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Chapter 268 Debt and Power

In order to protect the interests of all colleagues in the Ministry of Railways, Morny had to take a strong stance and reject Thiers' request to see the accounts of the Ministry of Railways.

No member of the Legislative Assembly present is a fool. Just by looking at the properties, clubs and leisure venues purchased by the Ministry of Railways over the years, you can get a rough idea of ​​the internal accounts of the Ministry of Railways.

It's just that the members of the Legislative Assembly are unwilling to poke a hornet's nest.

It is true that the Ministry of Railways is not clean, but are they clean?

If the probity censorship stick is smashed down, most of the congressmen present will be smashed to death by their own stick.

During the Third Republic, there was a foolish young man who kept pushing for a review of corruption issues when he was in the opposition party. He was directly ousted from power in several consecutive cabinets on charges of corruption, so he was also called a master of attic corruption.

As a result, he offended a large number of people. After the "Panama Canal" scandal occurred, the cabinet at that time collapsed again. However, this time it was revealed that he was a good friend of one of the parties involved in the Panama Canal scandal.

Being caught by the opposition, he was quickly attacked.

The people of Paris, who were once led by him, are now being challenged by the leaders of the opposition parties.

When the dragon-slaying warrior turns into a dragon, the people of Paris will not care at all about what the dragon-slaying warrior has done.

This foolish young man was defeated in the cabinet election the next year due to a corruption scandal.

Depressed and dejected, he left the field, and when he came back again, his previous sharp edges had been smoothed away, and his behavior had become smoother.

Under his leadership, France defeated Germany and became the winner of World War I.

This man is Georges Clemenceau.

People in a system will never disrupt it unless absolutely necessary. It was the norm in the 19th century to discuss certain matters in the Legislative Assembly and try to solve the problem within the framework.

Under elite politics, civilians only have the power to be forced to make choices.

Even parties like the Republicans will only promise true freedom for democracy at the time of the election.

When people really want freedom, especially freedom to strike.

The Republicans will tear apart the veil of hypocrisy and carry out brutal suppression of the workers.

If Britain's riot control method is the special police, France's traditional riot control method is the use of the army.

Georges Clemenceau (yes, this is the one), Zuo Zuoren, who once supported the Paris Commune, happened to encounter a workers' strike when he was the Minister of the Interior. In order to restore order as soon as possible, he decisively

The army was used to suppress the workers.

The so-called universal suffrage system before World War I was nothing more than a toy to fool people.

Once the elites reach an agreement, they can suppress the bottom proletariat without any burden.

Morny's toughness forced Thiers to retreat, and some consensus among the elite could not be destroyed in his hands.

However, Thiers' words also made Morny take a step back. He assured the MPs present: "These bonds will be paid off by the Ministry of Railways in just a few years! According to the calculations of the financial department, once the railway is fully operational, it will

Profitable with 10% growth rate!”

Molny's words made the MPs present relax a little. Even if Molny's words were folded in half, the annual rate would still be about 5%.

The annual interest rate on France's national debt is only about 4%. Railway bonds are naturally higher than public debt, and they should probably be able to be repaid.

None of the congressmen present knew that the only money that railways can make is by connecting the main trunk lines in big cities, and the remaining branch lines are in most cases a loss-making business.

However, their president, Jérôme Bonaparte, was ambitiously trying to build a complete railway network. This was a business destined to lose money and the entire French people had to pay for it.

By the way, within two years of Morny, the Ministry of Railways had issued nearly 500 million francs in bonds, and the total number of bonds accounted for one-third of the entire French finance.

If it were not for the fact that the Ministry of Railways bonds were an opaque agency, Morny had every reason to believe that the huge number of bonds would be enough to scare off any parliamentary bureaucracy.

The debt was opaque, the financial statements were confusing, and bonds were issued from time to time, so that Jérôme Bonaparte sometimes wondered whether the finances of France and the "Eastern Roman" Empire came from the same master.

After the bond issue of the Ministry of Railways was resolved in an almost confusing way, Morny made a final report: "The Ministry of Railways will build first-class railways connecting major cities in France in the next five years, as well as some second-class railways...

Strive to build a total of more than 9,000 kilometers of railways by 1856!"

Molny's words made the "social democratic" MPs pale because they did not understand what Molny meant.

Before the members could ask questions, Morny bowed to the members of the Legislative Assembly and left.

