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Chapter 235 Paris under the shroud of civil war

Due to Changarnier's tough attitude, those National Guard commanders who wanted to attend the presidential banquet did not dare to leave the military camp.

Of course, these army commanders couldn't help but complain about Changarnier in their hearts. It was obviously the president's fight with Changarnier, but they turned into a price.

In order not to offend both parties, the commander of the National Guard Army, who had been invited by Jérôme Bonaparte, had no choice but to choose not to attend the banquet. At the same time, he ordered his cronies to hand over their letters of apology to Jérôme Bonaparte.


Jerome Bonaparte's desk was filled with letters of apology from the commanders of the National Guard, in which they expressed their attitudes and hoped that the president could continue to lead the army.

For Jérôme Bonaparte, it was not easy for the National Guard to make such a statement. He did not expect the National Guard to help him in his coup. He only needed them to respond to everything that happened afterwards with a neutral attitude.


Jérôme Bonaparte also responded to the National Guard commanders one by one. In the letter, he expressed his understanding that they could not come to the banquet, and encouraged them to continue serving France. There was still a long time to come.

The envelope was sent through the Military Administration, through which Jérôme Bonaparte also instilled his influence into the ranks of the army.

With the addition of the Bonaparte surname, Jérôme Bonaparte gradually penetrated into the First Brigade in Paris. The First Brigade, which Changarnier relied on as his confidant, also experienced small-scale turmoil. Afterwards, Changarnier

It also forcibly ordered the army not to be conveyed to the Military Administration through letters in the future.

Changarnier's actions can indeed effectively curb Bonapartist ideas in the army, but it also makes the soldiers at the grassroots level more and more disgusted with Changarnier. This disgust gradually affects the soldiers at the battalion level, and many people are looking forward to it.

Looking forward to Changarnier's "exit".

Changarnier didn't know that his image in the Paris army had gradually deteriorated. He only saw that with his own efforts, the Paris army had gradually become more beautiful in a favorable direction.

What if Canrobert and Perrault control the Second and Third Brigades? In the end, you still have to listen to him.

After the Great Revolution, the military power structure has changed from a private army to a "state" army. No one can monopolize the army. All the power of the army leader comes from the superior officer, which means that he can be dismissed.

Only the Secretary of War.

Once the Minister of War orders his removal, Thiers of the Legislative Assembly will inevitably take action, and the removal will become an empty talk.

At least in Changarnier's estimation, his position was associated with the Party of Order.

No matter how stupid the Party of Order is, they will not allow themselves to be dismissed by the Minister of War...right!

After leaving the Elysée Palace, Changarnier was like an emperor welded to death on a golden toilet, firmly controlling the Paris army. Whenever there was an opportunity, he began to reach out to Canrobert and Perrault.

The second and third brigades took action. To this end, he had also coerced and lured the chiefs of staff of the second and third brigades. However, his plan failed in the end. Canrobert and Perrault had to accompany Changarnier.

Go down.

However, Changarnier's actions also helped Thiers in the Legislative Assembly. The battle between the armies prevented Thiers and others from worrying about a coup...at least they did not have to worry about a coup happening in the near future. This made Thiers

Can calmly deploy against Jérôme Bonaparte who holds administrative power.

Jérôme Bonaparte of the Elysee Palace also realized that Changarnier could not be solved quickly. He could only order Canrobert and Perrault to control the second and third brigades controlled by the Bonapartists, and at the same time

He kept inviting some generals to attend banquets. During the banquet, Jérôme Bonaparte unscrupulously criticized Changarnier and claimed that Changarnier was not a qualified general.

Changarnier in the army also refused to be outdone and refuted Jérôme. Bonaparte was not a qualified leader, but just a clown who had been sheltered by his ancestors.

The entire military community in Paris was affected by the struggle between the President and Changarnier, and reporters from Paris newspapers were also moved by the news. They found General de Castellana.

At that time, General de Castellana happened to be watching Victor Hugo's play "The Guardsman" by Victor Hugo in the box of the Paris Opera House. A woman was wearing a rose-colored corset dress with a sky-blue bun on her brown curly hair.

The woman holding a oscillating fan entered General de Castellana's box. She gave General de Castellana a generous gift.

