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Chapter 187: Go strong

“…In the long history from the ancient Roman Republic to the 19th century, we have never been as prosperous as we are today. Countless knowledge is waiting for us to discover. Scientific and technological progress leads us to a new level. We have reason to believe in the achievements of our ancestors.

The dream will be realized with the efforts of our generation and the next generation.

However, under the wave of scientific and technological progress, a monster is gestating in the shadows. They feed on the flesh and blood of France and stir up financial storms one after another. They despicably and shamelessly take advantage of the French people's enthusiasm for the motherland's industry and peddle a

One batch after another of inferior bonds, they trampled on the simple and kind-hearted French compatriots and exploited them one by one. They despised honesty and advocated treachery. They were extremely stingy but greedy...

These bed bugs entrenched in France are eager to suck up every drop of blood from people and break every bone. In order to safeguard their interests, they use money to corrupt batches of upright French bureaucrats and become their lackeys! The entire society is changing.

Under their corruption, good qualities such as morality, honesty, integrity, and piety were lost, and the entire society became rampant in crime because of them.

They are a group of devils incarnate in polite clothes, they are the emperors in the stock exchange...

Who are they? They are the financial Jews headed by the James Rothschild family. They collude with foreign forces in Vienna, London, and Frankfurt to destroy the entire French Republic...

To every conscientious French people, I implore you to stand up and use your actions to stop these worms who want to destroy France. We must take virtue and integrity back from their hands and eliminate evil from the republic.

Save France!”

Under the continuous attack of newspapers and pamphlets, the entire Parisian public got to know Baron James Rothschild.

Angry patriots rushed to the joint. They unfurled the banner "Down with the Rothschild financial aristocracy." Under the leadership of the Bonapartists lurking in the crowd, they set out from the Bastille to James Rothschild.

Outside Ed's mansion.

The police, who usually mobilized in full force whenever there was any movement, seemed to have disappeared en masse. Thousands of Parisian people surrounded James Rothschild's mansion.

If it weren't for the appearance of a group of guards with firearms inside the mansion, and the fact that the Bonapartists hidden in the crowd did not continue to provoke, but instead cooled down the people of Paris, the Paris people would have been unable to bear it and would have rushed into James

.Rothschild smashed James Rothschild's mansion to pieces.

In the mansion, James Rothschild looked at the crowds of Parisian citizens on the fence with a very gloomy expression. He suddenly realized that he had underestimated Jerome Bonaparte.

I didn't expect this bastard to really dare to incite public opinion against him.

There was a knock on the door, and the baron butler entered James Rothschild's room.

"Sir... let's leave Paris first!" The loyal baron butler also began to think about quitting at this time. He did not want his master to die in Paris.

"Retreat? Retreat to where? Will they let me retreat like this?" James Rothschild sneered and pointed at the Paris citizens: "Once I have the idea of ​​retreat, those gangsters will never let me go.

!Neither does the clown at the Elysée Palace!"

"Then... sir... we... we should find someone to go to the Elysée Palace!..." the baron butler said to Baron James Rothschild tremblingly.

"Ask me to surrender to that bastard? What a dream!" Baron James Rothschild roared, "When I was in Paris, his bastard was still eating dirt in Italy! Now he actually wants to ride on me

On the head!"

The baron butler remained silent, knowing that the battle between his master James Rothschild and President Jérôme Bonaparte would only end if one person fell.

The current situation is somewhat unfavorable to his master.

"You go to the bank headquarters now and order them to sell off part of the French national debt!" James Rothschild gave the order to the baron's steward.

"Sir, this will cause turmoil in the French financial market and will not be good for us!" The baron butler carefully dissuaded James Rothschild from giving up the action.

"Just do what you are told! There is so much nonsense!" James Rothschild responded to the baron's butler.

"Yes!" The baron butler had no choice but to follow James Rothschild's order and prepare to secretly go to the bank headquarters.

Before the baron butler could step out of the mansion door, he was blocked by two serious-looking guys in suits.

"Who are you?" the baron butler asked, looking at the two guys doubtfully.

