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Chapter 287 12.2 Coup (2)

Most of the National Guard commanders smelled the atmosphere of conspiracy in the air at the National Guard headquarters. Looking at General Magnan with a smile on his face, an absurd idea emerged crazily from the bottom of their hearts.

Could it be that the president is planning to launch a military coup?

Although these corps commanders had heard from their respective channels many times that the president was going to launch a military coup, no corps commander had ever believed that a military coup would be carried out at the end of 1850.

The reason for this illusion of time, in addition to the "crying wolf" effect many times, is also the presidential term. There is still more than a year to go, and most politicians believe that even if the president wants a coup, it will not be now

, he still has plenty of time to persuade the Legislative Assembly to extend his term.

Military coups carry greater risks, and the president will never conduct a military coup unless it is absolutely necessary.

Who would have thought that the president took advantage of this characteristic of theirs to stage a military coup!

Thinking of this, the corps commanders subconsciously glanced at the gate of the National Guard Headquarters Residence.

Some legion commanders suspected that a large number of soldiers had been ambushed outside the door.

Since the president did not inform them of the military coup, it means that the president does not trust them.

For a group that holds part of the military power in Paris (the regular army looks down on this group of National Guardsmen) and is not trusted.

The best way is to put him under house arrest.

The commander of the National Guard Corps present swallowed subconsciously, and many had reluctant smiles on their faces.

"Generals, please wait for victory with me now!" General Magnan leisurely folded his legs together and sat on the red soft velvet cushion-backed chair that belonged to the commander and said calmly.

The vast majority of the corps commanders gave up their "struggle" and sat down. A few "stubborn" corps commanders told General Magnan that they wanted to go to the corps to command the troops and prevent conflicts between the National Guard troops and the army.

"Please!" General Magnan let him go without any obstruction. The two army commanders had smiles on their faces, and they hurriedly expressed their gratitude to General Magnan.

Watching them leave, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of Manion's mouth, which was hidden behind his clasped hands.

After the two regiment commanders left the mansion, two gunshots were heard outside the mansion.

The regiment commanders staying in the mansion did not understand the meaning of the gunshots. They looked at General Magnan with horrified faces.

General Magnan gestured with his eyes to Fleury, who was standing aside, and Fleury walked out of the mansion with understanding.

After a while, Fleury entered the mansion again. He sighed and said regretfully: "Commander, the two generals were killed because of the riots in Paris!"

"That's such a pity!" Magnan also said to the legion commander present with a pitiful expression: "The two generals did not die on the battlefield, but died under stray arrows!"

The corps commanders present were all frightened by Magnan's decisiveness. Although these corps commanders were Magnan's subordinates, in terms of military level, they had the same military rank as General Magnan, except that General Magnan's

The position is much higher than them.

[In the 1850s, there was no perfect military rank system in Europe, especially the general system. With the development of the times, the military rank systems in various European countries gradually improved. By the time of World War I, no general could jump from the rank of major general to the rank of major general.

Reach the rank of marshal.]

General Magnan's decisiveness successfully frightened the group of army commanders who were trying to fight against both sides. All the army commanders did not dare to act rashly, for fear that General Magnan would kill the chicken and scare the monkey again.

Of course, except for the Ninth Legion stationed near the Bourbon Palace.

Since General Saint-Arnaud refused to implement the establishment of direct troops by the Parliament, the Parliament, realizing that the military power was falling apart, urgently deployed the most "loyal" National Guard Ninth Regiment to guard the security near the Bourbon Palace and maintain the order of the Bourbon Palace.

In order to hold on to this legion tightly, Congress forced the Ninth Legion to refuse even if it was called up by the National Guard Headquarters.

The actions of the National Guard aroused protests from Changarnier, who was still the commander of the National Guard at the time. In order to unite the Changarnier Parliament, it could only make a small concession to Changarnier. The Ninth Army also served as the commander of the National Guard in Changarnier.

Always follow instructions strictly.

When Changarnier was deposed by Jérôme Bonaparte in a tough manner, the Ninth Legion, sandwiched between the Congress and the President, fell into temporary confusion.

When they came to their senses, the Party of Order camp staged another farce of division, and now the issue of the ownership of the Ninth Legion became even more unclear.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who had won the victory of the Parliament and the regular army, seemed to have selectively forgotten about this army. Until now, they are still guarding the security of the Bourbon Palace conscientiously, preventing anyone from taking advantage of it.

At 2 o'clock in the morning on December 2, the Ninth Legion was about to face a crisis.

In an obscure and dark neighborhood, the Palais Bourbon, which symbolizes the legislative authority of the Second Republic, stands proudly in the shadows, as if covered with a layer of black gauze.

