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Chapter 183 Arrest of Alphonse Rothschild

"Your Excellency, we found that the Rothschild family bank has some credit problems! A group of stock exchange officials secretly accepted bribes from them and passed off bonds as good ones! Destroying the stability of the French market!"

As soon as he entered the door, Paris Police Chief Carlier quickly came to Jerome Bonaparte and reported to Jerome Bonaparte.

"I'm not...I didn't!" Alphonse de Rothschild looked at Carlier and others who suddenly broke in, and quickly understood what Jerome Bonaparte was thinking.

Now he instantly understood that he was not facing the gentle and elegant Louis Philippe, but a cold and cold Dictado.

Financial means could be used against a man like Louis Philippe, but not against Dictator.

"Your Majesty, the Rothschild Bank also used bribery to corrupt a group of officials from the Ministry of Public Works, and with their help obtained a large number of railway bonds!" Justice Minister Rueil did not shy away from calling Jérôme Bonaparte

as "Your Majesty".

"Mr. Alphonse, do you have anything else to defend? Corrupting state officials and selling inferior bonds... I think you are quite courageous!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Alphonse de.

Rothschild said in a strange way.

The bankers who had just cried for poverty bowed their heads and fell silent. In this era, isn’t everyone doing this kind of thing? Hasn’t the president done it? How strange!

Although bankers secretly express their disapproval of the president, they dare not speak out to him and make an audience with him.

Not to mention the massive corruption in France now, even in the Third Republic, the Fourth Republic, and even the Fifth Republic, corruption has not decreased at all! In the Fifth Republic, how many presidents and prime ministers were accused of corruption and investigated, but investigations are investigations

, which one of them is actually sanctioned.

Corruption in the capitalist world is nothing more than a knife used by those in power to remove political opponents from power.

Not to mention that the United States has even turned official-business collusion into so-called political donations, and turning corruption into a legitimate source of income is also a subtle operation in the capitalist world.

Based on power factors, Jerome Bonaparte could accuse Alphonse de Rothschild of using bribery to corrupt French bureaucracy, but Alphonse de Rothschild did it in front of everyone

Refuting Jérôme Bonaparte's statement that everyone is corrupt.

Otherwise, what awaits him will not be imprisonment but severe punishment.

Alphonse de Rothschild's witty silence made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief. If he had bitten randomly, everyone present would probably be dead.

"Mr. Alphonse, you have violated the laws of the country!" Jérôme Bonaparte showed a surprised expression, then shook his head and said: "It's such a pity, I didn't expect such a thing to happen!


"Director Callier!" Jérôme Bonaparte turned his attention to Director Callier.

"Yes!" Director Calliere responded to Jérôme Bonaparte with his head lowered.

"Does my friend really want to be put in prison?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Calliere in a more choked voice.

"I'm afraid it must be like this!" Calliere responded "uprightly".

"In that case, Mr. Alphonse! Could you please accompany the police?" Opposite Jerome Bonaparte, the ashen Alphonse de Rothschild said: "Please don't worry! Wait until they investigate.

After the truth is revealed, I will definitely let you out!"

"Thank you, Mr. President!" Alphonse de Rothschild expressed his gratitude to Jerome Bonaparte with a smile that was uglier than crying.

If there was a regret pill in the world, Alphonse de Rothschild would definitely take one.

A mere ten million francs is a drop in the bucket compared to the safety of the Rothschild Bank.

Who would have thought that Dictado would really dare to arrest people!

"Let's go! Mr. Rothschild, we don't want to put you in chains!"

In full view of the bankers, Alphonse de Rothschild could only leave the room with the police.

The door to the room was closed again, and the frightened bankers withdrew their gaze.

"Please don't worry, Mr. Alphonse is just cooperating with the investigation! Even if he is guilty, the crime is at best bribery!" Jérôme Bonaparte "relieved" the bankers present.

It didn't matter if he wasn't relieved. Once he was relieved, the bankers who had cried to Jerome Bonaparte that they had no money instantly became rich.

"Your Excellency, I am willing to serve France's national defense!"

"Your Excellency, I am willing too!"

Bankers expressed to Jerome Bonaparte that they must be obliged to contribute to the future of France.

"You are all the elites of France. I really can't bear to reach out to you!" Jérôme Bonaparte looked at the bankers with a troubled expression.

