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Chapter 222 Military Procurement Plan

On Sunday, May 7, the War Department, which has been busy since the beginning of the year, had a rare day off.

As the Director of Logistics, Major General Niel was finally able to go to the Paris Opera House with his wife comfortably and enjoy a short vacation.

Just when Major General Niel took off his military uniform and put on civilian clothes and was about to set off for the opera house with his wife, there was a knock on the door.

"My dear, go and open the door!" Major General Niel in the bedroom shouted to the lady in the living room.

"Okay!" Madam responded quickly and went to open the door.

Not long after, the bedroom door opened and Madam appeared in front of Major General Niel.

"What's wrong?" Major General Niel asked, who was tightening the buttons on his suit.

"The President's envoy is standing outside the door!" Madame replied to Niel.

"What! Presidential envoy!" Seeing this, Niel quickly buttoned the last button and ran to the living room.

A soldier wearing a green dragoon uniform held an invitation in his hands and said to Major General Niel: "Major General Niel, this is what the president asked me to give to you! Please accept it!"

"Thank you very much!" Niel quickly accepted the invitation and expressed his gratitude to the dragoon.

"If nothing happens, I'll leave! I wish you and your wife a perfect holiday!"

After that, the dragoon responsible for delivering the invitation turned and left.

After Niel watched the dragoons leave, he opened the invitation.

The content of the invitation is that the president hopes that he can come to the Bois de Boulogne tomorrow, and then he will send a carriage to pick up Major General Nibière in person. In addition, the invitation also says that the president has a "little gift" for the army.


"What's wrong?" Madam came to Major General Niel and asked Major General Niel curiously.

"No...nothing!" Major General Niel put away the invitation and said to his wife with a smile.

"Then let's go!" Madame, who was never willing to interfere with her husband's work, said, holding Niel's arm.

Niel and his wife spent an unforgettable Sunday.

At nine-thirty the next morning, a carriage pulled up outside Niel's apartment.

"The carriage is coming!" Mrs. Niel in the mansion saw the carriage outside the mansion through the glass window of the living room, and she shouted to Niel in the bedroom.

"I know!" Major General Niel's voice came from the bedroom.

About half a minute passed. Major General Niel, who had changed into a sky blue military uniform, appeared in the living room from the bedroom. He kissed his wife affectionately and said, "I'm leaving!"

The lady also nodded as she looked at Major General Niel affectionately.

Major General Niel walked out of the mansion and got into the carriage prepared for him by Jérôme Bonaparte.

The carriage carried Niel in the southwest direction and continued after passing the Arc de Triomphe. After driving for about half an hour, the carriage arrived at the outskirts of the Bois de Boulogne and stopped at the outskirts of the Bois de Boulogne.

Come down.

Just when Major General Niel was about to ask why the carriage had stopped, the coachman's voice came into the carriage from outside the carriage: "Major General Niel, we are here!"

Niel quickly opened the car door and looked forward. All he could see was a small wooden house and a few carriages. Surrounding the wooden house was a group of soldiers guarding the wooden house.

"Where is the president?" Major General Niel asked.

The coachman pointed to the wooden house not far away and responded to Major General Niel: "The president stays there!"

Major General Niel hurriedly got off the car and walked to the cabin alone. Since Niel set out very late, the distance from the mansion he rented to the Bois de Boulogne was not very close, so Niel set off at 9:30.

Arrived only at a quarter past ten.

It was the hottest time of the day at this time, and the sun that was close to noon was shining brightly on the earth. Even if we were at the edge of the place where a cool breeze came from the leaves from the depths of the Boulogne Forest from time to time, it still seemed extraordinarily hot.


Fortunately, Major General Niel was not damaged by the sun for long, and he quickly arrived at the cabin.

After accepting the salute of the soldiers guarding the cabin, Niel gently pushed open the door of the cabin. He saw many colleagues from the Ministry of War, including Minister of War Renault, Secretary of State Saint-Arnaud, and Major General Rendell (who was last promoted to

Major General) and some colleagues from other departments.

"Nière, you're here!" Saint-Arnault, the secretary of state in the wooden house, hurried forward to say hello after seeing Niél.

"Mr. Saint-Arnault!" Niel said respectfully to Saint-Arnault, and then turned his attention to the Minister of War, Renault: "Your Excellency, Minister!"

"Yes!" Minister Renault nodded to Niel, stretched out his hand to invite Niel and said: "Sit down!"

Niel hurriedly sat down and waited for Jerome Bonaparte's arrival.

Niel and others did not wait long when Jérôme Bonaparte appeared.

At the same time, a man who was unknown to all the officers of the Ministry of War present followed Jerome Bonaparte.