"Dear Madam!" De Castellana also responded to the Duchess in front of him.

"I hope I haven't disturbed you!" said the Duchess, covering her lips with her fan.

"Madam, I wonder what you want from me?" De Castellana looked at the Duchess in front of him curiously.

"It's like this... I have a friend... who would like to interview you! I wonder if you can..." The Duchess made a request to De Castellana, and then, knowing that she was a little rude, she added: "

I know this request is a bit rude, but I promise it will not involve your privacy!"

Looking at the slightly pleading voice of the duchess, De Castellana did not understand that the so-called friend of the duchess should be his lover. In the circle of aristocrats, the matter between the duchess and the reporter was discussed for three days and three nights.

I can’t finish it.

"Okay..." De Castellana responded immediately: "However, I have the right to decide whether I need to answer or not!"

"Thank you very much!" the Duchess expressed her gratitude in surprise. Originally, she had no hope for this request: "I will bring him over right now!"

With that, the Duchess turned and left.

After a while, a young man with curly hair, a handsome face and a hint of childishness appeared in front of De Castellana. At first glance, De Castellana was convinced that the young man in front of him had just arrived in Paris.

It didn't take long for him to get rid of the un-Parisian rustic, but he had to admit that this young man was indeed quite handsome.

"Hello, General!" the young reporter greeted de Castellana.

De Castellana nodded slightly to the Duchess and said in a smooth tone: "Let's get started!"

The young man hurriedly took out the paper and pen he had prepared and laid them out to De Castellana.

The Duchess on the side looked at the reporter with love and admiration.

The young reporter asked de Castellana a series of questions, and de Castellana responded one by one.

But because reporters asked so many questions, de Castellana's attitude gradually became perfunctory.

The keen reporter also saw the change in de Castellana's attitude, and he decided to ask the last question: "General, what do you think of the issue between the president and Commander Changarnier?"

De Castellana's face changed slightly. He stared at the reporter with sharp eyes, trying to analyze the reporter's content.

The young reporter raised his chest without fear to meet de Castellana's gaze. Seeing this, the Duchess on the side wanted to stand up and lighten the atmosphere.

"You do have something extraordinary about you!" De Castellana's sharp eyes gradually softened, and he said with a smile: "This is not an unspeakable problem! Not only me, but also all the people in Paris.

People also think that Changarnier should not say bad things about the president, especially if these bad words reach the ears of certain people. General Changarnier has now been blinded by the desire for power in Paris.

Although his actions in serious situations gave him the opportunity to ascend to this position, he overly believed that his power could be continued... Indeed, he does have a certain influence on the parliament now; he thought that if a new election was carried out,

In the presidential election, no one can get the necessary votes. At that time, the Congress will decide who will be the president, and he will be selected without any doubt, but I don’t think he can be selected...or I don’t

I think there will be a next time.”

De Castellana's words made the young reporter look surprised.

If this is really the will of the top brass of the Paris military, then the entire Republic may be heading towards a new fork in the road.

"Young man, do you have the courage to publish this news in the newspaper! Maybe you will be imprisoned for this!" De Castellana asked with a smile.

"No!" the Duchess said quickly as she came to the young reporter.

After the young reporter hesitated for a moment, he raised his head and said firmly to De Castellana: "Thank you! General, I will send this report intact!"

After speaking, the young reporter bowed to De Castellana.

De Castellana showed rare surprise, and then said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to your article! Young man, what's your name?"

"Rastignac!" the young reporter responded with a smile.

"Okay! Rastignac, I hope you can gain a foothold in this city! From you, I see the shadow of a person! Was he just like you at the beginning?" De Castellana sighed with emotion.

"Who is it?" Rastignac asked de Castellana curiously.

"Thiers!" de Castellana said with a serious expression.

"Then I'm really flattered!" Rastignac also smiled.

Rastignac left de Castellana's box together with the Duchess.

"Rastignac? Rastignac?" De Castellana kept repeating the name.

The next day, an unknown tabloid published an interview with de Castellana.

The conflict between Changarnier and the president suddenly turned from dark to bright.

Before this, no newspaper had dared to directly expose the contradiction between the two parties, and the name Rastignac also appeared in everyone's sight.

This chapter has been completed!
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