Since the outbreak of the February Revolution and the establishment of the Second Republic amidst the ruins of the Orleans Dynasty, the Palais Bourbon has become the hall of the National Assembly and an insurmountable sacred place for the entire French Republic.

Every day during the day, hundreds of parliamentarians gather here. They argue about big and small things in the country, argue over the one-franc budget, and question the unclear central finances. The entire Palais Bourbon is like a vegetable market in the Saint-Denis neighborhood.

, the sacred and solemn atmosphere covering the Bourbon Palace was diluted by worldliness and money. Only when night fell and the parliamentarians left the Bourbon Palace could the Bourbon Palace regain its due solemnity and euphemism.

A National Guard soldier on duty puffed up his chest and looked proudly at the Bourbon Palace behind the roadblock. Then he looked at the empty street in front of him and slowly became sleepy. Late-night patrols are undoubtedly the sleepiest period.

, in addition to enduring the deep darkness, he also had to endure endless loneliness. After a while, the soldier no longer had the pride he had before. Now he just wants to end this boredom and loneliness as soon as possible.

Some return to camp to rest!

God seemed to hear the soldiers’ inner cries, but God was a little deaf and only heard the first half!

Just when the soldiers were bored, a sound of tapping came from the other end of the dark and deep street.

Such a sound alarmed the soldier. He quickly put the mtl1842 musket on his back in his hand and squinted at the black scene.

Half a minute later, hazy figures appeared in the black screen. They lined up neatly and moved in an orderly manner. Even their footsteps were surprisingly consistent.

who is it?

The soldiers looked suspiciously at the overlapping black shadows in front of them, and the guns in their hands could not help but tremble slightly.

No one but the army can keep a united march.

As the black shadow got closer and closer, the soldier's gun trembled even more, and the soldier finally saw them clearly.

OMG! Exactly what I thought!

"You...what do you want to do!" The soldier asked the orderly army in front of him with a trembling voice.

"Soldier! What do you want to do? Do you want to fight with us?" The leading officer took the lead and said sternly to the soldiers.

"I...I..." Facing the seemingly endless army in front of him, the soldier felt even more frightened and frightened. He couldn't help but step back and carefully observe the officer in front of him.

"Get out of the way! Don't block the road!" the officer once again ordered the poor National Guard soldier.

"I...I can't let you come!" Although the soldier was very scared in his heart, but out of duty, he gritted his teeth and asked: "Which army are you from? What do you want to do! Do you know how to storm the National Assembly?

Is there any punishment?"

The soldiers wanted to use the name of the National Assembly to frighten the unintentional group of troops in front of them.

However, the soldiers moving out of the National Assembly did not scare the soldiers. The officer waved his hand gently, and the soldiers lined up in two lines in the shadows quickly approached the soldiers in a skirmish line.

This tidal offensive made the soldiers even more afraid to act rashly!

At this moment, a soldier who was preparing to replace him walked out from the tents around the Bourbon Palace. With sharp eyes, he saw the confrontation outside the Bourbon Palace in the distance, and quickly woke up the surrounding crowd.


A group of soldiers quickly went to the roadblock to provide reinforcements before the commander's order.

"You are an excellent soldier! I don't expect you to waste your lives in this meaningless place!" the officer said slowly to the soldier in front of him: "My name is Leboeuf, Army Brigadier General, Aide-de-camp to the President! Now I serve as President

We have issued an order to order you to remove the roadblocks, otherwise you will be punished by us for betraying the motherland!"

"President? What evidence do you have!" The soldier was inclined to believe that the troops in front of him were ordered by the president. However, the purpose of the president sending troops to occupy the Bourbon Palace was probably a military coup!

The soldier regretted his involvement in the struggle between the President and the Legislative Assembly. He was now caught in a dilemma.

Just when the soldiers were hesitating, the officer headed by the reinforcements arrived was the highest officer of the garrison here, the commander of the Ninth Legion.

"Who are you?" the legion commander asked Leboeuf again.

Leboeuf immediately handed a War Department transfer order and a presidential document to the commander of the Ninth Army Corps.

With the help of the hanging wind lantern, the commander of the Ninth Legion clearly read the contents of the two letters.

The first was the immediate mobilization of the Ninth Legion to the outskirts of Saint-Denis, and the second was a letter from the President to the National Assembly.

After the legion commander finished reading, a bitter smile appeared on his lips. He knew that sooner or later he would be forced to make a choice between the President and the Legislative Assembly.

I didn't expect that the time left for myself would be so short.

"General, the entire 1st Paris Division has entered Paris!" Brigadier General Leboeuf threatened in a low voice: "My second brigade has occupied the traffic arteries near the Bourbon Palace. I hope you can help your soldiers.

think about it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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