[Although Migne was posted at the Ministry of War, he did not go to the Ministry of War during this period. The rank of major was also approved by Jérôme Bonaparte who helped him declare it, and then General Renault approved it. ]

"I hope it's not too late for me to come!" Jerome Bonaparte smiled apologetically. He unceremoniously sat on the main seat and pointed at Major Migne with a machete posture.

: "The protagonist today is not me, but him..."

Almost at the same time, all the brigadiers and generals fixed their eyes on Mignet. Mignet, who had always been calm, couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and he couldn't help but complain about Jérôme Bonaparte's handling of the situation.

At the moment, all the officers' eyes were focused on him, and it was difficult for him not to speak, so Major Migne could only bite the bullet and introduce himself to everyone present: "Hello, sirs, I am Migne from the logistics department of the Ministry of War.

Nirvana, the rank of major..."

"Logistics department?" Niel looked Migne up and down. This person seemed not to have appeared in his mind.

"Nière no longer needs to stare at Major Migne, he has not actually reported to the Ministry of War yet!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Niél.

"I was rude!" Niel smiled apologetically.

"Major Mignet, please continue speaking!" Jérôme Bonaparte encouraged Mignet to continue speaking.

With the encouragement of Jérôme Bonaparte, Major Migne explained the principles of the Migne bomb and the data of the Migne bomb one by one.

At the same time, under the order of Jérôme Bonaparte, printed documents were placed in front of each officer, and the documents were also equipped with various data.

After listening to Major Migne's explanation, the generals of the Ministry of War flipped through the information on the Migne gun in their hands.

The general of the Ministry of War showed an excited expression after combining the explanation and information.

If the data on the Minigun are accurate, this will be a firearms revolution across the ages.

Unfaithfully speaking, Niel, who manages the army's logistics procurement, and even War Minister Regno also asked with a serious expression: "Major Migne, can you guarantee that the data you mentioned is true and accurate?"

"I can guarantee that!" Major Migne responded firmly.

The minigun that has been tested many times can completely reach the level of the data.

"In that case..." Renault turned his attention to Niel, who was in charge of logistics and procurement.

For General Renault, as long as the Miner gun's data can reach 80% of the level, then they can completely abandon the existing mte1842 smoothbore gun.

Niel understood it and said quickly: "If this is the case, we are willing to purchase it!"

"Don't worry! Mr. Major General, why don't we do it ourselves! There is no shortage of prey in the Bois de Boulogne!" In order to completely dispel the army's concerns, Jérôme Bonaparte proposed to try it out.

"Your Excellency, have you finished the finished product?" Niel asked Jérôme Bonaparte excitedly.

As a soldier, he undoubtedly hopes that his troops can be equipped with better guns.

"That's right!" Jérôme Bonaparte clapped his hands, and Valewski and Mokar entered the door carrying 12 trial miniguns.

After distributing each rifle to his hands, Jérôme Bonaparte and members of the Ministry of War went to the Bois de Boulogne.

In the forest with crisscrossing shades of trees, a gray hare appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Jérôme Bonaparte hurriedly took out a minie bullet rolled in paper from the backpack containing the minie bullet, broke it with force to separate the gunpowder from the cylindrical head projectile, poured the gunpowder into the muzzle, and then

Put the cylindrical-headed mini bullet in, and finally use a purge bar to fit the mini bullet inside the gunpowder, install mercury fulminate, and pull the trigger.

The entire set of actions is much faster than an ordinary musket. Considering that Jérôme Bonaparte has never tried to use it, a skilled soldier can save more time.

At this time, the gray hare was also looking at Jérôme Bonaparte. In the hare's ruby-like eyes, a group of humans were holding the same iron rods, and one of them was pointing the iron rod at it.

The hare didn't know what the iron rod was, but the instinct honed over thousands of years told it that once it was hit by the iron rod, only death awaited it. The instinct of the beast prompted him to run desperately in a direction away from the gun's muzzle.

But it was too late. There was only a "bang" sound, white smoke came out of the muzzle of the minie gun, and the gunpowder pushed the minie bullet out of the muzzle.

The minie bomb, which exceeded the speed of sound, hit the hare with lightning speed. The hare screamed and fell to the ground, and blood flowed all over the ground along the hare's head.

"Hey! Hit!" Niel couldn't help but sigh.

Renault also showed a surprised expression. He also did not expect that the rifle in the president's hand could still maintain accuracy at such a long distance.

If equipped in the army, soldiers can shoot at long distances.

In this case, their casualties can be further reduced.

"You guys should try it too!" Jérôme Bonaparte, who was satisfied with his achievements, encouraged them to also conduct live ammunition shooting. Only by letting them truly feel the power of the Minie gun would they be convinced.

This chapter has been completed!
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