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Chapter 254 Russian-French Alliance?

Vladimirovich's speech convinced Jerome Bonaparte that Nicholas I had felt isolated without the confrontation between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire.

As the ruler of a country, although Nicholas I was far from as "talented and strategic" as Empress Catherine, he did not play bad games like Tsar Paul.

Otherwise, Nicholas I would not have lived in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg, but would have been lying directly inside the coffin board.

In Russia, a land full of coups and bloodshed, any emperor without means will face the risk of death.

The loyal Guards would break open the Tsarskoye Selo where the Tsar was "imprisoned", drag the Tsar out and hang him, and then drag out the Crown Prince. After the Crown Prince issued a pardon, they would support the Crown Prince's pardon.

This model is somewhat similar to the inheritance law of the Praetorian Guards in the Ottoman Empire next door. What’s more, the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire both call themselves Rome...

Looking at the entire European continent, the only helpers Nicholas I could find were Britain and France.

However, Palmerston of the British Kingdom did not have a friendly attitude towards Nicholas I. The conflict between the two sides on the Dardanelles made Nicholas I have no choice but to win over the French Republic.

However, Nicholas I probably didn't know that Jérôme Bonaparte had already thought of teaching the Russian Empire a lesson.

"I myself also hope to work with you to safeguard the prosperity and stability of Europe!" Jerome Bonaparte said Vladimirovich's words and continued: "It's just that my term is only for one year. After I leave office. Next

How a French government will treat the Russian Empire is beyond my control."

"As long as your Excellency the President lays the foundation for cooperation between the French Republic and the Russian Empire, then I believe that the next president will cherish the hard-won peace! You will become a greater person than your uncle!" Vladimirovich worked hard.

The praise of Jérôme Bonaparte.

For Vladimirovich, as long as he can achieve his goal, let alone flatter Jerome Bonaparte, even if he is asked to flatter the devil in hell, he will not hesitate to praise the devil.


Vladimirovich also does not believe in eternal friends. As long as he can divide and stabilize European countries in a short period of time, preventing them from forming a stable and unified whole, then the Russian Empire can leisurely do what it wants to do.


For example, consider some controversial lands in the Near East.

Of course, just flattering is not enough. Vladimirovich seduced Jerome Bonaparte: "And His Majesty the Tsar also guarantees that after you leave office, Your Excellency the President, you will receive gifts from the Romanov royal family."

Jerome Bonaparte deliberately pretended to be indifferent. He sighed and said to Vladimirovich: "I don't want any reward, I just want to seek happiness for the French people as much as possible.

When I step down, France will remember me! In this case, I will be satisfied!"

"You are really a qualified monarch!" Vladimirovich praised against his will: "If the monarch can also vote, then I believe that the French Republic will definitely choose to make you the monarch!"

Vladimirovich's words made Jerome Bonaparte unable to hold back for a moment, and he couldn't help laughing.

Vladimirovich looked at Jerome Bonaparte doubtfully, as if he were telling a funny story.

"I remembered something happy!" Jerome Bonaparte stopped smiling and responded to Vladimirovich.

Then, Jerome Bonaparte quickly changed the subject and said: "By the way, I have a suggestion. I wonder if Mr. Ambassador can listen to it!"

Then, Jérôme Bonaparte emphasized another sentence: "It's just a suggestion!"

"I am very willing to listen to a great man!" Vladimirovich said to Jerome Bonaparte with a smile.

"I know that your Majesty Nicholas I is planning how to regain Constantinople!" Jerome Bonaparte dropped a bombshell to Vladimirovich as soon as he opened his mouth.

"We are only maintaining European peace!" Vladimirovich retorted awkwardly to Jerome Bonaparte: "European order is..."

Before Vladimirovich could finish speaking, Jerome Bonaparte raised his hand to stop Vladimirovich: "Mr. Vladimirovich, you don't need to hide anything! This is the legacy of all the tsars of the Russian Empire.

A dream, a dream that started with Peter the Great! In 1848, you took advantage of the European revolution to occupy the two principalities on the Danube River, in the name of preventing the spread of the revolution! Don't you have any heart for Constantinople?


Vladimirovich was silent. He did not like Jerome Bonaparte's straightforward speech. Such a diplomatic speech was like poking a lung tube with a wooden stick.

"Mr. Vladimirovich, I am the President of the French Republic, not a diplomat! I hope that we can be a little more frank. You only need to answer yes or no!" Jérôme Bonnard

Ba asked "candidly".

