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Chapter 216 The struggle of life and death

Grand Marshal Soult's answer made Jérôme Bonaparte realize once again that what he experienced was not a P Club game with strict boundaries, and everyone did not strictly abide by the rules as set by the programmers.

Everyone is a human being of flesh and blood, and they also have emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy, and their goals are not all for so-called politics, just like the current Generalissimo Sirte.

Although Grand Marshal Soult did not believe that he could successfully establish an empire, it did not prevent him from helping him. The reason why he helped him was just to kill a few more MPs.

For such fun-loving people, Jérôme Bonaparte felt that the more the better.

"It seems that our Generalissimo suffered all the humiliation from those guys!" Jerome Bonaparte showed a gloating expression on his face.

From 1841 to 1847, Generalissimo Soult was appointed Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Orleans by Louis Philippe. As Prime Minister, Generalissimo Soult did not do anything in these six years. All powers were vested in the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In hand.

Could it be that Sir Sirte's Generalissimo Gao Fengliangjie believed that he was not capable enough and was unwilling to take over?

Jérôme Bonaparte did not believe that as a political figure, Generalissimo Soult was really upright and upright. There was only one possibility, and that was that Generalissimo Soult was just a person pulled over by Louis Philippe to act as a puppet, just like Jérôme Bonaparte.

Rom Bonaparte appointed General Opul as prime minister.

Of course, Marshal Soult was not unwilling, but he could only follow Guizot's orders.

After six years of suffering from parliamentary suppression, after the fall of the Kingdom of Orleans, Louis Philippe's escape, and Guizot's resignation, Marshal Soult naturally turned his attention to the Legislative Assembly.

Perhaps in his view, only overthrowing the Legislative Assembly can completely calm him down.

Vice President Blair nodded empathetically.

Jérôme Bonaparte continued: "Since the Generalissimo is willing to help us, our winning rate is even greater. Mr. Blair, I wonder if you are interested in serving as the speaker of the legislative group after success?"

"Speaker of the Legislative Council?" Blair looked at Jérôme Bonaparte in confusion.

"Mr. Blair, I have decided to dissolve the Legislative Assembly after success. The Legislative Assembly will be divided into two parts, one is the Legislative Group and the other is the Senate..." Jérôme Bonaparte explained to Vice President Blair what he would do after success.

Reforms to the implementation of government.

Vice President Blair couldn't help but smile with relief after hearing this. The boy in front of him has grown up and has become a talent who can stand alone.

"Your Majesty, I hope that after you succeed! You can leave some private space for me, an old man who is about to accept the emperor's call!" Blair politely rejected Jérôme Bonaparte's suggestion that he be the speaker of the Legislative Council.

"I am already old! For an old man like me, it is an extremely honor to be able to see the empire re-established with my own eyes!"

"Teacher, if you are not willing, then I will not force you!" Jérôme Bonaparte expressed regret for Blair's polite refusal.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Jérôme Bonaparte looked at the door: "Who is it?"

"Your Majesty!" Pesini's voice appeared outside the door: "The banquet has begun!"

"I know!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded, then turned to invite Vice President Blair and said: "Teacher, let's go!"

President Jerome Bonaparte and Vice President Blair attended the banquet.

During the banquet, Jérôme Bonaparte once again met his "good friend" Eugénie. He was wearing a long light blue gauze dress and a soft hat made of willow branches. He was as beautiful as a fairy.

Gorgeous and moving.

She was surrounded by a circle of ladies, among them the Marquise Allais, Jérôme Bonaparte's lover.

"Teacher, I'm passing!" Jérôme Bonaparte said goodbye to Blair with a smile.

"Go!" A look of understanding appeared on Blair's lips.

Jérôme Bonaparte strode to the place where Eugenie and the Marquise Allais were.

"Dear ladies, may I have the honor to join you in your conversation!"

After the banquet, Eugenie looked at the Marquise de Allais, who was hugged by Jérôme Bonaparte, with jealous eyes. For the first time, she had doubts about her beauty. The Marquise Allais' face showed

With a happy expression, she originally thought that His Majesty would never pay attention to an "old and senile" person like her.

"Mademoiselle Eugenie, welcome to the Elysée Palace next time!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Eugenie with a standard polite smile.

"Humph!" Eugenie did not respond to Jérôme Bonaparte. She gently brushed her drooping hair and turned away slightly angrily.

After Eugenie left angrily, Mérimée came to Jérôme Bonaparte and apologized repeatedly: "I'm really sorry that my niece has caused you trouble..."

