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Chapter 218 The End of the Republican Party

April 27, 1850.

After a six-day "truce period", the Party of Order and the "Social Democrats" once again launched a new round of struggle against the decree "Restricting the Universal Suffrage Act".

After the first round of throwing stones, Thiers had already roughly figured out the attitude of the Paris citizens towards the "restriction of universal suffrage". Due to the influence of the two June revolutions, the Paris citizens had a dislike for those workers who frequently went on strike.

, they were unwilling to conflict with the authorities over the restriction of universal suffrage laws.

As for those workers who have been deprived of their votes, how do they know the role of votes?

As the silent majority, they just hope that their lives will be better.

In the final analysis, the two June Incidents completely plunged the revolutionary enthusiasm in Paris into a low ebb.

For the citizens and workers of Paris, as long as life is no longer turbulent, they will not care even if the Legislative Assembly shakes the sky.

Supporting the Republicans is one thing, but helping the Republicans "rebellion" is another.

This also means that Thiers can finally let go of his hands and carry out a general liquidation of the Republicans.

At around 4 pm on the 27th, the Legislative Assembly officially began.

Only 600 of the 750 MPs showed up.

Marast, who was sitting in the speaker's seat, crossed his hands on the rostrum, leaned forward slightly to maintain a relaxed posture, and said to all the members present in a relaxed tone: "Gentlemen, we continue to discuss the universal suffrage law proposed by the Party of Order.

Proposal. I hope you can abide by the order of the Legislative Assembly this time. This is the most sacred institution in France, not a vegetable market! Now, I would like to invite Representative Thiers to come to the stage to speak!"

The expressions of the "Social Democratic" congressmen changed slightly. Thiers' appearance meant that the Party of Order was about to "get serious"!

Under the steps on the right side of the podium, Thiers, who was responsible for the speech, slowly walked onto the podium under the attention of the Party of Order and the Social Democrats.

At this time, he glanced sharply at all the congressmen under the podium. This physical dwarf and verbal giant began a new round of "offensive."

With the ardent hope of all the Party of Order, Thiers cleared his throat and spoke in an elegant Parisian accent: "Is there some kind of moral guarantee in a person's family?"

Tiye paused, asked and answered: "Yes! A person's moral value can only be realized when he is among his compatriots!" He passed the seat of the social democrats with a provocative look: "In

What our compatriots value is in the city where they live."

"Come on!" the members of the social democratic seats shouted in a low voice with disdain on their faces.

Thiers on the podium ignored their shouting. In his opinion, this so-called speech was just a formality to restrict the universal suffrage law. As long as the Party of Order that controls the parliament can unite, then the rest will

There is no need to worry about party affiliation.

Thiers' tone became louder: "But those people with no fixed abode are what we usually call "tramps."" He raised his right hand slightly and made an introduction gesture, as if the tramps were there.

It was the same in front of him.

Then, he spread his hands and said in a disdainful tone: "It has no moral value!"

"Yes! Yes!" The Party of Order, which has "order, morality, religion" as its party constitution, applauded Thiers' speech. In their view, those so-called proletarians are not qualified to vote at all, and they will only vote red

Elements and clowns (referring to Jérôme Bonaparte) were elected to the parliament. Neither of these two guys was the best choice for the "urban management gentlemen of order."

"These homeless people cannot decide their fate through elections," Thiers continued.

The audience remembered the warm applause, the cheers of the Party of Order.

"They will gather together and form a dangerous force!" Thiers turned his attention to the Party of Order, and his tone became more high-pitched.

"How can you say that?" the Social Democratic MP asked Thiers loudly, but his voice was drowned out by the rumble of applause.

"They should be named the most shameful name in history!" Thiers said with contempt revealed in his bones. As a poor boy from Provence, he had already betrayed his class, and the only way for Paris's upper class to prove themselves was

Draw a clear line with the original class: "They are called untouchables!"

The social democratic MPs in the audience became increasingly noisy.

"And the people, the real people!" Thiers emphasized: "You who have the right to vote have to endure torture because of the sins of this city of mobs!"

Thiers' passionate speech made the Party of Order stand up and applaud.

After the speech, Thiers stepped down. The Party of Order smiled at his speech and looked at Thiers with approval.

Just when the Republicans were about to send people to counterattack, Victor Hugo, who was sitting on the seat of the Party of Order, stood up.

Under the surprised eyes of his colleagues in the Party of Order, Victor Hugo walked to the right side of the podium, where Thiers had just been.

