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Chapter 275 Fulda's Slaughter

The city walls that were once used for defense are now in ruins, and the tents where Prussian soldiers rested were also damaged by a round of indiscriminate artillery fire. One of the shells accidentally hit the wooden room where the shells were stacked.

, the explosion caused by the artillery shell ignited the entire room. Ron only heard a deafening sound from behind. The four Prussian soldiers and a warrant officer responsible for carrying the artillery shell were killed on the spot. The wood after the explosion turned into pieces.

The high-speed moving shrapnel ruthlessly harvested the lives of the surrounding Prussian soldiers.

"Help me... God! Please..."

Many Prussian soldiers who were affected by the explosion lay on the ground and wailed in pain. The wailing sound instantly infected the surrounding Prussian soldiers like a plague.

Due to the universal military service and three-level reserve system adopted by Prussia, many Prussian soldiers were transferred to the second-level reserve when they first became veterans. Most of the recruits were young bourgeoisie and peasants who privately escaped from the East Prussian landlord estates.

, the scene in front of them was simply hell on earth for the Prussian soldiers who had served for less than three years in peacetime.

One moment you are a fellow soldier in the trenches, and the next moment you may be covered in blood, with your intestines flowing out, lying on the ground calling for help with your hands covered in blood and soil.

I wonder which new recruit could suffer such torture!

Some Prussian soldiers were so frightened by the horror before them that they could not even hold their guns steady, and a small number of pampered Prussian soldiers were so frightened that they peed their pants.

These phenomena are very normal behavior in military camps, especially the Prussian army participating in the war for the first time.

However, no Prussian soldier dared to escape. The strict and almost abnormal military discipline made the Prussian soldiers not dare to take any unnecessary action unless they had to.

Here I have to mention the first three articles of Prussian military training dogma. The first article is "soldiers are scum", the second article "treat scum with a beating", and the third article "soldiers should fear cane whips more than bullets"


King Frederick, who originally founded this army, once physically punished the soldiers with his own hands, and was "affectionately" respectfully called the "Soldier King" by the soldiers.

Although Prussia has somewhat curbed its habit of whipping soldiers after experiencing the Napoleonic Wars, grassroots officers still go their own way and impose harsh corporal punishment on soldiers. Every year in the Prussian army, some Prussian soldiers become disabled due to "accidental" injuries.

August Bebel's father was disabled in the Prussian army. When he was dying, Bebel's father said angrily: "I would rather let him starve to death than let him join the army."

Some soldiers closed their eyes and prayed for God's blessing. The officers, who had long been accustomed to the tragic situation, did not hesitate to draw their swords to seek relief for the seriously injured soldiers.

As the supreme commander of this army, there was no trace of mercy in Ron's eyes. He immediately issued an order to the commanders of the first and second regiments beside him to attack the incoming Austrian army as a whole.

In shock, the two regiment commanders quickly followed Ron's order and took action. They gave the order to the battalion commanders in their respective camps, and the battalion commanders in turn gave the orders to their respective regiment commanders. The Prussian company commander was forged by strict discipline.

They ordered the warrant officers and sergeants to reorganize the team.

Thanks to the fact that the vast majority of the soldiers in the Prussian army were soldiers who had completed primary education, they were able to quickly complete the gathering and reorganization of the troops after the Ron order was issued.

If it were a group of serf soldiers like Tsarist Russia, Prussia would probably collapse as soon as the Austrian artillery was concentrated because the army could not assemble.

Of course, Tsarist Russia also had a solution to this situation. The famous Russian general Suvorov once said, "Bullets are soft, bayonets are heroes." As long as the Russian army charges the enemy before being defeated, everything will be fine.


It took less than 10 minutes to establish the battalion-based hollow phalanx, and the regimental staff immediately reported the troop casualties to Ron.

"Major General, the first and second regiments lost a total of 340 people in this round of shelling, including 3 second lieutenants and a captain!"

The report from the regimental staff made Ron very heartbroken. Almost two companies of troops had been lost just after the war began. The Prussian army's ability to respond to emergencies was really worrying.

However, it is not time for Ron to rectify military discipline yet.

"The first regiment advances in battalion-level units, and the second regiment follows closely behind!" Ron gave the order to the regiment staff again.

In an era where communication relies on shouting and conveying information relies on running, riding a horse is undoubtedly the fastest option.

The regiment-level staff officer quickly issued Ron's order.

After the regimental staff left, the Prussian reconnaissance cavalry company commander drove his horse to Ron's side and reported to Ron the approximate location of the enemy.

