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Chapter 207 Politics on and off the dinner table

Changarnier, who was sitting two steps away from Jérôme Bonaparte on the left side of the long dining table, sat silently on a large chair with red velvet cushions and looked calm and sure of victory, but

If you observe his expression carefully, you can see that there is a hint of melancholy in Changarnier's eyes, and his fingers also tremble slightly when he puts them under the dining table.

Except for General de Castellana, who was sitting next to Changarnier, no one noticed General Changarnier's subtle behavior.


De Castellana sighed inwardly at Changarnier's alienation.

Whether in the East or the West, people are keen to add attributes one after another to the diet itself.

For a politician, the dinner table can also contain politics.

During the Old Dynasty, the king would arrange dining positions based on the close relationship with the nobles. Anyone who was lucky enough to sit next to the king would be flattered and complimented by everyone. This position meant that he was the nobleman closest to the king, so in the Old Dynasty

Only nobles would spend huge sums of money just to win the trust of the king.

Although the revolutionary government during the Great Revolution explicitly banned this custom of the old system, they still subconsciously agreed with it.

During the Napoleonic Empire and two generations of Bourbons, table politics continued to flourish on the basis of revolutionary governments, and the appointment and dismissal of bureaucrats often depended on a meal.

President Jérôme Bonaparte's actions clearly told everyone present that Changarnier had fallen out of favor and that he was likely to be dismissed.

"Everyone!" Jérôme Bonaparte, who hung his bicorne hat on the back of his chair, stood up and raised his glass with a smile. Seeing this, the foreign envoys and senior military officers at the long dining table also stood up and raised their glasses.

"I am very happy that you can come to participate in today's military parade!" Jerome Bonaparte said with emotion: "This military parade is very successful, and the efforts of you people are indispensable here! On behalf of France, I thank you for your efforts!


With that said, Jerome Bonaparte drank the brandy in his glass in one gulp.

"Vulgar!" whispered the diplomatic ambassador of the Russian Empire in response.

From his point of view, Jerome Bonaparte's banquet was not a real aristocratic banquet at all, but at best, it was just a show off among a group of nouveau riche.

God! It would be fatal to let nobles like them with noble blood eat with a group of warriors! These warriors will only mess up the normal banquet!

Not only the Russian Imperial Minister had these thoughts, but also many old German aristocratic ambassadors who claimed to be the Three Flags of Europe also expressed more or less contempt on their faces.

Except in France, there is no other country where banquets are so disrespectful.

Even though Jerome Bonaparte himself was half of the Württemberg family, his image did not look like a traditional German aristocrat.

On the contrary, he looks like a complete military leader.

Jérôme Bonaparte certainly knew what these so-called veteran nobles were thinking. In his opinion, instead of reciting a tattered book of nobility and strictly abiding by etiquette in a zombie-like palace, it was better to actively embrace

New Era.

The 19th century was an era of the afterglow of the aristocracy, and it was also an era of the rise of the bourgeoisie.

Although they despise Jerome Bonaparte in their hearts, they still have to follow Jerome Bonaparte's process.

After everyone at the table drank the wine in their glasses, Jerome Bonaparte raised his hand to indicate that everyone present could take a seat: "Everyone, please take a seat!"

After all the foreign envoys and officers sat down, the banquet officially began.

A variety of refreshments, frozen chicken, enema, snails, caviar, etc. are neatly placed on the dining table. Compared with the troops outside the castle, they are countless times better.

The banquet lasted for nearly two hours before it ended. During this period, Jerome Bonaparte once again expressed France's peace-loving tone and claimed that the French army existed to defend peace and that they would never launch an aggressive attack arbitrarily.

of war.

The foreign envoys present listened "seriously" to Jérôme Bonaparte's appeal for peace, but immediately forgot about it.

I am afraid that only the native Africans would believe the lie that the French love peace.

Of course, if the French army is stationed on the territory where the natives are located, the natives may not be willing to believe it.

Regarding whether France loves peace, the Argentinian minister in South America has the most authority to speak. Unfortunately, the Argentine minister was not at this banquet.

After the banquet, the troops, led by commanders at all levels, returned to their camps one after another.

After the bloodshed, the well-fed army became more loyal to Jerome Bonaparte.

Ministers and dignitaries from various countries began to say farewell to Jerome Bonaparte one after another, and Jerome Bonaparte smiled and shook hands with them.

When it was the turn of the Minister of the Russian Empire, Jérôme Bonaparte changed his previous smile and showed a gloomy expression.