"We are the judicial police of the Supreme Court. We are here to summon Mr. James Rothschild on the order of the Minister of Justice, Eugène Rouet!" The expressionless judicial policeman took out a document with the seal of the Minister of Justice and placed it on the baron.

In front of the butler.

"Then can I leave!" the baron butler pointed to the door and said to the judicial police?

"No! You must stay in the mansion!" The judicial police flatly rejected the request of the baron butler.

Unable to leave, the baron's butler could only return to the mansion to report the arrival of the judicial police to James Rothschild.

"Damn it!" James Rothschild cursed angrily.

As the saying goes, when the house leaks, it rains all night, and bad news reaches James Rothschild's ears one after another.

First the judicial police arrived, and then the army was stationed around James Rothschild's mansion in the name of protecting James Rothschild.

Of course, this show of force was protested by James Rothschild, but the big-headed soldiers obviously ignored James Rothschild's protest. They just followed the orders of the Minister of War and were stationed here.

Immediately afterwards, James Rothschild received letters from Finance Minister Achille Fuld and Railway Minister Morny. The letter expressed to James Rothschild in a regretful tone that due to Rothschild

Because the De family used money to corrupt the Ministry of Railways and the Ministry of Finance, the president had to announce a "clean-up" of the French government, and the Ministry of Railways and the Ministry of Finance were obviously among those cleaning up.

Northern Railway Company and Rothschild Bank, both owned by Rothschild Bank, will face financial investigations and rectifications. We hope that Rothschild Bank can cooperate with the government and resume operations as soon as possible.

"These damn guys!" James Rothschild roared through gritted teeth. He knew that Jerome Bonaparte was showing off his "muscles" to him.

"Sir, we still..." The baron butler made a suggestion in a low voice again. He knew that Baron James Rothschild lost this battle from the beginning. To be precise, the unprepared Baron James Rothschild became the

Jérôme Bonaparte was the target of killing chickens and terrorizing monkeys.

A series of actions all showed that Jérôme Bonaparte had already thought of a strategy to deal with the Rothschild family. Otherwise, how could they move so quickly.

You must know that the French branch of the Rothschild Bank is not just a bank owned by James Rothschild. Once other shareholders in the bank unite together and the shareholders within the family do not act, James Rothschild will be charged.

The company he worked so hard to create is likely to oust him.

"Wait a minute!" Baron James Rothschild said coldly.

James Rothschild believes that once the negative news about Rothschild comes out, the French Stock Exchange will be affected to a certain extent. He only needs to wait for the bonds in the French Stock Exchange to fall. Those holding bonds will

The guy will wail and ask him to come back again.

While James Rothschild was anxiously waiting for news from the Paris Stock Exchange, Jérôme Bonaparte of the Elysée Palace was also not idle.

After summoning Navy Minister Dicko, Foreign Minister De Ruys, and Finance Minister Achill Fuld to the Elysée Palace, he was asking about the situation in the Paris Stock Exchange and the Near East.

"Minister Fuld, how is the situation on the exchange now? Is our national debt still stable?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Minister Fuld.

"Your Excellency, the overall trend of the exchange remains stable!" Achill Fuld responded: "However, with the outbreak of the Rothschild family problem, the bonds on the exchange will fluctuate widely!


Jérôme Bonaparte tapped the desk lightly, and after thinking for a long time, he responded: "Is there any solution?"

"Yes!" Achille Fuld responded to Jérôme Bonaparte: "France needs good news, so that we can revive it!"

It would indeed be a good idea to use France's victory to maintain French bond prices.

Jérôme Bonaparte turned his attention to Foreign Minister De Theis, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Minister, I wonder if there is any exciting news from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!"

De Ruys, who once served as the French ambassador to London, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Mr. President, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is discussing the issue of Christians in the Near East with the United Kingdom. We are expected to propose an alliance with the United Kingdom to contain the Russian Empire.

The wolf is a thief!"

"Excellent!" Jérôme Bonaparte applauded De Luys, and then asked Achill Fuld: "Minister Fuld, can this news revive the French bonds!"

"If Britain really has the intention of alliance, I believe that the French bonds will definitely cheer up! But..."

This chapter has been completed!
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