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Chapter 260 The contest between Austria and Russia

"Ha! The heirs of the Napoleon family are really causing me trouble...neither nephew nor uncle!"

Nicholas I spoke leisurely, without any ups and downs in his tone, and without any sign of anger. It seemed that the Tsar also acquiesced to Jerome Bonaparte's proposal.

"Your Majesty, they have also created opportunities for us! If France does not have the will to annex the Rhineland, then our Russian Empire will be the target of public criticism. Since the European powers are unwilling to allow the empire to regain Constantinople under your leadership

, then we can only create a greater threat in exchange for the acquiescence of Britain and other powers to us."

Karl Neserrode was proud of his diplomatic strategy, using one threat to offset another to achieve mutual compromise. This was a skill he learned from Prince Metternich.

In order to "repay" Prince Metternich's teaching, Karl Nesserrodie deliberately concealed some unfavorable information about Austria from France.

[Referring to the transaction between Felix Schwarzenberg and the French Republic]

The tacit cooperation with Nicholas I over the years gave Karl Neserrode the confidence to hide Nicholas I's secrets.

This willful emperor naturally felt complacent that he was the most loyal Third Hall and would become his eyes and ears to serve her. In fact, the Third Hall had long since become decayed. Countless false reports flooded the Third Hall, making the Third Hall unacceptable.

Instead of destroying the report themselves, in order to avoid accountability, the Third Office would always fool the Czar with "nothing to do today".

Of course, when Crown Prince Alexander held the position of minister, he did not dare to fool around like this for fear of being discovered by Crown Prince Alexander.

Now that Crown Prince Alexander has left Tsarskoye Selo and joined the local army, the Third Hall can fool the emperor with peace of mind.

[The Tsar's Office is the part directly ruled by the tsar and has higher power than other departments. The first department supervises the implementation of the tsar's orders, the second department compiles legal provisions, the third department establishes a military police regiment and is responsible for political review. The fourth department

The Department is responsible for charitable and educational institutions, the Fifth Department improves the lives of state-owned serfs, and the Sixth Department is a temporary agency responsible for drafting administrative plans for the Transcaucasus region.]

"Neserrodie, we are betraying!" Although Nicholas I was quite satisfied with Neserrodie's plan, his orthodox principles over the years always made him feel that he was betraying the Kingdom of Prussia.

"Your Majesty, the Empire will not directly ask the Kingdom of Prussia to hand over its land. Whether the French Republic can get it depends entirely on them!" Karl Nesserrodie assured Nicholas I.

"I'll leave this matter to you!" Nicholas I warned Karl Neserrode: "However, I don't want to hear any negative news about the Russian Empire in this regard!"

"Of course!" Karl Neserrode responded immediately.

For Karl Nesserrodie, it was the Austrian Empire that delivered the land. Whether the French Republic can obtain land from the Austrian Empire depends on their ability.

"By the way! The Austrian Foreign Minister hasn't come yet?" Nicholas I suddenly thought that the Austrian Foreign Minister Felix Schwarzenberg seemed to be visiting St. Petersburg in the near future.

Nicholas I's sudden question stunned Karl Neserrodie for a few seconds, and he quickly responded: "Your Majesty, not yet! However, it should be coming soon!"

"When the time comes, just go and meet him on my behalf!" Nicholas I said to Karl Neserrodie.

"Yes!" Karl Neserrode was delighted. Nicholas I's delegation of power undoubtedly gave him more room for mediation, and he could discuss the terms with the new minister of farewell.

"Okay! I'm tired! You go back first!" Nicholas I waved to Karl Neserrodie.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Karl Neserrode bowed to Nicholas I again and left.

Nicholas I, who watched Karl Neserrodie leave, returned to the study again. When his eyes noticed the map on the desk again, he subconsciously shook his head and murmured: "France!"

On October 27, the temperature in St. Petersburg was several degrees lower than the previous few days, and the short autumn was fleeting.

The cold wave from the Arctic Circle swept through the streets and alleys of St. Petersburg. The nobles and big (and small) bourgeoisie huddled around St. Petersburg took off their autumn clothes and put on cotton clothes that could withstand the cold winter. Every household closed the windows and lit the fireplace.

In the normally bustling streets, only a few people and police officers patrolling from time to time remained.