"That's right! Your Majesty, the Tsar, does intend to..." Vladimirovich confirmed Jerome Bonaparte's guess, and then defended his monarch: "We just want to maintain the Orthodox Church of Constantinople

The interests of disciples!”

Jerome Bonaparte smiled noncommittally, and could only say that whoever believed Vladimirovich's words was a fool.

"Mr. Minister, if the Russian Empire's appeal is Constantinople, France's appeal is the Rhineland!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Vladimirovich.

Vladimirovich's expression changed drastically, and he said to Jerome Bonaparte in as solemn a tone as possible: "Your Excellency, President, the ownership of the Rhineland has been determined after the Congress of Vienna, and no country can overthrow it.

this decision."

"What about the Treaty of London? Does the Russian Empire also have to abide by it? If Tsar Nicholas is willing to abide by the Treaty of London, then in order to ensure the security of the Ottoman Empire! I hope the Russian Empire evacuates from the Danube River as soon as possible!" Hot

Rome Bonaparte immediately retorted.

Jerome Bonaparte's rebuttal left Vladimirovich speechless. Nicholas I was also not a person willing to abide by the treaty.

"Mr. Minister, France has no intention of overturning the Congress of Vienna!" In order to avoid over-stimulating the British ambassador, Jérôme Bonaparte emphasized, "The demands for the Rhineland are only a small part!"

With that said, Jerome Bonaparte called the attendant in the corridor and ordered the attendant to bring the map from the study.

After a while, the attendant handed the map into the hands of Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who spread the map on the table, pointed to the Saar Basin on the map and said to Vladimirovich: "France hopes to get some compensation!"

"This is the territory of the Kingdom of Prussia!" Vladimirovich said flatly to Jerome Bonaparte.

Judging from his expression, the carving up of Prussia's territory seemed to have no psychological burden on him.

"Prime Minister Schwarzenberg has promised me!" Jerome Bonaparte showed a sly smile, he wanted to sow the seeds of distrust in the Austrian Empire and the Czar.

Sure enough, a flash of surprise flashed in Vladimirovich's eyes, and he had to report this situation to St. Petersburg.

Seeing that Vladimirovich was silent, Jerome Bonaparte connected the Danube Principality on the map with Bulgaria and Serbia.

"In addition to the Danube Principality, the Bulgarian region and the Serbian region can be merged into one country, and Nicholas I can designate a person to be the king of this newly established country! The Constantinople region needs to be fought for by Nicholas I, and France will

Support all claims of the Russian Empire in the Black Sea region."

The conditions proposed by Jerome Bonaparte did not violate Vladimirovich's bottom line, but the rewards given by Jerome Bonaparte made Vladimirovich extremely excited.

If the French Republic can really support the Russian Empire, it will undoubtedly make His Majesty Nicholas I one of the greatest czars.

Vladimirovich believed that Nicholas I could not remain unmoved.

"Mr. Minister! If nothing unexpected happens, I will step down in more than a year, so I need to use the shortest possible time to let the French people remember me completely!" Jerome Bonaparte smiled reservedly, trying to dissuade him.

Rakimirovich's doubts.

"You will definitely become the greatest president of this country!" Vladimirovich said with emotion to Jerome Bonaparte, and he had a good impression of Jerome Bonaparte in his heart.

This is a ruler who is not greedy for power. Compared with him, our Tsar is really...

Vladimirovich remembered the Decembrist coup twenty-five years ago. At that time, he was just in his early twenties, and he was so passionate that he almost participated in the riot.

After the riot subsided, he saw with his own eyes the Decembrists being put on the execution ground and beheaded.

"I just want to seek the interests of France as much as possible!" Jerome Bonaparte said without blushing or heartbeat.

"Your Excellency, your suggestion is very good!" Vladimirovich responded to Jerome Bonaparte: "It's just that this plan is really not something that I, a little minister, can decide. I need to work with Russia.

Talk to His Majesty Nicholas I of the Empire! Only with the consent of His Majesty Nicholas I can we proceed to the next step of cooperation..."

"Of course! I sincerely hope that the French Republic and the Russian Empire can join hands to jointly safeguard the European order." Jérôme Bonaparte smiled and nodded. He was already casual about this strategy and told Fra

Kimirovich said.

"I believe that with the joint efforts of the Russian Empire and the French Republic, the European order will be able to regain stability!" Vladimirovich also responded.

After the cooperation intention was reached, the two parties left the room together. The ministers from all over the world saw their behavior of entering the ball side by side and smiling, and many ministers had expressions of surprise on their faces.

European diplomacy is in turmoil again.

This chapter has been completed!
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