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Chapter 231 Changarnier's ambition

Jérôme Bonaparte got what he wished for, and got the "recovery money" that Thiers had promised him. At the same time, he also roughly figured out how many of his supporters, potential supporters, and opponents there were in the Legislative Assembly.

On the whole, there is little difference between those who support Jérôme Bonaparte and those who oppose him.

If Jérôme Bonaparte just wants to improve his life within a limited time, then the Legislative Assembly will give Jérôme Bonaparte certain help.

If he wants to pursue bigger problems, then a large part of the legislative assembly may not support him.

When two forces are in a stalemate, the power of the army will be highlighted.

Jérôme Bonaparte was convinced that he would harness this power to completely crush the Legislative Assembly.

For this reason, he will not hesitate to use the hush money given to him by the parliament as a reward to those soldiers who have made some "outstanding contributions".

In order to win over the commanders of some of the National Guards in Paris, Major General Canrobert and Major General Perrault, commander of the second brigade and third brigade of the regular army in Paris, as well as the third officer of the second brigade, Jérôme Bonnard.

Ba once again sent an invitation to the army, inviting them to visit the Elysee Palace.

After receiving the news, Changarnier, the commander of the Seine provincial garrison, rushed to the Rue de Purvati to find Thiers to discuss the situation.

Due to the military parade in Sartory in 1849, Changarnier had completely seen the true face of Jerome Bonaparte, and he decisively abandoned Jerome Bonaparte and instead worked more closely with Thiers.

connect together.

Changarnier pushed open the heavy mahogany door and entered the mansion. As far as the eye could see, he could see Thiers sitting on the red cushioned sofa in the mansion and reading a newspaper. On his table were various newspapers.

, both domestic and foreign.

Although Jérôme Bonaparte and the Party of Order gradually tightened France's external relations, especially the strict control of foreign newspapers, these so-called rules could only hinder the small bourgeoisie of Paris at best.

For such Parisian politicians, newspaper censorship is just an empty statement.

Changarnier's arrival alarmed Thiers, who was immersed in the news. He glanced at Changarnier out of the corner of his eye, put down the newspaper, stood up, walked towards Changarnier and said in an easy-going tone: "Commander Changarnier, welcome!


Changarnier, a fellow Thiers fellow with a smile, extended his slightly rough right hand to welcome him.

Changarnier decisively held Thiers' hand, and then the pair hugged each other. After a few seconds, the two let go at the same time.

At Thiers' invitation, Changarnier sat on the sofa, while Thiers sat on the red nanmu chair opposite the sofa.

"Commander Changarnier, I wonder what brought you here today?" Thiers asked Changarnier in a calm tone. This tone, combined with Thiers' cunning smile, can make people feel that he has a chance to win.

a feeling of.

"That's it! Mr. Thiers!" As if under the influence of Thiers, Changarnier's slightly nervous heart became appropriately calm. He also reported to Thiers in a calm tone: "

Mr. Thiers, I have received information! That guy Jérôme Bonaparte has invited the officers of my second and third brigade and the National Guard to dine at the Elysée Palace tomorrow night!"

There was a slight change in the corners of Thiers' eyes, and his originally open palms were clenched into fists and placed on his thighs.

If you don't pay attention to Thiers' actions, it will be difficult to detect this subtle move of Thiers.

"It's nothing! Commander Changarnier, are you too nervous? It's just the president's routine invitation to the army as a guest!" Thiers said to Changarnier in a relaxed tone: "After all, our Mr. President

He and his uncle hoped to join the army! He imitated his uncle in everything, but his imitation was very poor."

"Mr. Thiers, the soldiers under my command don't think so!" In order to make Thiers serious enough to threaten him, Changarnier quickly "corrected" Thiers' point of view: "They think Jérôme Bonaparte is

The former emperor, he will lead them to win meritorious deeds!"

"Victory? Meritorious service? Our Mr. Jérôme Bonaparte has been advocating for peace! Look at your newspaper!" Thiers showed a mocking expression. He picked up a newspaper and threw it in the air.

After a few times, he threw it away, and the newspaper gently floated in front of Changarnier.

Changarnier glanced at the contents of the newspaper with his peripheral vision. The news in the first column of the newspaper was "Analysis of President Jérôme Bonaparte's Thoughts on Peace."

"Congressman Thiers, you don't still believe this kind of newspaper, do you?" Changarnier asked Thiers.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. What matters is whether the people of Paris believe it or not!" Thiers said an inexplicable remark.

