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Chapter 289 12.2 Coup (4)

At 3:15 a.m., Valewski received the order and acted quickly, arriving at the War Department command post at 3:20 a.m.

After receiving the report from the guards, Saint-Arnault, the Minister of War who was staying at this time, put down the work he was doing and personally welcomed Walewski to the Ministry of War.

"Thank you!" Valewski said, holding Minister St. Arnaud's hand.

"Nothing!" Minister Saint-Arnaud continued to ask with his bloodshot eyes and his slightly dry lips: "What is the president's next order?"

"This is the list of those who are about to be arrested!" Walewski handed over the arrest list that Jérôme Bonaparte had already prepared to Minister Saint-Arnaud.

Minister Saint-Arnault showed a surprised expression after receiving the list. Some of the people on the list had already joined the Elysee Palace camp. Could it be that they were also included in the arrest list?

Of course, Walewski also noticed Saint Arnaud's surprise. When he received the list, he also showed the same expression as Saint Arnaud.

Walewski emphasized again: "Everyone on the list must be arrested and brought to justice. We must not let him have the slightest chance of trying to come back!"

"Yes!" Saint-Arnaud was also a decisive general. After receiving the list, he quickly called the "secretary" (staff officer) in the secretarial office.

Compared with the military commanders of the Ministry of War, he believed more in the staff officers led by himself.

"Colonel Bazin, you are responsible for arresting Cavaignac! Lieutenant Colonel Lebrun, you are responsible for arresting Lieutenant Colonel Changarnier Poilland, you are responsible for arresting Oudinot..." Minister Saint-Arnaud first said

The task of arresting the anti-Bonapartist generals was given to his own staff. In his view, the threat level of these generals was at the top of the list. In order to prevent his generals from being cowardly and afraid to arrest these former generals.

The powerful general, Saint-Arnault, took advantage of the carrot and stick policy and said: "Don't be afraid of them, they are just a group of dogs with broken spines who were removed from the army by the president! You are the future of France... If

If anyone misses anyone on the list, then take off your military uniform and go home to farm! The French army does not need people who cannot complete their plans!"

"Yes!" Saint-Arnaud's threat obviously worked. As the Secretariat's stall in the Ministry of War grew larger and larger, there were more and more subordinate departments.

Anyone with a little foresight understands that sooner or later the Office of the Secretary will separate from the Department of War and become a separate department directly under the President, and they will all become veteran members of the newly established department.

If something goes wrong at this juncture, then they may regret it.

After handing over the arrest of key officers to the secretary, the remaining members of Congress will be arrested based on the jurisdiction of the brigade where the member's jurisdiction is.

At the same time, Walewski also interjected and asked if he could also assist in the arrest.

Saint-Arnault was slightly surprised, and he agreed to assist Valewski in the arrest.

At 3:40 in the morning, military horses set off in all directions from the temporary command post of the Ministry of War.

The staff officers carrying their respective tasks quickly took action.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Colonel Bazin mortgaged the area near the residence of General Cavaignac, whom he was about to capture.

A group of patrolling soldiers quickly saluted Bazin after seeing him on horseback.

After Bazin dismounted and returned the salute to the group of soldiers, he handed the reins to a soldier, and then said to the sergeant major of the group of soldiers: "I am Colonel Bazin, who belongs to the Secretariat of the Ministry of War. Now I want to recruit you to go to the front line."

Go on a mission!”

The sergeant major glanced at the epaulettes on Bazin's military uniform. Yes, he was indeed a colonel. He quickly saluted Colonel Bazin and said: "The second company of the first battalion of the third regiment of the second brigade of Paris is willing to serve you!"

"Okay! You guys come with me!" Bazin left his horse-drawn soldiers where they were, and led this small force of more than ten people to approach Cavaignac's mansion.

Facing Cavaignac, who had been deprived of all actual rights and only retained his status as a parliamentarian, he did not need too many troops.

Too many troops will only alert the enemy.

At this time, Cavaignac was still asleep. More than two years of pampered life as a parliamentarian had left Cavaignac without any thoughts of alertness. So much so that Bazin waited for the soldiers to the door of Cavaignac's mansion, but Cavaignac had no idea at all.

Signs of waking up.

Looking at the three-story mansion in front of him, Bazin ordered the soldiers in sign language to squat down and stick to the wall. He walked to the door of the mansion and knocked on the door.

The knocking lasted for nearly 30 seconds, and a lazy and clear female voice came from inside the door: "Who is it!"

"Is this the residence of General Cavaignac? I have something urgent to inform General Cavaignac!" Bazin squeezed his throat and made a sharp voice trying to cover up his original voice.

