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Chapter 152 Ask for Thrall

"Thank you for your understanding! Mr. Minister, I believe that France and Prussia will definitely become friendly diplomatic countries!"

Jérôme Bonaparte was hypocritical to the Prussian Minister, knowing that the next step would be a "showdown" with the Prussian Minister.

According to Jerome Bonaparte's understanding of King Frederick William IV of Prussia, it was impossible for the King of Prussia to agree to the conditions he proposed.

If Frederick William IV agreed to the conditions he proposed, the Kingdom of Prussia, which had high hopes for German nationalism, would become a shameful traitor. This would undoubtedly be a huge blow to Prussia and freedom.

The Nazis relied on nationalism to enter the Prussian political arena, and they could not tolerate this kind of error.

Although German nationalism has been suppressed now, they have only changed from an open confrontation to a parliamentary struggle. The dream of German nationalism has always been hidden in the hearts of every German.

Of course, everyone has their own German dream. Prussia and Austria both want to build a Germany that excludes each other, and Bavaria wants to build a Third Germany that excludes Prussia and Austria.

Facts have proved that Bavaria won in the end, Austria was excluded from the German system, and Prussia lost its own land of Longxing and Silesia, which it had fought hard to win.

It was precisely because of this mentality that led to the Austro-Prussian War in 1866. Bavaria did not choose to lead the army to join Austria to help Austria attack Prussia, but chose to sit back and watch the fight, and established the South German Confederation with Prussia's acquiescence.

Otherwise, judging from the fighting situation of the Bavarian Front in the German region in 1870, if 100,000 Bavarian troops joined the Austro-Prussian battlefield, the outcome of the entire Austro-Prussian War would have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Prussian minister did not know that Jerome Bonaparte had already made a choice in his mind. He thought out of wishful thinking that the president would support Prussia in the next battle with Austria.

"I also believe that the French Republic and the Kingdom of Prussia will become friendly diplomatic countries! Our two countries will definitely be able to join hands to defend European peace and order in the future!" the Prussian minister responded.

"Mr. Minister!" Jérôme Bonaparte spread his hands and whispered "honestly": "To be honest, in the fight between you and Austria, I prefer you. After all, the Austrian Empire is too big! If they are allowed to gain Germany,

If it dominates the power, the French Republic will probably face a huge empire of nearly 70 million people! Seventy million people! What a terrifying figure, the whole of France only has about 35 million people!"

Jérôme Bonaparte painted with exaggerated body language.

"That's right!" The Prussian minister said the same thing. Jérôme Bonaparte nodded and said: "An empire of 70 million people will be a nightmare for all European powers, and we in Prussia are to prevent Austria's imperial ambitions.

A strong fence."

Before the Prussian minister was about to rejoice at his diplomatic victory, Jérôme Bonaparte's next words made the Prussian minister somewhat at a loss.

"Mr. Minister, the same is true for you, the Kingdom of Prussia! You have worked hard to design the "Three Kings Alliance" political system just to exclude the Austrian Empire from Germany!" Jerome Bonaparte, you pointed out simply and clearly.

The intention of the Prussian minister: "Even if Austria is excluded, Prussia still has a population of 34 to 5 million! God, a country with the same area and population as the French Republic exists next to France! And from your country's population growth rate

It seems that your population will surpass France sooner or later."

Jérôme Bonaparte's rapid-fire answers made the Prussian minister confused. This was the first time he met someone who believed that Prussia was a threat to France. What was even worse was that the person who held this idea was from this country.

leader of.

"Prussia has good intentions towards France, and we have no historical enmity in history!" the Prussian minister hurriedly responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Mr. Minister, my uncle once defeated your army in two weeks!" Jerome Bonaparte reminded him "kindly".

"That was an unfortunate battle. Although we have had some frictions, please believe that we still respect His Majesty the Emperor just as we respect our King!" The Prussian minister, who suppressed his patriotic enthusiasm, quickly confessed.

Huh! You respect my uncle so much that you want to kill him? Jérôme Bonaparte responded with disdain in his heart.

After the failure of the Battle of Waterloo, Emperor Napoleon was forced to abdicate, and Blücher hurriedly expressed his intention to kill Emperor Napoleon to the Allied Commander-in-Chief Wellington.

This is more or less mixed with the resentment of a "simple" Prussian towards Emperor Napoleon during his occupation of Prussia.

