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Chapter 212 'Class Struggle in France 1848-1850' Karl Marx

"Hegel said somewhere that all great world historical events and figures can be said to appear twice. The first time is as a tragedy, and the second time is as a comedy. Corsidiere replaced

Danton, Louis Blanc replaced Robespierre, the Mountain Party of 1848-1850 replaced the Mountain Party of 1793-1795, and the nephew replaced his uncle.

...History has only re-interpreted the roles they played, turning tragedy into comedy. The clown in France who stole the power of the president through the illusion left in the hearts of the French people by his uncle is still on the French stage today.

He used lies and shamelessness to weave the illusion that the empire still exists. When he tried his best to maintain his almost crumbling rule with what he thought was iron blood and toughness, those bourgeois bourgeois were no longer in the face of the pretended iron blood.

Instead of being decisive in dealing with the proletarians, they gathered around the clown to maintain his rule.

But how did they know that Mr. Jerome Napoleon was not on their side from beginning to end, not even on the side of the big bourgeoisie.

Readers, I once said that the Orleans Dynasty was a group composed of many big bankers, exchange kings, owners of coal, iron mines and forests, and the large landowners who colluded with them, the so-called financial aristocracy. They occupied the throne,

They imposed laws in parliament, and they assigned various well-paid offices, from cabinet ministers to government tobacconists.

In that country, there were no proletarians or even a place for the bourgeoisie (specifically, the industrial bourgeoisie).

The real industrial bourgeoisie was part of the official opposition, that is to say, its representatives constituted only a minority in Parliament. The more the tyranny of the financial aristocracy developed into a pure tyranny, the more the industrial bourgeoisie itself believed that in 1832,

After the uprisings in 1834 and 1839 were brutally suppressed, its rule over the working class had been consolidated, and its opposition became more determined.

The struggle of the February Revolution overthrew the Orleans Dynasty and made the industrial bourgeoisie officially become part of the ruling class. They turned their guns and started shooting at their allies!

We can see that these industrial bourgeoisie and financial aristocrats united. The two June Incidents in 1848 and 1849 eliminated the proletarians and petty bourgeoisie from the parliament. Under martial law, newspapers were subject to strict censorship, and secret societies

After being disbanded, the proletarians returned to the Kingdom of Orleans.

But what did these industrial bourgeoisie gain? The Odilon Barro cabinet fell, and Opul, a general who was once loyal to the financial professional manager Louis Philippe, was promoted by Napoleon to a position that should not belong to him.

Opple, the puppet prime minister, also understood his situation and chose to obey Napoleon.

Our Mr. Napoleon can finally hide behind the scenes again to conspire to control beautiful France.

In October 1849, the Odilon-Barrot-Fallou coalition cabinet collapsed, and only Napoleon's cabinet came to power. In this cabinet we can see Fuld, who was appointed by Napoleon as Minister of Finance.

Maybe some readers don't know Fuld, but they only need to know that Fuld is inextricably linked to the exchange and the Bank of France. Bringing Fuld to the Ministry of Finance is equivalent to taking the national wealth of France.

Officially delivered to the Exchange, the country is administered through and for the benefit of the Exchange.

As soon as Fuld was appointed, the financial aristocracy couldn't wait to announce their restoration in the "Bulletin".

The industrial bourgeoisie was thrown into a trap!

There are various signs that from the first day of its existence, the Republic did not get rid of the rule of the financial aristocracy, but instead consolidated this rule.

At this point, some people may ask why the Rothschild family suffered heavy losses since the financial aristocracy rules the republic. They are also a member of the financial aristocracy.

This is where Napoleon was most clever and shameless. He saw Rothschild's position in France.

As a financial dictator, James Rothschild controlled most of the financial power in Paris. At the same time, he also suffered the jealousy of countless financial aristocrats. Napoleon relied on the instability within the financial aristocracy to take the initiative to attack the Rothschild family.

, they incited public opinion and stole a large amount of money from the Rothschild Bank in almost bandit ways.

After carving up the assets of the Rothschild family, Jérôme Bonaparte falsely announced the establishment of a so-called "workers' relief center" in an attempt to use small favors to buy a group of like-minded party members.

The wealth of the Rothschild family was used in exchange for the dissipation of the young Bourgeois' resentment, and in exchange for the Paris citizens to continue to have illusions about this decadent regime.

Our Mr. Jérôme Bonaparte used lies and disguises to incite the citizens of Paris. With this extremely cheap method, he became the most powerful person in the Stock Exchange and Paris, and was promoted by the Bank of France to fight against external forces.