Every night in the middle of the night, you can see a drunkard holding a bottle of Roma in the deserted alleys of St. Petersburg.

Every year after October, some drunkards die from being drunk and catching cold in St. Petersburg.

It was in such cold weather that a double-bridge carriage slowly drove into St. Petersburg from outside the city.

If passers-by pay attention, they can spot the golden family emblem on the side of the double-bridge carriage.

The carved double-headed eagle pattern on the family emblem is exactly the same as that of the Romanov family. Surrounding the double-bridge carriage is a team of cavalry. They are uniformly dressed in black leather cylindrical military caps and red embroidered uniforms.

The uniforms have three rows of gold-breasted buttons, which radiate dazzlingly under the sunlight. They wear tight black breeches on their lower bodies, and carry a saber on their waist. Judging from their attire, it is not difficult to tell that they should be under the command of the Tsar.

Directly subordinate Russian Guards Hussars.

This configuration is a treatment that is difficult for ordinary nobles to imagine. When the carriage entered St. Petersburg, passers-by stopped to watch. People speculated that the person sitting in the carriage should be a duke or prince-level figure.

The carriage, escorted by cavalry troops, gradually arrived at a mansion. The owner of the mansion was none other than the St. Petersburg residence of the Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire, Karl Neserrodie.

The door of the mansion slowly opened, and the cavalry captain responsible for escort drove his horse to the carriage and said to the guests in the carriage in fluent French: "Your Excellency, your destination has arrived! I want to return to Prince Paskevich.

Got it!"

"Yeah!" A strong voice came from the carriage, and the cavalry captain and his cavalry left.

The carriage slowly drove into Karl Neserrodie's mansion. Under the guidance of the house's steward, the driver drove the horse to the center of the courtyard and stopped.

"Your Excellency, please get out of the car!" The butler stationed outside the carriage said to the airtight carriage.

The carriage slowly opened, and Felix Schwarzenberg in a light blue military uniform appeared in front of everyone.

"Your Excellency the Duke!" the butler summoned everyone in the mansion to show due respect to the Duke/Prince of Austria who had come from afar.

Felix Schwarzenberg's expression did not change at all, as if all this was a matter of course for him: "Where is Count Karl now? [Karl Nesserrodie was granted the title of Emperor Nicholas I.

Earl, Felix Schwarzenberg, in order to express his closeness]"

"Our master is still in Tsarskoye Selo, and it may be very late before he can meet with you, the prince! Your Excellency, please come with me!" the butler said to the foreign visitor politely as before.

Felix Schwarzenberg nodded slightly, and under the leadership of the butler, Felix Schwarzenberg came to the room prepared for him by Karl Nesserrode.

"Please bear with me, Your Excellency, in the next few days!" the butler said to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"I didn't come here to enjoy it!" Felix Schwarzenberg responded.

In the afternoon of the same day, Karl Nesserrodie, who received the arrival of Felix Schwarzenberg, returned to his residence to meet with Felix Schwarzenberg.

"Your Excellency, welcome to St. Petersburg!" Karl Neserrode said to Felix Schwarzenberg as usual.

"Mr. Count, this is the letter that the prince asked me to forward to you!" Felix Schwarzenberg handed the letter to Karl Nesserrodie.

There was a flash of surprise in Karl Nesserrodie's eyes. He didn't expect that the new foreign minister would "establish a good relationship" with the old-timer so quickly. From his appearance, he didn't seem to be worried that the old-timer would take away his position.


It’s great to be young!

Looking at Felix Schwarzenberg in front of him, Karl Nesserrodie couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If he had been twenty years younger, his foreign policy might have been very different from what it is now.

Karl Nesserrodie took a look at the letter written by Prince Metternich to him. The letter described the various friendships between Prince Metternich and himself. At the same time, he also formally introduced Felix to Karl Nesserrodie.


At the end of the letter, Prince Metternich hoped that the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire could continue to maintain friendship.

After reading the letter, Karl Nesserrode folded it and handed it to the servant, and then invited Felix Schwarzenberg to sit down and talk.

The fireplace was lit and warmth filled the room.

Immediately afterwards, servants brought pastries, coffee, and rum wine one after another.

Karl Nesserrode first asked Felix Schwarzenberg if he wanted to drink. After the other party refused, Karl Nesserrode drank and drank.

