodox before and after the February Revolution. King Louis Philippe fled and the Duchess of Orleans became regent. Lamartine personally defended the legitimacy of the regency of the Duchess of Orleans. Udi

General Nou, General Lamorisier and other republican generals also protected the Duchess of Orleans on the eve of the February Revolution.]

Elena Mecklenburg Schweichen, also known as the Duchess, held one hand with a child wearing a mini National Guard and saluted Odilon Barrow: "Mr. Barrow, please forgive me for being a woman."

Too much involvement in politics! Considering that you once served the Kingdom of Orleans, please tell me, can we still return to France?"

The Duchess's wailing voice, like an oriole, combined with her "My heart is still pitiful" expression, makes it difficult for people to feel compassion, not to mention that before the February Revolution, Odilon Barrow maintained a good relationship with the Duchess.

Friendly relationship. During the February Revolution, because he "abandoned" the duchess again.

Odilon Barrow told the truth even more guiltily: "Madam! Although we (the Party of Order) have taken control of the parliament, the Republicans and the Party of Order are still a huge force, coupled with some internal problems (orthodoxy)

The Orleans faction is trying to unite with the Orleans faction), and the Orleans royal family will have to wait for some time before they want to return to France."

Later, Odilon Barrow changed the topic and responded with a firm tone: "Please believe me, my colleagues and I will do our best to help the royal family return to France."

At this time, Odilon Barrow did not know that his colleague Thiers was no longer satisfied with being the Prime Minister of Orleans. He wanted to become a real French Dictator, even if the Dictator was only for 4 years.

, he will also use his lifelong energy to strive to dance with France.

"Mr. Barrow, the hope of the royal family is entrusted to you!" The Duchess assured Odilon Barrow: "Please rest assured that once the kingdom is restored, you will still be the prime minister of the kingdom. Please tell Mr. Lamartine

, I am very grateful to him for risking his own safety to defend me and the Count of Paris (son of the Duchess of Orleans and heir to the throne) during the revolution! I sincerely hope to meet Mr. Lamartine and others again. The revolution will not affect

Our friendship!"

The "long-sleeved" Duchess of Orleans used only a few words to describe the entire revolution as an accident. At the same time, she also used her relationship with the republicans to try to win over Lamartine and others to maintain a neutral attitude.

Even Odilon Barrow had to praise the Duchess's agility. It seemed that the Duchess of Orleans had grown a lot in more than a year in Britain.

"I will convey your gratitude to Mr. Lamartine!" Odilon Barro replied: "However, the situation in Paris is far more complicated than imagined."

"Mr. Barro, what are your plans?" Perhaps because of his concern for his children and grandchildren, Louis-Philippe, who originally had no intention of talking even remotely about the future with Odilon Barro, spoke up.

[Since Louis-Philippe fled France, his health has become worse and worse after losing hope of power. He believes that he may not live to see the day when the Orleans family regains its throne. The affairs of the next generation should be left to the children and grandchildren to solve themselves. 】

Odilon Barrow was stunned for a moment and did not react for a moment: "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"The Orléans family's plan to return to France!" Louis Philippe said to Odilon Barrow word by word, and then said softly: "Prime Minister Barrow, you will not deceive me with false words. Poor me

My daughter-in-law and grandson!"

In response to Louis Philippe's almost pleading words, Odilon Barro was silent for a long time.

To be honest, Odilon Barro only has a rough outline of the Orléans royal family's plan to return to France, and the details need to be discussed with other colleagues before it can be successful.

Now let Odilon Barrow reveal his plan. If Odilon Barrow's plan fails or is even leaked, I'm afraid Odilon Barrow will have to bear the blame.

"Monsieur Barrow!" cried the Duchess of Orleans.

The duchess's soft words broke Odilon Barro's insistence, and he could only confess part of his planned strategy to Louis Philippe: "Your Majesty, I think you should understand that relying on our strength alone (Orleanist)

It is impossible to bring the royal family back to France, so we need to rely on the power of Bourbon."

"Ha!" Louis Philippe laughed at himself: "With the help of those guys? It was because of them that the kingdom collapsed! Now, they are actually seeking to cooperate with us? Will they cooperate with a regicide? A usurper?


"Cough...cough...cough..." Louis Philippe's voice was slightly trembling, and his expression was particularly excited, making his coughing even more violent.

Since Louis Philippe came to the throne at the Paris City Hall in 1830, Louis Philippe has always been prepared for the counterattack of the main branch of Bourbon. In order to contain the power of the main branch, he gave up supervision of the Bonapartists and Republicans, and even the same section

The renegade Bonapartists cooperated.

They have adopted an attitude of killing all the orthodox people who are acting secretly. How can the hatred of eighteen years be resolved in a short time?

The Orthodox guys must be wishing that I would die right now!

Louis Philippe laughed at himself silently.

"Your Majesty, times are changing!" Odilon Barrow said: "We must choose a compromise plan!"

"How to compromise?" Louis Philippe asked again.

"The Count of Chambord has no children yet!" Odilon Barrot said cryptically, and then looked at the 11-year-old Count of Paris, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Mr. Barrow, I leave everything to you!" Louis Philippe solemnly said to Odilon Barrow.

"Yes! I will definitely do my best!" Odilon Barrow responded.

Of course, Odilon Barro's question about the alliance was not completely entrusted to Louis Philippe.

The prerequisite for the Legitimacy to unite with the Orleans faction was that the regicide and usurper Louis Philippe must die.

However, after meeting Louis Philippe, Odilon Barrot believed that it would not be long before the orthodox and Orléanists could be completely integrated.

This chapter has been completed!
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