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Chapter 270 12.2 Day Coup Plan

The proposal to amend the constitution was opposed by the vast majority of "social democrats" and ended.

At this time, even the Bonapartists who were more inclined to amend the constitution through parliament for re-election no longer believed in the Legislative Assembly.

Since the Legislative Assembly was unwilling to hand over the rule of France to the Bonapartists, it is not their fault that they went to take it themselves.

Of course, the Duke of Broglie, who had recently joined the Elysée Palace faction, had no idea of ​​the Bonapartist faction's next actions.

In their view, Jerome Bonaparte still had more than a year before leaving office, so there was no need to be so eager for a temporary coup.

After the Legislative Assembly of the Bourbon Palace was dissolved, Valewski reported to Jerome Bonaparte what happened in the Legislative Assembly, and Jerome Bonaparte once again called together the core members of the Bonapartist faction.

Except for General Renault, who went to Strasbourg to take up the post of commander, all other personnel arrived at the Elysée Palace.

Looking at the core members of the Bonapartist faction in front of him, Jérôme Bonaparte smiled and said: "I believe you all know very well! What we have to do next! Since amending the constitution can no longer achieve our purpose,

Then we have no choice but to resort to force! I plan to dissolve the Legislative Assembly on December 2!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked by Jérôme Bonaparte's words.

Eugène Rouet reminded Jérôme Bonaparte in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the time is too short! Do you want to relax the time limit a little!"

"That's right! Your Majesty!" Interior Minister Baros also suggested relaxing some time limits so as to be able to prepare properly.

"Everyone!" Jérôme Bonaparte raised his voice and said in a high-spirited tone to the core members of the Bonapartist faction present: "You think the coup is too complicated. Most of the coups in the past have taken place after a wave of action.

Success. Unexpected situations often happen, and we can never completely predict it! Now, we have completely controlled the army in the Paris capital area. We just need to make reasonable use of Paris' inherent advantages! Those generals will never dare to agree with us.

Fighting a war, as long as we can control Paris, it means that the whole of France must obey our command!"

Military coups are all about which of the two sides has a lower error tolerance and a little bit of luck. Jérôme Bonaparte clearly remembers Chun Doo-hwan's December 12th coup in the documentary "The Fifth Republic" released by the Universe State in his previous life.

This coup made everyone laugh. The government clearly had many opportunities to capture the leader and disband the army, but they missed it time and time again. The Minister of Defense who once dared to launch a solo move was scared to death in that coup. The two sides of the coup did not

No matter how many troops were used, it only took Chun Dou-hwan one night to control all the troops in the capital area and complete the coup.

Not to mention the African fun-loving Colonel Qadrazo, who staggered into Tripoli, the capital of Libya, with an army of less than a thousand men, and finally completed the coup.

In this land, as long as you have enough ambition, nothing is impossible.

Jérôme Bonaparte's impassioned words infected the new Minister of War Saint-Arnault. He was hesitant at first and finally made up his mind: "Go for it, Your Excellency!"

With the Minister of War's statement, the remaining people were not far behind and said one after another: "Do it, Your Excellency."

On November 2, 1850, Jérôme Bonaparte made an unprecedented announcement to the outside world and announced the order to remove Prime Minister Opul.

The reason is that Prime Minister Opel was unable to fulfill President Jérôme Bonaparte's expectations.

As soon as the news came out, the whole of Paris was shaken again. The Paris political circles did not know what kind of medicine was sold in Jérôme Bonaparte's gourd.

However, Opple's dismissal gave some new members of the Elysee Palace faction an opportunity.

Especially someone as prestigious as Odilon Barrow who is willing to cooperate with the president.

Odilon Barro, who was bent on becoming Prime Minister again, asked his brother Ferdinand Barro, who was the Attorney General, to ask about the inside story of Jérôme Bonaparte's removal of Prime Minister Opal.

"I heard that it seems that it is because Count Opul has made an agreement with the President since he took office..." Fernand Barrow was stunned for a moment and said to Odilon Barrow.

"What agreement?" Odilon Barrow asked Fernand Barrow impatiently.

Fernand Barrow spread his hands and said to Odilon Barrow: "I don't know about this. It's nothing more than an exchange of interests!"

"By the way, have you made any big moves recently?" Odilon Barrow then asked Fernand Barrow.

As a senior opposition player, he keenly smelled an unusual smell in the air. This atmosphere was very similar to that in February.

"I don't know!" Fernand Barro shrugged and said to Odilon Barro: "I haven't attended a Bonapartist party for a long time!"

