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Chapter 273 The Prussian-Austrian War

Prince William's attitude did not exceed Ron's expectations. Although Prince William, who was closer to the military than Ron, was much better off as the Regent of Prussia than the current King of Prussia, it did not mean that he supported Prince William unconditionally.

This position was sought by means of a coup.

Ron knew very well that King Frederick (the brother of William I) was not the deposed Emperor Ferdinand of Austria. Even if his ideas were not liked by the top military officials, he still had a group of soldiers loyal to him.


Not to mention that the newly established "Prussian Constitution" forced King Frederick to win over the support of a group of liberal MPs. Once the military chose to depose the Prussian King, large-scale turmoil would inevitably occur in Prussia.

If not, there will be a civil war.

Under internal and external troubles, the overall interests of the Kingdom of Prussia will inevitably suffer losses, and there is a danger of overthrowing if things go wrong.

Ron regretted that William I could not become the regent, but at the same time, he also looked at William I with relief.

Prince William already has the overall view that a king should have.

[Ron didn’t know that Prince William just chose to give in because he was afraid that he would not be able to handle complex domestic issues.]

"Your Highness the Prince!" Ron asked meticulously: "Do you want me to send someone back to Berlin to explain to the Count!"

"Go!" William I nodded in agreement with Ron's idea.

"Yes!" Ron quickly used the reins to gently rein in the war horse under his crotch. The war horse, which had received strict Prussian training for a long time, turned around after receiving Ron's signal.

Just as Ron turned his horse back to the headquarters, the voice of William I reached Ron's ears again.

"By the way, I ordered someone to tell my wife not to do anything harmful to the Kingdom of Prussia during this period!" William I said with a slightly tired voice.

Ron turned his head and nodded to William I, and left under the watch of William I.

Looking at Ron's fading voice, William I couldn't help but sigh again.

I silently prayed in my heart that my ambitious wife would not do some stupid and meaningless things.

The Kingdom of Prussia can no longer withstand internal strife!

After Ron left, William I continued his safari.

On the other hand, after leaving the Prussian military camp, the mayor and councilors headed again to the Austrian Imperial military camp not far from the Prussian army with the mentality of giving it a try.

The "wise men" of Fulda were subjected to interrogations several times more severe than those of the Kingdom of Prussia when they first entered the Austrian Empire's military camp.

The Austrian Imperial Army during this period was different from the mixed army of landowners and nobles in the Kingdom of Prussia, and also different from the "citizen" army of the French Republic. The entire army's positions were controlled by nobles of all sizes, which can be said to be worthy of the name.

Noble army.

In the Austrian Empire, aristocratic children are eligible for admission without examination, which means that as long as the aristocratic children want to, they can become an officer without passing the examination. In the Austrian Empire, where the law of primogeniture is strictly enforced, many small and medium-sized nobles are willing to transfer their

The second son was sent to the army or the church to prevent conflicts over property.

In this era of decline of the nobility, there are very few nobles with ambitions and achievements. The vast majority of the nobles adhere to the style of just eating and waiting to die, especially after entering the army, not to mention that the salary of the Austrian Empire's army is really

It was so pitiful that they couldn't survive on the meager salary, so they began to take advantage of the situation and make extra money. This also caused a serious decline in the combat effectiveness of the Austrian Empire's army.

Venice and Lombardy, where Marshal Radetzki is located, are fine. At least they are under the supervision of Marshal Radetzki.

The armies in Hungary, Austria, and Bohemia have been seriously decayed. The two-year revolution has caused the army to collapse at the drop of a hat. Troops often appear in groups and are sent to death. Many non-existent troops and soldiers were destroyed by the invincible Hungarian Revolution.


During that time, the new emperor Franz Joseph couldn't help but get furious when he saw the battle reports from the front. Of course, Felix Schwarzenberg also understood the tricks in the army, but he did not stop it.

When the free wages reached Felix Schwarzenberg's expectation, Felix Schwarzenberg made a decisive move to invite Tsarist Russia, and the Austrian Imperial Army immediately launched a counterattack as if it was resurrected with full health.

During the attack on Transylvania, Russia and Austria staged another farce of massive war losses.

After some farce-like struggles, the Austrian Imperial Army finally eliminated most of its empty pay, and its combat effectiveness has increased, but its inherent aristocratic characteristics have not disappeared.

Arrogance still flows in the bones of the Austrian Imperial Army.

After some interrogation, the humiliated Mayor Fulda and the councilors finally arrived at the castle where Albrecht was staying.