Bankers have said that the president does not need to be polite to them and must allow them to contribute to France's national defense.

Jérôme Bonaparte had to reluctantly agree with the bankers' desire to serve the country.

"Okay! Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I hope you can continue to serve the future of France!" Jerome Bonaparte said to everyone present with a smile.

After Jerome Bonaparte's "profound" education, the bankers finally realized the importance of national defense, and they enthusiastically donated money to Jerome Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who originally planned to raise 10 million francs, actually raised 15 million francs.

This method turned out to be more violent than robbery.

"I will keep your patriotic enthusiasm in mind!" Jérôme Bonaparte, who knew that hitting a stick with a big stick will give you a sweet date, immediately said: "The next railway bond will be sold in January next year! All this

Those who have donated once will be eligible to subscribe for the bonds first. I can guarantee you that the next railway bond will be more than this one!"

Jérôme Bonaparte's guarantee made bankers ecstatic, and the stable return rate on railway bonds was enough to make bankers forget the pain they had just experienced.

If the president had told them this "good news" earlier, they would have happily donated money to the army.

Why bother with swords and guns?

In Jérôme Bonaparte's mind, only by making bankers feel fear can he make them obey his orders.

At the end of the 20th century, Roh Tae-woo, the leader of a certain space country, often brought chaebols to the Blue House to reprimand him during his reign. The chaebols were too scared to talk back and could only let Roh Tae-woo take what he wanted.

Even after Roh Tae-woo stepped down, the chaebol leaders who were afraid of Roh Tae-woo would still pay some money to Prince Charming every year.

If you can't gain their respect, try to gain their fear.

Fear will prevent them from having any room to resist your administrative orders.

After the donation was over, the banker walked out of the room cautiously.

Only Count Argu, Magne, Emile Perel, Isaac Perel, Achille Fuld, and Adolf Schneider were left in the room.

"Mr. Argoux!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded slightly towards the 70-year-old president of the Bank of France.

"Mr. President, you really taught me a lesson!" Count Argu couldn't help but sigh: "I seem to see the shadow of the original emperor in you!"

The eyes of this old man who had experienced the imperial period, the restoration of Bourbon, and the Kingdom of Orleans were filled with memories.

"Well! My uncle?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Count Argoux curiously.

"The original emperor was just like you. He gave us the Bank of France to raise military expenses for him. In the end, the Bank of France used him as a cash machine from which we could withdraw money at will!" Count Argu said with emotion,

He said something wrong and he quickly responded: "Please forgive me for talking nonsense as an old man!"

"Cash machine? No, Mr. Count Argoux, I am different from my uncle, and the Bank of France will never become a cash machine!" Jérôme Bonaparte said categorically to Count Argoux.

"That couldn't be better!" A smile appeared on Count Argu's face. He knew never to believe anything a politician said, but now what else could they do except believe in him.

Hey! Algu had witnessed with his own eyes the emperor's dissolution of the House of Five Hundred. As long as the president could have one-tenth of his uncle's courage, how could those members of the Legislative Assembly be his opponents?

"However, I hope that the Bank of France can adjust its policy appropriately!" Jérôme Bonaparte expressed his opinion to the president of ICBC in front of him.

"Say!" Count Argoux asked Jérôme Bonaparte with a stern expression.

"I know that you and your colleagues at the Bank of France are all proud of the Bank of France's profits!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to the Count of Argou: "But have you ever thought about it, the more profits you make! This is

This means that the French business community will suffer more losses!”

"Your Excellency, with all due respect! Banks exist to make profits!" Count Argu, who holds a conservative view, immediately retorted.

"I admit that from a long-term perspective, the purpose of banks is to make profits!" Jérôme Bonaparte took out a Napoleon gold coin and said: "I once read a book that said that the value of gold does not lie in it.

In itself, its value lies in serving as a general equivalent. This is the mission given to it by its rare characteristics. If gold cannot be used as a general equivalent in exchange, it will be useless!"

In the 19th century, when the medieval idea of ​​precious metals still remained, it seriously hindered the development of the European financial system.

Although the Saint-Simonians proposed the connection between industry and finance as early as the early 19th century, the only country that truly understood and implemented it was the future Second Empire, and the remaining countries did not gradually understand it until the 1860s and 1970s.

Understand the connection between industry and finance.

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