Odilon Barrow glanced at Fernand Barrow, he sighed and said to Fernand Barrow: "If it weren't for me..."

"This has nothing to do with you!" Fernand Barrow smiled and comforted Odilon Barrow: "As the Attorney General, I am to maintain the strictness of the judiciary. How unbecoming it is to hang around the president from time to time!


Odilon Barro, who did not understand Jerome Bonaparte's next move from Fernand Barro, could only wait patiently for Jérôme Bonaparte's invitation.

At this time, he still believed that Jerome Bonaparte would definitely choose one of them to serve as prime minister.

On November 3, under the watchful eyes of the Party of Order and all the members of the Elysee Palace, Prime Minister Opel... no, it should be Count Opel put on a military uniform and stood upright in front of Jérôme Bonaparte.


Less than a day after he had resigned as Prime Minister, Count Opul was once again appointed Governor of Algiers by Jérôme Bonaparte.

[ps: Due to the special circumstances of Algeria's ownership of France, the governor of Algeria is generally appointed by the king/president himself. In order to reflect the importance attached to Algeria, during the Kingdom of Orleans, princes from the Orleans royal family generally went to Africa to serve as governors. During the war, the outstanding governor

The general serves as governor.]

An attendant, escorted by two guards, carried an aluminum tray and came to a stop in front of Jérôme Bonaparte and Opal. Jérôme Bonaparte lifted off the red cloth covering the tray.

A Grand Cross (Legion level) engraved with Napoleon's head appeared.

Jérôme Bonaparte took the Grand Cross in his hand and wore it for Count Opul.

"Count Opul, thank you for everything you have done for France! I hope you can move forward and continue to serve France during your tenure as Governor of Algeria!" Jérôme Bonaparte saluted Opul.

"Your Excellency, I will definitely live up to your trust and run Algiers well!" Opul responded sonorously and forcefully to Jérôme Bonaparte, and at the same time returned the favor to Jérôme Bonaparte.

After the medal ceremony, everyone burst into warm applause.

After all the invited guests had dispersed, Jérôme Bonaparte called the new Governor of Algeria, Opul, to the study.

"Your Excellency the President!" Opple humbly shouted to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Sitting on the sofa, Jérôme Bonaparte gently pressed his temples and said to Opal: "I don't think I need to repeat to you the importance of Algiers to France!"

"I will definitely do my best to maintain the security of Algiers!" Opple immediately expressed his attitude to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"It's not enough to do this!" Jérôme Bonaparte pointed to the desk and said to Opple: "Mr. Count, please help me get the map of Africa from the drawer!"

Count Opel hurriedly got a map for Jérôme Bonaparte. Jérôme Bonaparte pointed at Algiers and said to Opél: "You have to expand deep into the interior. I hope France's sphere of influence will expand."

to here!"

Jérôme Bonaparte targeted the Niger region. At this time, the central part of the Niger region still belonged to the Pall Empire, and Nigeria, which bordered Niger, had long been reduced to a quasi-colony of the British Kingdom.

"Your Excellency, if we continue to expand, it may lead to protests from the British Kingdom!" Count Opple looked at the direction of Jerome Bonaparte's finger and said worriedly to Jerome Bonaparte.

"That's why our scope is here!" Jérôme Bonaparte stopped in the northern part of Niger and explained: "Reserve the central Pall to act as a buffer area between Britain and France, and include the tribes in northern Niger into the territory

!Count Opul, when you have done this, I will see a marshal appear on the horizon of France!"

"Marshal!" Opal couldn't help but gasp. The temptation of the marshal was really too much for him to resist.

Even though the current marshal's gold content is far less than that of the First Empire.

"That's right! Marshal Opple!" Jérôme Bonaparte continued to use the marshal as bait to seduce Count Opple.

"I will definitely do my best!" Duke Opple immediately saluted Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Before you march into Niger, don't forget to win over some tribe members, they will be of great help to you!" Jerome Bonaparte suddenly remembered the routine used by the King of Belgium when he obtained the Congo colony decades later: "You can first

Send an expedition team, and then order the expedition team to sign a treaty with the local chiefs. At that time, the French army will be able to march in the name of "protecting the human rights of local tribes!"

"Yes!" Count Opal responded.

On November 5, when Count Aupre left Paris, Jerome Bonaparte announced that he would establish a super-class cabinet under his direct command, which means that the position of cabinet prime minister may not be established again in the short term.

As soon as the news came out, many members of the Party of Order who were gearing up to become prime minister extinguished their little thoughts.

This chapter has been completed!
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