Ron quickly spread out the map. Seeing this, the guard on the side quickly took the kerosene lamp from the camp that was not damaged. Under the influence of the kerosene lamp, Ron marked the locations one by one according to the positions provided by the cavalry company commander.

"Hey!" Looking at the suspected location of the Austrian army on the map, Ron couldn't help but sigh: "The opponent's appetite seems to be quite big!"

Then, he asked the guard on the side: "Do you know who the commander on the opposite side is?"

After thinking for a moment, the guard responded: "I remember his name was Albrecht Friedrich Rudolf..."

Ron also remembered what Prince William once said about Albrecht, and he couldn't help but say with emotion again: "He is worthy of being the son of Archduke Karl!"

"General, what's wrong?" the guard asked Ron suspiciously.

"Look here!" Ron pointed to the place marked by him and said: "There are forests on both sides of the Fulda area, and there is only one passage to Kassel. Theoretically, as long as this passage is blocked,

Our army will be unable to move on a large scale, and by then, we may have no choice but to pass from here!"

Ron pointed to the forest on the left side of the map. It was undoubtedly a taboo for a large team to travel through the forest, especially when marching in the dark. If you were not careful, your own army might be turned into a pot of porridge, not to mention the lack of supplies and ammunition.

Also a big problem.

The reason why Suvorov's great roundabout operation in the Alps can be called a huge achievement in the history of military academics is also because he was able to decisively abandon the risk of logistics being cut off and carry out roundabout tactics, and then defeated Moreau and Macdonald in one fell swoop.

There are three armies of Na and Jour.

It was also based on this factor that Gamelin vowed in 1940 that the German army would not choose to go through the Ardennes Forest.

Ron continued: "However, the commander on the opposite side not only wants to block our retreat, they also want to prevent us from breaking out from the forest. If I guessed correctly, both sides of us are already covered with Austrian troops stationed there.

The strength of the Austrian army in the Fulda area may be greater than we imagined!"

"What should we do?" the guard asked Ron again.

"Charge!" Ron responded, "We must completely attract their troops so that His Highness the Prince can have enough time to withdraw."

Under Ron's order, the battalion-based hollow phalanx continued to advance. Behind them were the Prussian army's only more than 20 bronze smooth-bore artillery pieces.

[The Prussian army in 1850 was still using bronze smoothbore cannons, and after more than 40 years, their army was still the same as it was during the Battle of Jena... No, it should be said to be worse than the Prussian army during the Battle of Jena. 】

Prussian and Austrian armies meet south of Fulda.

Albrecht, the commander of the Austrian Imperial Army, was riding on his horse and staring at the Prussian army in front of him through binoculars. He had obviously given the Prussian army on the opposite side enough time to escape, so why did the Prussian army still rush to death?

"Who is the commander on the opposite side?" Albrecht asked the lieutenant general of the same rank next to him.

The lieutenant general shook his head and responded: "I don't know, he's probably some unknown little person!"

"If every little person in the Kingdom of Prussia was like this, it would be difficult for us to win!" Albrecht looked at the formidable phalanx on the opposite side and couldn't help but shook his head.

"Huh?" The lieutenant general couldn't help but want to angrily scold Albrecht for exaggerating the behavior of others, but when he thought of Felix Schwarzenberg's order, he had to keep silent.

After the Prussian army had completely entered Austria's effective firing range, Albrecht quickly issued the order.


All 75 artillery pieces in the army were concentrated by Albrecht, and bursts of artillery fire sounded.

Under the powerful artillery suppression of the Austrian Empire, the tightly packed Prussian army actually suffered a brief defeat.

If it were not for the prestige of Prussian officers at all levels in the Prussian army, I am afraid that the Prussian solid phalanx would have faced the risk of collapse.

Only now did Ron discover that the first round of shelling was probably the enemy's deliberate release of water.

We can only delay for a while now, hoping that Prince William can rush out smoothly.

"Fire!" Ron also gave the order to fire.

Compared with Austria's 75 artillery pieces, Prussia, which had only 20 artillery pieces, was slightly struggling.

At the same time, the hollow phalanx also formed a three-row phalanx under Ron's order, and attacked the Austrian army against the artillery of the Austrian Empire.

Austria also fought back not to be outdone, and the two sides fired at a distance of less than 400 yards.

Under medium and short range shooting, the Prussian Kingdom's Dreiser firing needle gun finally regained some platoon positions, while the Austrian Empire's column phalanx continued to suffer casualties.

However, these casualties are simply insignificant to veterans who have experienced the "Bloody Battle of Hungary and Italy". After the first one falls, the next one takes over.

The Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia killed each other in Fulda at night.

This chapter has been completed!
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