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Chapter 243 The parties react

As king, Louis Philippe was declared dead the moment he left Paris. Now Louis Philippe died as an ordinary father/grandfather, looking forward to a bright future for his children and grandchildren.

In order to better realize this future, Louis Philippe could even admit his mistakes to the enemy he had been guarding against for eighteen years. He hoped to use his death to exchange for the possibility of future generations returning to France, even if this possibility was very small.

This is Louis Philippe, a king who is good at compromise and does not care about his own gains and losses. He can pick up the crown abandoned by the Bourbon dynasty at the barricade without shame, and be crowned "French" amidst the denunciations of the remnants of the Bourbons and the orthodox dynasties abroad.

King of ".

[The king of France represents the power of the king given by heaven, and the king of France represents the power of the monarch granted by the people.]

Louis Philippe spent his whole life making compromises in order to become king. Even when he was critically ill, he still expected to compromise in exchange for the cooperation of long branches and young branches.

August 30, 1850.

The monarch who experienced Bourbon, the government of the Republic, the First Empire, the Restoration of Bourbon and the Kingdom of Orleans died in Claremont Township, a suburb of London. He died beside his wife who had experienced the same hardships, surrounded by his descendants and dignitaries.

In the middle of the crowd, he died at the age of 76.

When the last words were spoken, Louis Philippe's pupils lost their luster, and the arm holding the queen drooped uncontrollably, and his body couldn't help but lean backward and fall on the bed.

"Doctor! Doctor!" The queen shouted loudly to the doctor in the room, hoping to hear from the doctor that Louis Philippe was in a coma.

The doctor responsible for sending Louis Philippe to his last journey hurriedly came to Louis Philippe's bedside. He put his hands on Louis Philippe's nose and neck in turn, and then laid his head on Louis Philippe's chest. After making sure that Louis Philippe was.

After Philippe was completely dead, the doctor removed Louis Philippe's chest.

Amid everyone's ardent hopes, the doctor with a sad face solemnly announced to everyone present the news that they had already known but were unwilling to face.

"Your Majesty the King...has returned to the arms of the Lord!" The doctor said to everyone present in a heavy and slow voice.

Everyone present showed sad expressions after receiving the death notice of Louis Philippe.

Louis-Philippe's queen lay on the bed where Louis-Philippe was lying and cried bitterly. The second son, the Duke of Nemours, and the third son, Prince Joinville, suppressed their inner grief and began to arrange their father's death.

The Duke of Nemours helped the queen aside, and the Prince of Joinville called over the Catholic priest who was praying.

Amidst the solemn prayers of the priest holding a cross and a Christian Bible, everyone began to wrap the body of Louis Philippe and then carried it into the coffin that had been prepared on the first floor.

In the next few days, Louis Philippe will meet with "political dignitaries" from various countries in this coffin.

At that time, the orthodox faction will also send people here, and they can use this opportunity to complete cooperation with the orthodox faction.

Odilon Barrow and others think so...

Relying on the secret channels unique to British and European law [such as the Rothschild family's clippers], the news of Louis Philippe's death reached Paris, France, and Ems, Germany, the next day.

The death of Louis Philippe caused ripples in the political circles of Paris. Some people (Orleanists) regretted the death of Louis Philippe, while some people (Orthodox people) rejoiced at the death of Louis Philippe.

But there is no doubt that the death of Louis Philippe will be beneficial to all members of the Party of Order. The Orthodox and Orleans faction hope to exchange the death of the Party of Order for the dispute between Bourbon and Orleans, so as to better integrate together.

The Bonapartists (mainly Jérôme Bonaparte) hoped that through the death of Louis Philippe, the veil of affection between the Orthodox and the Orleanists would be completely torn apart.

"Alas! An era is gradually fading away, and it won't be long before that era becomes further and further away from us..." Although there is an element of fake compassion like a cat crying like a mouse, Jerome Bonaparte still couldn't help it.

Lament the death of Louis Philippe.

Sighing after sighing, Jérôme Bonaparte was still sincerely happy: "History will eventually prove that Louis Philippe's approach will not work in France! We are heading towards a different path from Louis Philippe!"

"You are right! Louis Philippe's era has passed!" Walewski, standing next to Jerome Bonaparte, also said flatteringly: "The next step is your era!"

"It's not me! It's us!" Jérôme Bonaparte corrected Walewski's "mistake": "I can never succeed by myself! Only with you can I succeed.

Go on!"

Walewski smiled noncommittally.

After a while, Jérôme Bonaparte said to Valewski: "Cousin, I wonder if you are interested in going to London on my behalf to present a flower to Louis Philippe!"

