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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven Party Disputes and Splits

On September 20, 1849, there were only 10 days left before the end of the legislative assembly's recess.

In the last 10 days, many aristocratic MPs living in country castles have returned to France one after another. They will use the last time to communicate with each other and strive to achieve their political goals before the Legislative Assembly reopens.


Should we support Odilon Barrow or oppose Odilon Barrow.

Therefore, the three giants of the orthodox faction, Berryer, Count Falloux, and Count Montalembert, gathered in a mansion in the Place des Vosges (the owner of the mansion was Berryer) to discuss countermeasures.

[Neo-Orthodox leader Berryer, Orthodox (clerical right-wing) Count Falloux, Orthodox (clerical left-wing liberal Catholic thought) Count Montalembert]

The three of them sat in silence on the three red velvet cushioned sofas centered around the walnut square table. The atmosphere in the entire living room fell into solemn silence. If you listened carefully, you could hear the steady breathing of the three of them.

The silent scene did not last long. As the servant dragged the Bordeaux wine on an aluminum tray and placed it on the square table, the host Berryer immediately said: "How about we drink some wine and talk?"

As he spoke, Berry skillfully pulled out the loose cork.

Montalembert and Fallo looked at each other and nodded in agreement with Berryer's suggestion.

Berryer poured the wine into three crystal clear glasses. The scarlet wine gave off a faint smell, and a few drops of it "naughtily" sprinkled on the square walnut table.

Berryer handed the wine to Count Falloux and Count Montalembert respectively. He raised his glass and said: "Let us wish our monarch health and long life! May we be able to take France back from the hands of the mob and return it to France."

To God!”

Berryer's extremely pious words resonated with Count Montalembert and Count Fallo.

Since the Bourbon dynasty was usurped by the De Orleans family, their lives have been getting worse day by day. Under the dual imprint of Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Montalembert and Falloux have been subject to more stringent restrictions than Berry.

Orleans will never allow anyone to threaten his throne.

It was not until the rise of the February Revolution in 1848 that destroyed D'Orléans and his kingdom that they were able to relax their surveillance. However, the crown of France did not return to the hands of the Bourbon branch. It was taken away by the mob and it was

It was brought to the head of the Bonapartist leaders.

Although this result is somewhat unsatisfactory, it finally did not fall on those republicans.

The situation of the church was finally much better than it was during the Kingdom of Orleans, but it was far from what it was when Bourbon was on the throne.

"Take the crown away from the mob and give it to God? Well said!"

After a brief resonance, Count Fallo had to return to reality. He repeated what Berry had just said word for word, but his tone was unusually calm.

"Yes!" Montalembert also nodded in agreement with Count Falloux's opinion.

Three half-full wine glasses clinked together, and Berryer, Montalembert, and Fallo drank the wine in one gulp.

Berryer, with a slight blush on his face, took a breath of alcohol and then said: "Mr. Falloux, Mr. Montalembert, what do you think of the opinions put forward by those guys from the Orleans faction?"

Count Falloux and Count Montalembert were stunned for a moment, and then they realized what Berryer meant.

However, Fallou still pretended not to understand what Berryer was talking about and asked: "Mr. Berryer, we have cooperated with those guys from the Orleans faction many times, and we have also put forward many opinions to each other.

.I don’t know which opinion you are talking about.”

"Yes!" Montalembert also echoed.

"That's it... that's it..." After hesitating for a moment, Berryer gritted his teeth and said, "It's about the alliance between the Orléansists and the Orthodox!"

"Mr. Berryer, I think you should understand the outcome of this matter!" Count Fallou reduced his smile and turned to ask Berryer seriously.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Berry's mouth.

Yes, when he asked the orthodox monarch Henry V at Emla whether he was willing to unite with the Orleans faction, Henry V responded to him with a decisive attitude.

"I will never cooperate with a regicide, a despicable usurper, and neither should you!"

The Count of Chambord's response completely cut off the possibility of Berryer wanting to cooperate with the Orleans faction. Under the instructions of the Count of Chambord, the orthodox faction must part ways with the Orleans faction, and the orthodox faction must also withdraw from Odilon.

Luo's cabinet.

In the words of Count Chambord, "If God favors me, I will have the honor to become the monarch of France. If God is not willing to favor me, I would rather die in obscurity."

[Of course, after otl world line Louis Napoleon succeeded to the throne, he may have felt that his time was running out, and coupled with the deliberate coordination of a small group around the Count of Chambord, he had vowed never to unite with the Orleans faction.