Looking at Jerome Bonaparte with a gloomy face, the Russian Imperial Minister felt uneasy in his heart.

If a diplomatic crisis arises between the Russian Empire and the French Republic because of my two words of praise, I am afraid that I, the diplomatic ambassador, will consider going to Siberia.

"President...Your Excellency the President...thank you for inviting me to participate in the military parade!" the Minister of the Russian Empire humbly responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Mr. Minister!" A sneer appeared on Jérôme Bonaparte's gloomy face, "Do you think these troops are qualified to go to Russia to have an "exchange" with the troops of the Russian Empire!"

Jérôme Bonaparte's words contained a strong sense of threat.

For a head of state, Jérôme Bonaparte's words were somewhat irrational.

However, Jerome Bonaparte's threat obviously made the Minister of the Russian Empire change his mind. Some words spoken by a head of state are very different from those spoken by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In the spirit of losing no one, the Minister of the Russian Empire even stiffened his neck and responded to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Excellency, President, with all due respect! Your uncle had an unpleasant trip when he was in the Russian Empire!


"Mr. Minister, please don't forget it!" Jérôme Bonaparte immediately retorted to the Russian Imperial Minister: "In 1812, most of my uncle's more than 600,000 troops were not French, and those defeated generals were entangled in

Together we defeated your army and entered Moscow! And today, there are more than 600,000 troops in France ready to fight, and there are more young French people gearing up to fight... What you see now

It’s just a small part!”

Although the French Republic currently only has a standing army of more than 300,000 people, it does not prevent Jérôme Bonaparte from integrating all the National Guards in various places into the ranks of the regular army.

The original European powers were afraid that when they dismembered France, another revolutionary regime would be born, which would lead the French youth who had not yet exhausted their vitality to continue the war against Europe.

If a strategic commanding genius like Napoleon appears again, the whole of Europe may really fall into collapse.

The Minister of the Russian Empire stopped talking. His silence represented his recognition of the strength of the French Republic in disguise.

"Mr. Minister, I hope Europe can enter a prosperous and stable development! Peaceful development is more important than confrontation!" After the threat, Jérôme Bonaparte responded to the Russian Minister with kindness.

"Your Excellency, I think so too!" The Minister of the Russian Empire hurried down the slope to respond to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Goodbye, Mr. Minister!" Jérôme Bonaparte waved.

After the Russian minister left, the Württemberg minister appeared in front of Jerome Bonaparte and responded respectfully: "Your Highness!"

"Huh?" Jérôme Bonaparte pulled the Minister of Württemberg aside with a friendly expression and asked the Minister of Württemberg about the situation of his cheap uncle, the King of Württemberg.

"His Majesty the King is still in good health," the Württemberg minister responded immediately.

"Then I'm relieved!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to the Württemberg Minister with a smile.

"However, the situation in Württemberg is a bit complicated. His Majesty William may..." Minister Württemberg asked tentatively: "His Majesty William would like to ask if France welcomes Württemberg to come if he is really in danger!


Hmm? Dangerous?

Jérôme Bonaparte thought for a moment, and he thought that between 1949 and 1950, his cheap uncle seemed to be fighting with the liberals in Württemberg. Judging from the result, his uncle seemed to have won.

"Of course, please tell him that France will always welcome him!" Jerome Bonaparte responded to Württemberg, "Please tell my uncle that one day he will be able to visit France in person, and I will visit him in Duy.

The Palace of Lery welcomes him!”

The Minister of Württemberg in the Tuileries Palace was surprised to hear that Jérôme Bonaparte was actually preparing to ascend the throne in the Republic.

"Of course, I believe His Majesty William will not refuse your invitation! He will be proud of your achievements in France!" Minister Württemberg blessed Jerome Bonaparte more respectfully.

If Jerome Bonaparte ascends the throne, Württemberg's safety will no longer need to wait and see what Prussia and Austria do.

With France on its back, Württemberg will have a greater say in southern Germany.

This was an extremely good situation for King William.

Of course, for Jérôme Bonaparte, strengthening ties with Württemberg would be beneficial to France's intervention in the German region.

Once the situation between Prussia and Austria suddenly changes, he can quickly mobilize the army to go to Germany in the name of helping his uncle, and at the same time punish the Kingdom of Prussia for not obeying the rules.

An excuse to protect the Kingdom of Württemberg from infringement and maintain Catholicism is better than no excuse at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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