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Chapter 279 Prussian Homecoming Mission

On November 14th, the temperature in Berlin increased significantly compared to the previous days, but the temperature in the early morning was still 7 to 10 degrees Celsius. The biting chill penetrated the little Berlin bourgeoisie who wanted a coat that was elegant but not warm.

On every inch of skin, people on the street had to huddle their bodies together slightly and speed up to their workplaces.

It was on this day that news came out from Sanssouci Palace that would affect the development of the entire Kingdom of Prussia in the next few decades.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, a piece of news spread from Sanssouci Palace to the two houses of the Kingdom of Prussia, and then spread from the two houses to all levels of government in Berlin.

"Since King Frederick William IV of the Kingdom of Prussia has been suffering from cold recently, he is unable to handle government affairs. The Crown Prince of Prussia, William Frederick Ludwig, is here to handle the major and minor government affairs of Prussia on his behalf.

Government officials at all levels must obey the orders of the new crown prince and must not leave their posts without authorization!"

As soon as the news came out, members of both chambers of Berlin and governments at all levels immediately stirred up political uproar. Among them, the most anxious ones were those bourgeois members of the House of Commons who said that they did not do anything when Prince William, as the Crown Prince, used the army to suppress the revolution two years ago.

Forget, now that the crown prince, who has the "stain" of suppressing the revolution, holds the regent position, how much better can their life be?

Therefore, some members of the House of Commons got together and went to Sanssouci Palace in an attempt to find out the "truth" in the name of condolences to King Frederick William IV of Prussia.

Was Frederick William IV really ill, or was he kidnapped by the Junker nobles?

If it was the former, it would be fine. If it was the latter, they would consider going to the rescue under the guise of rescuing Frederick William IV.

Compared with the new Prince William, King Frederick William IV is obviously a more favorable option for them.

However, the little thoughts of these bourgeois parliamentarians were completely extinguished when faced with the bayonets of the Prussian army in front of Sanssouci Palace.

The Count of Brandenburg, who had already anticipated the actions of the members of the House of Commons, had already dispatched part of the garrison troops from Berlin and Potsdam to protect the palace before the news was sent out.

The person responsible for commanding this small force was none other than the future Marshal of the Second German Reich, Karl Friedrich von Steinmetz.

At this time, Steinmetz, who had just been promoted to the rank of major general, silently walked forward from among the Prussian soldiers and stood at the front of the team with an expressionless face, looking at the group of parliamentarians who tried to break into Sanssouci Palace based on their numbers.

"Do you want to rebel?" Steinmetz's face was frosty, and his voice was unusually cold, like a machine without any emotion.

The congressmen present were all frightened by the indifference emanating from Steinmetz and the gleaming bayonets coming out of the Prussian soldiers' guns. Their bodies tilted back slightly.

Even though the congressmen were a little scared, one or two of them standing in the crowd still plucked up the courage to ask Steinmetz: "We just want to go to see His Majesty, and you have no right to stop us! Prussian congressmen have the privilege

Constitutional protection!”

"Yes! We want to see His Majesty! Get out of the way!"

"That's right!"

The members of the House of Commons were shouting one after another, which made Steinmetz even more disgusted with this group of people in the House of Commons. In his opinion, these guys would just bark here and not be of any help to the country.

Only the Prussian army can help the country. It would be better if the so-called House of Commons were dissolved.

"The announcement has said that His Majesty is unable to handle government affairs due to the cold! Now Prince William is in charge, you should go back!" Steinmetz still responded to the congressmen present in a tone that was distant from others.

"We must see His Majesty! Otherwise, we will never go back!" Steinmetz's response further "confirmed" the speculation that the king might be imprisoned.

In order to protect their vested interests, the congressmen decided to take desperate risks and fight the army to the end.

Previous experience told them that the army did not dare to kill people, especially against people as prestigious as themselves.

But they thought wrong. The Steinmetz in front of them was one of the most ruthless people, and he would not care about the life or death of the congressman.

In his view, this group of congressmen were thugs trying to storm the palace.

"I only give you thirty seconds! After thirty seconds, you will be responsible for the consequences!" Steinmetz said to the congressman while taking out his pocket watch.

Steinmetz's words sounded like a rattle in the hearts of the congressmen, and many congressmen had already begun to think about retreating.

Some congressmen with illusions still dare not take action.

When the time came to the last ten seconds, Steinmetz's cold voice came out from his slightly white lips again: "There are still 10 seconds!"

At the same time, the Prussian soldier also took a half step forward with his left foot, and Dreiser's needle gun was placed at the level of his chest, as if he was charging with a bayonet.