"We can't talk about anything in the morning!" The lazy voice came closer and closer to the door of the room. When she opened the door, she saw Bazan in the dark shadow.

"Who are you?" The woman looked at Bazin doubtfully. This was the first time she saw a stranger come here.

Bazin was also stunned for a moment when he looked at the woman in front of him. He was surprised by the woman's appearance, and at the same time he was a little jealous of Cavaignac. He calmed down and used his hands hidden behind his back to sign language while Cavaignac

The wife said: "My name is Bazin, from the Ministry of War! Now I have an urgent situation that I want to tell General Cavaignac!"

"Wait a moment, I'll go right away!" The woman, not doubting that he was there, turned around and headed to the mansion to wake up Cavaignac.

"No need! I'll wake up as soon as I go!" Paris entered the mansion.

Only then did the woman realize that Bazin had not come alone.

Dozens of soldiers also followed Bazan into the mansion.

"You...what do you want to do!" The woman's eyes were full of fear and fear, and she couldn't help but distance herself from Bazin and asked.

"Madam, don't worry! I am indeed from the Ministry of War!" Bazin tried to comfort the too young "Mrs." Cavaignac: "On the orders of the President, I want to ask General Cavaignac to come!"

"You...you are a coup!" The woman instantly understood what Bazin meant, and she sternly accused: "The people of Paris will definitely not agree with what you are doing!"

"This is nothing to worry about, madam!" Bazin responded coldly, and then waved his hand. Two soldiers were responsible for guarding the backyard, and the remaining soldiers went to Cavaignac's room to arrest Cavaignac.

Just as the soldier was about to go upstairs, Cavaignac's voice came from the stairway: "Who is it!"

"Run!" Cavaignac's "Mrs." reacted and shouted to Cavaignac in a hurry.

But it was too late. The arrested soldiers quickly ran up to the second floor under the leadership of the sergeant major.

Then there was a crackling sound from the second floor. After a while, several soldiers, led by the sergeant major, brought Cavaignac down.

Looking at the embarrassing predecessor in power in front of him, Bazin shook his head regretfully and said: "General Cavaignac, why did you have to resist so stubbornly just now!"

Cavaignac, whose nose was "grazed" by a fist, had a runny nose and roared at Bazin: "Are you still a soldier of the Republic? Do you have any sense of shame?"

"General, I am a soldier, and also a soldier of the Republic!" Bazin responded in a calm tone: "Now I am following the orders of President Jérôme Bonaparte, the consul of the Republic!"

"Jérôme Bonaparte!" Cavaignac roared at Bazin again: "What power does he have to arrest members of Congress! What power does he have to overthrow the Legislative Assembly? All his powers are given to him by the Legislative Assembly!"

"No!" Bazin corrected Cavaignac's mistake and said, "You are still President... No, it should be said that your Majesty's rights come from all the French people. The Legislative Assembly can no longer represent the rights of all the French people! Your Majesty has the right to overthrow them!"


"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I see that all of you have been poisoned by Bonaparte. What good does he do? He will only bring France to the brink of destruction. He has no thought of the genius and wisdom of that emperor! The emperor back then

If he fails, he will also fail!" Cavaignac struggled to resist because of his excitement, but in the end, Cavaignac's resistance was in vain in front of the strong young man.

"In terms of time, we will eventually die!" Bazin also retorted: "Do you mean that we have to die now because we are going to die sooner or later? The original emperor did face failure, but he also brought great success to France.

Here comes the honor! Everything we have now is the legacy left by the original emperor, how can you tell us not to be loyal to him!"

"You...will destroy France sooner or later!" Cavaignac shouted in despair.

"Vigorous destruction is a hundred times better than natural death!" Bazin waved his hand gently, and several soldiers escorted Cavaignac out.

"Madam, I hope I didn't disturb your sweet dream!" Bazin responded to the lady in a "courteous" manner.

At 4:15 in the morning, the prison van responsible for escorting Cavaignac appeared at the door of the Cavaignac mansion.

"General Cavaignac, please!" Bazin invited Cavaignac to take a seat.

"Huh!" Cavaignac snorted coldly, threw away the two soldiers, and got into the prison car with his head held high like a winner.

The prison car took General Cavaignac to a prison in the police department, and Maupar, who was in charge of accepting the work, placed Cavaignac in the cell.

Here Cavaignac saw Changarnier, Bedeau, Lammermore, Oudinot... All the generals who had opposed Jérôme Bonaparte were all sent to this prison by him, and they will be in this prison.

Stay there for a while, then welcome the winner to their rendering.

This chapter has been completed!
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