The slightly cloudy Roma wine was poured into the wine glass. Karl Nesserrodie took a sip of the Roma wine and said straight to the point: "Your Excellency, I know the purpose of your visit this time! You are here to fight with Prussia."

Come from the war!"

"That's right! We hope to get permission from the Russian Empire! The behavior of the Kingdom of Prussia has seriously endangered the interests of the Austrian Empire! This is simply a violation of orthodox principles!" Felix Schwarzenberg spoke righteously to Karl

. Neserrodie appealed.

"So what exactly is the proposal between your country and the French Republic? Is it also for the sake of orthodoxy?"

Karl Nesserrodie still looked at Felix Schwarzenberg with a smile that gave Felix a chilling feeling.

How on earth did he know this? Who told him?

Felix Schwarzenberg was not frightened by Karl Nesserrodie's question, he was just curious about who had leaked the secret.

"Mr. Count, who told you this?" Felix Schwarzenberg asked in a solemn tone.

"You don't have to worry about this!" Of course Karl Nesserrode would not tell him the truth: "I just want to know how you should solve these problems!"

"Mr. Count, I don't think I need an explanation!" Felix Schwarzenberg spread his hands and said calmly to Karl Nesserrodie.

"You have destroyed the order of the entire Europe!" Karl Neserrodie said.

"No! We are forging a new order!" Felix Schwarzenberg also retorted: "The original balance of power in Europe has been destroyed, and we should create a new balance of power."

"What do you mean by the balance of power, is France getting the Rhineland?" Karl Nesserrodie asked Felix Schwarzenberg.

"It's just a corner of Saarland!" Felix Schwarzenberg responded to Karl Neserrodie.

"You will encourage France's ambitions!" Karl Nesserrodie "accused" Felix Schwarzenberg.

"Ambition? Mr. Count Karl, every country has ambitions. Do we want to prevent the ambitions of a few countries from giving up their interests for nothing? The situation that Prince Metternich painstakingly managed only lasted more than thirty years.

Failure and long-term suppression are never the solution!" Felix Schwarzenberg argued.

"Then what do you want to do?" Karl Neserrodie wanted to hear the views of this young man in the political arena.

"For a long time, the diplomacy of our European countries has not depended on ourselves, but on Britain! Behind every failure there is Britain, so I hope to remember that the power of France works together to exclude Britain! Then Russia, Austria and France

Join us together and make rules! As long as the three of us are united, the remaining countries are not our opponents at all!"

Schwarzenberg described Karl Nesserrodie ambitiously.

"Duke Felix, in the blueprint you described, I don't seem to see the place of the Russian Empire! Do you want to exclude the Russian Empire from the system?" Karl Neserrode squinted his eyes to show his cunning.

The lineup said to Felix Schwarzenberg.

Felix Schwarzenberg had this idea in mind. The threat from the Russian Empire to the Habsburgs was too great.

However, now that he still needs the Russian Empire, it will certainly not offend the Russian Empire.

"How is that possible?" Schwarzenberg shook his head and responded to Karl Nesserrodie.

"Then the Austrian Empire gets the leadership of Germany, the French Republic gets partial compensation from the Rhineland, and the Russian Empire gets Constantinople. How about that?" Karl Nesserrodie narrowed his eyes and spoke of his partition plan.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, this is extremely unfair to our country! Your country already owns the Danube Principality!" Schwarzenberg protested against Karl Nesserrode's "injustice".

"What is fair?" Karl Nesserrodie asked Schwarzenberg.

"Unless the Russian Empire supports the Austrian Empire in claiming its former territory of Graz County!" Schwarzenberg said to Karl Nesserrodie.

"This..." Karl Neserrode hesitated. He didn't know whether he should agree to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"If the Russian Empire does not agree with Austria's proposal, then it may be difficult for Austria to create the Russian Empire!" Schwarzenberg refused to give in.

The stalemate between the two did not last long, and finally ended with Karl Nesserrodie giving in.

The Russian Empire will support the Austrian Empire's request for the County of Graz, provided that the Austrian Empire can defeat the Kingdom of Prussia.

After the Austrian Imperial War against the Kingdom of Prussia, it was necessary to make every effort to ensure the supply of the Russian Imperial Army in the Danube region.

After exchanging their respective conditions, both parties acted with their own little thoughts in mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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