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Chapter 220 The last time to win over

After returning to the Place des Vosges from the National Assembly, Victor Hugo devoted himself to writing without knowing anything that was happening in the outside world.

Until Victor Hugo's two sons hurriedly broke into the room and reported the outside situation to Victor Hugo.

At first Victor Hugo was a little reluctant to believe that the speech he gave to the National Assembly a few days ago would have such a big impact.

It was not until Francois Hugo and Charles Hugo handed him several newspapers with the contents of Victor Hugo's speeches that Victor Hugo believed in Francois after reading the newspapers.

.Hugo and Victor. Hugo’s words.

Looking at the speech published in "Le Bonaparte", Victor Hugo tapped his index finger on the desk and said to himself: "What does this guy Jérôme Bonaparte want to do?


In Victor Hugo's heart, he had already broken up with Jerome Bonaparte, so why did Jerome Bonaparte need to support him at this time?

"Maybe he wants to get back together with his father!" Francois Hugo said frankly.

"I think he might want to use his father's name to carry out his ulterior secret!" Charles Hugo, who had always had a bad sense of Jerome Bonaparte, gave a different answer.

"What secret could that be?" Victor Hugo put down his excuse and asked Charles Hugo seriously. He did not want his son to become an expert in conspiracy theories.

After reacting, Charles Hugo responded in embarrassment: "I...I don't know either!"

Victor Hugo frowned and said in a stern tone: "Char, I don't want you to become a person who lives in conspiracy theories all day long!"

"I understand! Father!" Charles Hugo nodded in response.

Just when Victor Hugo was educating Charles Hugo, a knock on the door came to Victor Hugo's study.

Charles Hugo was granted amnesty before his father Victor Hugo gave the order and spoke first: "Father, I'll open the door!"

Having said that, Charles Hugo rubbed oil on his soles and ran to open the door.

François Hugo, who was not too embarrassed to watch the excitement, saw his father's eyes and began to notice him. In order to avoid being scolded by his father, François Hugo hurriedly ran to help Charles Hugo.

"Father, Lady Fortuna's servant!" Charles Hugo's voice came from the living room.

Upon hearing that Victor Hugo was the servant of Ms. Fortuna Ameland, he quickly put down the newspaper and got up and headed to the living room.

"Good morning, Mr. Hugo!" Fortuna Amelan's maid greeted Victor Hugo respectfully in strict compliance with imperial etiquette.

"Hello!" Victor Hugo also nodded, and then asked: "What are your orders from Ms. Fortuna?"

"My master would like to invite you to her mansion as a guest!" The maid humbly handed over a bright red invitation with gold patterns.

Victor Hugo took the invitation and opened it. The invitation is due at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

It seemed that Altuna Ameran wanted to invite him to afternoon tea.

"Please tell Madam that I will arrive on time!" Victor Hugo responded with a smile.

"Thank you very much!" the maid showed a happy smile and turned to leave.

Victor Hugo ordered his son to send the maid away and return to the study.

Victor Hugo, who was sitting on the big chair, carefully looked at the invitation in his hand. He didn't understand why Altuna Ammeran invited him at this time.

Since he has promised that he must go, there is no reason to break the promise.

Time flew by and came to the afternoon of the next day.

Victor Hugo, who showed a hint of exhaustion in his brows, stayed away from him for two days, but only wrote less than 500 words. He went to the study of Altoona Amelan's residence.

Victor Hugo, who was walking alone on the street, suddenly found that his fame had reached everyone on the street. On the way to Ms. Altoona, many people said hello to Victor Hugo, most of them

It was someone whom Victor Hugo was not familiar with.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hugo!"

"Well! Good afternoon!"

"Mr. Hugo, your speech in Parliament was great!"


Faced with the greetings of enthusiastic strangers, Victor Hugo always stayed for a moment, smiled and talked with the other person, so that the journey that originally only took 10 minutes took Victor Hugo an hour to walk.

When Victor Hugo came to the door of Ms. Fortuna Ameland's house, the maid from yesterday appeared in front of Victor Hugo again.

"Mr. Hugo, you are here!" the maid said to Victor Hugo.

"I'm so sorry! I encountered something on the way!" Victor Hugo said apologetically to the maid: "Ms. Fortuna must be in a hurry!"

"Ma'am, you just got up!" In order to alleviate the embarrassment caused by Victor Hugo's lateness, the maid told a white lie.

"That's good!" Victor Hugo breathed out.