"Nothing!" Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head and comforted Mérimée: "Mademoiselle Eugenie has a very good character! Please tell Mademoiselle Eugenie that I hope to continue to be friends with you!"

"Yes! Yes! I understand!"

Seeing that Jerome Bonaparte did not blame Mérimée, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He apologized to Jerome Bonaparte again and left.

"Why do you do this?" the Marchioness of Allais asked Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Why?" Jérôme Bonaparte showed a wicked smile. He put his hands on the Marquise's face and rubbed it. "Don't you think that picking a rose with thorns is more exciting!"

"Then who am I?" the Marquise Allais couldn't help blurting out.

"Ahem...ahem...ma'am, actually I prefer other people's wives!" Jérôme Bonaparte shamelessly said to the Marquise Allais.

The Marchioness of Allais showed me her charming eyes, flying the two landmines wrapped in her black dress, wanting to break away from the shackles of her master and move towards freedom.

"Look at this day..."

After Jerome Bonaparte gave a hint, the Marquise Allais took Jerome Bonaparte's arm and went upstairs.

Not long after, Zhenzhen's low voice sounded in a certain room.

More than 10 days have passed, and March has arrived in the blink of an eye.

During these ten days, many generals who were usually reluctant to come to the Elysée Palace began to move closer to the Elysée Palace. Army generals stationed in Strasbourg and the Pyrenees also moved towards Gérault.

Tom Bonaparte is sincere.

At the same time, there were "rumors" in Paris that Generalissimo Soult supported Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte understood that this should be the power of Generalissimo Soult. Living in the Pyrenees region, he explained to Jérôme Bonaparte what it meant to be defeated even if a tiger dies.

While Jérôme Bonaparte was intensively wooing the army, Thiers and others also wooed a large number of people.

Under Thiers' constant compromise and eloquence, the Party of Order, which was once on the verge of falling apart, has reunited and will push parliament to improve the proposal to restrict universal suffrage.

Rue Povaldi, the headquarters of the Party of Order.

Odilon Barrot, Broy, Falloux, Beriye, Thiers, Montalembert, and Molay gathered here again to discuss plans.

"A lot has happened during this period, so much so that our proposal has been shelved indefinitely... Now, we are finally able to take this proposal to the Legislative Assembly!" Looking at the proposal on the table, Morai sighed with emotion.


"Yes!" Thiers nodded in agreement with Molay's words. He looked at everyone present and said, "However, we'd better not hand it over to the Legislative Assembly at this time!"

"Why?" Molay asked doubtfully.

Everyone present turned their attention to Thiers, and they were also wondering why Thiers delayed the handover of the proposal.

"Because we not only want to defeat the votes of the Republicans, but also defeat the confidence of the Republicans earlier!" Thiers pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said slowly: "The Republicans don't think they can win at the votes.

Okay? That’s good! Let’s let him be elected, and we will completely defeat them when they think they are about to win!”

Thiers' words made everyone present feel a chill in their hearts. Thiers' plan could be described as murderous and heart-wrenching.

By that time, the Republicans, who have experienced ups and downs, may have murderous intentions.

"What if the Republicans also launch an uprising..." Berryer said after hesitating for a moment.

"Uprising? Okay! I wish they could revolt!" Thiers said with a treacherous smile: "Do you think that if those Republicans really revolt, will the Paris authorities suppress it? If they do, Jerome Bonaparte will suppress it!

Enmity with the Republicans! He can no longer threaten us with those guys. If we don’t suppress them, those Republicans will threaten his position! We only need to be responsible for cleaning up the mess!"

Thiers' plan was not cruel.

As long as the Republicans revolt, the conflicts between the Republicans and the President will lead to the alienation between the President and the Republicans.

The president no longer has the means to threaten them.

"Not only that, I will also set up a committee in the Legislative Assembly!" Thiers revealed his second vicious plan: "This committee will exclude those who defect to Bonaparte! We can completely control it through the committee

Legislative Assembly!”

Everyone present was once again surprised by Thiers' methods.

If it were not for Thiers, the Party of Order would have been eliminated by Jerome Bonaparte long ago.

Since not every faction present could get their own memories from the committee established by Thiers, everyone present agreed to Thiers' plan.

March 3, 1850.

The Legislative Assembly elections have begun again, and the Party of Order still firmly controls the entire situation. Conservative members in the south and central regions have voted for the Party of Order.

The Republicans followed closely, gaining votes from some left-wing, western and northern areas of Paris.

The focus of the decision between the two parties is the more than 50 parliamentary seats held by the Mountain Party.

This chapter has been completed!
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