This castle located on the outskirts of Fulda was originally the residence of a wealthy businessman. After Prussia and Austria were stationed in Fulda, the wealthy businessman saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly took his family to Frankfurt.

The castle also became Albrecht's residence.

When the mayor and councilors met Archduke Albrecht, they were all amazed at Albrecht's age.

Albrecht, who was born in 1817, is only 33 years old now. It is really surprising that he can serve as the supreme commander of an army at the age of 33.

When the adjutant introduced Albrecht's family background to the mayor and city councilors, they realized that this extremely young general turned out to be the son of Archduke Karl.

No wonder he can serve as the commander of the Austrian Empire at this age.

Everyone subconsciously labeled Archduke Albrecht as a second-generation soldier, and their eyes revealed a trace of contempt.

In their minds, how could a second-generation soldier like this be able to command this war well?

Archduke Albrecht, who had been looking down at the map, did not notice their looks. Facing the arrival of Fulda and others, Albrecht also calmly asked them about the purpose of coming to the military camp.

"Your Excellency the Grand Duke!" the mayor said respectfully: "On behalf of the residents of Fulda, we hope that your army can conduct artillery fire during the day!"

Albrecht raised his head suddenly, and the mayor, who felt as if he was being targeted by a wild beast, held his breath for a moment, and he showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

The city councilors also couldn't help but swallow hard. They were a little afraid that Archduke Albrecht would pull them out and shoot them directly.

After a while, Albrecht finally said: "I am sorry that I cannot agree to your conditions! All military deployments of the empire are planned, and even as a commander, I cannot change these plans without authorization.

.The reason why we are here is to help you resist the invasion of the Kingdom of Prussia! If there is nothing else, then you should leave!"

Archduke Albrecht issued an expulsion order to the mayor and city councilors of Fulda, and then lowered his head and continued to look at the map of the Fulda area.

Upon seeing this, the adjutant quickly ordered two soldiers to "invite" the mayor and the city council members out.

The mayor and city councilors were "invited" out of the Austrian Empire camp. The mayor and city councilors who returned to Fulda explained to the people of Fulda the situation of the Prussian-Austrian troops.

The citizens of Fulda could only choose to continue to endure the aggression against them by Prussia and Austria.

Of course, not everyone thought of leaving Fulda and taking refuge in Frankfurt.

However, all the roads to Frankfurt along the way are blocked by Prussia and Austria. Everyone who wants to go to Frankfurt or other areas has to pay a large amount of tolls, commodity fees, army maintenance fees... To put it simply,

, in order to make up for the military expenses of the long-term occupation, Prussia and Austria have begun to unscrupulously plunder the money of the entire Principality of Hesse-Kassel.

In the early morning of November 3, before the fog in the forest had cleared, a carriage, escorted by a group of Austrian hussars wearing eagle helmets, entered the camp of the Austrian Imperial Army.

The top military officials headed by Albrecht went out to greet him, and the carriage slowly stopped in the garden outside the castle.

The car door opened, and Felix Schwarzenberg, Prime Minister of the Austrian Empire and Minister of Foreign Affairs, got out of the car.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister!" Archduke Albrecht hurriedly stepped forward and said to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"Mr. Commander!" Felix Schwarzenberg nodded slightly to Albrecht.

The two of them entered the castle with a group of Austrian Empire generals.

After everyone sat down at the long dining table, Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg, who was sitting in the main seat, roughly glanced at the generals who were gearing up in front of him. He cleared his throat and said frivolously: "I know you want to be cruel.

This is a harsh lesson for Prussia, who does not know how to be generous. I think the same thing as you. The German region can only have one leader, and this leader must be the Austrian Empire. The Kingdom of Prussia only needs to obey the arrangements of the Austrian Empire and be an honest follower.

Got it!"

Felix Schwarzenberg's words resonated with the generals of the Austrian Empire present. Many Austrian aristocratic officers whose minds were still stuck in the Napoleonic Wars still believed that Prussia relied on picking up leaks to succeed.

If the Austrian Empire had not seriously overstretched its national power in the conflict with Napoleon, so that the subsequent Congress of Vienna had to compromise with each other, there would be no Prussian show of force later.

They, who claim to be the big brother of the German region, will never allow Prussia to do anything arrogant.

"Everyone must also understand that I was ordered by His Majesty to go to the Russian Empire to discuss the punishment of Prussia with the Russian Empire. Emperor Nicholas I of the Russian Empire has promised us that he will no longer interfere with our punishment of Prussia. So, everyone,

You can do what you want to do with confidence and boldness!" Felix Schwarzenberg gave a cryptic order to mobilize.

This chapter has been completed!
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