Under the introduction of the maid, Victor Hugo met Altuna Amelain.

After meeting Victor Hugo, this close friend of the Emperor (Napoleon) and a socialite during the Republic hurriedly invited Victor Hugo to sit down and placed a long-necked coffee cup made of porcelain on Victor Hugo's side.

In front of Hugo.

Victor Hugo looked at the pattern on the coffee cup and was a little distracted for a moment.

"This is a gift given to me by the emperor back then!" Altuna Amelan said proudly to Victor Hugo.

"That is really an incredible collection!" Victor Hugo responded to Altoona Hugo, and then picked up the coffee pot and drank a cup of coffee.

The scalding coffee emitted white mist. Altuna Ammerland used Victor Hugo's spoon to stir the coffee and said in a friendly tone: "Let me get straight to the point! I am entrusted by the President. The President

Hope to meet you, but he is afraid..."

Victor Hugo took a sip of his coffee, and Altouna Ameran hesitated for a moment before saying: "He is afraid of being rejected! I promised him to convince you!"

Victor Hugo put the coffee cup to his mouth and asked Altoona in a slightly hoarse voice: "Why does the president want to see me?"

"I think he wants to clear up some misunderstandings!" Altoona Amelan tried to stop Victor Hugo from alienating the president: "And inform you of the future arrangements! Don't you regret it? Victor? You should have

Have your own place in the cabinet!”

Victor Hugo put down his coffee cup and responded: "I think this may not be a misunderstanding! The truth is always more difficult to accept than imagined!"

After saying that, Victor Hugo picked up the pastry placed on the dinner plate and chewed it.

"Please allow me to make an honest announcement to you! Victor!" Altouna's tone was a bit complaining: "You should get back on track! You still have a way out! Those Montagnards are a group of guys who have lost their minds, and they will make you do the same.

Lose your mind and fear of God together!"

Although Altoona sincerely thought about Victor Hugo, Victor Hugo was still a little uncomfortable.

"Believe me! I'm very awake now! I'll be very awake in the future too!" Victor Hugo said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Where's Leonie! What do you want Leonie to do?" Altoona asked Victor Hugo.

A trace of pain flashed across Victor Hugo's face. He understood that joining the Montagnards would probably bring some torture to himself and the women around him. His wife Adele Hugo and his lover Leonie both

They are royalists, not to mention that Leonie divorced herself.

[Victor Hugo had two lovers in his life, one was Juliet and the other was Leonie, and Victor Hugo’s wife knew both of them.]

"The Montagnards are always in danger. They can't even guarantee their own safety!" Fortuna tried to dissuade her with all her heart: "Do you really have the heart to let Leonie be scared all the time? Do you want to let Leonie down?

Does Oni love you?"

Fortuna Amelain took advantage of Leonie's moral kidnapping. After thinking for a long time, Victor Hugo agreed to meet with Jérôme Bonaparte.

The meeting is scheduled for May 5, four days later.

On the afternoon of the 5th, Victor Hugo took a carriage to the Elysée Palace, which he had not seen for a long time.

Alexander Valewski, wearing a black suit and slightly bloated body, greeted Victor Hugo.

"Mr. Hugo, the president has been waiting for you for a long time!" Alexander Walewski said to Victor Hugo.

Under the leadership of Alexander Valewski, Victor Hugo came to Jérôme Bonaparte's study again.

Jérôme Bonaparte was sitting at attention, waiting for the arrival of Victor Hugo.

"Please!" Jérôme Bonaparte invited Victor Hugo to sit down, and Valewski left the study.

Victor Hugo, who was sitting opposite Jérôme Bonaparte, leaned slightly on the back of his chair and put his hands between his legs. He did not speak but stared at Jérôme Bonaparte silently.

With a smile on his face, Jerome Bonaparte cleared his throat and said carefully: "I hope to appoint you as the French Ambassador to Britain! Britain is the most advanced country in Europe, and we should strengthen exchanges and learn from their progress.

!Our railways, trains, and even production need to learn from them to develop our own characteristic roads!"

Jérôme Bonaparte's purpose was to get Victor Hugo out and try to win him into his camp.

"Mr. President, I once said that I do not want to have any contact with your government!" Victor Hugo's words revealed the meaning of alienation.

"There are many discords between us, but this does not prevent us from reaching consensus!" Jérôme Bonaparte continued to approach Victor Hugo: "Merge all the parties into one whole, and then unite each other.

Help each other! Isn’t this exactly what you want?”

This chapter has been completed!
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