"Citizens?" Changarnier, who was full of distrust of the proletarians and the little bourgeoisie, said disdainfully: "Their power is not worth mentioning, the army is the key to our victory over them!"

"We?" Thiers repeated Changarnier's words, his tone revealing an indescribable strangeness.

"That's right! We!" Changarnier frowned slightly, he didn't like Thiers' tone very much.

"Okay!" Thiers asked directly: "Mr. Changarnier, what do you need us to do for you?"

"We help each other!" Changarnier emphasized again.

"You're right!" Thiers said perfunctorily.

"I hope the Party of Order can help me stabilize the army so that we can defeat Jérôme Bonaparte!" Changarnier put forward his own conditions.

"Commander Changarnier, do you think too highly of us? We are just a political party, not a military group!" Thiers shrugged with a helpless expression, as if he could do nothing about Changarnier's experience.

"Mr. Thiers, I believe that you and your party will be able to help me!" Changarnier unknowingly separated the Party of Order from him.

"What help do you want?" Thiers stopped smiling and asked Changarnier with a serious expression.

Thiers' serious expression also made Changarnier have to be cautious. He reorganized his words and said to Thiers: "Mr. Thiers, I hope that my colleagues in the Party of Order can appoint me as the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly!

This will give me the ability to restrain the army and arrest Jérôme Bonaparte!"

Changarnier's proposal made Thiers' face change with shock. In his plan, the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, who had partial military command power, would become their bargaining chip against the president. However, he never expected that Changarnier would actually want to

To gain access to this power.

This old guy’s ambition is not dead yet!

Thiers couldn't help but curse in his heart. Thiers, who pushed himself beyond others, had already equated Changarnier with Jérôme Bonaparte.

Once the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and military power are combined, the whole of Paris and even France will come under the control of Changarnier.

Such a result may enable them to successfully remove Jérôme Bonaparte and then support Vice President Blair to act as a puppet.

But there is no benefit to Thiers. Once Changarnier takes power, those in the Party of Order will inevitably choose to join him, and Thiers' own role will be greatly reduced.

Aspiring to be president, he did not want to turn into a kingdom system so soon. He had already served as prime minister for two terms, and he also wanted to try Dictado's power.

According to Thiers' plan, the Party of Order's successful restoration would have to wait until he became president at least.

Changarnier's plans would seriously affect Thiers's.

"Commander Changarnier!" Thiers changed his tone and sneered as if facing a political enemy: "Please forgive my refusal, the Speaker cannot be a serving soldier!"

Thiers' answer made Changarnier a little shocked. He knew that this was just Thiers' rhetoric.

Changarnier, who didn't understand Thiers' innermost feelings, said unwillingly: "I can help you defeat Jérôme Bonaparte and return politics to Bourbon!"

"Commander Changarnier, the power of the Speaker is determined by the sacred Legislative Assembly, not privately granted by me!" Thiers' attitude became tough again. Of course, he knew that doing so would cause Changarnier to alienate them.

But whoever wants to allow him to serve as President of France will be his political enemy.

At this moment, Thiers also became the so-called "smart man" in his mouth.

When everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, unless the power of the president is determined by one person like Jérôme Bonaparte.

Otherwise, we will only face a situation of endless internal fighting with each other.

Thiers' tough attitude frustrated Changarnier's attempt to serve as speaker. Unwilling to do so, he could only take a step back and said: "Then I hope the Legislative Assembly can take action against Jerome Bonaparte's behavior of privately entertaining military officers.

Make an enquiry!”

"Of course you can!" Thiers said with an emperor's attitude, "Parliament will ask questions about this issue in the near future! I hope that during this period, Commander Changarnier, you can effectively restrain the army and prevent them from collaborating again.

Presidents are in tandem!”

"I'll try my best!" Changarnier didn't know if his influence could still restrain them. At the moment, he could only place his hope on inquiries.

After Changarnier left, Thiers called the "loyal" royalist leaders over, and he explained Changarnier's ambitions to them in a more elaborate manner.

Members of the royalist party all expressed resentment at Changarnier's "ambition".

"Great! There's a Napoleon on the stage, and there's another Napoleon off the stage!" Belleer said in a sarcastic tone.

Although the Orléans and the Orthodox were in the process of merging, the Orthodox's ill feeling towards the Orléans had not yet been eliminated.

The two factions are like a bunch of seemingly incompatible couples, joining each other just to make do with each other.

Under Thiers' guidance, the Party of Order became more wary of Commander Changarnier.

This also laid the foundation for his subsequent failure.

This chapter has been completed!
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