"Of course!" Walewski nodded and smiled. "Innocently" he thought this was a sign of "reconciliation" between Jérôme Bonaparte and the Orleanists.

"Then I'll trouble you!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Valewski with a smile.

That night, Valewski boarded a cargo ship bound for Britain. He took the mission entrusted to him by Jérôme Bonaparte and went to Clermont Township to pay his respects.

After Walewski left Rouen, Jérôme Bonaparte called his most loyal "sharp blade" over again. He looked at Marcel Jerug expressionlessly and said: "Now I'll give you one."

The mission is to find out all the assets of Louis Philippe in France! Remember, it’s all the assets!”

Jérôme Bonaparte's emphasis convinced Marcel Jerug that the president might take action against the Orleans family.

After all, the Orleans family has served as the royal family for eighteen years, and has accumulated a considerable amount of wealth during these eighteen years. The hatred between the Bonapartists and the Orleans factions is also obvious, so they should not take advantage of their civil strife to kill them.

Pigs, when should I wait to kill them?

Of course, these are all speculations of Marcel Jerug. Marcel Jerug, who did not dare to ask the president face to face, could only reply: "Yes!"

"Okay! You go back to Paris first!"

After handing over the task, Jerome Bonaparte waved his hand and ordered Marcel Jerug to leave, and Marcel Jerug left under the cover of night.

At the same time that Jérôme Bonaparte ordered Marcel Jerug to investigate Louis Philippe's family property, the Count of Chambord, the heir to the throne of Emla, also issued an order to his "faithful" Duke Richelieu.


After a day-long dissuasion from the orthodox royalists in Paris headed by Berryer and Broglie, the Count of Chambord decided to go to the funeral in consideration of the overall situation.

As the chief minister of the small court of the Count of Chambord, Duke Richelieu became the main mourner, and the two of them made their final "farewell" in the study.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to cooperate with the usurper? They made you lose the throne!" Duke Richelieu, who is good at "warming fire", adhering to a stubborn and extreme royalist idea, told the Count of Chambord

He said "sincerely".

Count Chambord, who grew up abroad and was surrounded by a group of decadent ideas, was also inevitably influenced by orthodox principles.

"I don't like them!" Count Chambord said in a stiff tone without any warmth. "If they (the Duke of Broglie) hadn't forced me (translator), I would never have had the slightest connection with those usurpers.


"They are despising the sanctity of royal power... By joining forces with the usurper, doesn't this mean that the sacred royal power will bow to its subjects!" Duke Richelieu said repeatedly.

"That's why I sent you to prevent this kind of thing from happening!" Count Chambord said to the Duke of Richelieu in a friendly tone, "in order to prevent the Duke of Broglie from going to cooperate with the Orleans faction in my name."

, you have to go!”

"I know! Your Majesty!" Duke Richelieu assured Count Chambord, "I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"Yes!" Count Chambord nodded with satisfaction, "Okay! You can go out first!"

"Yes!" Duke Richelieu left Count Chambord's study and met Duke Broglie in the corridor.

Duke Richelieu and Duke Broy looked at each other and smiled, then they passed each other.

The Duke of Broglie entered the Count of Chambord's study and said respectfully: "Your Majesty!"

"I have decided to send the Duke Richelieu to Britain!" Count Chambord immediately said to the Duke of Broglie.

"Duke Richelieu...?" Duke Broglie was delighted with Count Chambord's compromise, but he was skeptical about Duke Richelieu.

"What? Can't the Duke Richelieu do it?" Count Chambord snorted coldly.

"Of course!" Duke Broglie first agreed with Duke Richelieu, and then carefully bowed and asked: "Your Majesty, can you send a few more people there?"

If the Duke of Richelieu cannot be stopped, we can only send out a group of mourning groups as much as possible, and then let the Duke of Richelieu be spared to discuss the merger.

"No!" Count Chambord rejected the Duke of Broglie's suggestion with a firm attitude.

In his mind, being able to send envoys to mourn the usurper already demonstrated his kindness, and he could not send more people there.

Revealing in his bones the arrogance of the orthodox nobles, he was unwilling to have further communication with the usurper.

The Duke of Broglie, who encountered the Count of Chambord, could only smile. As long as the Duke of Richelieu could go to mourn, it would be a great improvement.

Of course, the Duke of Broglie did not know that the mourning of the Duke of Richelieu would be the trigger for the complete collapse of the cooperation between the Orthodox and the Orleans faction.

This chapter has been completed!
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