Some MPs who had served in the Prussian army knew that this group of Prussian soldiers might be coming, so they had no choice but to flee in a hurry.

The retreat of one MP triggered the retreat, and all the MPs in front of Sanssouci Palace fled.

Looking at the embarrassed group of congressmen, Steinmetz showed a contemptuous smile. He gently waved the rifle that the soldier had picked up and put it down again.

The unwilling MPs continued to take action after returning to Berlin. They put pressure on newspapers in the Berlin area in the name of MPs. That afternoon, reports spread that MPs were attacked by brutal troops at the Palace of Sanssouci, and at the same time, a fire broke out in the House of Commons.

A wave of resistance against the Prussian army.

As the leader of the liberal faction, Radowitz knows that irritating the military at this juncture will never be a good thing. When he called on all parties to exercise restraint in dealing with emergencies in the House of Commons, he was angrily called a "traitor" by members of the House of Commons.

Frederick William IV's cold weather seemed to be a trigger of conflict, and Berlin was once again in a state of chaos.

After receiving intelligence from Berlin, Prince Regent William I, who was in Sanssouci Palace, became even more disgusted with the members of the House of Commons.

At the same time, the arrival of two letters made William I more determined to understand the influence of the House of Commons.

One letter came from the Poznan area. According to reports from assistants at the border of the Poznan area, the Russian Empire was gathering troops on a large scale in Poland.

Prince Paskiewicz of Poland also announced that a military exercise would be held in Poland.

The other was a letter from Count Wrangel, who was the commander of the Prussian front in Kassel. In the letter, Count Wrangel said that he had been attacked by the Prussian and Bavarian armies.

The two sides fought fiercely for two days, and finally the Prussian army was outnumbered and withdrew from the battlefield.

This war meant the complete failure of the Prussian region's layout in Hesse-Kassel.

To make matters worse, more and more people are likely to choose to join the ranks of the Austrian Empire to punish Prussia.

Prussia's arbitrary actions in 1848 met with "retribution" at noon at this time.

"Your Excellency, I have decided to depose Radowitz tomorrow!" Prince Regent William finally made up his mind to depose Radowitz.

"Yes!" Earl Brandenburg smiled. Choosing William as regent was indeed a wise choice.

On November 15, the Earl of Brandenburg came to the cabinet and announced Prince William's decision in public.

"Mr. Radowitz, you are dismissed!" Count Brandenburg smiled and said to Radowitz, the then Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.

When Radowitz heard the news, his head buzzed, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and he staggered and sat on his chair.

Although he knew that this day would come sooner or later, he still made a fool of himself after receiving the news.

"I know!" Radowitz responded to Count Brandenburg, suppressing the sadness in his heart.

"However, you still have a mission!" Earl Brandenburg changed the topic and continued: "The Prince Regent hopes that you can go to Britain as a special envoy to discuss the alliance with Britain!"

"I understand!" Radowitz smiled wryly and nodded.

When Radowitz left the cabinet, his originally upright body became stooped, and his full energy instantly turned into a depressed demeanor.

Count Brandenburg successfully succeeded Radowitz as Prime Minister. As for the position of Foreign Minister, he handed it over to Manteuffel, who was more timid and conservative than him.

On November 16, Prince William, as regent, announced the end of the Prussian Constitution drafted in 1848 and replaced it with the 1842 Constitution.

As soon as these words came out, the whole of Berlin went berserk.

Abolition of the 1848 constitution means the abolition of the bicameral system. If the lower house no longer exists, how can the capitalists in the Rhineland, Berlin, and Silesia fight for their power?

It can't be like before 1848, when taxes were collected and there was no power at all, right?

Petitions poured in across Berlin, with many pleading for Prince Regent Wilhelm to regain his fame.

The revolution that had been suppressed was once again ready to take off.

A few people even claimed to carry out a second revolution.

It's just that they were wrong. They didn't know that they were no longer facing a sophisticated politician like Frederick William IV, but a bloody butcher like Prince William.

Especially now that Prince William is only in his 50s, even after experiencing the failure of Fulda, he still has some resilience.

As soon as the order was issued, the Prussian troops were immediately assembled and stationed in Berlin to suppress public opinion.

In order to cooperate with the army's actions, Prince William, the regent, issued a "protest against thieves" to Junkers everywhere. Junker nobles everywhere also cheered the arrival of the old era. The Prussian Junkers headed by Bismarck returned to their hometown to recruit loyal Prussians.

The serfs" protected their "merciful" regent, looking like a returning regiment.

Under the control of Prince Regent William, the whole of Prussia instantly fell into political division.

This chapter has been completed!
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