Speaker Marast immediately stood up and announced to the congressmen present in a solemn tone: "Now I announce that Representative Victor Hugo will join the Montagnards!"

"Traitor!" a voice came from the Party of Order camp, and Thiers, who was originally so proud, had a gloomy expression.

He never thought that Victor Hugo would one day join the Montagnards.

This is simply a "provocation" to the Party of Order!


"Are you mocking your constituents?"

Amid the abuse from the members of the Party of Order, Victor Hugo walked firmly to the left of the semicircle.

Upon seeing this, Remiza quickly stood up and shouted loudly: "Mr. Hugo, he was once an extreme royalist, then a liberal, and now he has become a socialist!"

Remiza's sinister tone made the members of the Party of Order laugh. Victor Hugo also stopped and stared at Remiza.

Remiza still had a mocking expression on his lips: "Romanticism is really as impermanent as the wind! Only in this way can they please their sensitive and fragile hearts!"

When the Party of Order was ridiculing, Victor Hugo also smiled, and he opened his arms and bowed to the members of the Party of Order camp.

Then, he raised his head and responded seriously: "Sir, you should listen more to the voice of the soul, if you have a soul. Listen less to the voice of the wallet, so as to bring benefits to the country."

After saying that, Victor Hugo headed to the camp where the Montagnards were located without looking back.

"Oh!" came the cry from the Party of Order camp again.

The new leader of the Montagnards welcomed Victor Hugo with a smile.

After the farce ended, Marast once again discussed the issue of limiting the power of universal suffrage laws.

Victor Hugo, who joined the Montagnards, took out a drafted speech and whispered to the leader of the Montagnards beside him: "Please let me speak for my party and the workers!"

"Yes!" The leader of the Montagnard party nodded, and Victor Hugo stood up again.

The social democratic camp burst into warm applause.

"Speaking up for his new master so quickly!"

"Let me just say that the Romantics never have a reliable guy! He is not from the same group as us!"

The Party of Order once again slandered Victor Hugo.

Of course, the Party of Order's slander against Victor Hugo did not stop Victor Hugo from speaking out for the masses.

Victor Hugo, who spread his speech on the podium, cleared his throat and said: "Gentlemen, it seems that the February Revolution has been conquered! In this case... Since the revolution has been slandered, then I must seek everything

The opportunity to praise her achievements, her nobility, her beauty, the great wisdom of this revolution not only links the fate of the bourgeoisie with the proletarians, giving them honor and giving them the same sovereignty, but she is also in despair and abandonment

In the midst of depravity, look for the desperate and give hope, look for the angry and give them reason, look for beggars, paupers, vagrants..."

Victor Hugo bowed and emphasized: "As we often say, "miserable people", crowning them and making them "citizens", universal suffrage says to everyone - I have never seen more than this.

Outstanding mantra of peace.

It said: Don't worry, you are the masters! They said: Can you suffer? Well, from now on, you will accomplish great things on your own and destroy human suffering. This suffering belongs to people like you and belongs to you.

Soul people! That is to say, it is in your own hands - say don't worry!

Look! Gentlemen, profound justice and profound politics! The power of universal suffrage gives votes to suffering people, takes away the guns from their hands, empowers them, and gives them peace!

At the apex of every citizen's conscience, from the humblest to the greatest, deep in the soul, there is a sacred and indestructible emotion! That is power. This emotion is the cornerstone of human reason and the granite of human conscience!"

Victor Hugo couldn't help but raise his voice: "Power! Gentlemen, in the face of power, everything will eventually collapse and there is no way to escape!

Injustice, hypocrisy, bad laws and bad government! We want to give its power back to the people!"

After Victor Hugo's shocking conclusion, the entire conference hall was silent.

"Thank you!" Victor Hugo bowed to all the MPs in the audience again and left?

After a long time, Speaker Marast reacted and quickly asked: "Everyone, please vote for the bill restricting universal suffrage!"

The Party of Order and the Social Democrats reacted one after another and raised their votes.

The Party of Order all raised white votes in favor, while the Republicans and the Montagnards raised a minority vote against it.

Even with the blessing of Victor Hugo's speech, the Party of Order still defeated the "Social Democrats" with an overwhelming vote advantage.

"Next, I declare that the proposal to restrict universal suffrage laws is passed!"

There was a hint of loneliness in Speaker Marast's eyes. As a republican, he had to personally declare the creed he had worked hard for his whole life. This was undoubtedly the greatest punishment for him.

This chapter has been completed!
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