Next, he said that Bife, Minister of Agriculture and Industry and Commerce, who has served as minister for two years, has already developed superb adaptability. He first reported to the Legislative Assembly on the construction of water conservancy and land reclamation, and then reported to the Legislative Assembly on the construction of water conservancy and land reclamation.

Requests for agricultural schools and proposals for new cooperatives.

For France, which has a long agricultural tradition, the development of agriculture is undoubtedly the most important relief.

Even members of the Legislative Assembly who criticize the government's fiscal abuse will not criticize the comparison fee in this regard.

However, many members of Congress are still critical of the issue of agricultural cooperatives.

Some members of the Republican and Order parties believe that the agricultural cooperatives mentioned by Bieffe will lead France into the hell of "utopian socialism".

Bife had to struggle to explain that the role of the new agricultural cooperative was to allow farmers to have more capital for mutual exchange with the city.

"Our country has the largest rural working population in Europe (Russia is automatically excluded here). According to statistics, the number of small land operations between 1 and 10 hectares is approximately 2.8-3 million, accounting for 50% of the total operating units.

3/4, however, they own only one-quarter of the land, 10 to 40 hectares, accounting for 20% of the operating units, and 30% of the land area. There are about 162,000 large land operators of more than 40 hectares

, accounting for 4% of the number of operations, but the area can reach 45%!

France should effectively ensure the profitability of the agricultural population. Our eyes should not just stay on the large landowners, but should focus a lot of attention on the small landowners who face the loess and turn their backs to the sky. We open agricultural schools and establish agricultural

Lectures to guide scattered small landowners in establishing new agricultural cooperative institutions. I propose that Paris should establish an agricultural mutual credit bank to effectively seek the welfare of the agricultural population..."

Biffe made an impassioned statement to the members of the Legislative Assembly.

Although most of these views were plagiarized from experts of the Physiocratic School, and some were even utopian socialist views, he still received applause from the members of the Legislative Assembly.

No one would object to such a politically correct thing.

"We should understand that poverty does not belong to the republic, and average does not belong to the republic! France should find a path of its own. Our country's agricultural environment is different from that of Britain, and we should establish a set of agricultural policies that are in line with our own national conditions! We must also find a way

A modern industrial road that suits the national conditions and build a powerful continental country with modern agriculture and industry keeping pace with each other."

Biffe made the final conclusion with impassioned words and stepped down amid bursts of applause.

After Biffe's report, the next several ministers made brief reports to the Legislative Assembly in turn.

The "Social Democratic" MPs did not get as tense as they did with Morny, nor did they receive rounds of applause like they did with Biffet.

After going through several ministers smoothly, Opal, Prime Minister of the French Republic, made a final concluding speech.

From November 1849 to November 1850, the tax revenue of the French Republic was 1.643 billion francs, with an output of 1.68 billion francs. Compared with 1849, the fiscal revenue increased by about 100 million francs.

, it can be seen from the financial statements that the French finance has gradually moved towards prosperity, and the economic depression caused by the Revolution of 1848 has gradually faded away. However, the expenditure in 1850 was nearly 100 million francs.

One of the largest expenditures is administrative expenses. There are nearly 500,000 civil servants and parliamentarians in France, and their administrative expenses account for nearly 600 million francs.

[According to the government’s estimation, France still needs about 200,000 civil servants, but these civil servants are a huge expense.]

Next is defense expenditure. The joint expenditure of the Navy and the Army is about 500 million francs.

[Among them, the Army occupies 270 million francs and the Navy occupies 230 million francs. The navy has planned to continue its construction between 1851 and 1855, with an expected increase of 100 million francs per year. In terms of the army, due to the planning of the Ministry of War and the Secretariat and the

Jérôme Bonaparte took away part of the power from the army, reducing the French army by nearly 100 million francs.

Minister of War Renault was surprised to find that even if the army's finances were reduced, it still did not hinder the normal operation of the army. It only hindered the interests of some soldiers. Those soldiers who were hindered were all ordered to retire or sent to North Africa.]

After defense spending, there is agricultural spending. Agricultural cooperatives and agricultural schools independently established in various places under the leadership of the government have gradually spread. This expenditure also cost about 300 million francs.

Finally, there is the issue of compulsory education funding and the construction of Paris. The implementation of the Faloufa has significantly reduced France’s education funding. The rise of some missionary schools has effectively improved France’s difficult financial problems. Even so, it cost 200 million francs.


The remaining 80 million francs will all be used for urban reconstruction and construction in Paris. For Paris, 80 million francs is really a drop in the bucket.

This chapter has been completed!
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