The Count of Chambord is still united with the Count of Paris.]

"Lawyer Berryer, are you unwilling to follow His Majesty's advice?" Count Falloux asked Berryer.

"I..." Belle was speechless and could only pour another glass of wine and drink it in one gulp.

Being with a monarch like Henry V who didn't know how to adapt was really a blessing that Berry achieved in his eight lifetimes.

"You two, aren't we here to discuss Mr. Odilon Barrow?" Montalembert tried to smooth things over.

"Since His Majesty (Henry V) has decided not to cooperate with the Orleans faction, what can we do!" Count Falloux glanced at Berryer and emphasized: "We can only follow your Majesty's opinion and break with the Orleans faction!"

"Mr. Falloux, I don't think we need to break with the Orleans faction so quickly." Berryer objected and said: "We should continue to support them. Supporting them is also good for us!"

"Mr. Berryer, are you going to ignore His Majesty's order?" Falubeau immediately put a "big hat" on Berryer's head.

"I am not ignoring His Majesty's wishes!" Berryer explained: "We should have some room for mediation with the Orleans faction! If one day, His Majesty is willing to cooperate with them, we will not..."

"Mr. Berryer, I don't agree with your opinion!" Count Falloux retorted to Berryer: "We should serve the monarch wholeheartedly and must not engage in any arrogance.

Mr. Berryer, do you think you are capable of acting on your own behalf?"

Berryer was so angry that he couldn't say a word. He originally planned to form a united front with Count Fallou and Count Montalembert, but he suddenly found that his two allies seemed to have other ideas.

"I agree with Count Fallo!" Montalembert immediately stood up for Count Fallo: "We should obey the monarch's opinion wholeheartedly and cannot act in the slightest arrogance!"

Faced with the joint pressure from the left-wing and right-wing clerical factions in the orthodox faction based on the monarch's public opinion, Berryer, who was weak and weak, also had no choice.

An orthodox meeting, whether against Barrot or in favor of Barrot, ended with a majority against Barrot.

Count Falloux and Count Montalembert left Berryier's mansion together, leaving only Berryer alone and angry in the mansion.

Just when Falloo was about to board the carriage, a hand pressed on his shoulder.

Count Fallo looked behind him and saw that it was Count Montalembert.

"Mr. Fallo, can you walk with me for a while?" Montalembert said to Fallo with a smile.

Fallou nodded, then ordered the coachman to leave, and he and Montalembert walked along the boulevard.

"Fallou, what do you want to do?" Montalembert said to Count Fallou in a calm tone.

"I don't want to do anything!" Falu responded, and then added: "I just want to leave more seeds for the church!"

"You don't think so highly of Count Chambord?" Montalembert asked Falloux again.

"I thought the Earl of Chambord would undergo some changes. Who knows..." Fallou sighed, looking into the distance with worried eyes and said: "Montalembert, we are not just monarchists (legitimists),

We are the spokesperson of the church!”

"Yes!" Montalembert took a long breath and said with a wry smile: "There is still a church behind us!"

Montalembert and Fallo reached a consensus at this moment.

"Your Majesty, Count Fallo is here!"

A servant reported to Jérôme Bonaparte the news of Count Falloux's arrival.

"Huh?" Jérôme Bonaparte showed a surprised expression. He didn't understand what Minister Fallou wanted to do with him. "Quickly, invite him in!"


Under the leadership of the Elysee Palace servants, Fallou entered the study.

"Your Excellency, President!" Fallou said respectfully to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Mr. Fallot, please sit down!" Jérôme Bonaparte invited Fallot to sit down.

After Fallou sat down, Jérôme Bonaparte spoke again: "I don't know, what do you want from me, Minister Fallou?"

"Your Excellency, I heard rumors that you are planning to replace Prime Minister Odilon Barrot, right?" Count Falloux immediately showed off his cards to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte's expression changed slightly. Sure enough, there is no airtight wall in the world.

"That's right!" Jerome Bonaparte said frankly: "I think Odilon Barrot is really not suitable to be prime minister!"

"We just discussed this matter too!"

Count Falloux told Jérôme Bonaparte everything about what had just happened at the Berryiers, including the news that the Orthodox faction would break with the Orleans faction.

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you with them (the neo-Orthodox)?" Jérôme Bonaparte questioned.

"Your Excellency, we have not only them behind us, but also the church! At some point, we must give priority to the interests of the church. The Count of Chambord..."

This chapter has been completed!
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