Now to say that there is no resentment between the two is not to deceive ourselves.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who knew clearly that the Prussian minister was lying, still cooperated with the Prussian minister's performance.

"I think so too!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded, then spread his hands and sighed: "But these reasons do not allow me to convince my foreign minister and parliament that they prefer Austria to Prussia, because most of them

They are leftovers from the previous dynasty!"

Jérôme Bonaparte without any psychological burden passed the blame to the Legislative Assembly and the Minister of Foreign Affairs: "Unless..."

"Unless what?" the Prussian minister asked quickly.

Jerome Bonaparte pretended to be hesitant, and then said: "Unless the Kingdom of Prussia can expel the bargaining chip that makes the Legislative Assembly and the government excited, I can also have an account to all the French people!"

"What chips?" asked the Prussian minister.

"There seem to be some vague territorial disputes between France and Germany in the Rhineland. As long as these disputes can be resolved, I think the Legislative Assembly and the entire French people will definitely support the Prussian minister's appeal!" Jérôme Bonaparte was vague.

He made a vague request to the Prussian minister to cede territory.

The Prussian minister instantly understood that what Jerome Bonaparte wanted was not the so-called European peace and Prussian friendship at all. In his eyes, the so-called friendship and peace were worthless, and only naked territory could satisfy his wishes.


Damn it! You greedy guy!

The Prussian Minister scolded Jerome Bonaparte in his heart. In his eyes, Jerome Bonaparte was about to overlap with his Emperor Napoleon, who had brought endless humiliation to Prussia. They were both greedy.

Although the Prussian minister had cursed Jérôme Bonaparte dozens of times in his heart, he still had a smile of standard diplomatic etiquette on his face.

"Your Excellency, regarding the territorial dispute, I think..." The Prussian minister hesitated and felt a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Minister, I know that this is beyond your authority." Jerome Bonaparte "comforted": "You can hand over France's demands to your king. I believe he will be able to fairly examine Prussia and Prussia.

Relations between Austria.”

"I will convey your conditions to our King!" The Prussian minister understood that it was basically an impossible task to gain the support of France. Prussia would never sell its territory to satisfy France's appetite.

At the moment, we can only pray that the Austrian minister will also not agree to France's conditions. In this case, France will be able to support Prussia.

After Jérôme Bonaparte and the Prussian minister continued to talk wordlessly for a long time, the Prussian minister said goodbye: "Your Excellency, it is a pleasure to communicate with you today..."

After repeated attempts to retain him failed, Jérôme Bonaparte had no choice but to say goodbye to Prussia.

Jérôme Bonaparte personally escorted the Prussian minister out of the gate of the Elysee Palace.

"Your Majesty, the Austrian Minister Baron Huboy has been waiting in the living room for a long time!" Mokar said to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Did he come here on his own initiative?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked with a surprised expression.

"That's right!" Mokar nodded in response.

"Take him to the study!"

Jérôme Bonaparte returned to the study first, and then Mokar came to the living room and brought Minister Huboy into the study.

"Mr. Minister, I'm very sorry! I was talking to Minister Tocqueville just now!" Jérôme Bonaparte continued to show off his ability to tell lies.

Baron Huboy didn't know who Jerome Bonaparte was talking to just now. Judging from Jerome Bonaparte's expression and demeanor, he seemed to be having a pleasant conversation with the Prussian minister.

Thinking of this, Baron Hueybo couldn't help but feel anxious.

Now is the most critical time. Once the French Republic chooses to support Prussia, it will undoubtedly be a prestige blow to the Austrian Empire.

After seeing that Prussia has gained the support of France, those German states that are on both ends of the spectrum will inevitably choose to side with Prussia.

This was undoubtedly a terrible thing for the Austrian Empire.

At present, Baron Hueyber is also unable to expose Jerome Bonaparte's lies. Rushing to expose them will only cause bad consequences for the diplomatic relations between the two countries. He can only say Jerome Bonaparte's lies.

Go down the road.

"It doesn't matter, I feel extremely honored that Your Excellency the President is willing to meet with me!" Baron Huboy praised Jérôme Bonaparte.

Information is unilaterally transparent (Jérôme Bonaparte, who has the "Future" function enabled, understands the diplomatic strategy of the Austrian Empire, but Baron Huboy does not know what Jérôme Bonaparte discussed with the Prussian minister.)

Next, Baron Huboy could only say tentatively: "Your Excellency, President, you must know that we are already at war with Prussia!"

This chapter has been completed!
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