We have reason to believe that Jerome Bonaparte will never be willing to play the role of Louis Philippe, and there will definitely be a war between Jerome Bonaparte and the Bank of France.


In the study room of the Elysee Palace, Jérôme Bonaparte was sitting on the sofa, flipping through the contents of the "People's Daily", and unknowingly finished the first page, "Tsk, tsk, tsk! He deserves to be at the top of this era.

Man, this insight..."

Still unfinished, Jérôme Bonaparte continued to read the contents of the next page.

"If the dismissal of Odilon Barrot represents Jérôme Bonaparte's suppression of the government, then the grand military parade held on the Sartory Plain near Versailles in mid-January undoubtedly represented Jérôme Bonaparte's influence on the government.

Test your own control over the army, and apply a layer of white powder called "peace" to your endless desire for expansion in the future.

From the time when Jérôme Bonaparte proudly declared at the military parade that the army is the guarantee of the French Republic and the "military born of glory", this war poison wrapped in "peace" and "order" one day took its medicine.

Will be eaten by them.

If the real Napoleon was adept at encouraging his weary soldiers during the difficulties of his aggressive expeditions with sudden displays of paternalistic concern, the false Napoleon thought the soldiers were shouting vive napoleon, vive le sau!, that is, "Long live the sausage, long live the clown"

!" Just to express my gratitude to him.

When Jérôme Bonaparte and his partisans one day, with the help of the army, steal France while the European countries are busy with their own affairs, how can they thank the army for their help!

I don't think it would be better to express this fake Napoleon's gratitude to the army without starting a war.

Of course, our fake Napoleon does not have the courage to launch a battle similar to that of his uncle. He will most likely fight in a remote corner of Europe with the symbol of a second-rate country [the above is Engels's speculation]



When he saw the signature on the second page of the newspaper, Jérôme Bonaparte licked his dry lips slightly, his mouth filled with uncontrollable excitement.

Although he had already expected this day to come, when it came, he could not calm down!

God! How could I be so worthy of being evaluated like this by Dr. Karl Marx?

"What an honor!" Jerome Bonaparte put the newspaper on the table and couldn't help shouting. He was sure that his name would be infamy for Karl Marx for eternity.

"Your Majesty, he insulted you like this! You actually..." Mokar, who was standing next to Jérôme Bonaparte, looked at Jerome Bonaparte with some dumbfounded eyes. He even once doubted the president's mind.

Instead of being burned out, "Shouldn't you be angry?"

"Angry?" Jérôme Bonaparte suppressed a smile and responded to Mokar with a straight face, "I am indeed very angry!"

Then, he shrugged and pointed at the Neue Rheinland Zeitung with a helpless expression: "But the author of this article lives in London all year round, and there is nothing we can do!"

"Your Majesty, I understand!" Mokar responded firmly.

Jerome Bonaparte said in astonishment: "What do you understand?"

"It's still very easy to kill someone in London!" Mokar responded lightly.

"Don't!" Jérôme Bonaparte's face changed drastically. He had finally been able to achieve glory for once, and he might even be included in the textbooks of the Soviet Union and a certain superpower as a big villain. But he couldn't let Mokar be stunned.

The head is broken.

"Your Majesty, are we going to let him abuse you?" Mokar asked Jérôme Bonaparte, pointing to the newspaper.

"Of course!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded nonchalantly: "Since we have chosen this path, we don't need to be afraid of more infamy! By the way, go and call Marcel Jerug over.

, you don’t have to worry about the rest!”


Mokar turned and left.

Not long after, Marcel Jerug came to Jerome Bonaparte's study.

At this time, he had become the acting director of the National Intelligence Service under the Presidential Office, and his main job was to search for internal and external intelligence.

"Sit down!" Jerome Bonaparte invited Marcel Jerug to sit down.

"Yes!" Marcel Jerug carefully sat opposite Jerome Bonaparte.

"I have a task for you!" Jerome Bonaparte pointed at the "Neue Rheinland" and said to Marcel Jerug: "Use the channels in your hands to send this author a stipend."

Then he warned: "Don't let anyone wait until the money is paid by us!"

Marcel Jerug looked at Jerome Bonaparte in disbelief. He was a little confused about what Jerome Bonaparte wanted to do.

"Is there any difficulty?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked again.

"No, it's nothing!"

This chapter has been completed!
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